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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Mel Hopkins granted I am not trying to convince you. But my question still is unanswered. Why do members of a group have similarities if language and culture aren't influential. Or accents and regional/local dialects. Yes Troy how does a person become analytical overnight.
  2. Here's a list of Trump's legal exposure. http://fortune.com/2018/09/21/donald-trump-lawsuit-investigation-charges-news-update/
  3. @Mel Hopkins if language and cultural aren't shapers then why so many similarities between members of the same loci. I am not certainly if thought is capable with outb language. Letters numbers are symbols without being symbolic.
  4. Your thought process is a function of language which means your thinking is conditioned by your language and culture. If you can't think freely or independently of your culture,then how can you be free of all the mental and emotional prisons. Which are more effective than actual prisons due to their intangiblity. Your example makes my point of deluding ourselves that we have choice by imagining situations in which we do. However you could argue that if I you believe you are free, than you are. Which is the appeal of religion and perhaps philosophy. You create some sense of control and order. In order to forget we are flying through space on a rock following a flaming ball of gas. At about 86,000 miles per hour.
  5. Freedom and choice or different. If you order from the menu in a restaurant you have constraints. You are to choose amongst the choices given. You are given choices of Presidential candidates which is different than choosing the President
  6. Yes Cynique there are choices to be successful in a presubscribed way. It's like gangoing members have choice but they aren't free . Part of socialisation is surrendering some freedom.
  7. I don't even believe in free will. It is not possible to be free of cultural or societal influence, unless you are a sociopath
  8. To put it another way do you feel people are free? Troy you live a life that is beyond reach of the majority of people. How many people do you meet that can travel across the country and have their own home and business? Also you have more drive and focus than most people, not just Black people. Who else do you know that has a forum for discussion.
  9. Keep them in check then why are there more billionaires and bigger wealth disparity? Viewpoint is a function of location perspective of experience. So I would make a distinction on how I was using the term. @Troy what about the dollars removal as the global currency any opinions?
  10. Troy I said the US dollar is on the way out. Perhaps it's more about perspective than location. Has being in Florida changed your perspective about New York?
  11. Here's ge link to the article https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-china-embrace-uneasily-aim-desirable-world-order-n910116. The removal of the US DOLLAR signals the end of American dominance.
  12. I will reiterate my point we are in the midst of a huge geopolitical shift. Like the say past performance is not indicative of future results.
  13. A Constitutional Crisis on top of everything else is not business as usual. This was reported by NBC news. Meanwhile, trade between Russia and China reached $87 billion in 2017, up from $64.2 billion in 2015. Putin said in Vladivostok that this figure is expected to top $100 billion for 2018, and that both sides want to increase the use of their national currencies in lieu of the U.S.dollar.
  14. yeah ok @Troy you seem to have amnesia Let me explain more p Black men die of old age or age related disease. But for young Black men homicide is the leading cause of death . The percentage is much higher than death from heart disease even though the aggregate numbers are smaller because more older people die. The larger point is that homicide shouldn't be a leading cause of death for any age group. Your statement about death from homicide being small is uncharacteristically insensitive and lacking in reason as well. Apparently it is. Strong women in general run into problems.
  15. How can you not know homicide is the leading cause of death for a segment of Black men. Claim that my inaccurate statement is totally wrong and then say you posted the chart. You also questioned why the chart was truncated. @Troy i said check it yourself then you say you posted it. Yeah go back you referenced but no table or link
  16. My point is that Trump is a Black Swan. There is no comparison. However we shall see
  17. Look up Black Wall Street @Troy No i uploaded that one Troy Florida will show you that whiteness trumps Wealth
  18. You have s break down in community across the board. You could be a life coach or start an etiquette school. When i was a kid girls and boys went to cotillions. It could be a successful alternative to nihilism.
  19. Either judge from your observation or think about what's different between the cultures.
  20. He washer upstairs neighbour. She shot him because he was a noisy neighbour.
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