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  1. There's a whole crowd of Millennials out there who know very little about past protests. Every generation has to go through its own growing pains before they become disillusioned with reality, and learn from experience. The media has given this cause a lot of free coverage. There's no such thing as bad publicity when you want to call attention to something. This whole situation is more harmless than harmful. Considering what the post racial picture in America looks like, you could say the same thing about the futility of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus. Bottom line, America is a bullshit country and black folks don't have their bull shit together yet.
    1 point
  2. Exactly, because the stand came from within the ranks... Nothing else got people fired up about the maladjusted NFL Prior to Kaep's demonstration, the players were beating the crap out of their wives, girlfriends; they've been excused and exonerated of rape, murders, drug dealing while the game went on ...Now black men have finally awaken because the attack is on someone who looks like them. Well, whatever it takes, I suppose.
    1 point
  3. A demonstration is step #1 in a movement; the boycott is step #2 in the process of bringing about reform. Kaepernick's demonstration has inspired talk of boycotting the NFL. If he is picked up before the season opens, his bending a knee will have caused owners to defer to the black community and whites of good will who believe in the right to protest. If none of this leads to anywhere, don't blame the messenger, blame the country who the message is for, - a place where it is necessary for a black citizen to agitate against . I am not passionate about this issue but i don't think that Kaepernick should be dismissed and derided for rockin the boat and making waves. He had to be aware of the consequences of the choice he made, but he made a conscious decision to do what he did. So be it.
    1 point
  4. Well, all of you guys who were young kids during MLK' s civil rights movement obviously don't get that the primary goal of a demonstration is to dramatize a grievance. You don't seem to be able to process the idea that it is a tactic designed to agitate and make people uncomfortable and even feel guilty. It is the first phase toward a goal which will pass through many stages before it is institutionalized into the norms of society. Radicals have been known to set themselves on fire to demonstrate their cause. Women secured the right to vote by staging demonstrations. Of course in America, Colin's gesture is doomed from the start because the country is racist to its core as illustrated by the solicitation in another post on this site wherein the acting president and CEO of the Missouri NAACP sends a request for donations to help fight what is a disgrace to have to fear in the year 2017 where it is unsafe for black people to travel in certain areas in a state. SMH BTW, i don't know whether it's fake news or not but there's a report circulating on the Internet that one of the owners of the NY Giants football team has said that Kapernick will be playing in the NFL this season.
    1 point
  5. @Xeon Yes, that's my question. Do you have an answer? I noticed an alternative but I'd prefer an answer. Why should black women support black men? and just so we're on the same page here's MW definition of support .
    1 point
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