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  1. Cosby had a trial in 2005. So that is 13 years. Cosby has been drugging raping and assaulting women from 1969 - 2014. Can someone post Harvey's rap sheet
    1 point
  2. @Troy I watch the news every night and read a newspaper every day, and all of the things you attribute to them are just a small part of what they include in the news at large. They cover plenty of other stories about current important matters that pertain to the nation and the world. Since you boycott these venues, you wouldn't know this. i have exchanges with Trump supporters on a social media almost every day and one of them is a white old high school classmate of mine. We are friends, but are political opposites. She is what i would call a benign racist. The others are all racists to some degree. Black people are not the only ones they have a problem with. They resent Hispanics and Arabs and Asians. i am also Facebook friends with 2 black Trump Voters whose infatuation with him stems from their disillusionment with Obama for reasons they are not very good at articulating. Once again this is something you can't speak on because you don't frequent social media. You're too busy making excuses for Trump supporters who you think are harmless white people who have no clue about the effect of their white skin entitlement. My youngest son likes Trump yet although he is a conservative he benefits from liberalism, something i remind him of and this frustrates him, so we don't discuss the subject anymore. Incidents like the brother being blocked at his condo entrance by a white woman who called the police on him probably happen everyday somewhere in America. YouTube is what enables videos to go viral, but that's OK because you like YouTube since it provides you with videos that appeal to you. Information about climate change is also regularly reported on the daily news but you can't force people to be concerned about a vague threat that has no immediate impact on them. Yet you blame this on the media because it's your scapegoat. The media is not perfect, but i'd rather have a broad spectrum of news rather than a narrow one. Obviously this is something we have to agree to disagree about.
    1 point
  3. Folks are really losing it. I'm not sure if these people just want attention or there are a lot of civil rights violations occurring in America. All I can say is 45 didn't cause this but he's a symptom of unrest.
    1 point
  4. @Troy You don't give the media any slack, constantly badmouthing it, but you bend over backwards to give Trump voters a pass. You say they were captivated by Trump's narrative. And what was the campaign narrative that got Trump elected? There was nothing uplifting or commendable about anything he said. It was all about bullying and mocking and lying and bragging, all with racist, misogynistic undertones. Those voters you claim are not racist didn't know ahead of time how the economy and employment and the stock market would improve, the things you said were why they voted for Trump, as if these voters were in such dire straits. Trump's across-the-board appeal had to do with him being typical of millions Americans who are the anti-thesis of political correctness, - arrogant, fascistic, bigoted, religious hypocrites. They are his base, Republican conservatives who ALL represent various degrees of racism, running the gamut from benign to malignant. Yes, social media has done as much harm as good. As for the communication media, hyperbole is the price you pay for a free press. The alternative is just as bad. Finally, i obviously have no tolerance for anyone who supports Trump, especially a black person. Or do i don't pretend to be objective about any of this. I am very unpatriotic and full of contempt when it comes to America not being what it brags about being, as evidenced by its unsavory history. I think it has failed at being a paragon of democracy. America's biggest problem? Americans. And the worst of them have the most power. I'm done.
    1 point
  5. I was correct "The Devil in Silver" did get under my skin. In fact, as the book nears its climax - I actually cried real tears and woke up the next morning with puffy eyelids. Here's what I tweeted to @victorlavalle in response: " When I met LeClair, I cried. Just like in the air duct, I didn't know where it was leading. Then I was like, "wow, this is how it feels to experience a moment of genius." "I was blown away...To say "pivotal" is an understatement [in reference to the climatic ending] - I had no words. Just tears. " Lavalle is a brilliant storyteller. Full Stop. As I mentioned, I decided to buy this book in 2012 at @Troy recommendation here on AALBC. I have no regrets. I'm thankful he introduced me to this author.
    1 point
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