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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Cynique that is the issue exactly. You are very god st reading my mind. Do you root consciously. Mercurial is interesting because in Astrology Mercury rules thinking. I have found an aspect to Mercury. That amplified mercury. Hadn't paid much attention to it. I just thought I was making a statement.
  2. I am finding opposition from people. They believe their way is correct and mine is not. Yet I get better results oh well its good preparation
  3. Troy thinkers/readers are by nature a small segment of the population. Cynique the neighborhood watch is a collective group activity. So in my mind that represent a unified front.so I definition isn't dissimilar.
  4. And go boldly where no man has gone before.
  5. Actually I disagree, there have been neighborhood watches all over the country. I think there are two major issues economics and self love. Also this entire site is a community. So its ironic since Troy has united Readers/Thinkers. I think that is very impressive.
  6. It will be difficult without a historical culture. African Americans are the only hyphenated Americans without a country.
  7. Cynique life is nothing if not unpredictable. It's the first book I had read in a while. Thank You.
  8. Check this out. http://www.arhatmedia.com/tropzo.htm
  9. Should we change the name of The book The Tropic of Capricorn.
  10. Troy some people use the visible planets, some use asteroids, some use hypothetical planets, some use nodes some use the midpoints betwen planets, some use derived positions, some multiply the degrees. There are lots of different ways to view astrology. Light is a particle or a wave depending on how you look at it. Astrology is the same, its a philosophy and is only limited by the practicioner. For instance I'll read a transit the reverse way astrology says you should. I have my own reasons for doing so, and it seems to work just fine.
  11. The seasons start when the sun is 0 degrees of the cardinal signs. Which corresponds to the ephemeris not the dates you have listed. That would be local time. The cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
  12. Growing up at school it was white kids. At home there were more black kids but more
  13. The constellations and the zodiac are different in India they use they actual position. However mostly they only use up to Saturn. In the west the focus is more about choice. In India its more about dealing with your karma. So even though its astrology the focus is different
  14. It's becoming a polarized country. If you have frequent flyer mileage your affluent, You also are influential but you don't see that either.
  15. Actual position is sidereal the other is sidereal.The are somehst different India uses sidereal. Western astrology is predominantly tropical. They have different techniques, and focus on a different core group of planets
  16. There are that many different branches of religion and astrology
  17. I also said I find your approach commendable. Take the compliment
  18. The new information is old. Can you tell me how astrology works because that's a bigger question than how It's practiced
  19. How about busing. It seemed to help Charlene Hunter Gault. A black women who was one of four presenters on The PBS news hour formerly the McNeil Lehrer Report. Closer to home you and I have both benefited. We have opportunities or experiences that are out if reach financially or philosophically to most People on the planet. In my opinion you are being romantic , idealistic or humanitarian when you align yourself with the poor. However a find it commendable since it feels like a rare disease affecting some affluent Blacks.
  20. Perhaps diversity is more about eradicating ignorance. And acclimating people to difference.
  21. Smoke and Mirrors. Backing the wrong horse.
  22. I like the way you describe the process.
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