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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Why ask for my thoughts when you don't want a dialogue
  2. They could even do that meme with a mirror.
  3. I never said you didn't support her position so why are you saying this? Did you forget to answer @Troy
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-25th-amendment-democrat-swalwell-constitution-mentally-unfit-1268239?fbclid=IwAR1DP4VCsG1ZjnSRiamG0aeq7nVcX1f5AU6QuK9fbUap2ZOvKqk4o4A0PK8
  5. What scientific theories don't involve mathematics? What testing have you heard of that isn't statistical that proves a theory.
  6. Is it less obvious to you that some men have more emotional intelligence than the average woman.
  7. What i wrote doesn't apply to our relationship with each other.
  8. No thats what I meant to write. Why did you assume that i meant average woman? That's hilarious since Cynique has no interest in me.
  9. Apparently facts are not based in Bedrock.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/11/22/scientific-proof-is-a-myth/#481acd6f2fb1
  11. You are amazingly wrong. And some men have a higher level of emotional intelligence and empathy than the average man.
  12. A Myth is something true that never happened. he spent his life comparing myths and religions from around the world in an attempt to understand humanity and its fascination with stories. Joseph Campbell Thanks for the complement but your praise not withstanding. I have lost interest in trying to provoke or promote thinking differently about issues. This is my position based on communications i have had in the last week. The effort versus the outcome simply is not worth it to me. Based on conversations we have had our entire lives both my partner and i have decided to withdraw from certain dynamics.
  13. I thought this was pretty clear apparently it wasnt. I am neutral and will quote other people's words and definitions. For a change of pace. If am take a neutral position how is my reasoning even knowable. You can assume that's a rhetorical question. When in fact it is a statement. I am nit certain but rhetorical questins may in effect be statements or declarations.
  14. Its not as simple as yes or no. Troy. Going forward i will be neutral and will post other people's words and definitions. @Troy
  15. I gave this some thought and have decided to ne neutral
  16. The new me doesn't have positions. I just post other people's words and definitions. Change is good. Ill be listening to hear what the men think my positions should be in regards to various topics.
  17. Ask Chevdove I never said you didn't support her position so why are you saying this. I said earlier I agree with Pioneer about being neutral and not having a position. I am pretty sure you were part of that conversation if not I can tag you.
  18. I said both you and Pioneer are right. What else would you like me to say.
  19. I used to think my positions were based on reason. However Troy, Cynique and Pioneer have disabused me if this illusion. Can the triumvirate decide what i should do going forward. Any words of wisdom Mel or Chevdove?
  20. Incell agrees with your point @Pioneer1 Before Alek Minassian killed 10 people, the majority of them women, by driving his van into pedestrians on a Toronto street Monday, he posted on Facebook praising mass murderer Elliot Rodger and called for an "Incel Rebellion," an uprising of men who are angry women won't have sex with them
  21. Which is it, avoidance or confrontation. Can you tell me how to decide.
  22. It's like when I supported you Cynique and Troy gave me stick. So i will support Troy and Cynique, and we'll see what happens. What do you think I should think? Thanks Pioneer. I thought i was deciding based o the merits of the argument not the genitalia of the person. Perhaps I'll take a neutral position. I might ask everyone else what they think i should think. I feel more virile already.
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