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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Death isn't even final for trees.
  2. Cynique the same way you know what is going to happen next those people know you. The real you. I have had a curious thing happen to me three tunes talking with a friend. They will tell me something that is true. When I ask them how they know it they don't know. Yet they are dyte it is true. And what they say or write strikes me as italicized from the rest if the conversation.
  3. Billionaire owners are billionaires first, and a nationality later.
  4. He sounds more tragic, than evil.
  5. Troy - I am not surprised but I has the same experience as Cynique. There is no record of the search. I think I may have used Ixquick. The search would be "Akashic Records" + "book of life"
  6. I think this is the best and most exciting time to be on the planet. India and China used to be spiritual powerhouses, now they are financial. More minorities are in positions of power. And they will prove to be virtually indistinguishable from the old power elite. Once they are in power. I could be wrong, but it doesn't matter.
  7. Hi Troy, I'll check my history. Cynique from the little bit that I read. I feel that they are in non local reality. And are timeless and dimensionless,and probably exist in the dream space, or the place where intuition and creativity are born.
  8. Troy I'm talking about selling the bandwidth. They same way the airwaves are a public good, that has been sold.
  9. Well the next thing will be sell the internet to corporations. Yeah Facebook, naw Facebook. It is useful to me and it is relatively free.
  10. Came across a link relating the akashic records to the bible's Book of Life. Any thoughts?
  11. Yes I'm in Brisbane, I've been up here for about ten days. Will meet the parents at Sophia birthday on Thursday. Thanks, Del
  12. Troy Facebook is a popular site. So it's going to come up first. Leave em or use em.
  13. Hi Troy, are you talking about the background radiation or something else?
  14. Hi Troy, Things are well, the readings are picking up. Kids are well. And I'm in a relationship.
  15. He has working on the bomb, with the other giants of physics. The said in a room full of smart guys he's a really smart guy. One if the things he said was he developed a really good toolkit. And he could think of q problem from basic principles. Kind of like reverse the formulae for electricity are the inverse of magnetism.
  16. What's interesting about the bible is how much it is a copy of Persian , Hebrew and Egyptian stories. Which Christians seem unaware.
  17. I think you can substitute science and people do the sane thing. I think context is important. Otherwise you can misinterpret what is said and not be aware of your error.
  18. The chapter on Egypt is already interesting. " Living as we do at a time when science fixes so many things, one might insist that it can grant us an unbiased reflection of the past. The trouble is science nurtures its own biases. This is nor an indictment of science, just a recognition of its human origin and consequent fallibility.
  19. We propose further that what is left behind is more the result of subjective choice than reasoned analysis. Science does not systematically disprove occult theses; as a general rule, it freely elects not to consider them.
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