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Posts posted by ProfD

  1. Homosexuality thrives in the United States for two reasons, 1) there are many White homosexuals and 2) the US promotes freedom of expression up to a point


    In providing equal rights to AfroAmericans and White women, it's only natural that *rights* were extended to the next group fought for it...homosexuals. 


    I thought it was some BS that homosexuals went so far as to equate their struggle to the Civil Rights movement though.  Other than the Stonewall Riots in NYC and a few dust-ups in San Francisco, I don't recall gay folks being killed, beat up, dog attacked and water-hosed like AfroAmericans in the South.  They've always had the right to vote; eat and drink wherever they choose to do so.


    Of course, here in America, as there are many white homosexuals in high places, they had the resources to get their agenda passed.  When they decided gay marriage was necessary in order to make medical decisions for their partner and pass down inheritances, they formed like a Voltron and got busy making it happen.


    Otherwise, there is no other place on the planet that homosexuality is tolerated to the extent that it is in the United States. Surely, there are homosexuals in other parts of the world but they aren't free or powerful.  Check with the Middle East or Africa or Russia or China.  They aren't playing with it.


    The system of racism white supremacy will use anything to undermine Black men.  That's why the media falls all over itself to show gay Black men at every turn. It reinforces the other narrative that Black men are weak and effeminate and unworthy to procreate.  It also offsets the hypermasculine image of athletes and *some* entertainers. 😎

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  2. Teaching and learning to share is normal human behavior.  Treat others as one wishes to be treated. It is essential to survival.


    However, teaching and spreading hate is an evil form of human conditioning.  Nothing good comes from hatred. 


    IMO, ego is only a negative trait when it is utilized to harm or destroy other human beings. If one is self-absorbed without producing postive results...that's a clown.


    Otherwise, ego often motivates human beings to move from insolence and complacency and strive to be better.  The benefit of human excellence usually extends beyond the individual.


    I'd enlist 10 egotistical people to solve a problem knowing at least one of them will come up with a solution.  Even better if they collaborate.  Win-win.😎

  3. Immigration is only a *problem* when the people are non-white. Otherwise, it is bolsters the economy.


    White folks are called refugees when they leave their home country in the midst of chaos and turmoil. 


    Ukrainians and now Russians can show up in any country they so desire with open arms. 


    But, non-white folks are illegal aliens/immigrants when trying to escape a bad situation.


    The most interesting thing to me is that non-white folks defend the overt racism attached to immigration. 


    There's no shortage of Americans (Blacks and Hispanics) who open their mouths with that BS talking point about closing our borders. Shut up.


    H8ll, if White folks could round up and deport those same American citizens, they would do so in a nanosecond. 


    Non-white folks should be outraged over the treatment of immigrants from the Caribbean and South and Central America.


    But, wealthy folks really do not have a problem with it.  They make plenty money on the backs of immigrants doing the work that most Americans are unwilling to do. 


    The stunt that Southern racists are pulling in transporting immigrants to Northern cities is purely political. 


    The question is why is the government and politicians in those places allowing it to happen.  Two sides of the same coin.  😎

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Cynique said:

    ...i've just transcended race in general because, before they are anything else, people are humans and, as such, are flawed.  What African-Americans  really want is a role reversal; to be able to get even with whites whom they hold in different degrees of contempt. Were blacks on top, there would still be a race problem...



    IMO, human beings aren't born flawed in the way they deal with each other. Most human dysfunction stems from taught and learned behavior and environment conditions imposed by external forces. 


    I'm surely not advocating a situation where AfroAmericans simply flip the script on White folks. I would not want to see anybody oppressed, mistreated and/or killed for no reason.


    I would like to see the system of racism white supremacy replaced with one of justice; balance and fairness for all of humanity. 


    People should be free to enjoy their lives as long as it does not harm others.  I simply want all human beings to treat each other with love.   


    The only reason human beings having love for each other doesn't exist right now is due to the evil that men have done and continue to do.  😎

  5. 29 minutes ago, Troy said:

    Given the lead actress, a sister who can act her way from housemaid and a warrior. I'm looking forward to seeing it on the big screen and I'm sure I'll emerge with my manhood intact.

    Same here.  I've been told the movie would make for a good date night idea.  So, I'll round up and sponsor a woman who's willing to watch it with me.🤣😎

    • Haha 3
  6. 10 minutes ago, Troy said:

    Many point to an evil cabal of Jewish puppet masters who control the world. Black folks are currently victims of the Illuminati, Rothschild, Rockefellers, and Bilgerbergs, pulling the strings behind the scenes.  Wielding amazing levels of power, but seemingly too inept to keep their diabolical plans secret from the hip-hop community.

    I see what you did there.🤣


    IMO, there is no secret agenda.  The system of racism white supremacy operates in plain view. 😎

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  7. On 9/15/2022 at 5:53 PM, Chevdove said:

    Definitely. But I wonder how this can happen.  Good jobs mean better housing too and so many other things. We are being pushed out of the market.

    Eventually, we will have no choice but to become more self-sufficient in creating opportunities that benefit us instead of waiting around for them


    I believe  if 100 AfroAmericans divided equally among men and women were thrown out into the wilderness with the tools required to survive, they would figure out how to feed, clothe and house themselves.


    Unfortunately, the current situation doesn't require us to think along those lines. 😎

  8. @Pioneer1, regardless of the subject matter, whether it's history from millions of years ago to religion to the latest sports legends and everything in between, human beings like to discuss and debate stuff. 


    Your point of investigating history and archeology and religion for ourselves makes sense because if it did nothing else, it could create jobs providing folks are willing to invest in it. 


    The real questions are 1) what do we really want to know and 2) what are we going to do with the knowledge and/or truth.


    Otherwise, an obsession with the past would be a distraction and collecting data becomes an intellectual exercise in futility.


    I'd much rather Black folks concentrate on knowing the past in order to solve  problems of the present and future. 


    Right now, too many n8gglets are using history and religion as either an opiate to cope and/or a way to enrich themselves within the system of racism white supremacy. 😎

    • Thanks 1
  9. Movies are supposed to be a form of entertainment.  However, there is plenty room for subliminal messaging


    On the surface, this film  could be a version of Wonder Woman for Black folks.😁


    I wholeheartedly believe there's a war on masculinity. The pussification of American society started way before this movie was released.


    Otherwise, men who understand the goings on in America can sit back and eat their popcorn and enjoy the beautiful and wonderful Viola Davis doing her thing on the big screen. It's enterainment. 😎

    • Thanks 1
  10. @Chevdove, the research and analysis has already proven that a concentration in Science, Math, Engineering and Computers has the highest job placement rate.  However, there are many students who will not excel in those areas of study. 


    To that end, I agree that if we identify aptitude, talent, vocation and interest(s) of young people, it is possible to come up with the  best fit academic track for those students too.


    Most importantly, AfroAmericans have to create more job opportunities so that our people can thrive and survive in society without having to depend on others for employment. 


    White folks are already giving jobs to other minorities in order to displace Black folks.  It's just a matter of time before they run out of lottery tickets, er, jobs.  Then, White folks will be able to say...we've given you people 100 years to become self-sufficient.  You should have consumed less (cars, clothes, houses, etc.) and invested in your own economic infrastructure.  


    One dollar should exchange hands about 8 times within the same community before it ever leaves.  AfroAmericans are way behind the 8 ball in that regard.  That knowledge needs to be a part of the education too.😎

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  11. If we wait long enough, that idiot former POTUS 45 with the classified documents on his patio table might spill the beans about Area 51 and other information being held under wraps.


    Then again, knowing clown POTUS 45 was a loose canon, they probably didn't share the most highly classified info.


    I'd like to know why only a few people have gotten to see the UFOs. The aliens need to land the d8mn thing and get out. 😁😎

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