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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Given the current pace of consolidation on the web and generative AI. Websites face an existential threat -- a bigger threat than social media, Amazon, and Google's control over search combined! That wicker triad was bad for indie sites, but AI really poses a serious threat... I hate to think about what will happen when it is paired up with quantum computing A physical structure has all of the disadvantages you describe, but all of the advantages face the same threats as websites -- just throw VR into the mix. @Pioneer1 what would go one in this building and where would it be located? Maybe if I sold over-priced coffee or weed it could work...
    1 point
  2. Black. Men. Time. For. Us. To. Come. Together. As. One,Racist., White ,Politicians. ,Take. Jobs. Out. Of. The Inner. City. Communities,Do. Not. Improve. The. Schools. Deliberately...Increasing. The. Violence. Despair. And. Misery...Guns ,And. Drugs. Are. Dumped. Out. In. Black. Communities. .To. ,Increase. The. Black. Genocide. And. Ethnic. Cleansing.....Black ,Politicians. Controlling. Black. Votes,Black. Preachers. Stealing. All ,The. Church. Money. Have. A. Comfortable. Living.. .Black., People,Black. Communities. They. Are. Not. Caring...Racist. White. ,Terrorist. Police. ,,Night. And. Day.. They. Hunt. Black. People., Like,Predators. Hunting. Prey.... If. Black. Votes. And. Black. Lives,Matter. ,Time. For. Black. Political. Party. ,Black. Community. ,Gun. Clubs ,We. Need. To. Organize. Unity. And. Trust. Because., The. Only. People. Can. Save. Us. ,Is. Us......
    1 point
  3. Respect. For. Black. Fathers. ,With. Their. Children. Have. Regular ,Communication....Providing. For. Their. Children. From. Love. And,,Concern. Not. From. Forced. Money. Obligation.....Black. Fathers,Teaching. Their. Children. To. Embrace. Learning,Black. History. ,And. Education.. To. Have. Purpose. And. Determination.....Fathers. Teaching. Their. Children. To. Have,Confidence. ,To. Achieve. And. Have. A. Positive. Destination...Black. Fathers. Teaching. Their. Sons. To. Respect. Black. Females,,And. To. Embrace. Kwanzaa. Principles. To. Have ,,A,,Unity. Community. Motivation.. Teaching. Their. Children. To,,Embrace. Black. Spirituality ,Not. Have. A. White. Jesus. ,Salvation....Respect. For. Black. Fathers. ,,Giving. Guidance. To,Fatherless. Black. Boys. Being. An. Inspiration....To. Decrease. The,,Black. Community. Destruction. And. Devastation.....
    1 point
  4. Troy Websites are great and we need them, but I personally think you should seriously think about establishing a brick-n-mortar institution for a lasting legacy. And yes, I know it will cost a ton of money, but......... I'm a sincere believer in the fact that when the DESIRE is there the OPPORTUNITY and MEANS will manifest themselves.
    1 point
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