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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Latinos and Hispanics may seem to be the same, but the terms are not interchangeable. I found this out from years of being a weekend photographer in which the majority of my customers were Latino. During the Elian Gonzalez mess, many light skinned Cubans were fond of writing letters to the Miami Herald or to El Herald and claiming Blacks are only good enough to empty trash out from their restaurants. But I was stunned when so many younger Cubans said they would not continue their grandparents' colorism and voted for Obama, allowing him to carry Florida. But Florida is firmly a Trump State now. https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/the-case-of-the-white-cubans https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/choosing-the-right-word-hispanic-latino-and-latinx
  2. I am hoping Donald Trump will not run in 2024. Even though he is an out and out racist, I believe Ron DeSantis can be beaten. Whether Joe Biden runs or not in 2024, Democrats have to lower the boom on the desperate-for-attention fools who keep spouting off about his intentions. Never count out angry Women voters. They showed Kansas, didn't they? Trump may be a buffoon and pure dumbass, but too many in the GOP still fear him. Others want this donor list. We will see what revelations Alex Jones' text and email data show.
  3. Senator Krysten Sinema is now on board. It took some give and take, but Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin got it done. And without AOC or Bernie Sanders mucking it up. The details are here: Kyrsten Sinema now supports Dem funding bill
  4. Just stay safe, please. We may differ politically, but I like seeing you contribute.
  5. Dick Cheney rarely speaks out publicly. This is why so many people are aghast at the former Vice President's statement. What you don't get is that the elder Cheney said his daughter is doing something spectacular by trying to prevent Lord Dampnut from getting back into the White House. There is no rivalry between Bush and Cheney and Trump. That was Jeb Bush. Cheney had nothing to do with that. You are grasping at straws.
  6. Admiralty Law allows any nation to sail where it pleases with certain restrictions. It also allowed Liberia to offer its ship registry to other countries - for a price. Mostly to avoid paying taxes, hiring cheap labor, skirting stringent requirements of western nations and to use less than ideal vessels. Centuries ago, even decades ago, things were different. I am only concerned with what goes on today. Barack Obama strongly supported the rights of free passage in international waters when he visited Vietnam in 2016. "As we go forward, the United States will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows, and we will support the right of all countries to do the same." And as far as your statement that China does not want a tussle with the U.S. - this goes against the predictions of many. Beijing may not want a full scale nuclear exchange, but they definitely want Taiwan. This goal is now is encoded in their DNA. China won't nuke Taiwan. It wants the island prize intact. I believe that most who discuss the China-Taiwan issue fail to factor in in the pride of Beijing's leaders. And why would the U.S. want a land war with China? China is not going to invade the U.S. And the cost of transporting and sustaining a modern army in Asia these days would be enormous. We're just in for ceaseless warnings and threats. After the 2024 elections, the situation will have evolved once more. But right now, it's statements, press releases and close encounters on the seas and in the air.
  7. @daniellegfny I am actually happy to see your name on posts. To me, you seemed to have disappeared for a few months and that got me worried. We may differ politically, but I admire your consistency.
  8. You did say a U.S.-China war would be bad for business. No, it would be bad for about 10,000 really rich folks. Between 70% to 80% of the products sold in Walmart stores are made in China. Apple Inc. would not be able to survive without its 350 Chinese suppliers. A bevy of global manufacturers would oppose any increasing friction with China. But the world would still turn if there was a war. Because China will increase its bellicose bullcrap to demand that no nation sail its ships in the Pacific unless it agrees. When are we going to finally understand that appeasement rarely works.
  9. @ProfD Thank you. Many Black people are blaming Brittney Griner for her own imprisonment. But she is not blame. It is the Russians, not Brittney! They needed a bargaining chip to keep the U.S. agitated and at bay while they ravaged Ukraine. Keeping a famous and well liked woman athlete as a hostage did the trick. After I joined this Discussion Group many years ago, Troy Johnson and I enjoyed a discussion on how nutty China's rulers are. It was a few years ago. But I remember this because it dovetails what is going with Ms. Griner. When the U.S. said it would put Chinese spies on trial for espionage, Beijing responded with a threat to immediately imprison U.S. citizens. Because he's busy and travels a lot, I am not sure if Troy remember this. But we both agreed this move on the part of China was insane. But that is how some countries react to pressure. I am not blaming Brittney Griner one bit. What was in her suitcase was not a nuke, nor kilos of cocaine. She is not a sex trafficker and certainly not an intelligence agent. Just a young former Olympian and now professional basketball player who stayed on the yacht of rich Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich. There is only thing about this case that intrigues me: The video of that airport security dude removing the supposed cannabis oil from Brittney's suitcase. When was it taken? When she first entered the country earlier this year or when she was fixing to leave? Because if it was taken when she first arrived, then the Kremlin knew about this and waited for the best time to use it. Par for the course when it come to bullies.
  10. Some wide-eyed, but truly misguided folks really thought economic treaties would be enough to prevent a Pacific war. I read this a lot from folks who honestly believed a unique era of global cooperation had come. Corporations would engage in friendly competition, sometimes it would be cut throat. But it would stop at selling out one's country. There is no "we" when it comes to global corporations. Those who smugly believe the disruption to finance would stop China invading from Taiwan and the U.S. from trying to defend the island are really missing the point. China has been humiliated for centuries. Those who disagree should spend a lot of time in China and talk to a whole lot of folks. Those who have conclude there's going to be a war between the U.S. and China. Because standing up to and defeating the U.S. Navy is the dream of most Chinese ship and submarine captains. Dubbed "Little Emperors" by their adoring families, they make no secret of their desire for a fight. Many heads of companies and corporations do not care about allegiances, birth lands or morality. They care only about spreadsheets, stock prices and money. And this is the real Trickle Down. This is how we got to this point: Thousands of Chinese nationals ensconced in critical industries, joyously stealing technology by any means necessary to develop software and hardware that could defeat law enforcement, defense radar, civilian aircraft and U.S. submarines. It many of its satellites were designed not so much for global surveillance, but to attack and destroy U.S. and British satellites. Those microwave radiation attacks that caused brain trauma for many of some of our diplomats in Cuba and elsewhere? Some immediately thought that had to be the work of Russia. But it could be China. Multinational economic agreements provide no guarantee for a pause in erratic or bullying behavior. If they did, Kim Jong Un and his sister would have visited a few Koreatowns in the U.S. already. There is no pause with China. It seeks to dominate the planet and the Asian giant uses divisiveness, threats and money as its main tools. So does Russia. Because both know this works. China and Russia know many Whites and Latinos in the U.S. don't care for Black people. So it devised a plan to obtain the tons of precious metals and other mineral ores it would need to accomplish this. Then, it made careful inroads into Africa, lending billions under the guise of helping out with development loans. But forcing the recipient nations to sign one sided agreements to fork over their main assets such as ports and mines in the event of defaults. Because Beijing recognized its presence would be welcomed by a few desperate African leaders. It had so many agents in the U.S. and learned quickly that dismissal of Black brain power and lingering resentment of Black achievement would help its global thrust immensely. Because generally, Western investment bankers and financial risk takers eschew taking a chance in most of Africa. Many of the people China sent to Africa regularly insulted Blacks as they built infrastructure. But few demanded the Chinese leave. It's probably a good thing Ethiopia obtained World Bank financing for its Grand Renaissance Dam. Once it opens, the dam will provide badly needed hydroelectric power for Africa. Meanwhile, we pay slavish devotion to celebrities and attack each other without let-up. We're a country ripe for brutal hit and run racist attacks and some of us foolishly turn our backs on defending our own legacy. We seem to worry more about who had Black skin in the distant past than being concerned about those with Black skin today who don't have enough to eat or a decent place to live. China could win the arms race? At the moment, China is winning every race.
  11. Years ago, scientists expressed serious concern about Global Warming melting permafrost. They were worried that various pathogens, viruses and dormant maladies which had been trapped under ice for thousands of years, would escape into the atmosphere and infect billions. Since we would have no warning of what these are at first, millions could die in a matter of months. But my money's on China's nukes.
  12. I agree. But the really sad thing is that on news forums all during 2016, I kept warning Left Wing folks about the danger of voting for third party candidates who had no chance of winning or sitting home in protest because their Socialist hero didn't win the Dem nomination. I said their actions would deprive Hillary of badly needed votes and likely elect Trump. And this guy would worsen the arena of partisan politics for a long time. I enjoyed being cursed at.
  13. @Pioneer1 I am not dealing with any Allegory. You are. The theme of Song of Solomon is about Shulammite girl's undying love for a shepherd boy and Solomon's attempt to win her heart. Are you saying a leopard's spots are not Black? I prefaced my post by intoning that I would use ONLY information from the Bible. So I pay no attention to outside sources. If you do not believe it, then don't. But it does not negate what I said about the Bible. The scriptures rarely mention skin color. And those Scriptures I cited can be looked up by anyone. What was Jeremiah's skin hue? Do you think the people who lived in that region of Earth hundreds of years before the birth of Christ had lily White skin? Do you think their skin was Brown? I am simply answering myriads of folks online who had asked those questions over the years. I compiled my research into a post and simply shared it. In the Apocalypse, or Revelation, there is mention of a seven headed dragon with ten horns. And a great beast coming out of the sea with the number 666. I haven't seen one of those lately, have you? That does not bother me. This is simply an academic exercise.
  14. It would really be something if Trump, DeSantis and Abbott got to heaven to meet The Almighty and Gary Coleman is doing duty and shoos them away at the Pearly Gates because Peter is on break. And The Almighty herself is a Black woman.
  15. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who does not say much publicly, just ripped Donald Trump as he should be ripped ... as a clueless cut and runner. We have not heard much from Mr. Cheney about how he feels about the noxious going-ons around Trump. But he unloaded on Lord Dampnut today ( Aug. 4, 2022 ) The elder Cheney said what his fearless daughter Liz Cheney is doing these days is immensely crucial - making dang sure Trump never ever becomes POTUS again. Dick Cheney defends daughter Liz, calls Trump a coward
  16. Unfortunately, she did not beat the rap. Her guilty plea and apology makes her appear to be some damned big time drug dealer atoning for a huge seizure. But it's what Putin wanted. Will she be traded for that arms dealer? And whomever else the Kremlin wants freed? I hope so. I ain't gonna rag on her. She does not deserve it. She had a prescription for the cannabis oil, probably as a stress reliever. When Brittney was in Russia, she apparently stayed aboard the yacht of super rich oligarch Roman Abramovich. Maybe he assured her that his connection to Putin would mean she would have no problem. Then Russia invaded Ukraine and everything changed. We may never know. She's an American whom many in the U.S., including LeBron James, have spoken up for. Putin knows this. She's a bargaining chip.
  17. You think I am trying to make money by mentioning Trump? I've been a thorn in the side of the Right Wing since Nixon. I'm retired. I still do a bit of photography which is immensely enjoyable. But posting on various news groups is more "Use it or Lose it" when it comes to keeping my aging brain active. And it's fun. I love to read and keep a handle on global affairs.
  18. @Pioneer1 Actually, Trump had not yet committed high crimes and misdemeanors while Barack Obama was in the White House. Trump has always been jealous of Obama ... and why not? Obama is an impeccable public speaker, a gifted writer and his personality and manner compels billions flock to him. There is no penalty for spouting nonsensical venom in the U.S. Unless one directly threatens someone. Unless of course, your name is Alex Jones. The Jan. 6th Committee is tasked with investigating Trump's alleged crimes.
  19. Two months ago, many on here were whining about escalating gasoline pump prices. But since they've been on the decline for five straight weeks, we don't hear a lot of that. You are defending and indefensible liar and buffoon. Why do so many Trump supporters enjoy the pain and suffering of others? I'll answer that question the way so many psychologists have replied to it: The Cruelty is the Point.
  20. Brittney Griner has just been sentenced to nine years in prison. I am certain a lot of commentary should follow.
  21. You cannot have it both ways. The news media knows Trump's name generates interest. And that is why few stop talking about him. So, leaning on people for mentioning him contradicts your statement that the media has no incentive to stop covering him. He's a infallible god to some folks. However, I always try to use a news hook to remind people that: 1) He's an idiot 2) He is racist And it's easy to do both since Trump does not know how to keep his mouth shut.
  22. @ProfD I'm a Democrat and will never takes sides against the aspirations of my people. Are you talking about the angry man? Do you remember when Abbott Laboratories' subsidiary Abbott Nutrition had to shut down its Sturgis, Mich., baby formula plant because its equipment was contaminated with bacteria? Yeah, we ALL do. It shut down, reopened, then shut down again. Well the board of directors decided to use billions of dollars to buy back company stock. At a time when baby formula was so scarce people were driving out of state for it, babies were going hungry and mothers were seem weeping in news reports. One dude said the company was legally able to buy back its stock, but never cited the SEC rule for doing so. I said: Yeah, they can, but they should be using that money to their clean their equipment in the Sturgis plant. Because what they're doing is immoral. Turns out a U.S. Senator demanded a hearing in May claiming what the company was doing was indeed immoral. I posted a link with a short commentary. ( It's what we journalists were trained to do and what I trained neophyte reporters to do. ) Dude went berserk with rage. And I guess he's still at it. That is not divisive. That is posting an opinion backed up by facts and truth. If it comes down to a rich corporation and mothers, newborns and toddlers, guess who's side this Black man is taking? The last time I got folks this riled up by posting the truth was when I wiped the forum floor with Neo Cons after Fox News had to admit something I said six months before the bombs started falling that no weapons of mass destruction would ever be found in Iraq. (Because none were ever there). Abbott Labs stock buy back under scrutiny
  23. The news media must first decide that they are not going to cover his every utterance. Until that happens, Lord Dampnut will continue to make the news. If Sinema stops her grandstanding, we might be able to do something.
  24. Progressives and those idiot Socialists sank Hillary in 2016. She didn't help herself by not telling the country what she would do a POTUS. Just kept saying Trump is crazy and an idiot. (Which is true). I said in 2016, that one could never trust Progressives - that they will turn on you in an instant. Look at Krysten Sinema, once a Leftist Green Party member. Now, she wants to save a important tax break for the wealthy. Progressives? No friggin' way.
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