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Everything posted by Delano

  1. CDB you may not have wanted to be white, but I bet you dug that Eddie Murphy skit.
  2. A ha Chris you're on it but throwing joints is fighting. Never knocked anyone out. Figured Blue Khakis is like putting on the armour
  3. Yeah I used to throw joints as a kid, but mate. In the words of Murtagh I'm too old to be fighting. Love Peace and Hair Grease. I'm out like Bush..
  4. Macchiavelli said it best you must be a man of changes. Yeah I'm into magic mysticism mind and body. I am truly a Scorpio. Sometimes I'm water ice or steam. If I were to choose one word to describe myself it would be eclectic.
  5. Hey guys I wrote that, if you go back there are three different voices. Street, California valley girl and Wendy Williams. Guys can't you see the irony. None of the three.sentences are in.character for me.
  6. Guys I wasn't the one saying the sky is falling. You both start out saying being black.sucks. CDB there isn't one stand alone comment. I dunno y'all sound like two chicken headed biznitches. Like I know you are like totally not totally negative. I'm not sayin nutin I'm just saying.
  7. I forget who said it but Ronnie Reagan the guilt.
  8. Isn't Black Studies Sociology not Psychiatry.
  9. Troy sometimes I disagree with Cynique but she is rational and makes sense. I can't say they same about some of your recent responses. Plus what is your opinion about him.making jokes about Spanish He's had the same dangerous juvenile opinion since he did I Spy to being a Larry King. Unless you think he's joking about stuffing and raping women on.national tv. And he doesn't think anything is.wrong with his.comment. Wow. How is a Black Studies Teacher a master psychiatrist, master psychologist maybe. He doesn't know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist. And he is supposed to be a psychiatrist. So after checking his credentials and what he has said pubicly. I still stand by my original assessment. Do you.
  10. The author seems to think John Gentility Clarke is a master Psychiatrist. Because he taught the author Iin Black Studies. Sounds illogical to me.
  11. Wrong again. Troy i hqve about 300 books in my library. My ,conservative estimate is that I have read on average two hours a day for the last twenty nine years. So I read instead of watching tv. Ironically you either didn't read my post or perhaps you couldn't comprehend my question. How do.you get an A if you don't take a class. Also you may want to either read or think a bit more. The post says $500 for an A. And she received $15,000. Hopefully the error is yours and not mine. If you are going to use me as an exapmle don't get it so wrong. I almost have to assume you're trying to bait me., with the not reading crack. I am curious what do you guys think about the clips about Spanish Fly.
  12. Troy someone is posting in Russian one level up.
  13. In addition to the slit about Spanish Fly he seemed pretty pleased with spiking a girl's drink with Spanish Fly.
  14. Troy, there's a misunderstanding here. How do you get an A unless you take a course or a class. I am using course and class interchangeably. It sounds a bit like you are lumping me with all the uninformed people. It coulda be a high tech lynching and he could be guilty.
  15. CDB to me they are not similar. Cosby case is premeditated. And you get more time for premeditated crimes than crimes if Passion. If you rib the same bank twice its to counts of robbery. Which is how we determine hardened criminals repeat behaviour. Did you listen to the jokes he made about stuffing women. Ironically its on the album call It's True Beverly Johnson has some mental issues. And she had an order of protection against an actor. She may have an ask to grind. Maybe they all have an ask to grind. Once again I heard that he wasn't pleasant if you disagreed with him. I also heard that he was about touchy and inappropriate to women on set.
  16. Did you see the clip where Cosby request that a part of the interview be deleted. There is Bill Cosby the actor and Bill Cosby the man. Allegedly Dr. Seuss didn't like children,.Hitler was a vegetarian. And the Robber Barons became Philanthropists. How could Bill Cosby have this double life for so long. He's an actor. How did Jockey Foster raise a child in a lesbian relationship for years without it being news. How is that there was a protest in New York of thousands and it didn't make the paper. I couldn't read the article. It was illogical. $500 x 10 is $5,000. If she went to a 4 year college she would take between 30 to 50 courses. So 10 is one t is a third a lot. Comparing rape charges to alien abduction. Is ... Is problematic in the extreme first off we can't prosecute aliens but we can and do prosecute rapists. The author states he is partial. In justice impartiality is the ideal. Power corrupts It I'd rumored that both Mao and Castro had young girls delivered to them. Do its post to lecture Blacks about morals while you give drugs to young women. This defense is pretty fanning. I guess my big question is why he helped these women, and is wife is never present.
  17. Bill Cosby made a billion dollars for the network.
  18. Who is getting motivated. Thanks for the comment. Also decided to take a somewhat different approach. Actually its a very different approach.
  19. CDB what do you mean it is a motivational construct?
  20. Troy when people argue they use opinions a.d facts. I find what your saying about emotions depressing. Until you mentioned preachers.
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