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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. @ProfD BTW, those 57 Senate votes were good enough to protect that private equity tax break.
  2. @Cynique Brittney Griner had visited Russia before. Perhaps she thought she was becoming so well known and so well liked she could get away with certain things. I doubt her association with Paul Whelan is helping her. He's a former U.S. Marine accused of spying. She's a famous civilian hostage. There is a lot of opposition to attempts to free Brittney. A lot of people said she deserves her sentence because she sided with Colin Kaepernick in his anthem kneeling protests. She's been accused of not liking her own country.
  3. I am just glad the Civil Rights laws worked - life sentences.
  4. @Delano So, are you going to start your dumb chit again? You were WRONG! What Abbott Labs was doing was immoral. You just got ticked off when I posted proof that even U.S. Senators agreed with me. I unblocked you because you sometimes have interesting things to say. But I see, that was a mistake.
  5. @Cynique What you wrote should be engraved and placed in the offices of every Democrat, Progressive and Socialist.
  6. Truth in Politics has rushed a news crew to where former Vice President Mike Pence is staying to get his reaction ... And folks -. here it is ... The Feds are probably searching for documents Trump and his minions may have unceremoniously and possibly illegally removed to use as keepsakes. It's against U.S. Archive laws to do that. But Lord Dampnut still thinks he is POTUS. The folks in Trump Land are going berserk, but not with happiness. Apparently, someone whispered the Feds were there to escort 45 back to Washington for immediate re-instatement. Which cannot be done. Trump was in New York anyway.
  7. Russia needed a bargaining chip. And a week before its invasion of Ukraine, it decided on Brittney.
  8. The two had already been sentenced to life for the crime in state court. And the judge rejected their request to serve their sentences in a federal prison. https://www.wdhn.com/news/national/3-guilty-of-killing-ahmaud-arbery-face-hate-crime-sentencing/
  9. Why the ad hominen personal attacks? If you disagree with an opinion of hers, oppose it with facts and careful wording.
  10. Gasoline pump prices were quite high. I don't blame folks for grousing. But they refuse to accept that no President has control of gasoline or diesel pump prices. The whole reason the Covid 19pPandemic got out of hand in the U.S. is because Donald Trump downplayed the seriousness of it, claiming it would go away with hot weather. His actions did not dispel any panic. Because you're suffering from temporary amnesia. There was widespread panic. People were all over Social Media, in your phone texts and emails with phony warnings, phony cures and outright untruths. You just don't remember this.
  11. Republican Senators pulled the same stunt with Burn Pit aid for combat veterans. It's a good thing Jon Stewart was so outraged before TV cameras and that a group of Veterans stayed outside the Capitol until the GOP Senators caved. The GOP is heartless. But ... as we've known for a long time, Cruelty is what motivates many of them.
  12. Republicans demand your vote, but don't care if you or your diabetic friends and relatives die when they can't afford their insulin. I guess that's why sliced a measure to prevent private insurers from gouging insulin patients from the Democrats' climate and economic bill that was just passed in the Senate. And before anyone says "it would have cost too much," remember those trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich. The money was supposed to "trickle down" to the Middle Class and the Poor. Republicans block cap on insulin costs
  13. I believe Herschel has agreed to a debate with Rev. Raphael Warnock. If it holds up, I hope it's televised nationally.
  14. @Pioneer1 Since I am not a member of either group, I'll allow those who are to determine the definitions. I don't like it one bit when arrogant non-Black jerks try to tell me about me about our History. It's the same with some politicians who think people are not applying for work because they received Stimulus Checks. That money went quickly to pay back rent, unpaid bills, to replace worn clothing and footwear and of course, for food. How long did Republican lawmakers believe funds from those Stimulus Checks would last? For two years? This is what happens when you never miss a meal or worry about making a rent or mortgage payment. Most of the rich have no idea what it's like to be poor or on a budget. @daniellegfny I keep telling you, but you simply won't accept the evidence: Donald Trump was a most horrible president for the U.S. economy. The man simply downplayed the Pandemic and millions suffered. Here's another link for you: https://fortune.com/2021/01/11/us-economy-jobs-numbers-trump-compared-past-presidents-worst-record-since-hoover/ Pump prices for gasoline have declined steadily As far as food and other essentials: Three words ... Greed - Price Gouging Unless of course, you think Trump's golf course shindig is responsible for that. By the way, what happened to your endless cheerleading for Bitcoin and other digital currencies?
  15. What are you expecting Democrats to do, go to guns to enforce their will? The Dem Party is not in cahoots with Republicans. Those would be many of your so-called Independents and they pick and choose their moments when it is most advantageous for them. Look at Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema, who was once a member of the Green Party. Check out New York representative AOC, who never misses a moment to trash Democrats because she thinks she was born to be Queen. Now, which Party is it that produces individuals who think Black achievements should never be taught? Which Party is it that encourages violence, voter suppression and constant insults as part of their agenda? The only way to fight Republicans is by generating alliances with like-minded voters no matter their demographic.
  16. I never said weed was legalized every where. But one of the goals of passing laws to get it legalized was to reduce arrests and imprisonments. But that was just one of the goals. The others were to create a new and viable industry, make the active ingredient in marijuana available for cancer patients and in some areas eliminate the violence associated with territorial sales of weed. I am sure by now most have read news stories of cartels setting up shop in state forests to grow marijuana and threaten the lives of anyone with knowledge. I do not like to post links to popular morning news shows. But this link will take you an NBC Today Show segment that highlights the problem. https://www.today.com/video/mexican-cartels-are-growing-marijuana-in-california-s-national-forests-127609925776 For those who enjoy reading: https://news.yahoo.com/marijuana-wars-violent-mexican-drug-103332475.html I am not interested in selling weed, liquor, or guns. But here is a link for folks interested in becoming part of this marijuana dispensary industry: I simply checked a few states' requirements for entering this industry and they may be daunting for some. https://dispensarypermits.com/united-states-marijuana-dispensary-laws/
  17. My thread is about Black figures in the Bible which cited scriptural references. It is not a written diatribe against other races.
  18. Well, gee, nice to see you've jumped aboard the Stefan Freedom Streetcar.
  19. Trump is a comedian when he talks. His streams of consciousness which take him off topic are legendary. https://www.salon.com/2016/04/28/illogical_illegal_and_astounding_partner/
  20. Black people are not fearful, Pioneer1. Because everything we have done to win our freedom and rights has always ticked White people off. We sat, they beat us with batons. We marched, they shot at us. We tried to go to schools and colleges, they barred the doors. They threatened our families. And still do. Black people are not fearful. The ones who are fearful are those who side with folks who oppose our Progress. They are ones who are careful with their words and their actions and their thoughts. That is why some of them are quick to denounce the majority of Blacks or protect those who do. Because these ones stick to the White Supremacist script that Black people are unworthy, our history and herstory and accomplishments mean little and should be ignored. Or worse, these truths bring mental pain to poor little White boys and girls. Sure. Which is why Germany had to stop teaching about the Nazis in World War II. Because German children were running to rooftops and jumping off when they learned the leaders of the Third Reich were (gasp!) White! Could you imagine their horror? They might never want to book a flight on Lufthansa, attend an Oktoberfest or buy a Mercedes Benz. At this point in Black History, we are horribly disjointed and disunited. And in answer to a rhetorical question you asked, I read Cynique and I pay attention to her views. I admire people who are intelligent and caring and above all calm.
  21. Biden made it impossible to live in this country? Joe Biden is actually putting people back to work.
  22. @Pioneer1 Former SecState Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election. But not the Electoral Vote. And in this country, that's what counts. She was not cheated out of her victory. She just experienced a spiteful Bernie Sanders whose followers helped her lose by voting for Trump and third party candidates who had no chance of winning.
  23. @ProfD Let's establish the job training programs first. I'm not willing to write anyone off yet. That's what was done to our people for generations. I know we can get this done. There definitely is mental fatigue, so I agree with you. But we just can't stand around and let folks shuffle off to their doom either.
  24. One of the goals behind legalizing marijuana was to stop needless arrests and imprisonments. Street sales of marijuana vary from state to state. Marijuana dispensaries also serve caregivers of cancer patients. They are not trap offs. They are legitimate businesses. What stands out to me are demands for stringent record keeping on applications. And upfront financial costs. But so few license applications are being accepted and processed in states that have legalized weed it seems beyond the average individual. What gets many young Black men arrested is a growing lack of respect for life and limb. This is why in the NYC area, you are treated to endless surveillance videos on the news of Black men smashing innocents in the head with whatever is handy, slashing them or shoving folks down to the sidewalk. Let's not even begin to talk about those who pull guns and just shoot folks in momentary fits of rage. If states and the federal government offered job training programs (which I have been pushing for) then maybe we could open some legitimate businesses in the inner cities. Instead, some folks want everyone to own a gun. There is a huge necessity for jobs and skills training because stuff like the following is unacceptable: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/girl-6-punched-in-scooter-robbery-by-teens-in-brooklyn-nypd/ar-AA10nUo1?cvid=1d98f9cf564349898398779608a8e866
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