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Mel Hopkins

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Mel Hopkins last won the day on May 29

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About Mel Hopkins

  • Birthday September 8

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    Atlanta Metro
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    Jet setting, globetrotting, landlocked seafaring, book peddling recovering broadcast journalist wordsmith who dreams vividly and commits it to white space.

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  1. b0cefa84-8c8d-4d76-9044-761ce653112b-mar

    If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?  Of course, one of the wishes would be to get more wishes. In absence of wishes, then 10-year-old Marley Dias made a goal.  She decided to get more books with Black girls as the protagonists into elementary schools. To make this happen she launched  #1000blackgirlsbooks campaign. Once she accomplished goal, she then authored a book, "Marley Dias Gets it Done and so can you"  to create more activists.   "Marley Dias Gets it Done and So Can You" is available from Scholastic Books

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    2. Troy


      LOL that is the most positive way of looking at it @Mel Hopkins :)


      ...and sounds like a good approach.  I know a few folks who secured the white co-sign, but in order to keep it you have to distance yourself from those who may be perceived as too radically Black.


      For example, in order for Obama to keep his white co-sign he had to repudiate Minister Farrakhan and distance himself from Jeremiah Wright.  Obama got a lot of grief from some, in the Black community, for doing this, but you can't become POTUS or any white institution without the white cosign.


      What disappointed me is that Obama did not give a single Black-owned newspaper an interview during his first 6 years in office and may have served his entire presidency without doing it (I did not research the last two years).  One might think; what harm could some from speaking to a journalist at a Black newspaper? The problem is that Obama might have been called to account for his lack of direct support of the Black community which was too big a risk.  Obama is the "president of all people."


      I'll have you know I was told recently that I'm perceived as radical.  I was told this by an industry icon and mentor.  I repeated what they said to make it clear that I hear the correctly and to determine if they were serious. They replied "Yes, you are."  Would you believe I took that as a compliment :-)  


      I took it as a compliment because I know anyone who explicitly advocates for Black people and institutions, without couching it in language of "diversity" is perceived as radical.


      I also know that anyone who advocates a boycott of Facebook and Amazon is definitely one willing to go against the grain and is not trying to win friends by going with the majority... Honestly, if I run AALBC.com thinking like everyone else, this site would have died a long time ago.



    3. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Pwuhahaha!!! These Snatched Co-Sign cards are hilarious!!!

      I proud of you!  We have to be radical, even when working for a PWI!  In fact, one of the terms my former supervisors used to write about me over and over was "strong opinion" I believe that was code word to let others know "beware she will not "shuck, jive and yasam" for anyone in your organization.   I couldn't! It is important to let your employer know when they're being racist! Or when they are harming others with their policies.   

      How can we not? 

      We must be radical.   

      HIGH FIVE!!! 

    4. richardmurray


      excellent dialog from you both

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