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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2024 in all areas

  1. …. so say the determinists. toss a ball in the air. If we know the force applied, we know the exact trajectory the bar will take. The same as true not just for your life but the entire universe. Free will is an illusion. Our minds are too feeble to calculate the exact trajectory of our lives, or even wrap our brains around the entire notion, but that doesn’t make it untrue. Maybe as people get older, they begin to realize this, on some level, and they become increasingly bored with life. In much the same way a little kid can be entertained by the game, I Declare War, as they grow older they begin to find the game boring —dumb even. Gives new meaning to the saying “everything happens for a reason.“
    1 point
  2. Not a day goes by that I don't ask myself, why am I still here. Then, I'll get a text message or a phone call that somebody needs something. Sure enough, those people will find another benefactor when I'm dead and gone. I'd hate to believe the universe has determined that my purpose for being here is to help people over a few more decades. Like a Greek philosopher, I'd prefer to have that luxury to plop down at my piano and play music all day. Nope...for the man to whom much is given or earned, much is required and/or expected to be returned.
    1 point
  3. Wind is difficult to predict. There's a random number generator thay used the wind as the seed. The only thing more important than thought is imagination. At least to me.
    1 point
  4. It must have been a nice life as a Greek philosopher to sit around all day eating grapes and...thinking. These men didn't work or produce anything anything tangible. No science or engineering. Just thoughts.
    1 point
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