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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2018 in Posts

  1. This is clearly true. However I'm not convinced that what has replaced it is any better. Sure people have the freedom to be their true selves but they don't have a good way to find a mate or life partner. Also, the divorce rates escalated after these new found freedoms became the vogue. As a single man, I see it is really very hard for women to find a suitable long term partner. The culture does really facilitate this discovery. It seems to me the the sexual freedom people fought for is the very thing that makes establishing a long term relationship hard to establish. I don't have any answers but while the current situation may be better than what we had previously, it is far from perfect. The world where large families headed by a man may have been desirable when we were an agrarian nation. But in a "high tech" gig economy, That type of family does not work today. Relationships have become like a gig economy. You have a woman to raise your kids, a woman (or 2 or 3) to satisfy you in bed, and a few you can have a decent conversation with. The women who fulfill these roles change over time. The next women can be found on Tinder or some other social media ap. These types of multiple fleeting relationship is what the culture reinforces. As a married man this was something I was not aware of. As single man this became immediately obvious. There is nothing pressuring me to get married again, and lock in with single woman. There are only disincentives to marriage. So I'm not surprised there are people like @Pioneer1 have never been married or were only married for a short period of time. That said, I would get married again, and no they don't have to be a great cook, but we should be able carry on a decent conversation and be compatible (physically). Man we are a long way from the Serena Williams cartoon
    2 points
  2. I wrote this commentary below a couple of weeks ago but changed my mind about posting it because it was too cynical. But, on second thought, men do need to know they are not premium goods. Marriage really is a sacrifice for women. Especially if love isn't their primary motivation to get wed. In this day, particularly in the black community, where the battle of the sexes is ongoing, certain assumptions are made such as black men and women not being able to live with each other nor being able to live without each. But is it a really a "given" that all black women or woman of any color unequivocally need a committed mate of the opposite sex? If a woman is independent, has a career she's passionate about, one that provides her with financial rewards that make a residence of choice and a car affordable, if she has an array of sex toys that take her places shes's never been, a busy life full of avocations then, other than for household or car repairs, what does a woman need a man for? Motherhood? A status guaranteed to not only obliterate her identity but subject her to a life time of worry, sacrifice, and exhaustion. The only dubious compensation for enslavement to a child is an interval of attracting attention via a grotesque stomach shown off in a tight dress? And later, the obligatory breast-feeding project too frequently accompanied by photo-ops capturing these boring moments for social media exposure? Not to mention conducting a public suckling that gives her a chance to defy frowns and dare someone to not be as thrilled as she is over doing what any cow can do. Like marriage, what's the big deal about motherhood? Not a something that calls out to you? Then get a cat or become a favorite aunt. And who would would miss cooking meals every night and doing dirty laundry, and the drudgery of housework, the hassle of chauffering kids and nursing their ills and enduring in-laws and having no private space or time for oneself? Who'd miss the marital togetherness - the snoring and farting and groping and thrashing of a slobbering blanket hog giving mattress springs a hard time? if you have the courage to buck tradition and resist the pressures of society, do so and remain happily single, Who needs a man, an overgrown boy looking for you to bolster his ego, and reassure his self worth, enable his self pity and endure his roving eye? (Something, you, yourself, could be free to have when seeking a change of pace in the embrace of a stud from a reserve supply of disposable fuck-buddies.) Do i speak from experience or bitterness when promoting this alternative existence? Not particularly; Inspired by an earful of common complaints, i am simply coming from a place in my imagination that pictures the possibility of a different lifestyle, - one that promises another kind of "fulfillment" - one that invites "you to do you". Celebrate yourself and leave marriage and a family to those for whom this claustrophobic commitment fills a void.
    1 point
  3. My Inspiration to Physical Fitness . . . ======================================================================================= I have a long, long way to go. I haven’t even started yet . . . Well, actually, I have actually started . . . and started . . . and then started again and again and again . . . I am still trying to get a handle on my craving for chocolate . . . and my habit of drinking grape soda . . . Pioneer, please pretend that you didn’t read this post! . . . LOL. You’ve probably seen and heard about these amazing stories, but I don’t believe I will ever get bored of reading about them or seeing these amazing women. Anyway, I call these women; Doves’ Beauties of the Day . . . ======================================================================================= Beauty #1 ***Ernestine Shepherd*** Meet the 81-year-old woman who can bench press 115lb I’m always asked for bodybuilding advice in the gym Ernestine Shepherd 23 April 2018 Health & Wellbeing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EARNISTINE SHEPHERD I get up at 2.30am every day. After my devotions and meditations, I have breakfast then I’ll go for a run (with a bit of walking thrown in) in my hometown of Baltimore. A typical day sees me usually exercising at the gym by 7.30am. Then I’ll teach a workout class with up to 45 people until around 11.30am before going home to eat, have a nap and see my husband, Colin. I’m usually back at the gym for 5.30pm, training people aged 20 to 86 until 7pm…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/bb27dc63-acda-4bb8-981f-988866ace2fd ========================================================================================== Doves’ Beauties of the Day . . . Beauty #2 ***Wendy Ida*** Wendy Ida is her name and yep, she is 60 years old. She could pass for forty or even younger than that! HER Story: How 65-year-old Wendy Ida changed her life with fitness By Kristen Stephenson /Published 15 March 2018
    1 point
  4. That’s the best part! I used to love having men finance my entertainment. There is no shortage of men willing to take a woman out on a great date. And I’ve been on a few - my daughter called one of dates a “bae-cation” because we went to Peru for a week. Another date - was so good it was the end of all dates because I know no man can top it. Further, dating just to date gets old fast. I find that most men bore me for the very reason you’ve expressed @Troy - They can’t shake the hack ... and so to sit across from a shell of a man who has been socially engineered to the point that he doesn’t know who he is - is heartbreaking. I’ve been single longer than any relationship I’ve ever been in, including my marriage - and I’m good. So, unless, I meet my wealthy prince charming and marry him -this woman is leaving the planet the same way I arrived.
    1 point
  5. @Cynique OH YEAH, sister, little to the right - now take your shoes off!
    1 point
  6. Toned body? Yes! Muscular one? No. Working out? No. Daily walk around the block? Yes. Motivated? No. Lazy? Yes.
    1 point
  7. Rock and Roll, Jazz are synonymous with £uck!ng
    1 point
  8. Couldn't resist. Everybody enjoys a good fuck now and then... Talk about a Freudian slip. When i was growing up, radio was the main way to hear music. And you could dial from station to station. To me, i liked what i liked, whatever the genre; anything that had good lyrics and a strong melody grabbed me. My choices were made for me. Symbols are silent messages that trigger a conditioned response in the brain. American flags make patriots emotional. Swastikas stir pride in white nationalists. A raised fist logo spikes aggression in black people. Crosses calm Christians. Traffic symbols instruct drivers. The silence of symbols is loud. Letters are symbols that when arranged a certain way inspire sounds that have meaning. Symbols are cool.
    1 point
  9. In the year 2018, the whole structure of the family has changed. It can be made up of same sex partners in addition to female headed households, as well as ones run by single dads. Those who say the traditional way is best because it facilitates a balance that creates a better society, are the ones who are stuck in the past. They feel their view is supported by how much better things were back in the "good old days". But is this true? Maybe for men is was. But women weren't always content being confined to the role of subservient wife, selfless mother and dutiful homemaker. The way the divorce rate escalated under these circumstances doesn't say much for how great things worked out with society assigning roles to the sexes. Now that women have broken the mold and are about being equal partners in a relationship, some men want to slap them down and lecture them about how much better things work when women are not strong - something male chauvinist feel is equivalent to being domineering and argumentative. Secure men, however, don't have a big problem with smart, strong women. If a wife, for instance, is better at handling the finances, and a husband is as good a cook as his wife, then sharing responsibilities makes for a stable home environment. "A happy wife means a happy life". Also, a loving environment, no matter what the sexual orientation of the parents, is an acceptable alternative to a tense hostile atmosphere generated by heterosexual parents constantly at each other's throats. Time brings change. Those who can't adjust to it are out of touch. For an unattached man like Pioneer, who has never been married and therefore unqualified to speak on the subject, to advise a single black woman who is "soft, warm, beautiful, argumentative, opinionated, and intelligent" that she is, in effect, better off if she plays into the role of being emotionally and intellectually weak, in order to enable men to be strong and smart, is something that calls for a rebuttal.
    1 point
  10. Obviously, you control how you see or interpret something. However, if you see a spider and interpret the spider as 'a person who is' untrustworthy it is your choice to do that, but it doesn't alter the reality that what you see is, in fact, a spider, yes? That makes your interpretation or your perception toothless in the face of 'free will.' Hence, is more probable people think they have free will. The authors of the U.S. Constitution did the best humans can do, not out of free will but because it was simply the best they could have done, a document by any other means is simply the opposite they could have done; also free of will; the same as if they did nothing at all. Love you sister, Cynique, but how dare you sum-up in a short paragraph what the truth is of this matter!!!
    1 point
  11. The pecking order white male white female black male black female. The White Male is the main character in history and culture, everyone else has varying levels of invisibility. You can also add sexual orientation and cultural/country to the mix. Gay white men would be situated between straight white men and straight whute women. So men talk down to women and whites talk down to blacks. So the more powerf you have the easier it is us to dismiss those below you or simply not validate their existence. Even insults are asymptomatic
    1 point
  12. Here's a perfect example of what I was referring to earlier. This comment was in response to my answer about a low point in my flight attendant career. As far as society is concerned, black women aren't allowed to display human frailties. This is what Serena has been dealing with her whole career but on a global scale. It is actually more than frustrating; it's infuriating. But as the Angel Maya Angelou wrote "Still [we] rise". typical. You are American so you can et away wit anything bc you're black. You are propagating the reality in your country tat black American females are aggressive and cannot control themselves. I am glad you shared this. o hand btw try tis in Europe sweetie and you will be fined or arrested. black women are not allowed to attack anyone especially white women in beautiful cultured Europe. no black entitlement special status bc of slavery tat happened 200 yrs ago wen black on white crime is the norm. which is why I live in Western Europe.<3 you do your job THEY should have fired you. Any classy airline would but you work for an American company. you are incompetent and bc you are black they are afraid to. psycho. You are a servant in the air nothing more. Quora https://www.quora.com/As-a-flight-attendant-whats-the-dirtiest-thing-you-have-done-during-a-flight/answer/Mel-Hopkins-1/comment/72884111?__nsrc__=4&__snid3__=3214182566
    1 point
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