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Posts posted by ProfD

  1. 5 hours ago, daniellegfny said:

    I don’t believe that America was in a colonial situation where the Afghanis were being treated as second class citizens in their own country.

    History shows the American gov't under POTUS George W. Bush under the guidance of VP Dick Cheney and Karl Rove started the war on terror that led to the killing of  thousands of Iraqis and Afghans over almost a 20 year period.


    The current administration just closed up the the bank, er, tent that provided a huge windfall of cash and made a few people very wealthy. 😎

  2. 2 hours ago, Troy said:

    Divorces destroy wealth and should be done with much more thought than entering into marriage

    Mr. or Mrs. good enough, or OK, is no longer acceptable, though it is far and away the most likely outcome. No one is perfect or can be all things to someone.


    Funny enough, it's stated that marriage should not be entered into unadvisedly or lightly.... 😁


    But, the reality is that 1) most folks are just good enough and 2) they aren't wealthy so in divorce the fall is soft.😎



  3. 1 hour ago, Cynique said:

    ...because it was so hard to find the "complete package"...

    I can't vouch for what the situation is nowadays, however. 

    1 hour ago, Cynique said:
    50 minutes ago, Delano said:

    The song remains the same.


    Right.  Nothing has changed when it comes to both men and women both looking for the complete package in another person.  It's a unicorn that does not exist. 


    I believe the best human beings can do is rely on the laws of mutual attraction and build from there.  8 billion people on the planet and counting tells me it still works that way.😎

  4. 10 minutes ago, Michel Montvert said:

    The system is rigged....there are always power-hungry individuals who'll act in their own interests over those of their people.   So...you get people with influence who are beholden to the colonizer...


    If the intelligent. and more to the point, ethical, people make too much progress, they are "dealt with"... Lumumba, Obote, etc.

    You are 100% correct. 


    Unfortunately, most people do not have the will, strength or desire to dismantle the system. 😎

  5. 21 minutes ago, Troy said:

    At some point American plutocrats and oligarchs will have to share something with the rest of us, otherwise shit will hit the fan and even the uber wealth really don't want to see America fall into anarchy.

    That's the balancing act they've been playing with the American people for a long time now. 


    The plutocrats allow us to have just enough to shut up and go take a nap or sat down somewhere. 😁


    But, you're right, when folks don't feel like they're getting enough and/or want more than the greedy are willing to share...sh8t is definitely going sideways. 


    2024 could be a sign of the times but I'm thinking the plutocrats will be able to keep up their high wire act for a longer period of time. 😎

  6. @Pioneer1, you're right...the whole approach to taxation and spending and printing money at will and our economic system is a house of cards. 


    Former POTUS George W. Bush  admitted it back around 2007. The house of cards started to implode right before former POTUS Obama took office. 


    The US could have a flat tax across the board. I guess that would be too boring. So, instead, the fed wants to play with interest rates and hedge bets against the US dollar and market forces. 


    Millions of American jobs have been outsourced. Bring that work back home. Also, establish a new version of POTUS Franklin Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps.  Pay Americans a healthy wage.


    No need to over tax Americans. As super consumers, they'll spend the money faster than they can make it. Economy would boom. 


    Unfortunately, a handful of greedy azz people want to control 98% of the wealth in this country. 😎

    • Thanks 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Cynique said:

    AARP welcomes you into its ranks at age 50! 🙄 But - age is just a number, I keep telling myself. 😬

    I keep hearing age is just a number. I'm starting to believe it considering the goofy sh8t people do.


     I wonder how low AARP will drop the age requirement in order to increase their membership and billion dollar revenue.😁


    I found a hilarious line that AARP mainly appeals to people who love discounts. 🤣😎

  8. Must be a warped form of Fantasy Island the n8gglet edition: 



    Garbage TV shows with zero nutritional value in terms of intellect provide another form of empty entertainment for people who don't get high and/or drunk. 


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    A lot of AfroAmerican women swear up and down that THEY would never be sister-wives and share a husband so......

    Men and women both talk a lotta sh8t about what they wouldn't do until they're approached with an Indecent Proposal:




    I'm not surprised by what folks will do when the price is right. 😎

    • Haha 1
  9. First, I'll restate that it doesn't make sense for us to leave negative reviews without 1st hand knowledge that this CEO is a racist. 


    1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Atleast we all could CLEARLY see who the enemy is and had more unity since most of us were in the same boat.



    The system made a few course corrections to give the illusion of inclusion. Black folks have been given just enough to be satisfied.


    Every now and then, overt racism will make an appearance to ruffle a few feathers. White supremacists know the playbook.


    Black folks will cuss, cry, march, protest, grumble and complain for a month or so. Al Sharpton and Ben Crump might show up.


    Once the t-shirts are printed up, things go back to normal until the next episode. 😎

  10. All dysfunction in America is a byproduct of the system of racism white supremacy and refusal to atone for its original sin...slavery.


    "Ignorant" White people perpetuate hatred of Black folks and pass it down from one generation to the next.


    Well meaning White folks aren't gung ho about giving up their white privilege and preserve their inheritance from one generation to the next. 


    in the meantime, Black folks spend their lives trying to thrive and survive within the prison of racism white supremacy. 


    Stockholm Syndrome has definitely been in effect for many Black folks over several generations. White folks have given some just enough to earn their trust, sympathy and support.


    Prisoners of war do whatever it takes to survive.  But, most of them do not try to escape. 😎

    • Like 1
  11. @Chevdove and @Pioneer1, you all can usually have a spirited discussion regarding this topic without "catchin' feelin's" as we say in the hood.  


    I purposefully read Chevdove's work and keep it moving. I know better than to interject my sense of humor into her scholarship. 😁


    But, I do believe you two can put the train back on the track and re-engage in your scholarly debate without anyone being offended. 😎

    • Like 1
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  12. @Pioneer1, Black folks can be successful both individually and collectively.


    Unfortunately, 1) like-minded folks have been dispersed and 2) the Black community no longer has charismatic, intelligent leadership and 3) God hasn't appeared yet.


    While all Black people didn't agree with Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Fred Hampton or Minister Louis Farrakhan, etc., those angels could get n8gglets to listen and some would take action in it. 


    I attended the Million Man March both times. It was awesome to see that many Black men unified in that moment.


    Those marches let me know it's possible. It just takes a strong Black man (God) to make it happen.


    For whatever reason, He isn't ready to show up and out yet. You and I may not see Him in our lifetime. But, that's what it's gonna take to right our sh8t, er, ship.😎

    • Thanks 1
  13. @Pioneer1, it's a waste of time and energy trying to *force* someone else to provide an opportunity.


    Then, as we've seen historically, if/when white folks do provide opportunities to Black folks, they throw shade and do whatever it takes to make it uncomfortable.


    James Brown said it right, "I don't want nobody to give me nothin, just open up the door and I'll get it myself." Needless to type, Soul Brotha #1 was a very shrewd businessman.


    It's better to *create* opportunities and become self-sufficient. Folks are more inclined to want to work with those who bring more to the table than their hands out and lip service.  😎

    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    They...and if you really want to go back in time...high pitched singing and hair straightening personas. 

    As @Cynique mentioned above, it goes back further than the aforementioned artists. Black men have been singing high and straightening hair and wearing tight azz suits for a long time. 


    However, the difference is a whole bunch of clowns, er, folks, men and women, weren't running around with Skittles colored wigs and dyed hair.


    Only the *different* people (artists and musicians) were bold enough to wear green hair. Now, it's becoming normal. 😁😎

    • Like 1
  15. 26 minutes ago, Marty1960 said:

    Not 1 black person there among who I saw (about 35-40 people).  One or two Asian, a few Indian, mostly white…all looked under 35.

    Human Resources must have told him to hire another person of color to meet a quota.


    But, unless the application didn't ask for a date of birth, it doesn't make sense to interview someone over a certain age if the goal is to have a company full of younger folks. 


    That interview was a sham. The CEO only conducted it for his entertainment. 😎

  16. 18 minutes ago, Marty1960 said:

    Not one person posted a Glassdoor review.  I take it as message from God that I need to put this injustice to rest and accept that we will not fight back.  In God I trust.

    As  @Troymentioned above, it would not make sense for *us* to leave a negative review based on *your* experience. 


    This is not a case of "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."😁


    However, I think you're doing the right thing in leaving a review.  Maybe others will read and heed it before applying for a job with that company. 


    Now, let go and let God...won't He do it. 🤣😎

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