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Everything posted by KENNETH

  1. Troy I agree with you that protest and advocacy should lead to concrete change especially law and public policies. Please don't misunderstand my point. But things are different now with technology and people being less attached to community.
  2. I understand what you mean. But we can't give up. It takes persistent effort and adjusting to a new time and different kind of Black community that's not like the one that produced the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.
  3. Back in 2020 I wasn't for Kamala Harris as Biden's VP. I felt at the time there were more Progressive Black women in Congress who were better suited like Barbara Lee also from California. But then again I was also for Bernie Sanders until Biden got the nomination. At times she has struggled as Vice President but she's persistent and willing to take the fight to Republicans. Now she's likely to be the Democratic nominee, and if she wins President. What will that mean for Black people? We would benefit from certain policies in a Harris administration just like that of Biden. But it's not likely that Harris will do anything significant that's race specific like Reparations or even the George Floyd Police Reform Act which has stalled in Congress. While some of this can be blamed on systemic racism in the political process and Rightwing Republican obstruction. It's also important to recognize that Kamala Harris like Barack Obama is the kind of Black Politician who came up through the White community not Black Interest group politics. These kinds of Black politicians aren't focused on politics or policy solutions targeted to Blacks like others who come from the Black community. Furthermore the Democratic Party hasn't passed any major policy initiative targeted at Black people since the 1960s. Too often the party is focused on getting and keeping white working class men or white suburban moderates. While we gain some benefits they are never adequate in relation to our support for Democrats or the particular problems we face. Ultimately Black people must be better organized and more willing to hold Harris if she's President and Democrats accountable for not doing certain things. But then Black people at every level need to develop and push for an agenda with specific policies. When it comes to politics you can blame Kamala Harris and Democrats for not doing enough. However we have to take some responsibility ourselves.
  4. Thanks aka for responding to my post. Standing and fighting as a united front win or lose works for the Republican Right every time. Even when they lose a Presidential race they come together to obstruct the Democrat. They just might win again with a lying convicted fellow whose willing to flirt with authoritarianism. Too often Democrats are reactive and defensive due to media narratives, polling, and opposition from the Republican Right. They come off as weak and Standing for nothing while also being too divided. Biden was a fighter who did a lot of good for the country despite being old and slow all along. He was a likable and known quantity which may be especially important with independent swing voters needed to win the election. Kicking him out and going with Harris or anyone else poses a big risk. But I will vote for her.
  5. I hate to see the President forced out because people are driven by the media, polls, and Rightwing Psychological manipulation rather than conviction and a willingness to fight no matter what. But Kamala Harris maybe the nominee unless others come forward at the convention. I hope she won't face opposition.
  6. Beyond the choice of whether to vote for Biden or Trump its important to put the relationship between Black people and the Democratic Party in perspective. If Biden wins there are things Black people will want. If Trump wins then for many black voters it will come down to supporting Democrats in 2028. Of course that depends on how bad four more years of Trump will be for our politics and democracy. It's important to not deny Black agency or legitimate claims on the polity. When we demand things from government it's not begging the " White Man " or being dependent. This isn't their country or their government its ours. Contrary to what Rightwingers and Black Nationalists claim the government has been doing things that helped White people since Independence. But it hasn't done nearly enough for us. We are more than justified considering denial of our rights and material deprivation due to systemic racism. Most Black people who vote support the Democratic Party although more and more Blacks especially younger people are identifying as independents or Republicans. And Democrats need Black voters because most Whites support Republicans. It's often said that Democrats take Blacks for granted and do nothing for us. That's not true. While there's been no major legislation or policy initiative targeted towards Blacks since the 1960s. We benefit from all kinds of government policies that help everyone like the Affordable Care Act. In large urban areas programs that directly benefit Black communities get Federal funds. Black businesses at local, state, and national levels benefit from Federal contracts. All of this is due to support from Democratic politicians both Black and White. Furthermore large numbers of Black people have good paying government jobs. Democrats believe in an active government that helps people and spends money. These things benefit us. However the Democratic Party is not perfect. It needs to do more and be effective in addressing the problems faced by Black people. This is why advocacy and activism are just as important as voting. Just because Democrats are in office at any level doesn't mean they will pursue policies that help us. We need more than representation or symbolism. We have to fight for concrete change through government action even when that means challenging Democrats. Democrats don't do enough for us. But we don't do enough to hold them accountable. We benefit from supporting Democrats. But we won't get more and better until we organize and pressure the party more effectively. Voting is only part of the solution. Black people need grassroots groups like Black Lives Matter. We must also lobby and pool money to form political action committees to flex our power. And we need to use all forms of media to achieve our goals as well. This has to be the approach to Democratic Party politics.
  7. If Biden steps down that's fine. But I don't believe in pressuring him because he's come this far and hasn't ruined the country. Last Thursday night was nothing new. Yes it was really bad. Biden is mentally and physically slow yet he hasn't hurt the country thus far. Meanwhile nobody is saying Donald Trump the convicted felon, Liar, unhinged, reckless, wannabe, dictator should leave the race. Even worse millions of Americans are ready to choose Trump over Biden.
  8. Unlike in the 1970s a lot of CBC members represent majority white districts so they aren't rooted in or mainly focused on the black community or issues that effect us. The problem with AIPAC is that it's a big money special interest group that will go after any Democrat who doesn't uncritically support US policy on Israel.
  9. You can be black and all kinds of things politically speaking. There are Black Democrats, Nationalists, Sepratists, Marxists, Conservatives, Moderates, and Republicans. You might even call yourself a Progressive or Libertarian. But few Black people call themselves Liberal. Even if most Black people vote Democrat they would reject Liberalism. If you're a white Liberal or Black Conservative reading this you might think I'm way off base. But being a Black Democrat is not synonymous with being a Liberal. I'm a Liberal. So what does that mean ? Is it a belief in social justice, equality, and compassion ? Maybe I'm Liberal because I believe in higher taxes for rich people, spending on social programs, and abortion rights. Perhaps I'm Liberal because I value openess, reason, and science. All these things are valid. But none of them are necessarily Liberal in. Liberalism is a form of political thought devoted to the idea of individual liberty (or freedom). You should be left alone to do as you wish until you pose bodily harm to others or interfere with them doing what they want. Secondly, each person should be able to choose. They should be able to follow their own pursuits. How we understand this liberty and its limits is what politics is about. Liberals want people to be free from government and private control. For Liberals individual liberty is upheld by limits on government power, equal rights, and equal opportunity. Tolerance which basically means different people living together and disagreeing without tyranny or killing each other is also a Liberal value. What does any of this mean to me or Black people as a group ? Here's what I think : 1. We need to fight systemic racism and extreme wealth income inequality that hurt blacks collectively so that every black person is more free as an individual. 2. I believe that true liberty is found in preserving and strengthening Black institutions and also pursuing opportunities in the American mainstream. This kind of pluralism is essential to our human, social, economic, and political well-being. 3. While overcoming systemic racism is essential, we can't ignore sexism, homophobia, or transphobia that hinder black women and black LGBTQ people. All Black people must be free collectively and individually. 4. While I think the Democratic Party is better for black people than the GOP. It's far from perfect to say the least. If blacks are going to benefit from being Democrats we must constantly advocate in our own political interests. Democrats including white Liberals don't always help us. This also applies to black elected officials. 5. I have major philosophical and policy differences with Black Moderates, Conservatives, Nationalists, and Socialists. But the kind of Liberalism I believe in is a minority viewpoint among Black people. Liberalism cannot possibly always be right. That means listening and learning from other perspectives. Hopefully we can come together when possible to help ourselves as Black people. I really believe Black people want certain things all Americans want like safety, security, material comfort, health, a better life for our children, respect, a voice in our government, and a life with dignity. The continuing Black struggle for freedom and equality is consistent with Liberalism. It is part of the challenge that any Liberal politics must embrace to make this country better for all.
  10. Our future is what we will fight and work hard to make it. Things in the past like Slavery and Jim Crow Segregation were far worse than what any of us under age seventy can possibly imagine. Things aren't as good as they could or should be. But our situation is far better than it was. It's up to us. Systemic Racism, this prevailing brand of predator Capitalism, and the Trumpist threat to freedom and democracy are challenges that can be met and overcome if we stand strong and get involved. We can restore black marriage, reclaim our neighborhoods from violent crime, and build bigger more lucrative businesses. But this requires us to be better individuals. It means practices real love that corrects, rebukes, encourages, and supports each other as family members and friends. Nothing good is guaranteed. Nothing bad is inevitable.
  11. Black people want freedom and to benefit from living in this society. They don't want to be deprived of rights, opportunity, or material well-being. Whether these things come from living in Black neighborhoods and having black businesses; it can also be found in the White mainstream. That includes elite universities or professional jobs in Corporate America. Black people often feel like we're losing something we need or want. It's not about segregation or assimilation. It's about pluralism and agency. All Black neighborhoods with thriving businesses should be possible along with opportunities in the White mainstream whether it's a job or going to an amusement park like Disney World. It's important to realize that during the era of Jim Crow segregation whites did business in black communities and rented property to blacks. None of this is about optics. It's about power and control with all its benefits. That's what most Blacks want.
  12. We don't value or pay workers like maids, janitors, home health, childcare workers, cashiers, or fast food employees. We wrongly disdain politicians and hate taxes while complaining about how messed up society is because government doesn't take care of people at home over foreigners and immigrants. We idolalize rich people and wealth while never questioning certain negative things it takes to get rich and stay that way. All of this cuts across racial lines and is true of ordinary working people who are the key to changing things. The problem is with all of us to some extent.
  13. Thanks Troy for posting this and making the point. Whites are poor because of exploitation and lack of economic opportunity especially in the suburbs and rural areas. Meanwhile Black people are poor because of systemic racism and economic injustice. We bear the added burden of race. If poor and working class whites could get past racism, anti statism, and a kind of radical individualism there might be a chance to change America for the better. Ultimately Capitalism unless it is reformed in big ways will generate lots of poverty. It has to be free enough generate growth yet restrained to an extent that it's fair and beneficial for everyone not just the rich owners of capital. The problem with Americans, unlike people in Western Europe who wisely embraced Social Democracy, is that we don't like or want that kind of government action to tame Capitalism or spread its benefits. Add racism and its systemic component to this mix and its not hard to see why poverty is such a huge problem in America.
  14. Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her ability and it's not pulling black people down in any way. LGBTQ people are just as much part of the black community as anybody. We've got to move beyond the idea that authentic blackness whatever that may be is only straight male cisgendered and patriarchal. My only concern is that Barabara Lee whose been in the House for several years and lives in California wasn't chosen. But this woman has a strong background in labor and community organizing in addition to abortion rights. Give her a chance. She might surprise us in a good way.
  15. I disagree with the standard rightwing characterization of black people as dysfunctional, whining, malcontents, who just want to blame whites and society for all our problems. And it's utter nonsense to suggest we need to emulate other ethnic groups in order to make it. Our experience of injustice and deprivation is unique. Yet we have made progress since the 1960s. But racism and an unjust economy that harms all working people still pose a challenge. When it comes to reparations it's not a question of merit, We should have got forty acres and mule along with money after Slavery. We didn't. The problem with reparations now is threefold : 1. They will not change the way the system works to deprive us rights, opportunities, or material wellbeing. The economy, criminal justice system, schools, community development practices, and mass media have to be reformed otherwise we will continue to lag behind and suffer the consequences of inequality such as lower life expectancy, poor health outcomes, higher levels of poverty, unemployment, financial instability, and unsafe communities. 2. Reparations if paid will let whites and the system off the hook. Congress and Corporate America will declare the race problem solved. It will be nearly impossible to raise concerns about other problems and get action taken because they will wrongly claim " they paid " so there's no reason to consider any further claims. 3. Reparations will be the biggest stimulus package for White dominated Corporate America in history. We don't need reparations. We need more and better.
  16. Over time I became more disillusioned with President Obama. He did some things that benefitted all Americans to some degree. But there were things he didn't try to do especially for black people. I'm over him the same way as Bill Clinton who really rubbed me the wrong way more often than not.
  17. What black people did on that boat dock was long overdue. White people need to be put on notice that racist violence especially mob action will not be tolerated. Black people are willing and able to meet such action by whites with force. LIFT EVERY CHAIR AND SWING TILL EARTH AND HEAVEN RING !
  18. In the case of Harvard the use of certain assessment tools by counselors and teachers that often stereotype Asians was discriminatory. The Court's right leaning majority wrongly tossed out Affirmative Action by being too broad instead of focusing that particular practice. The problem with Harvard and our social institutions in general is that they exclude blacks and other people of color on the basis of race. Thats true when it comes to subtle implicit bias or practices that appear neutral yet have a mainly negative impact on blacks or other people of color. Considering race as one factor in admissions did not put Asians or whites at a disadvantage. Affirmative Action is a needed tool that combats subtle yet systemic racism.
  19. Last Thursday in a 6 to 3 decision the Supreme Court declared Affirmative Action in higher education unconstitutional meaning race can no longer be a factor in college admissions. In two cases involving the University of North Carolina and Harvard University the court's conservative majority ruled that race conscious admissions put white and Asian students at an unfair disadvantage in violation of the Equal Protect Clause of the 14th Amendment. The plaintiff in both cases was an organization Students for Fair Admissions founded by a white conservative activist named Edward Blum. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in part - “the Harvard and UNC admissions programs cannot be reconciled with the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause.” He added “Both programs lack sufficiently focused and measurable objectives warranting the use of race, unavoidably employ race in a negative manner, involve racial stereotyping, and lack meaningful end points. We have never permitted admissions programs to work in that way, and we will not do so today.” While the court was wrong to end Affirmative Action it's important to realize there's a wider attack on every public policy or practice dealing with race that benefits black people. Consider the backlash against supposed Critical Race Theory in schools opponents claim is leftist indoctrination; the effort in Florida to prevent the teaching of Black History in high schools; and state governments defunding or abolishing Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs at colleges and state agencies. It's not just Republican politicians there's a popular backlash among whites who feel threatened by anything that narrows the racial gap. Black people must fight to protect the gains we have made. Think about how we took to the streets in 2020 to protest police violence and the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Consider how the demand for reparations has moved from the fringes of black political discourse to the mainstream. Yet, black people allowed Conservative Republicans to gain the upper hand politically in confirming judges to the Federal judiciary especially the Supreme Court. That led to the erosion of the Voter Rights Act of 1965 and the end of Affirmative Action. We have power to get things done. It's important to use it. Sure, we experience plenty of defeats and setbacks. But, that's not always the case. Too often we don't put up a fight. Besides voting or street demonstrations what can we do? 1. Boycott business and corporate backers of groups and individuals who oppose policies and practices that advance freedom and racial equality. 2. Use of all forms of mass media to shape and control messages around issues and policies related to race and politics. 3. Black Lives Matter Movement can't do it all alone. We must revitalize and reorient groups like the N.A.A.C.P and National Urban League to meet today's challenges. 4. If the US continues to pull back on political and public policy efforts that advance our rights and material wellbeing than blacks should seek a hearing before the United Nations regarding human rights. We cannot afford to react only when something outrageous happens. Furthermore, black people must not be distracted or deceived by symbolism. Having more black leaders in government or Corporate America is not enough either. The struggle for freedom is continuous, because systemic racism must be confronted. We should think about the effectiveness of our efforts.
  20. Pioneer1 makes a very important point about the lack of sympathy black people have for each other. To the extent blacks will write off white racist violence against other blacks they believe misbehave in public or make " the black people look bad." All of us no matter our race or class don't like to be bothered or inconvenienced by homeless people who are often mentally ill or addicted to drugs and alcohol. We disdain them. If they are perceived as disruptive or a threat force or violence is welcomed. Let me be honest and confessional for a moment. I have a certain contempt for people standing around begging for money. Whether they have signs or hang out around businesses. I try not to give them money if possible although I do sometimes. I used to be more willing to. But to the extent I have always worked and had two or three jobs in some cases. Healthy able-bodied men panhandling make me really mad. I realize many of them might actually be addicts or mentally sick, but that's not everybody, however. It's not always easy to discern, and i'm sorry to say I don't try in many cases. Our political leaders have got to be held accountable. At the same time however, maybe I just need to be more compassionate too. But, make no mistake what happened to Jordan Neely was wrong to say the least. I hope Daniel Peters goes to jail for a long time.
  21. No I don't live in NYC that's true. But if no more immigrants or refugees came after tomorrow for let's say a decade. Blacks in that city and urban areas across the country would be struggling with discrimination, lack of public investment, and poverty. Immigrants don't necessarily make it any worse. In fact they tend to work and later start businesses. Black people wrongly believe in representation and passivity in dealing with Democrats politically. Imagine if we would take to the streets around economic and social conditions the same way we approach police violence things would have to change. If we would put in place truly Liberal and Progressive Left politicians not Moderate Center Right Democrats like Eric Addams or others things would change. Instead when they can't fix problems it's easy to scapegoat immigrants and refugees.
  22. I don't think migrants will hurt black people if the situation can be better controlled. But the Republican Right has no incentive to govern and work with the President to do that. They thrive politically on portraying them the enemy the same way they do us. Ultimately if we're going to control immigration and solve the border crisis America needs to focus more attention on Latin America than the Pacific or the Middle East. By working with Latin American governments to make those countries more liveable and prosperous not everyone will be compelled to immigrate here. American elites are hell bent on keeping all working people down at home and maintaining White Supremecy. Abroad they are determined stop China from rising and meddle in the Islamic world. Meanwhile things are falling apart in Latin America and the humanitarian crisis is spilling over our border.
  23. Systemic racism past and present deprives black people of rights, opportunities, and material wellbeing. While this common reality unites black people there are still differences among us. Progress and problems are not the same for all black people. Recognizing the obstacles faced by black men are unique from those of black women is not new. It's a long-standing discussion and debate among black people. From the 1980s onward various black activists, politicians, authors, and thinkers have analyzed the problems of black men and offered possible solutions. I can personally remember books like the three volume set Countering The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys by Juwanza Kunjufu and Black Men Single, Obsolete, and Dangerous by Haki Madhubuti. Some have emphasized job training and public sector work projects to fight black male unemployment. In some cities there are all black male schools - academies with dress codes and black male faculty that address the educational deficits faced by black males. However, none of this occurs without controversy or tensions among black people. Some believe equal effort should be made and attention focused on black women and girls too. They argue that while black women have made some gains, they still face challenges related to race and gender. All of this speaks to a gender divide among black people. Many believe that if black men are doing better than black people are better off. Others including Black Feminists believe black people must confront racism and sexism which intersect. Now mainstream think tanks like The Brookings Institute and white liberal experts like Richard Reeves are talking about the problems of black men in a new article from the organization's website entitled The Inheritance of Black Poverty It's All About the Men. It reads, " Black Americans born poor are much less likely to move up the income ladder than those in other racial groups, especially whites. Why? Many factors are at work, including educational inequalities, neighborhood effects, workplace discrimination, parenting, access to credit, rates of incarceration, and so on. But gender is a big part of the story too, as detailed in a new paper from the Equality of Opportunity Project, “Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States: An Intergenerational Perspective” by Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie Jones, and Sonya Porter. " It's more important how black people focus our activist and political energies. If more things improve for black men will our communities automatically be better for black women? Black men are in trouble by every social and economic measure. For all the progress made since the 1960s it appears they have lost ground. Problems like crime, mass incarceration, the decline of marriage, and family are tied to the unique and negative circumstances of being a black man in a racist society where economic inequality is worse than any time since the early twentieth century. Here are the facts- Black men born into poverty are almost twice as likely to remain poor compared to anyone including black women. Black men working fulltime hourly or salaried earn $ 378 less than white men and $ 125 less than white women. They are twice as likely to be unemployed compared to white men. One in every three black males will be in prison compared to one in every 17 white males. What about black women ? They have made some significant progress compared to black men. Consider the this they are narrowing the gap with white women in avoiding intergenerational poverty, more women are going to college getting bachelors and master's degrees, and they have a rate of participation in the labor force. However black women because of racism and sexism still lag behind white men and women. They work making 36% less money than white men and 12% less than white women. Going to college doesn't erase the gap. But it's worse for black women in terms of health and wellbeing. Black women are five times more likely to die than whites from pregnancy related complications, and they are more likely to die from breast cancer too. More frightening is black women and girls making up disproportionate share of those missing and exploited. And they are less likely to be found alive or dead. Call it conservative, masculine, patriarchal, or sexist the idea that we can afford to focus on black male wellbeing and not black women is wrong. The unique problems of black men need attention, but that doesn't mean black women have arrived. They don't have it easy. Furthermore, their progress doesn't diminish black manhood. For all our outrage and struggling for change too many black people buy into the idea that women should be subordinate to men. That should not be the case. If the struggle for black freedom and equality over racism is simply about putting black men on the same level as white men what good is that? I would say none. We must rise and move forward together as equals. Helping black men shouldn't mean ignoring black women.
  24. Things are bad to say the least. However this society is fixable if we're willing to get involved. But if America is beyond reform then we're all in serious trouble because nobody is interested in a Socialist revolution or a Black Nationalist Sepratist struggle to form an independent Black state in North America. I say all this because accommodation and adaptation are not good options either. Thanks ProfD...
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