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I've been going to college campuses for decades.
I've lived in a huge university town for years.
I've been around the internet for over 20 years 

....and I PROMISE you, I hadn't even heard of this acronym or term "DEI" until this year.

Now all of a sudden it's all over the internet.
Every other article is featuring this acronym.
Every political argument involves it.


This reminds me of "CRT" or Critical Race Theory of a few years ago.

Where is this shit coming from?

Who's making up these terms and tossing them out for people to wrestle over?

And more importantly, what do they have to do with AfroAmericans?

We need to be careful and monitor new words and catch phrases being put out in society that we don't know the origins or meanings of.

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DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) is the latest buzzword in attacking the *woke* movement that conservatives has manufactured.  


As you know from teachings, all of this sh8t is an attack on Black folks. 


Any opportunity that enables Black folks to advance is labelled (affirmative action, race-based hiring, Rooney Rule, etc.).


DEI falls into that continuum of anti-Black rhetoric.😎

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Right-wingers are good at making strawman arguments and subversive tactics to push their agendas.

I mentioned this before, on this very site...years ago....so I'm not sure if you remember or were here.

I said that certain Republicans had went on a convert operation to join and sabotage the Democratic Party.
When Black folks dominated the Party.....
or atleast had more power in it than we have today.
...like say the 60s, 70s, 80s, and early 90s.....
For the most part the agenda of the Democrats were pro Civil Rights, pro Abortion rights, weapons control, and workers rights as well as an increase in wages.

Sometime in the late 80s and early 90s a new breed of Democrats began pushing an LGBTQIA agenda and equating it to the Civil Rights movement and also introducing a lot of other weird ass extremist views like open borders  into the agenda that most people would obviously find repulsive and lacking in common sense.
I believe this was done on purpose.

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1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

I mentioned this before, on this very site...years ago....so I'm not sure if you remember or were here.


I said that certain Republicans had went on a convert operation to join and sabotage the Democratic Party.

i do not recall that particular thread.  May have been before my time.


The Democratic agenda (Left) has always been a counter-balance to the Conservative (Right). 


GOP POTUS Richard Nixon allowed drugs into Black communities.  Back in 1971, POTUS Nixon declared a war on drugs. 


Fast-forward 20 years and Democratic POTUS BIll Clinton signed the 1994 Crime Bill which led to the mass incarceration of Black folks.


One author of that bill was former senator and current Democratic POTUS Joe Biden.


When Democrats had the White House and a majority of Congress, they did not codify Voting Rights, Abortion Rights, nominate a Supreme Court justice when they could or raise minimum wage.


OTOH, when the GOP is in control, they steamroll their agenda which enriches the wealthy, packs the Supreme Court and roll back voter rights and abortion rights.


Neither party, GOP or Democrats has ever brought up Reparations and how they plan to atone for America's greatest sin...slavery. 


That's my reason for always posting this two-party political system is two sides of the same coin.😎

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Clearly they are 2 sides of the same coin.
I'm not exactly sure how long they've been that way and when the switch happened but I do believe at one point the Democrats were sincere with their agenda.

Sometime around the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt and a short time after I believe they were sincere about pushing their agenda....some good and some bad, but not as bad as the Republican agenda.
A lot got done for us.

By the Reagan Era, clearly the Democrat party wasn't what it was during Franklin Roosevelt's time.


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1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

Sometime around the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt and a short time after I believe they were sincere about pushing their agenda....some good and some bad, but not as bad as the Republican agenda.
A lot got done for us.

POTUS FDR came up with the New Deal to pull white folks out of the Depression. 


Since it was back in the  1930s, any benefit of the New Deal to Black folks was incidental.😁


Otherwise, desegregation in the USA was at least three (3) decades away.😎

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18 minutes ago, ProfD said:

POTUS FDR came up with the New Deal to pull white folks out of the Depression. 


Since it was back in the  1930s, any benefit of the New Deal to Black folks was incidental.😁


Otherwise, desegregation in the USA was at least three (3) decades away.😎

It was meant for us too.
If it weren't they would have easily barred our people from receiving it.

I think some of that is Black Republican propaganda to try to divert attention from the fact that with the arguable exception of  Lincoln.....a Democrat Roosevelt did more to benefit AfroAmericans economically than any president before or since and that's why so many switched over from being Republicans in the 30s.

Eleanor Roosevelt was said to be a firm proponent of Civil Rights for AfroAmericans and was a strong influence on her husband Franks policies.


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2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

It was meant for us too.
If it weren't they would have easily barred our people from receiving it.

Black folks didn't benefit from the New Deal nearly as much as white folks if at all.


As a result, back in the 1930s, Black folks were either self-sufficient in their own communities or they took on jobs white folks didn't want to do.


2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

I think some of that is Black Republican propaganda to try to divert attention from the fact that with the arguable exception of  Lincoln...

POTUS Lincoln didn't free the slaves and plunge America into a Civil War because he loved Black folks.🤣


2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

.....a Democrat Roosevelt did more to benefit AfroAmericans economically than any president before or since and that's why so many switched over from being Republicans in the 30s.

Whatever FDR did to help AfroAmericans economically wasn't enough to build wealth.

2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Eleanor Roosevelt was said to be a firm proponent of Civil Rights for AfroAmericans and was a strong influence on her husband Franks policies.

Bless her heart. She had a soft spot for AfroAmericans. Maybe they were her babysitters and servants to her family when she was growing up.😁😎

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Black folks didn't benefit from the New Deal nearly as much as white folks if at all.


What DO our people benefit as much as White folks from in this nation?


Take your pick of the institutions:
Law enforcenment?
Real Estate?


One thing is for sure, if Roosevelt DIDN'T enact the New Deal, Black folks wouldn't have benefited AT ALL from it and would still be living in the squalid conditions so many were living in before it.

A whole lot of older Black men are enjoying that Social Security check to trick off on young ladies, liquor, and Cadillacs, thanks to Franklin Roosevelt


POTUS Lincoln didn't free the slaves and plunge America into a Civil War because he loved Black folks

However we benefited from it regardless of his intent.




Whatever FDR did to help AfroAmericans economically wasn't enough to build wealth.


Actually, it did help more AfroAmericans achieve YOUR DEFINITION of what it means to be "rich"...lol.

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I'm puzzled. Why would the acronym DEI which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion be offensive to "AfroAmericans"?  Aren't those  conditions that aĺl marginalized minorities have a right to expect? Similarly, when did civil rights become the exclusive domain of  America's black population?? Aren't other ethnicities entitled to equality in a country that calls itself a democracy???

I venture to say that the generation of Millenials and GenZers would  put these same questions to the old school brigade of black malcontents who have come to personify the "dislike-for-the-unlike" syndrome that MLK identified as being at the root of racism and bigotry. These  are the ones  who give credence to my claim that many Blacks, themselves, are prejudiced and are not the least concerned  about "liberty and justice for all."  What they really want is to make  America over in their image while retaining a black form of racial  supremacy. Lol

 And this is also why I support the idea that a certain element of  "AfroAmericans" who squat in America need to get their own diversity-free. melanin-infused country where, wallowing  in the sameness of their blackness and corrupted by power they can, for instance,  ban and deport any evolved LBGTQ nuisances wnoho have mutated into individuals daring to be different and true to themselves.

Imo, it is not necessary to embrace these misfits but, coming froma background of being oppressed and discriminated against  themselves, these curmudgeons are remiss in refusing to acknowledge and honor the right of the unorthodox to peacefully exist.


The world is in a state of turmoil as usual and when it comes to a polarized America, the one  thing that remains constant is the tribalism that divides rather than unites, - a situation  that jeopardizes the common good. Moreover, in a nation where a vast majority of Americans distrust their government, it's, ironic that these same citizens have no qualms about doing whatever they can get away with in their ruthless pursuit of the materialistic Amercan dream. 


As for the speculation about which U.S. presidents did what for Blacks,  and when did they do it - 

President Franklin D. Roosevelt came into office in 1933 the same year I was born. I grew up during the Depression and from what I recall and what my parents said (and Dick Gregory later joked about,) the dire economic hardship caused by the stock market crash was nothing new to the black masses who had always struggled to survive. They were lucky to be eligible for the same benefits as whites via the New Deal but they continued to be denied equal opportunities because of America's entrenched racial prejudice.( this is what eventually precipitated the March on Washington in 1963.)

FDR gave lip service to racial tolerance but coddled the South, never wanting to rock the boat when it came to  Jim Crowism because he needed southern political support. His wife Eleanor was his charitable good will ambassador but had little effect on national policy aside from lending her approval  to the black Tuskeegee airmen.

President Harry Trumen deserves credit for desegregating the armed forces after WW2 and LBJ carried out what the assassinated JFK began by signing a massive civil rights bill Into law. Bill Clinton had good intentions but his heavy handed approach blemished his record. Reagan did nothingl to benefit Blacks.  Joe Biden is a man of his times, a pragmatist who shed his past ways to become a pseudo Liberal, earning points by    serving as VP under a black president and subsequently choosing a woman of color to be his running mate and placing other Blacks in key positions of authority on his staff and in his cabinet. 


America's 2 political parties are, what they are.  The Democrats supposedly represent the common man with the "lifting others as we climb" mission statement that has perennially resonated with Blacks.  Republicans are more representative of Capitalism and the pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps motto. No bootstraps? Tough shit. "I got mine, now you get yours," is what right wing Conservatives sneer.


And so it goes. Come November, America will show its true colors.


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I'm puzzled.

That's obvious....lol.
But I'm here to straighten you out.


As far as my issues with DEI.......

For one thing, the term is too vague.

It diverts the attention of AfroAmericans away from what we should focus on...which is our community's economic, social, and political needs...and focuses us on helping "everybody" or atleast all disempowered people.


I'm not interested in helping "all" disempowered people because some people SHOULDN'T be in power.

I'm not interested in helping racist Arabs or racist Latinos get more power and wealth in this nation, just so they can turn around and get with White folks and help THEM practice more racism against my own people.

DEI...like the term "Affirmative Action", "Diversity", and "Minority".....are terms too vague and can be used to mean almost anything and include almost anybody.


Infact...the term "Civil Rights" is too vague in my book.

It should have really been called "AfroAmerican Rights" or the "AfroAmerican Freedom Struggle".
Whatever they wanted to call it, they should have made sure it specifically applied to AfroAmericans.


The Civil Rights Acts and other legislation that was passed in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, should have been SPECIFIC to helping and empowering AfroAmericans ALONE.

Let those other groups fight for their own benefits like our people had to.

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Well, the U.S. is not a democracy anyway.
I'm not sure if we want it to be one.

Under a so-called democracy, the MAJORITY has the absolute power to make the rules and the MINORITY has next to none.

Women might fair better than men...lol...but the White race would have absolute authority over the others.


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On 3/31/2024 at 3:49 PM, richardmurray said:


do you know other black people who think like you? I notice you complain alot about other black people but never seem to mention what you side the black people who think like you did or are doing ? are you alone? is anyone else black thinking like you  ? 

Lol.....I don't call myself a "pioneer #1" for nothing.

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@Pioneer1 well then, find your tribe in the village offline . They exist. I know it. And then , do something together, positive plus fulfilling that is a nonverbal action.

If you are willing find black people online who are similar minded. they exist. I know it. And do something online that is positive, that will make you smile other than critiquing. 

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:21 AM, richardmurray said:

@Pioneer1 well then, find your tribe in the village offline . They exist. I know it. And then , do something together, positive plus fulfilling that is a nonverbal action.

If you are willing find black people online who are similar minded. they exist. I know it. And do something online that is positive, that will make you smile other than critiquing. 

How do you know I haven't done and AM doing this right now?

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56 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

How do you know I haven't done and AM doing this right now?

@Pioneer1LOL As much as you whine and pout, you must not be having much success in your grandiose ambitions to lead your people out of bondage in your self appointed role as the savior  of "afroamericans". Maybe you'd achieve more results if you'd cut out the sexual harassment. 🤣

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I don't know, but two questions automatically arrive. 

If you were doing this, then why no mention of it? Even in failure it is more uplifitng to speak of the attempt than to not speak of it at all, especially in a forum of communication.

And, if you are doing it? why no mention of it in this black forum, designed for communication. Don't tell me all the black people who think like you in the usa, you have reached. Don't do that. So in advertiisng your activities, hopefully successful, can only grow the number of likeminded blacks part of your group. yes? 

I don't know and your advertised success wouldn't make me join your tribe, BUT, your activities at the least can inspire all members of the village, regardless of tribe. 

Isn't that worth something ? 

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16 hours ago, richardmurray said:


I don't know, but two questions automatically arrive. 

If you were doing this, then why no mention of it? Even in failure it is more uplifitng to speak of the attempt than to not speak of it at all, especially in a forum of communication.

And, if you are doing it? why no mention of it in this black forum, designed for communication. Don't tell me all the black people who think like you in the usa, you have reached. Don't do that. So in advertiisng your activities, hopefully successful, can only grow the number of likeminded blacks part of your group. yes? 

I don't know and your advertised success wouldn't make me join your tribe, BUT, your activities at the least can inspire all members of the village, regardless of tribe. 

Isn't that worth something ? 

I could easily ask YOU those SAME questions that "automatically arrived" to you, since you're on here doing surveys and griping about issues that annoy you also...lol.

However if I am leading a successful Black organization and by your admission my advertising it isn't enough to make YOU want to join, why SHOULD I advertise it?

Rather than motivating you and incentivizing you to cooperate with me and my efforts-
The only thing advertising my activities would do is cause more question to "automatically arrive" to you.....lol.









LOL As much as you whine and pout, you must not be having much success in your grandiose ambitions to lead your people out of bondage in your self appointed role as the savior  of "afroamericans".


Atleast you're halfway admitting AfroAmericans NEED somebody to save our asses...lol.

YOU obviously don't want that responsibility.
Hell, you even went so far as to DIVORCE yourself from the Black race.....'shows how much you care.



Maybe you'd achieve more results if you'd cut out the sexual harassment.

Let's keep whatever happened between me and you...STRICTLY between me and you.....red bones, lol.


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I am trying to help grow AALBC. I try to communicate to black businesses in my local community to join on aalbc.  And I have plans with my Black Games Elite group to hopefully bring greater user activity to this website.  

Why? as a nationalist, I like things born from black people and this site is something born from a black person. In the internet environment that is rare. So  there you have it. 

As for offline I choose not to say. But I am very private about my offline life. 


Now to your question, you don't advertise it for me, you advertise it for the larger populace. Hoping to find a like mind, or maybe get help.  Yes, critiques or judgements may come from other tribes in the village, but that doesn't matter. 

You can criticize/judge my desire to make AALBC a stronger website in any which way you want. I will discuss it but any negative judgement will not influence my goal. 


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I am trying to help grow AALBC. I try to communicate to black businesses in my local community to join on aalbc.  And I have plans with my Black Games Elite group to hopefully bring greater user activity to this website.  

Is anybody on here stopping you...or putting an obstacle in your path?





Why? as a nationalist, I like things born from black people and this site is something born from a black person. In the internet environment that is rare. So  there you have it. 

As for offline I choose not to say. But I am very private about my offline life. 

So why not pay that same respect to others instead of trying to call them out about what they ARE or ARE NOT doing (to your liking) offline?

I say YOU do YOUR thing and let me do mine.

Live and let live.





You can criticize/judge my desire to make AALBC a stronger website in any which way you want. I will discuss it but any negative judgement will not influence my goal. 



Seriously. 🤔
I don't know what you're even talking about.







"You can criticize and judge me and what I do all you want!
But I BETTER not hear you say a word about my mama!

Ya heard me??

"Bro...I just simply asked you about my door dash order, that's all.


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I never said anyone was stopping me or putting an obstacle in my path. why did you suggest i said that?


Well, to others who post positively plus supportively I don't ask. You are one of the few people I have asked this online. The one thing you have in common to others I have asked is your style of judgements to other black people. 

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I never said anyone was stopping me or putting an obstacle in my path. why did you suggest i said that?

You didn't say it, however your language, questions, and commentary suggests this is how you feel.

Unnecessarily defensive about your activities on AALBC and what your intentions are, when no one has questioned them.



Well, to others who post positively plus supportively I don't ask. You are one of the few people I have asked this online. The one thing you have in common to others I have asked is your style of judgements to other black people. 


Troy knows the real reason he established this forum, however I'm going to PRESUME that the purpose for it is to DISCUSS...not necessarily agree, "speak positively", say ONLY nice and sweet things, or things that everyone agrees with.


You may have a problem with my judging other Black folks.

Somebody may have a problem with YOU calling Black folks "tribes", or referring to our community as a "village".

Every thought of that?


I don't.

But some may.


We're all here together to express ourselves in peace.
Where we agree...we acknowledge those agreements.
Where we disagree...we should either peacefully express those disagreements or ignore them and move on.

In another thread I just got through explaining how so many people....especially women....would rather deal with heavily moderated social media platforms like facebook rather than an open discussion forum such as this one.
Because they can snitch on other posters, get them banned, their comments deleted, etc.
Can't just IGNORE the other person and focus on doing THEM...no...they have to "punish" the people saying things they don't like or want to hear.

Time out for that juvenile shit.

If another brother or sister is saying something you don't like or agree with....express it civilly and then move on if need be.
No need to challenge or confront them or make them an "op".


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ahh you assumed I suggested. Your assumption is wrong. I didn't suggest anything, i said exactly what I said, no suggestions needed. I will say , someone is blocking pioneer if I think someone is blocking pioneer.  I communicate directly, i don't care for veiled messages. 


TO me, in a discussion forum positivity equates to function, in a forum section about culture, race, economy there is no functional need for sweetness or kindness.  there is a black positivity section in this forum . The functional thing there is sweetness or kindness which serves the function to uplift  but not in the culture race economy subforum. the functional element in this subforum is problems and solutions.  What are the problems in the culture, what is grown, the race, the phenotypical populace, or economy, the financial activity? and what are the solutions. You suggest many problems while offer little to no solutions. That is your choice. But the quality of the forum warrants discussions as well. and to that judge your prose dysfunctional. 


Now Troy owns this website, not me, just in case you assume i suggest. I never said anyone should do as I say, or you have to stop or change.  I am judging your prose in this forum dysfunctional. That isn't rude, that is an assessment which i think has proof.  


As to the larger internet spaces. yes, alot of that goes on, I have been privy to very little of that snitching overall , but i have seen it be devastating to some users. I concur some like getting other users banned or similar, but not because they can snitch as much as the platform allows the snitching to have value. I argue the problem isn't snitching but the platforms who realize that the reacting to users complaints on other users grows a negativity which serves the function of wasted commentary. I will love to know how many posts are made per day by people who argue about getting blockaded on websites. which are great posts for websites because the talking point becomes the website itself. Troy doesn't want a forum, which I am thankful for, that empowers snitching. Snitching is silly, for me, most connections online are to strangers, complete strangers. so, the best thing is to ignore on your own, if you really can't stand someone. 



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You say I constantly point out problems but offer no solutions, that's straight up false.

I constantly offer solutions to the problems in our community.
You may not AGREE with the solutions I offer, and in some cases the problems I complain about may not even be considered problems to you and therein may lay some of the issue.

But at any rate.....
Let's not create conflict where they need not be any.


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Yes, I suspect this is where much of the confusion comes from.

Things that I consider problematic...you may not.
And vice versa.
What YOU may consider a serious problem in our community, may not bother me one bit.

For example....

I have absolutely NO problem with a Black person who wants to call themselves a U.S. citizen and embrace that identity.

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Well...  all I can say that has value is, in my offline life I have known black people who are proud to be citizens of the usa, who despise the usa, who want to leave the usa, want to have a black city of greatness in the usa, who hate other black people by default in the usa, who can't stand black communities in the usa, who can't stand non blacks by default in the usa or more.  I have communicated to representatives of many tribes in the black populace in the usa, maybe that is a uniqueness living in new york city  , and I didn't and don't have a problem with any membership. All of them have a heritage stemming from the british colonies that became the usa. But I can't stand when they speak ill to each other. Cause they have no need to. 

I have said offline to other black people, if you want to kill whites, go and kill whites, but don't call other black people traitor because they don't want to, some black people died to make the usa born. 

I have said offline, if you want to vote, go and vote, but don't call other black people disrespectful to their ancestors cause they don't want to, some black people died to stop the usa from being born. And yes, I rarely can resist being honest and saying more black people fought against the creation of the usa while most black people wanted to flee as far from the usa as possible. 

I don't mind any identities in the black populace @Pioneer1 my knowledge of history when it comes to black people is quite global, individually we have many paths, but don't condemn those on another path. They are on their own path and it has its own way or solutions that usually don't fit the black person who is condemning.  I rather black people condemn those on their own path. And that is what I rarely see. 

Black elected officials count in a higher quantity today than any time after Jim crows installation by whites . yet said black officials spend most of their time proselytizing, condemning a larger black populace whose tradition is exodus from the usa, not embracing the usa, not citizenship in the usa.  Ala a reason why Shirley chisholm left, and john lewis stayed. She didn't want to spend a career proselytizing, he did. 

You asked me in this forum about black militants and I didn't answer. I didn't answer cause that isn't my path. I have always disliked the usa, always will, but it is up to the militants to find a way. I know in my life in nyc, i have read of many black people in nyc alone, who attacked whites for being white. I know while the populace of vengeful blacks is a small part of the black populace in the usa, it is far more than one person. If they are fortunate their tribe will find a group or individual who will lead to better action. They clearly haven't but they can. I wish them well. I have another path. 

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I have said in this very forum in the past I don't consider myself allegiant to any government. At the least I have never pledged to the usa flag nor have i ever served in any governmental post. Nor have I been to prison. No government has earned or warranted my allegiance in all humanity.

So the quickest answer while the answer that allows for false assumption is, all+ none. 


Now I have two questions, first why did you ask that? I already answered the question in this forum so re-answering it wasn't a problem. And I never once in this forum ever suggested I was inviting anyone on here to join me personally or my tribe in the village offline. I have only suggested activities or invited others to aid aalbc as a black owned online entity.  second, what does that matter to you? Maybe I am too comfortable with other black people. Pioneer1 I don't toward your feelings to the usa, that you share side many other black people, no matter what you truly feel. I don't know you, and you don't know me. So I will never ask you your comparison of countries. But you asked me, why does it matter to you? 

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22 minutes ago, richardmurray said:

But you asked me, why does it matter to you? 

I was trying to see how you arrived at your conclusion.
Perhaps you've compared various nations.

What other countries have you lived in or visited....whether you liked them or not?

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28 minutes ago, richardmurray said:


I see, i am not interested in any proselytizing. I don't care how you arrived at your conclusions for your own life, you have made many of your positions known. I want to know what your doing outside critique side those who are like minded to you. 

Were there some nations mentioned in your statement that I might have missed?

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On 4/9/2024 at 12:05 AM, richardmurray said:

no my statement said all+ none, which provides small guidelines for interpretation

That was the answer to which nation you think is better.

I asked you what other nations have you LIVED in or atleast VISISTED?

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On 3/29/2024 at 8:01 AM, Pioneer1 said:

....and I PROMISE you, I hadn't even heard of this acronym or term "DEI" until this year.

Now all of a sudden it's all over the internet.
Every other article is featuring this acronym.
Every political argument involves it.




But I was pressed to learn about this a few years ago as it is being pushed and forced on the school kids.


On 3/29/2024 at 8:01 AM, Pioneer1 said:

This reminds me of "CRT" or Critical Race Theory of a few years ago.

Where is this shit coming from?

Who's making up these terms and tossing them out for people to wrestle over?

And more importantly, what do they have to do with AfroAmericans?


That's interesting. Never thought of it in this way. But it does.

I think this movement is to drown out the cries of African Americans by saying that Homosexuals are discriminated against too, so therefore, you don't deserve

Reparations anymore than they do. This government is trying to ignore chattel slavery and its awful affects on us. 

On 3/29/2024 at 11:16 AM, ProfD said:

As you know from teachings, all of this sh8t is an attack on Black folks. 


Any opportunity that enables Black folks to advance is labelled (affirmative action, race-based hiring, Rooney Rule, etc.).


DEI falls into that continuum of anti-Black rhetoric.😎


Absolutely true. 


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