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Mel Hopkins

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Posts posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. 6 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    That makes sense!

    I did not know that!


    Check out Stolen Legacy | Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy by George G.M. James. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 1. "1. The Teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries reached other lands many centuries before it reached Athens. According to history, Pythagoras, after receiving his [23 years] training in Egypt, returned to his native island, Samos, where he established his order for a short time, after which he migrated to Croton (540 B.C.) in Southern Italy, where his order grew to enormous proportions, until his final expulsion from that country." 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Chevdove said:


    Thank you! @Mel Hopkins

    This is extremely helpful.

    I've read over this post several times and even shared it with relatives.

    Now I do not feel so intimidated about AI LLM and have spent some time posing questions. 






    You are most welcome! I don't have anyone to bounce off my wild ideas and questions, so I enjoy creating Chat GPT prompts. It also helps me clarify my thinking. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Chevdove said:

    I still do not completely understand the big difference in just not asking a search engine though.

    I also don't understand why people say that AI will put some people out of work.

    @Chevdove Artificial Intelligence's Large Language Model can operate as a search engine (kind of), but its primary function, for now, is more of a tool to assist you in tertiary tasks. (for now 👀

    "AI LLM, or Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models, are advanced AI systems trained to understand and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. They function by processing large amounts of text data and learning patterns and relationships within that data. 

    Overall, both tools (LLM and search engines) are valuable for information retrieval and processing, but they serve different purposes and are designed with different capabilities in mind. AI LLMs offer more interactive and creative capabilities, while search engines excel at locating specific, up-to-date information on the web."

    As @Troy mentioned, it has made him a better coder.  AI can write software code.  I've had it code a brand-new website for me. Guess what? I don't know how to code.

    Depending on your interests, you'll prepare prompts to communicate with AI - much like the questions you would pose to yourself in deep research. For example, you would prepare a thesis statement and ask AI to share findings. For instance, I know nothing about the Chaldeans or their practices, but I started the fact-finding. Here's a link to my session. 

    https://chat.openai.com/share/9a6b1c0a-930a-47d8-acdd-7059aff6eac6  (It's public)

    You can start with your primary question as a prompt. Define AI, then compare and contrast the differences between Chat GPT and an online search engine. This link contains my prompt where I ask Chat GPT to compare and contrast AI LLM and Online Search engines.  Note: Like in any conversation, the best prompts get the best results. 

    https://chat.openai.com/share/049c4047-83c0-4918-9b2d-3b4a64eba7a9  (It's public too)


    Also, AI will replace jobs because it works at varying levels, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The latter function as artificial neural networks, which means machine learning, especially deep learning, operates like a human brain but is much faster. 


    You didn't ask me, but I don't want any of us left behind in this next phase of emerging technology. ❤️  



    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/30/2024 at 3:47 PM, Troy said:

    none of it will really matter if our population is dumb and ignorant.


    Does illiteracy mean dumb and ignorant?


    If I were to go to France, I would first have to learn the language, and if I did, I believe my reading and writing comprehension would be sub-par. I'd still be able to think my way through most challenges, though.


    Anyway, consider this: we live in a high technological age. We don't even have to read anymore. I'm currently "reading" an audiobook. While Grammarly highlights my grammatical errors and poor sentence structure, I'm typing this post. If I'm using my phone - some transcription audio app could "read" everything on this page. I could write a book by recording and transcribing it. So, do you know what we should be concerned about with Generation Z and Alpha? Critical thinking, problem-solving, and accessing information.

    But to drive my high-tech point home... LOL  Here's what "Chad" says:




    While literacy is undeniably an essential skill, especially in a knowledge-based economy, it's not the sole determinant of success, particularly in an emerging technological economy. Here's why:

    1. **Technological Literacy**: In an increasingly digital world, proficiency with technology is paramount. Even individuals with lower literacy levels can succeed if they possess strong technological skills. This includes the ability to navigate digital interfaces, use productivity software, code, and adapt to new technologies.

    2. **Specialized Skills**: Success in certain fields may require specialized skills that aren't necessarily dependent on traditional literacy. For example, proficiency in coding, graphic design, data analysis, or other technical skills can lead to lucrative careers even without high literacy levels.

    3. **Entrepreneurship and Innovation**: Entrepreneurial spirit and innovation can drive success in the technological economy. Individuals who can identify opportunities, innovate solutions, and effectively execute their ideas can thrive regardless of their literacy level.

    4. **Collaboration and Communication**: While literacy is important for communication, success in the technological economy also relies on effective collaboration and communication skills. These skills encompass verbal communication, active listening, teamwork, and the ability to convey ideas clearly, which aren't solely dependent on literacy.

    5. **Continuous Learning and Adaptability**: In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the ability to learn and adapt is crucial. Individuals who are willing to continuously acquire new skills, stay updated with industry trends, and embrace change can succeed, regardless of their initial literacy levels.

    That said, addressing low literacy rates remains important for societal progress, as literacy is not only about reading and writing but also about critical thinking, problem-solving, and accessing information. Efforts to improve literacy can empower individuals to fully participate in the digital economy and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


    So yes, we can probably argue some points with "Chad GPT." This response articulates the skills we should build in this new age.

    By the way, this is an excellent topic, @Troy. After interviewing Amari, I believe we have an opportunity to raise this next generation of Black boys to be next-level innovators.

  5. 7 hours ago, Troy said:

    If love is as force in the classical sense there could be a love field and a love particle ❤️ that binds us all together.


    Thank you  @Troy . Yes, emotionally and classically speaking, too. I will add your syllogism to my outline. Some spiritual societies call that Field "the Net," they credit ancient Africans as the "Masters of the Net because of their deep knowledge of sacred geometry. And, of course, the smallest particle, the "Atom" (Atem - Atum - the primordial god 😉 ), would fall under the geometrical laws. 


    Aside: I sometimes wonder if Brooklyn Tech is a "Mysteries School" and that we were "Initiates."

    So, look at that! I've seen "Ethernet" in my reading so many times but never made the connection to Aether until you mentioned it. I bet the developers subconsciously or deliberately made the "connection," too. 

  6. spacer.png

    Many people believe Love is a verb—and while it can be, love is a force that is a noun. When I write about love, I refer to it as a force with properties—properties that connect everything in the entire universe. LOVE is energy that transforms and transmutes everything for its purpose. Love, as it is known today, is what ancients called Aether, God, and Quintessence. The symbol for it is shown above.   


    Sometimes, when I write, I use the most comfortable use of love, but I'm referring to the Force (of which nothing would exist if it weren't in play.

    Still, I can't ignore the teachings and proverbs that return to ancient Africa. - "Love is one thing, knowledge is another,” a proverb from the Temple of Luxor in Ancient Kemet.  


    Language is cultural and changes depending on the victor. Still, words matter, so I hold on to what is shown to me in my dreams. Love is not unknowable—it is just hidden.

    "If the Master teaches error, the disciple's submission is slaveryIf he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement.   

    If I were writing a dissertation on Love, I would break down its properties ( i.e., what does it do?" and then compare that to something that has been studied almost out of existence and now is returning, "Aether." 

    Now, because most of the time, no one knows what the hell I'm talking about, I begin with prompts, which are questions that will help me put together a mini explanation. Then I'd prompt Chat GPT since it's been programmed to recall most information in the short history of humans... Yes, I'm a nerd, and my "friend" is "Chad," and here's some of what "we've" discussed today about LOVE as a force...




    "The concept of "aether" has been historically associated with the idea of a mysterious substance filling the cosmos, believed by some ancient civilizations to be the medium through which light and other celestial phenomena traveled. In ancient Greek philosophy, aether was considered the material that made up the celestial spheres and distinguished them from the terrestrial realm.

    Bringing the concept of aether into the context of love as a verb and a force that binds the universe together is an intriguing metaphorical interpretation. In this sense, you could conceptualize "aether" not as a physical substance, but as a metaphor for love as a fundamental force or energy that permeates the cosmos.

    In this interpretation, love transcends its conventional understanding as a human emotion or action and becomes a universal principle akin to the ancient concept of aether. It becomes the invisible fabric that connects all things, fostering unity, harmony, and coherence in the universe.

    So, in a poetic or philosophical sense, one could indeed consider "aether" as a metaphorical representation of love, emphasizing its omnipresence and transformative power. This interpretation aligns with various spiritual and philosophical traditions that emphasize interconnectedness and the unity of all existence."


    Written and Submitted on May 4, 2024. May the Force be with You! 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Delano said:


    How many people do you know thaz realised a dream during the pandemic?

    There are quite a few, but I think like attracts like. We tend to be in the company of people who are similar to usI'm not surprised you know someone who can advance your work in other astrology markets. By the way, I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos. 

    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    Love is simply giving of yourself unselfishly and unconditionally without expectation of reciprocation or reward. 

    On the surface, yes. I'm discovering that love is an energy for creating something out of nothing. Nothing is as it seems.  I'll report back with more findings shortly. 😉

    • Like 1
  9. @DelanoI've found that AI is the perfect coach for me. Many find that AI, or large language models, creates more work for the individual and increases productivity. For example, I consult as a product marketing manager for a microelectronics firm. I use prompts for Chat GPT to optimize my marketing activities for every stage of product development. ChatGPT explains every detail of the product stage and optimizes what marketing activities are best to employ and the best metrics to use. So, in this case, Chat GPT is instrumental in creating a work product model -that I could follow -but it also helps me add value to my offering. 

    I can do more as a strategic consultant than I did before.

    I think the challenge is for people to realize that AI is a tool that frees us to use our talents in the fields we desire. For example, if I want to build a hole in the wall, do I want to take the time to make a drill when all I want is the hole? Sure, that would be interesting, but why when I can buy one? 

    A woman just asked for SEO phrases in the bloggers' helping bloggers' forum. She's not interested in SEO. She wants to help curvy women over 50 look fashionable, and she said she has a blog. So, it took me less than a minute to ask ChatGPT to share the best SEO for her blog—and then I linked her to it. Check it out here. 




    For now, AI (LLM ) will help people do more than they thought possible. Now, when we get into Machine Learning and Deep Learning models - well, I suspect the same will be true - but it will leave out a lot of the population who just want to spend their time writing think pieces on Twitter. (Just kidding)

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/6/2024 at 11:23 PM, aka Contrarian said:

    I feel inadequate because my journey has not veered off into paths that called for me to be courageous as I trudge along, knowing that I know not.

    Is it possible our journeys don't always require courage? Instead, we design our journeys to bring forth an experience we may have yet to experience in another incarnation.

    I distinctly remember wanting to understand the currency of LOVE.   

    During those rough patches, I learned hard times don't require fearlessness. I  found out  I could be afraid and still do what's necessary. In fact, I knew that while I worked as a flight attendant. During inflight emergencies, I focused on what I could do to get the desired outcome. Even then, I leaned on Love. But I thought that's not LOVE, is it?

     So, when hardship hit home, I guess life showed me there was no difference.


    I wouldn't have had the strength if it weren't for LOVE.

    Love endures all and gives us the endurance to move through hard times. Courage hadn't crossed my mind because I wasn't directly experiencing the effects of the diseases—I was the witness who served everyone in the capacity the best I knew how. I wasn't always successful, either. My daughter shut down on me a few times. I didn't understand what she needed from me. I later found out she needed me to be in the moment. My mother accused me of treating her like an infant -I didn't know how to care for her either. Then I learned caring for someone doesn't mean infantizing them.   Through all the fights, I just wanted to understand what I was supposed to know about the experience. And I found that I learned the currency of Love.


    So, maybe every journey reflects the level of knowledge you want to bring forth. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Being a caregiver is one of the hardest jobs.
    Harder than raising children.
    .... because atleast with children you usually see progress as they age and it makes you feel proud of your work.

    If I ever needed a definition of what it looks like to Love another - this is the best definition, "Caring for someone without expecting a return on the investment" 😪

    • Like 4
  12. 42 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Me and the other poster frankster agree that dreams often are gateways to other Realities.
    So Lucid Dreaming is a Spiritual gift.

    We all have this Spiritual gift. Some of us, however, are born into families that prevent us from experiencing it. 

    Determining what elements I want in the dream would be like writing a story. I may have an idea for the characters or the story's setting, but I relax and let the characters reveal themselves in any setting they choose. I don't consciously decide the elements per se. - I drift off to sleep with a concept like the one I had this morning when I wanted to know more about personal stylists. If I told them what to bring or decided where we'd go, I'd miss out on going somewhere I've never been. 


    The beauty of lucid dreaming is exploration. (I don't know if I have out-of-body experiences, but I do "go" to new places)


    The two "dream" stylists even brought colors that I wouldn't normally wear—but even then, the colors they chose from the lavender and purple family revealed a story. The theme of my dream was "majestic," which wasn't surprising to me because my last thought before drifting off was Meghan Markle's new stylist. Lol. Still, the theme was based on information I was seeking without using a digital search engine, but a spiritual one. 


    You didn't ask, but if you don't mind, I suggest relaxing by breathing before you drift off to sleep. With your eyes open, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. (yes, be a mouthbreather for a few breaths 😊) Then, when you're ready, close your eyes while conscious of your breathing. Before you drift off, think of something you'd like to know the answer to but wouldn't ask anyone. Communicate the question to the DIVINE. Keep breathing while focusing on the information you want THE DIVINE to share. FOCUS on the DIVINE. Be persistent about not going into a deep sleep - if you go too deep, you will have a different outcome. (Nothing uncomfortable.  But I feel deep sleep is for healing.)

    The most important thing is knowing you will get the results you desire. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Delano said:

    I am finding it difficult to find people who think 


    What if, "thinking is overrated?"  What if we're realizing it is feeling, imagining, and creating vibrations that makes the difference in this world.

    And if that were the case what would life be like if that was our operating system?  

    Note:  I don't have a clue.  I don't know if that is an answer, but I am working on "feeling" deeply to change my part of the world. 

    2 hours ago, Delano said:

    So true life only means whatever we say it means.

    YES!!!  How many of us are bold enough to stake a claim! Even if no one else agrees. 

    I waffle from time to time, but once upon a time I took my meaning of life's claim from a song. Today, I still believe it. "LOVE is life and life is living."  But in this moment, I'm only beginning to understand LOVE as THE operating system.

  14. 2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    Can you Lucid Dream?

    First let me share how I define Lucid Dreaming. 


    "Lucid dreams are dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. This awareness can allow the dreamer to control some or all aspects of the dream, such as the setting, characters, and event."


    And yes, I'm aware of my dreams - and I recall them and write them down. I had one this morning because I thought about how some celebrities hire stylists to put their looks together. So before I awoke, I summoned two stylists from my dream to get an idea of how I could update my style. I usually allow myself to do this often when I need direction or course correction. I hadn't thought about it until you asked.  🤯

  15. On 4/3/2024 at 7:15 PM, Pioneer1 said:

    While I don't disagree with what you wrote, it should be understood that much of the weed on the streets of America today and most of the weed sold in the dispensaries around the nation is NOT real or natural Marijuana.

    It is either fake OR has been genetically altered with the THC levels enhanced to dangerous levels.
    This shit most people are smoking out here is making many of them psychotic.

    Both you and  @frankster  make excellent points.  I took a puff when I was a teen - and never took another puff.   I'm like @ProfD in this respect. I need to be in control of all my faculties at all times. I don't even drink wine in public.   Still, if it was natural marijuana, I wouldn't judge anyone who smoked it.  I've always been able to naturally leave this dimension, but some people need assistance to with the connect with the DIVINE - so who am I to judge?

  16. On 2/21/2024 at 7:56 PM, aka Contrarian said:

    I got all wrapped up in existentialism, and once I started pondering about whether life has any meaning , the futility of it all kinda neutralized my spirit.  I even started wondering if, as Poe wrote, "all that we see or seem, is just a dream within a dream". 

    OMG I've missed you, the woman formerly known as Cynique @aka Contrarian 

     A woman I used to be in a rap group with back in the early 90s now has a YouTube channel (Stephanie Danger). She asked her followers what name we would choose for our alter ego, and I decided on Contrarian. Today, I would choose "Neutral." 


    During these last two years, I also questioned the meaning of life after my mother underwent major heart surgery and two of my three daughters had major surgeries, one after battling stage 3 cancer. I couldn't be with my daughter (thank goodness for dads) because my brother is severely disabled - and during my mom's treatment (I almost lost her twice), I had to care for him. 


    Everyone pulled through, and by December 2023 - I concluded no one knows an effing thing. We make this bullshish up and look for followers to cosign our beliefs. The more believers we acquire, the more it becomes our collective reality.  


    So, thank you, Contrarian, for remaining here in this dimension. I can confidently say that part of your mission is to remind us that the majority is nothing more than a bunch of weak-minded and lazy folks who chose to follow the beaten path instead of dazzling us with their Divine creativity.

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  17. 16 hours ago, Troy said:

    I would not put it past Google to depreciate websites that do not serve their ads meaning, all things being equal, Google would rank a website serving their ads higher than a website that does not.


    Either Google knows this is my favorite site, or Google loves AALBC.  Case in point,  I was searching for the name of a filmmaker, and maybe there weren't a lot of results, but I can tell you I found content that I posted here earlier in the month - ranked on Google's first page.  😳

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