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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. @Delano I already mentioned I'm not talking about practitioners. Whatever a priest does in his private life does not change the tenets of religion. S/he may be changed by it but it doesn't change the religion. In fact, this is why excommunication is a thing. If one doesn't adhere or obey the tenets - they can't participate. Science is a study and can be tested. Religion is a belief and even if it could be tested obedience is still required. Or @Pioneer1 that can be Before Common Era / Common Era or Current Era AND "Astronomical year numbering is based on AD/CE year numbering, but follows normal decimal integer numbering more strictly." Other science disciplines also use this dating.
  2. @Delano I attended St. John's University, where there is a Vincentian mission. I didn't find out my philosophy books were censored until my oldest daughter went to college and took the same philosophy class! I still have my Socrates to Satre text book and guess what's missing? The allegory of the cave LOL! Anyway, I'm not talking about clergy or scientists and their individual pursuits. I'm referring to the differences between religion and science. We have CERN where they are smashing atoms - "Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works." Today, Pluto is no longer a planet . However- alterations aside, there hasn't been any updates to the quran , or scriptures. Religion requires obedience. You can think and discuss it until the cows come home; but you either follow its tenets or you don't.
  3. IMHO, No. Science has not become the new religion. Science requires a query, observation, contemplation, analysis, etc. Religion requires obedience.
  4. @Troy You've made somewhat of a qualified statement, here. But It's as if you'd like to refute "banning or censorship" based on the information we supply to you. To avoid confirmation bias, it's best to look for several sources of your own. For example, one of several sources I used was the link in the video itself to arrive at the censorship conclusion. @zaji was gracious enough to even provide you with her arc of thinking on how she arrived at her conclusion of censorship. But that doesn't support your stated belief that "It doesn't seem like it would be something TED would ban" So in answer to your question, yes, I know it to be the case based on evidence I've seen. I think that @Delano, @zaji know too. So, maybe if you find something different it will make for an eye-opening even fascinating discussion.
  5. Yes and no. We'd have leverage if we stop spending and borrowing. Also if we chose not to work for corporations but instead grew and produce raw materials, assembled products and sell wholesale to large corporations. Becoming producers would allow us leverage. We'd absolutely have to function as a monolith to make that happen. As far as wealth is concerned, however, we don't have leverage. We spend a lot of money but we own next to nothing. Black wealth is near zero percent here in America. Less than 1 percent of Black-American families have a net worth of 1.4 million. According to an article I read, 98 percent of available land is owned by white families. So, if we were to grow our own food or raise cattle or dairy cows we wouldn't have enough land to allow our animals to graze or provide them enough water. So, monetarily, if we were a country - we'd be a poor country with a lot of debt. Democratic capitalism isn't working for black folks as a whole here in America or elsewhere . Aside: I've pulled this information before when looking at the state of black women. Here's a link to an article that shares a lot of the stats I've read in the past.
  6. @Pioneer1 BAM!!! This is exactly what came to my mind when I watched the Science Delusion video. A lot of those "constants" are reinforced by the dogma of an unchanging god
  7. @zaji , I'm sorry for the loss of your sister. <3 Yes, a loss of a loved one will close us up tightly! In fact, loss of love seems to get us tangled in veils of darkness I believe that's how lower vibrations work - it takes away our innocence, our connection to ALL - so we can't "see", "hear" but mostly "feel". I think that's another reason why non-attachment is so necessary but at the same time, It's difficult to let go loved ones.
  8. @Delano you know I was all over that website this morning LOL! You probably won't believe I but I wrote about this before ever hearing about Sheldrake... my 3000 + word essay is called "God left the box, last night" and it talks about how science and religion attempt to have us believe in an unchanging god - so that we can forget our own true nature... I wrote and wrote but didn't finish it because I scared myself. I couldn;t figure out how I knew what I did without ever learning it... now I understand how I can know it. If one of us knows it we all know it.
  9. ALL OF THIS, @zaji All of this! I may have different omens, symbols or different names but that's irrelevant because all of this gets a huge cosign... I just recently went within and asked to be shown how our ancestors, the original modern humans functioned before they were colonized and westernized. Before we got sucked into this artificial matrix. I asked to remember our ways and now it's clear. We are in nature, the true matrix and there are forces within science working to have us believe we're machines. There's even a group that predicts we will be machines by 2044. At first I thought these people were insane - but now I see there's a battle. Your comment here and the science delusion video are one big giant god-wink reminding me to stop forgetting what I already know to be true! THANK YOU!!!
  10. @zajiYes!!! As a writers we know this because we have to show our work...If we seem to jump to a conclusion we at least have to offer how we made the leap. So you mean something as fundamental as a measurement can be fudged? Actually, that video made me throw up in my mouth a little. Even in part of the 3-hour roundtable discussion he sticks it to the mathematicians. When my daughters were in high school and college, I told them not to be afraid of math is not difficult. it's simply another language like French. Doggone if this dude just proved me right lol. I'm his newest fan girl lol
  11. @Delano , It was censorship. In this instance he used science to stymie a group of scientists. Instead of determining why the speed of light fluctuates they twisted themselves into knots to basically make excuses for what they couldn't explain. That's not science, far from it. If scientists closed ranks to decide measurements on what is observable then that's dogma.
  12. I have too and my experiences have provided different results. This one in going into my consciousness file... thank you @Delano
  13. @Cynique thank you for sharing! I had to go and find the app - to give myself a tickle. BTW, If I meet this man, I'm running in the opposite direction.
  14. @Cynique this is what I experienced when my body died briefly. I mentioned here before that I returned to THE ONE MIND where we all shared one thought (or the same thoughts ) It was only when I individuated and separated with thought of needing to return to this dimension that I was jettisoned back with the speed of light. I believe when we individuate with our thoughts and mind that is how THE ONE MIND expands - and when we seek peace - we return to THE ONE newly expanded MIND. By the way, I believe we do read each other's mind. When we shut down the "I" we can hear each other clearly.
  15. DeRay-Mckesson_CAA-Speakers_Web-330x360.


    "Brian Tart, President and Publisher of Viking says; "DeRay McKesson is the voice of a new generation, leading the charge in the fight against racism and injustice today,"   


    And that voice will sound off in the upcoming book with Viking - On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope by DeRay McKesson.   Read more here:  The Thriving Writer


  16. @Delano I just finished writing something similar to someone! I was sharing with him how the words will help people make the change. Or as I said, "people will get used to the concept if they see the words as I've written them. " Thank you for co-sign. even if you didn't know it
  17. Thank you, @Cynique ! You've spoken like a true Magus. I also believe we have everything we need. We just have to "see".
  18. This right here is helpful @CDBurns ! And when ever you get a chance to map and share the process -that would be helpful too! Thank you!
  19. YES!!! I subscribe to this theory too! In fact, I've written someone very similar! "Observations are not conclusions." !!!
  20. Your sentiment is beautiful, Zaji. Goddess level. I'm so at home in words but words have imprisoned me , as they have so many others like you've stated. There's a reason for "you have the right to be silent". It frees us from self-incrimination. Speaking of Goddess. Dr. Leonard Shlain shared how words imprisoned the Feminine in his groundbreaking book "Alphabet and the Goddess" : The conflict between word and image. I think in images. It's our birthright. Unfortunately. I can't draw a lick. Still I need to find a way to express myself visually - it's time I rid myself of the rest of these shackles. .
  21. I've noticed these discussions seem to get stuck on etymology, connotation, and or denotation of words that we use. I find it fascinating that our conversations continue to take this turn especially on this is literary website. Maybe there's a message in our musings. I'm not sure what is but like earth wind and fire sings: "Watch for the signs That lead in the right direction Not to heed them is a bad reflection They'll show you the way Into what you have been seeking To ignore them you're only cheating..."
  22. LOL! @Pioneer1 Zaji 's words have a different vibration than your composites. If she's is in your world - I would be really surprised.(and few things surprise me) Zaji seems to vibrate as a scientist and seems to be fluid. I do find it interesting that your ideas resonate with her... I feel there's a connection to you but it's more like a test subject because your words and ideas are familiar to her at another level. Maybe another dimension or plane? In fact, I feel like she's studying all of us - I feel that's her nature. But like I said, these are just feelings.
  23. @Delano, Yep! choice and freedom go hand and hand. Freedom, to me, means I'm exercising the right to act on my behalf. I have a sense of agency. If I'm only allowed to make decisions then someone is acting as an agent thereby usurping my freedom.
  24. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - Yes, @Cynique . This just reminded me that five years ago I would chant every day. I was wondering what was different about my life then but I noticed a lot of things changing. I may have to revisit this practice.
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