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Mel Hopkins

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Everything posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. "Good point", said the woman with 3 daughters. For now, however, I draw the line where "art", "religion", "politics", or any of our socio-cultural activity that draws its popularity and energy from harming women. Example nwa. Anyone who sings about offin' hoes and bitches - is obviously doing it in real time. so I won't support them. I don't believe Dre an'em have made one dime off of me. I probably watched "Friday" one too many times because I got tired of being left out of the jokes - but I will not support a group that is too stupid to realize without women their future is nonexistent. Still it is surprising to me how many people cosigned that brand of 'entertainment.' Then again, the labeling mentality is prevalent among those guilty of sloth.
  2. Exactly! I read a washington post article this morning re: Deray McKesson filing for his Mayoral Candidacy in Baltimore. The founding members of #blacklivesmatter serve on his advisory committee. I'm so proud of the young women who started the movement; they are showing how politics is really a grassroots project. They even have a call to action - "Campaign Zero" with solutions. This call can and may end up on a ballot in our precincts. If anyone is familiar with - Florida's Stand your ground law, they know it was started by a group just like BlackLivesMatter - except their group ALEC ( American Legislative Exchange Council) , is against the people, not for. Unfortunately, ALEC has a farther reach and bigger influence than BLM. Still these young folks are doing something with their voices and they are UNIFIED! I think that is what really scares the mainstream.
  3. Followed you on Amazon @CDBurns I think it might please you to know, Amazon sends me updates on the latest book you published. I have them all in my wish list now.
  4. Oh Snap! Forget facebook and google (alphabet) amazon is living up to its name...this is crazy!
  5. You really aren't obscure at all...lol And See what I mean - it doesn't happen automatically - I even have a browser that identifies that I'm in GA even when I go incognito. Dr . Troy Johnson came up because he's in Covington, GA. So unless you know something more about why my search would include you - I'm thinking you may hit first page results for others too... and how you did it is extremely valuable! So maybe you're "broke" but you are definitely a wealth of knowledge
  6. I reached my quota for upload or I would show you the page but when I use the Google search engine- "Biography, Troy Johnson, Founder of AALBC.Com is the top result!
  7. Re: Zane screenshot in your quote... This is pretty much what I get when I google my name... with AALBC.com coming in right after Amazon... Now what I did find, is when I type in "The LeadStory" my media communication business web site - it is #1 ... which is really confusing - after what @CDBurns mentioned about google webmaster tools ... because I didn't do it with that site... but I will keep pushing! "@Mel Hopkins, Google's search results OFTEN push "official sites lower in search results." Google is also a book seller, so people can learn more about books and buy them from Google without even leaving the search results page!" I'm giggling because a lot of what you respond to here, I mentioned in my last correspondence to you. I'm glad because it really allows me to know I'm on the right track. Google allows you to search inside the book which I believe is why it often comes up when I search for typical academic references. Also if you search for African Antiquity which I do quite often - those eBooks are free and Google allows you to save them to your digital library. Of course you have to sign into google to read your "free" book...so maybe some of us authors might be willing to do the same here on AALBC.com. Of course you can only read the book when you sign in but at least you can read for free...even if it's for a limited time. The method to my madness is I'm always looking for the pitch and placement angle - "AALBC... offering a digital library to readers/book club members " is pitch-worthy... But Zane is famous and has earned millions. I'm obscure and broke, so what do I know? I didn't know you wrote erotica too! But seriously, with the wealth of information you have here on the site - I already branded you, wrote and published several books for you (even if only in my head). I'll do you one better, when I do an incognito search for Troy Johnson ; your photo is included in the image - and aalbc is on the first page
  8. drinking straws at Sam's club was the best bargain I've found. 3000 straws for $10 First Straw: Sumerians #BlackHistory

  9. I agree. AALBC.com is a community - websites such as these even have community managers... I'm recently active here otherwise I would know who - but from what I've seen Troy, its founder, also serves as its manager. So by its very definition, AALBC is an institution. We, by participating, give it is power.
  10. Will do! I started to make some changes last night and my website locked up in google chrome. I had to restore it - and start again. It's not going to beat me! Thank you so much!
  11. "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." - HDT @Cynique I've only been active here long enough to experience you during your hibernation and I've felt a singe. (If I feel it, it's real) I could only imagine how "hot in "herre" it's going to be when you arise in the spring. I'm glad SOC cast didn't win anything - they may be fine actors but they portrayed terrorists - (of black women) .
  12. Thank you for this nudge! As soon as I read your article ... it clicked immediately what was missing! I didn't put my own name in the description - google SEO PDF reminds us to include key words that would pop up during a search.. I wrote about my novel! The only place my name appears on the site is the domain name, Title and description on home page. duh! I will fix my copy straight away! Thank You! great article!
  13. Yes, How did we have all those firsts among black people soon after and towards the abolishing of African slavery... how about the turn of the century 1900 I once did a black/women history tribute (february -march) and I was blown away be the large number of women who were: Union spies, awarded professional degrees, entrepreneurs, big band music managers, film producers, Writers, Journalists, Publishers et al.. I was astounded and kind of ashamed I wasn't doing more with the "freedom" I have today... So yes, I agree with Troy don't blame the victim not everyone is a leader, but I agree with you too! Those who are leaders need to do a lot more to make up the difference...
  14. Thank you! As I mentioned to Troy, if you use the Google search engine to find me on the net - aalbc.com/melhopkins comes up as number 9 on the first page - my amazon page come up at 8. Guess where my own website comes in? It comes up on the 9th page! - in Google terms my own website bearing my name doesn't even rank! Lol! However, I'm not just linking here for a high rank - I believe in the goal of AALBC.com - it was mentioned in the forum, we don't control any institutions - so if that's the case, only we can change that "truism".. Do you agree putting an effort into our own product and into a product that serves as a commnunity to be step in the direction to change that reality held by some?
  15. If I remember correctly, there is a post on aalbc, telling bloggers how we can help each other... I think the post is in a conspicous place - but if WE (because this idea benefits the whole and the individual) do at least one thing on that list we post our own blog post - we become a symbiotic unit without much effort... Edit: to add the two posts I am referring to http://aalbc.com/blog/index.php/2015/08/18/bloggers/
  16. I added one of my blogs. I remember seeing many of those blogs displayed on the black weblog awards. Maybe a partnership or combined promotional efforts with the organization may be a win.
  17. Thank You! I removed the image link and added the image directly.
  18. It's still displaying on my end - but I guess that's because it's in my pc. Let me edit again.
  19. Tired of the school's reading list filled with white boy and dog protagonist, Marley Dias kicked off her own hashtag #1000BlackGirlBooks which features Black girls as stars of their stories. Check out the PhillyVoice article here
  20. So thankful for this post! It is amazing how our thoughts can inspire each other!
  21. Absolutely, I am. I liken it to the same thought-process that pit light-skinned blacks against dark-skinned blacks...it is a divide and conquer "talented tenth" mentality that allows the stereotypes to flourish. We, for the most part, are very proud of all of our "Divine 9" brothers and sisters" And yes, I'm not going to act like those negative types don't exist within the ranks but I believe they are outnumbered. Unfortunately, those short-sighted "greeks" alienate a lot of good people who would be an asset to the organization. As for my experience, I believe our chapter was an exception to the "rule" because we were a commuter school chapter (St. John's U, Queens College and York - Queens, NY chapter) and our graduate chapter Epsilon Pi Omega was very active with the undergrad chapter Nu Mu (translation: We had grown-A women watching over us ) so it was quality of character, great grades, and community involvement over "prettiness" . And believe it not - many of my sands ( line sisters) and Sorors are still "doing good in the hood" today. I had to take a break because of my crazy schedule. I'll probably get active again.
  22. Actually since I am an AKA, I can see her pledging my sorority - - In fact, one of my sands looked very much like Da Button Pusha , when she was younger. A lot of folks gave us the business about pledging her because we promote that "pretty girl" facade. My oh so fly soror was having none of that nonsense and we accepted her as is. What most don't know about the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc...is this: we are very much into women empowerment. And yes even though we wear the "costume" the bottom line is about what we give back to our community that matters. Da Button Pusha seems to be right in line with those values. She probably wouldn't be bothered with us, however because of our "reputation'
  23. Da Button Pusha, message is outstanding... "don't let anyone outside you, define you" BAM! Exactly, how I raised my daughters! No one gets a vote on who they choose to be. Not even me. They came through me but they are not me... and I don't know what plans they made with The CREATOR before they arrived here in on earth. I told my daughters I was/am their guardrail. (not their" third rail" as a myspace friend once said) I listened to their dreams and helped them stay in that lane. I (along with the village) helped to protect them so they could realize their dreams... My daughters had me and the rest of our family - but not all of our daughters are so lucky. We need more women such as Da Button Pusha to drop science that will reach our daughters wherever they are - and help them find their voice and place in the world...without the "world" trying to mold them into their warped sense of what a woman "should be".
  24. Where do I sign up! Seriously my coding skills are limited to basic html -and I even have to use crib notes - but I would promote the heck out it of it once it's up!
  25. Heard on the local news last night : A 20-something year-old Black man here in Metro Atlanta won about 400-thousand dollars in the Georgia lottery. He was shot to death in an apparent home invasion on Wednesday night. His sister was in the house at the time but unharmed. The moral of this tale : Dreams do come true but when it does it's probably best to leave your neighborhood.
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