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  1. @Del, I'm actually going to push back a little more on your statement and actually modify a statement previously made. Just today I was talking to another Brother, older, who runs a business as well. He employs several full time staff, in other words he runs a much larger business. We were discussing the relative advantages of his competitors and what advantages he offer tat they don't. One of the advantages he cited was that his business was Black owned. I told him that I actually did not find that being Black owned was an advantage. He explained that were it not for other Black people, he would not have a business. Upon reflection I had to recognize that the same was true for my business. Now I may not have as much support has I want from my community, and on too many occasions I may not have as much as I need, but I would not have a business were it not for my Brothers and Sisters. Indeed Del, while you are not writing checks to me on a regular basis your participation here makes this forum possible. You and all the regular contributors to this forum could be doing anything else, but you are a Black man who is supporting a Black business. In all seriousness and gratitude; thank you. Almost all of the active participants on this forum have been Black. If I depended upon white folks to keep this forum alive it would never have gotten off the ground. Now I'm not dismissing the support of white folks in keeping AALBC.com alive, but to be clear: there would be no AALBC.com with the support of my people. My sincere thanks to all of you
    2 points
  2. i wouldn't know, but people tell me that "Stoners" tend to deconstruct sights and sounds when high... I've always been able to become entranced without the benefits of drugs; just my innate ability to become "one'" with ethereal things.
    1 point
  3. I believe they went after Clinton because they didn't like Hilary. Her problem is that she is smart and opinionated. And is seen as cold. Which is unacceptable to a large number of men and women. I am suspicious of people who start foundations. Foundations are a clever form of estate management. Bill Gates can't sell his shares in Microsoft without negatively effecting the stock price. The perception is the company is tanking. And he's trying to get out. By setting up a charity you don't have that problem . And you can use the funds for investment. I believe both Gates and Zuckerberg married lawyers. So usually the funds make a lot more more than they donate. I look at the financials. The Clinton foundation has a catering arm. Which is three times more profitable than the average catering firm. Which means either their cost are a lot lower or they charge a lot more than their competitors. Also they spend more on travel expenses than program spending. Due to security they either fly First Class or they charter a plane. So its always good to follow the money. The Clinton's were broke when the left the Whitehouse. Collectively they have made upwards of $85 million. For speeches. Hilary's are private and no copies of the transcripts are available. Trump is what he has always been a self obsessed misogynist racist spoiled rich kid, with no interest other than self promotion, making money and finding etays to make someone else bear the risk. He doesn't pay his contractors. Apparently those two young girls who sang at his inauguration are sueing him for non payment. His foundation was used as his personal piggy bank. He purchsed a six foot painting of himself. Eric had a foundation that used his father's Golf course. At first there was no fee. And then the charges were significantly more than other Golf clubs would charge. He is our PT Barnum and i believe we are watching a Greek Tragedy. The overseas donations due to the hurricanes , were less than previous years even from our allies. Trump is the President that Business people and disgruntled disenfranchised people want in office. He was voted in to make America great by returning to its preregulation,pre civil women gay and handicap rights, pre voting rights. Only White Male land owners could vote .
    1 point
  4. Being detailed-oriented is very important. Sometime when we read fast, our eyes trick us and fill in missing letters or words. Misspellings or typos are unprofessional. You learned that the hard way. But it was a valuable lesson.
    1 point
  5. Funny I was just thinking I haven't supported you enough. I come here for the conversation and you. Depending on how the book project goes, would like to work with you.
    1 point
  6. Well Cynque at least you are not saying all of these people belong to different "races."
    1 point
  7. You know I watched the video a few more times and it is staring to grow on me It feels like I can visualize more or different energy levels and see how everything is connected. I also see large scale objects in small thing and vice versa. Hmmm is this what an acid trip looks like?
    1 point
  8. Got it. Yeah I think i going ti sip an herbal tea. And have a chai later. Thanks, Pioneer.
    1 point
  9. I think at the end of the day people simply wanted profound changes in the way the government worked because people felt it was failing them. They thought Obama could do this, and now think that 45 can will do it. Between a profit driven mainstream media and social media and all of the influence money plays in our political process, we are all terribly misinformed. Anything Obama did that was great can go completely unknown to much of the country. Anything terrible that 45 did can be whitewashed and appear innocuous or turned into lies manufactured by the liberal media. Hillary was doomed from jump. Whether the reasons where valid or fair was irrelevant. The environment was what it was. Hillary was a Clinton and that probably hurt her more than her gender. Hillary was perceived as more or less a continuation of Obama, which too many people felt was not a good thing. Meanwhile 45 and his Russian conspirators were utilizing Facebook to influence public opinion, while American journalists were asleep at the wheel, failing to investigate the nature of social media, but instead serving as broadcasters and validators of 45's stupid tweets. Becoming president is not based upon merit. I think this is abundantly obvious today. A first term Senator can become elected and even someone without being elected to any office can win. Whoever has a lot of money and is willing to say things that make of feel good (whether they are true or not) has a great chance. Hillary had the money, but maybe not the willingness to just say anything to make people feel good. She had too much integrity to win.
    0 points
  10. Or maybe just smoking weed.
    0 points
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