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  1. Actually, we shouldn't assume that black women don't support their men. Many have no problem encouraging a man who shows good potential and - is emotionally stable. What they don't do, in enable an incompetent man. And why should they? i really don't believe that ambitious black women look for a black male to support their aspirations because these motivated women are independent. That is not to say that they don't appreciate any support offered. And of course, certain black women are inadvertenly supportive because these airheads make their men feel superior.
    1 point
  2. @Pioneer1 The black men I speak of ARE the example of the type of behavior to emulate. Every black man I referred to came from either very modest means; or poverty/ housing projects life. My dad, included, who experienced abject poverty during his formative years. Once upon a time these black men were in the pool of "average" black men, as you put it. They could have remained in that pool of "average". Yet, their strong CHARACTER wouldn't allow it- these black men chose to make a lot with the little they had. These black men matured into adults and left the "average" group of men . They didn't look for women to be their cheerleaders and receptacles for sex. These black men experienced professional and personal success. As I mentioned "cheerleading women who wanted to sex them" was the result but not the cause . There's an order. So when "average" black men find that few women want to support or cheer their mediocrity; that follows the natural order. As Cynique mentioned "cream rises to the top" . High achievement is a choice. Instead of looking for women to be the "average" black man's savior; "average" black men need to put in the work, connect and network with their high achieving black brothers. .
    1 point
  3. Thank you @Cynique , it's message I keep forgetting. Before I drifted off to sleep last night, I remembered that Pioneer1 and I come from different worlds. His world view is foreign to me as mine is to him. May i interject that Mel acknowledged that she and Pioneer are speaking from different perspectives. My comment would be that we are talking about a very basic tenet. Life is a survival of the fittest, where the strong thrive.
    1 point
  4. A lot of these White people listen to AM radio which is heavily dominated by racist right-wing radio hosts. Rush Limbaugh is heard all over the nation from coast to coast. Then you have people like Michael Savage and Alex Jones. The Republicans have done a good job at convincing poor White people that all of the problems that THEY (the Republicans) have been causing in their lives have actually been caused by OTHER people (Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Illuminati, ect....)
    1 point
  5. Welcome to post-racial amerika! Electing Donald Trump opened up a Pandora's box full of bigotry just waiting to be unleashed. America's only salvation lies in the hands of white people of good will who are willing to fight for the common good. Blacks can't turn things around without allies from the ranks of responsible whites in positions of authority. On the other hand, black people have to stop being their own worst enemy, especially in their inner cities where they sow the seeds of self-destruction through what results from the "baby mama/baby daddy" dead-end lifestyle. Like the Roman Empire , amerika may implode from within, while Kim Jong Un looks on.
    1 point
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