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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2017 in Posts

  1. I don't think Daren's views are so unique, it is just that most folks, especially Black folks, who share this perspective are not inclined to make it widely known. Of course, I don't see Black people are inferior to white folks; subconsciously or otherwise. I don't see why embracing Black culture implies or means rejecting American culture. Black culture, here in America, is part of American culture--the two are inextricably linked. Now there are things I find wrong with American culture, that need to be fixed. But there are things that are wrong with myself that need to be fixed. So I'm not rejecting American culture any more than I reject myself; both need work. To dismiss the legacy of slavery as having an adverse impact on Black people is tantamount to putting one's head in the sand. There are always exceptional people who succeed despite the odds, but are just that "exceptional." Exceptional people are great role models, but they cannot be used as proof that we can all achieve in the way they have, because the vast majority of us are not exceptional. I don't have the numbers but I'm quite sure Dr. Sowells books don't generate as much profit a Bruno Mars download or as much as a professional athlete ("entertainer").
    2 points
  2. Thanks Nubian Fellow. Indigenous people of America have a culture a language and a place. That makes a huge difference.
    2 points
  3. For a mere $75,000 a year, Detroit will have its own journalist telling its story. Aaron Foley, former editor of Blac Detroit magazine and author of "How to Live in Detroit Without Being a Jackass", is the city's new Chief Storyteller. The Guardian reports this role may be the first of its kind to represent a municipality in the U.S. Foley says "local residents deserve better and more diverse stories about the reality of living in the city." According to the Mayor, having a chief storyteller will help Detroiters and their neighborhoods a stronger voice in the media.
    1 point
  4. Poor ol beleaguered Chicago needs to create a position like this.
    1 point
  5. Yes - this makes sense... I've been following my "first mind" more often than I used too. It's the second guessing that I'm better at ignoring now - because I feel it's filled with fear. Those "phantom voices" tend to lead me astray.
    1 point
  6. Actually Cynique when I say I "feel him" I mean that I understand his sentiment. That does not mean that I agree with it. As I initially and clearly stated I don't. I've said a number of times on the fourm that I actually understand Pioneer dispite disagreeing with him or being unable to get him to budge on a position (but it is hard to get anyone to change their mind). For example, l understand his perspective on race because that is what I used to believe myself.
    1 point
  7. i would b interested in some of you telling me what you disagreed with in my post. Seems to me that when all of the "mansplaining" smoke is cleared, you're all reaching the same conclusion i did. But because we couched these conclusions in different semantics, the take-away is different. But the basic message is that, like it or not, tribes of the nation have been forced into playing different roles, and this is determined by the tribe which has the greatest ability to oppress and prevail. You guys, to me, are the ones brainwashed. You actually think the American dream applies to people of color. It doesn't. If it did, you wouldn't be stuck in the rut of describing and lamenting about what black folks need to do to break the glass ceiling. Talk is cheap. In addition to talking about commerce and economics, admit that one thing black people need to do is to stop all of the indiscriminate breeding that populates the underclasses with generations of fatherless children doomed to repeat the mistakes of their single parents. The odds of this happening are about the same as as ones for the black tribe to achieve true unity. The truth hurts. However, if what i regard as the truth will, after all these years, be proven false, i really won't mind. Settling into my cave, stocking up on nuts and berries. Winter is coming...
    1 point
  8. Serena's fiance is an Armenian, which means he is an Arab, a member of a discriminated minority like Serena is. At least he is bringing something to the table, and i'm sure that should they choose to marry, a pre-nup will be very much in the picture. As, i said, Serena claimed she was treated very poorly by her black boyfriends. It was rumored that Chicago-based rapper, "Common", whom she dated, jilted her. i don't hear you bruhs complaining about all the money being taken out of the black community by the white wives of rich niggas. Puleeze.
    1 point
  9. The system is designed to have only a few successes
    1 point
  10. Serena's fiance, Alexis Ohanian, is not exactly a pauper. She says she hooked up with him because he treated her much better than any of the black men who she dated. Alexis Ohanian is an Armenian-American internet entrepreneur, activist and investor based in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, best known for co-founding the social news website Reddit, helping launch the travel search website Hipmunk, and starting the social enterprise Breadpig. He is a partner at Y Combinator, and is also the executive chairman of Reddit. His net worth is estimated to be around 10 million.
    1 point
  11. Troy My fight is not against white people, but the systems that create white racists. Some racists are born, but MOST are actually made by society. And the reason so many White people BECOME racist is because they look at Black people in this society and see them as inferior. And the reason they see Black people as inferior is because they see so many Black people not being able to function or make it in this society and many often forced to beg, hustle, and live lives of crime just to survive. You may not want to hear this............ But I'm beginning to believe that most of the problems Black people have in this society is not as a DIRECT result of racism but from not being able to function in such a COMPLEX society like this, that has been developed by Whites for Whites. To make it plain and simple, most of our people simply aren't smart enough to manage or manuever their way through out this society successfully and this is one of the main reasons why they keep having problems financially, legally, socially, and otherwise...... Many White people know this and they choose to take advantage of our people because of this. They know they aren't smart enough to understand various financial contracts so they take advantage of them financially. They know they aren't smart enough to understand certain legal things so they take advantage of them legally and they end up in prison. And so on and so on..... I'm not saying this is the case with ALL Black people, you and many others are very very intelligent and probably have little problem achieving success in a society as complex as this, but many just don't have the smarts to do it and that's a sad fact that we're going to have to accept if we want to solve some of the problems we face. The only human solution to this problem is for INTELLIGENT Black people to take the reins of leadership in the community and work on forging a new society for Black Americans that is simple enough yet progressive enough for us to prosper in. The only way most of us can make it is if we build a NEW society and the educated professional Black men and women must us their skills to help do this. Nubian and I am not convinced that the Chinese wouldn't be more brutal with us than white people are now. I've often thought about this also. Especially as they move more and more into Africa. Honestly....... I don't think Chinese would do sneaky underhanded things like AIDS and crack and poisoning the water just to keep control over Black people. They probably would be more open in using force like killing outright or imprisonment....similar to how they handle their own people. Asians make it clear how they feel about you, which in a way lessens the confusion. You mentioned Latinos and how they're treated similarly to Black people. Aside from the fact that many Latinos are actually Black (and many are White); most Latinos from Mexico are actually NATIVE AMERICAN. They are Aztec Indians whose ancestors were enslaved by the Spanish and now call themselves Mexican, or Guatamalan, or El Salvadorian. Native Americans......in my observation....are the closest race to Black people in intellect and temparment and they act more like us than any other race which is probably why they're treated so much like us by Whites. They too can't function in this complex society that was developed BY and FOR Whites and this is why so many of them are alcoholic, in prison, and have a high suicide rate. The only other race that seems to be able to function and do well inside the White socio-economic infrastructure are East Asians.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Its that drive or the need to inprove. Which is different than gunners and whiners. Who have lots of reasons for enabling failure. @Troy @Mel Hopkins, @Cynique to me you're all successful because you created your world. And wasn't limited by the societal limitations that all people feel. Pioneer despite your lengthy posts you can't envision black success. Or only in a rather narrowly defined range. Comic book Hyper sexual Hetero Black Men. With women as accessories. Which is the exact opposite of our experience in America. Black Women keep the Black church together. Because men are loners generally, and often don't forge relationships. Our thinking places us in different worlds.
    1 point
  14. The scientific article starts with a picture of zombies.
    1 point
  15. There is as an undercurrent fear of the white race being obliterated and eventually becoming extinct, because white people are in the minority globally. The majority in this country are Hispanics. i understand white fear, because it's very real. But that's the way cookie crumbles. Better them than us....
    1 point
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