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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Data Scientist: Trillions! African-Americans Spend as Much as Australia “We have the intention and the power as influencers to drive change where it strikes fear in this system – the revenue stream. We watch 40% more television than any other group of people. 95% of us tune into a radio station at least once a week. We make more trips to the grocery store than any other consumer segment — We spend 1.3 trillion dollars every single year. That’s what Australia spends.” Grace Pearson-McNeil added that “although the buying power of Blacks speak volumes and worthy of pursuit, brands still don’t allocate funds proportionately.” http://theleadstory.org/data-scientist-trillions-african-americans-spend-as-much-as-australia/
    1 point
  2. Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 6 p.m., Harlem, New York, NY Check it out if you can! The newly inaugurated president has proposed budget cuts that would seriously impact our nation's arts funding. Why are arts and cultural funding so important? What programs benefit from this? How could this potentially affect Harlem's art community and what can we do as, artists, authors, members of the writing world to involve ourselves and protect our arts initiatives? An exclusive talk with the curators and creators of the black literary world, Clarence Reynolds, director of The Center for Black Literature, Ron Kavanaugh, Mosaic Literary Magazine and Troy Johnson, AALBC.com of the Annual Black Pack After Party as part of on-going NY Book Festival on June 1st, 2017. Eartha Watts-Hicks, Senior Harlem World Magazine Editor in Chief, Eartha Watts-Hicks .
    1 point
  3. If given the opportunity, all men don't cheat, Pioneer. Some don't let their penis supplant their brain - or their heart. It all depends on whether or not they are in a relationship that they are committed to.
    1 point
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