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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Does that mean only Negros do the Wakanda salute. I probably won't listen to the new entire clip.
  2. That's a good question, which I can't answer.
  3. Professor Smalls Perhaps it is a smaller part in our lives. Plus it isn't putting me out of business. Gmail has its uses. Facebook allows me to keep in contact with people for low cost. Even had generated some interest in my Astrology practice. Allows me to be in contact with a few really good astrologers. It's actually my main news source. Which can be problematic as you know. At one point I even tried to use it to create a discussion group with you and two friends of mine. My friend Said is from Uni. He is from Zaire makes films about Africa and the cast and crew are Black, he does this on the side. He teaches primarily Black students and also runs an award winning debate team. Rik I met a few years after Uni. Also a Black Man he grew up in Brooklyn when it was rough. Also is into script writing in the side. But is in sales predominately. They were both keen as was I to be four Black Men in different field having discussions about issues. And the audience would be young Blacks. You never responded.
  4. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156129729207830&id=511277829&_rdr
  5. I was going to share this with you but you left Facebook. @Troy https://www.cbsnews.com/news/small-bookstores-are-booming-after-nearly-being-wiped-out-small-business-saturday/?fbclid=IwAR2v1SRv9vDvaF5XcA0SyoeHSeWRaZg3VeiAA_ypFUlHUXJPSRTuBFZDPAE
  6. @Troyyour expertise is drowned out by your hatred for Google Facebook et Al. It seems so emotional it detracts from your position. Yet you rely on Google professional which is understandable. And personally which is not. It's an unfunny joke.
  7. Professor Smalls may I call you by your first name Conflaytion. @Troy ardent? defense? Have i ever said Facebook was anything other than a pass time, not to be taken seriously? That's where we butt heads.
  8. Professor Small. I be not as educated as thou having only achieve a GAD Genuine Ass in Nine Da Gris Gris. These Phyllis Steens are smiting thee.
  9. I have never read a book during sex. So I'll have to agree with Troy. Wouldn't having sex imply knowing the person, at least in the biblical sense.
  10. Lighten up Black. Soul Music and Blues
  11. If there are more arguments we can call it antisocial medium. AM
  12. This implies restrictive is better. Let's copy the southern way, the South has risen in the mind of Troy. Then why would you be swayed by social media in the last two years. So you didn't learn anything from 1989 - 2015. And you got perspective from Cynique. Yet you are claiming expertise. Looking forward to your responses. @Troy @Mel Hopkins @Cynique @NubianFellow @Pioneer1
  13. Yes but there are really good sales on Martin Luther King's holiday, plus the song brought together Black people.
  14. Excuse me professor can you educamate me... What does "dude" mean? Professor what causes this weakness in others. Did you root it out of your psyche or did it not exist there.
  15. African Race then means every human, huwomen, those who don't indetify a gender, and any other category. Unless Africa wasn't the birth place of people
  16. Could you proof my writing and the ideas.
  17. Pioneer there are different levels of ownership.
  18. Dad Daddy Pop Pops Daddy Poppie Pa are all synonymous with father. There's an implied affection because of informality. If the young child is calling his parent father this implies formality and perhaps a lack of warmth or emotion. Big Daddy, Sugar Daddy, Big Poppa, Daddy O, Dads Da. The following were movie which ones do you think were mire formal . Poppie Da Big Daddy The Good Father Like a Lady of the Night.
  19. There's no place for name calling. My apologies.
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