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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Even before I was conscious of magick I was a believer. I also think that the space or distance between this world nad the magickal ealm is getting thinner. And you will see more birth pains protest and humanitarian action. Culminating on November 20, 2024. Which I feel is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. That year will be the first time that all of the planets have entered Aquarius. Thanks for retelling your story. Magick is everywhere you just have to open your eyes.
  2. Donald Trump will be the most unifying divisive President. He is divisive in speech and ironically this causing people to form allegiances.
  3. Mel Hopkins I will be checking into the forums more know that there is a companion voice to Cynique. Thank you.
  4. Troy here's a link to the cities that had marches, not St Petersburg in Florida is on the list. https://www.womensmarch.com/sisters/ Firstly the March on March wasn't just about Trump it was about equality. If you go to March on March they have photos from all over the World. And they have a 100 day action plan. I didagree Troy by April 21, 2017 the TRump Presidency will look very different. Donald Trump is the most unifying divisive President. I have said that before and will keep saying. It will be similar to my saying Trump could be President when very few people thought so. He is not bullet proof. H is going to be one of the most important president's ever. I feel sorry for him because he is going to have some very public failures, which he has earned.
  5. Donald Trump will be less in the public eye around mid yearMay 27 - July 11 2018. This may be due to mental or physical exhausation. Trump may be an insomniac. Ironically this condition is not new. This may result in Mike Pense and Donald Trump working very closely together. Trump also works better when he is not in the spotlight. Details of his debt obligations will also surface between February 2 February 26, 2017. It will also become clear that he is closer to his daughter than his wife. There may be some controversy through the end of March of work that Donald Trump or members of his family have undertaken. I had a look it appears that an investment partnership becomes public knowledge. There is a conflict of interest. This appear to be mid April 2017. April 2017 appears to be a particularly difficult month. In the following areas: Education; Investments and Family. Transiting Pluto in the the fifth(Investment) makes a quincunx to the midpoint of natal Mars and Pluto in the 12th(undoing and karma). Trans Pluto is making a square to Jupiter in the second house (fortune). From February 10 2017 to March 7, 2017 Trans Mars is in Aries and in the 8th house of other people's money. Mars in the 8th is trine Pluto in the 12th. Both known and unseen investors will assist Trump. February 21, 2017 - February 28, 2017 Mars in the 8th sextile Uranus, Sun and North Node. Trump likes to push things but he also is very good at creating opportunities out of adversity. March 5, 2017 Mars in Aries in the 9th trine Mars in Leo in the 12. An overseas or international investors assist Trump behind the scenes. Non astrological commentary. Trump's Presidency will be much like his business life, dramatic. My non astrological opinion: Trump is a Boom or Bust person. His failures and his successes are very public. I am not a Trump fan but i feel sorry for him. He has Mars, Saturn and Pluto making hard aspects to Sun Moon Uranus and the nodes. The next ten months he is transitioning from the frying pan to the fire.
  6. Troy raising the dead is a miracle or necromancy. No, Magic is to align yourself with the universe and enhancing or effecting a change. Dark Magic is going against the natural flow, by using your will to dominate a situation or a person Divintion is a type of Magic, casting spells is also a type of magic. Mel is that a yes for experience possibility or both? If you feel comfortable can you share your experience.
  7. Have you experienced and do you think it is possible?
  8. Some predictions about the Trump Presidency Donald Trump will be less in the public eye around mid yearMay 27 - July 11 2018. This may be due to mental or physical exhausation. Trump may be an insomniac. Ironically this condition is not new. This may result in Mike Pense and Donald Trump working very closely together. Trump also works better when he is not in the spotlight. Details of his debt obligations will also surface between February 2 February 26, 2017. It will also become clear that he is closer to his daughter than his wife. There may be some controversy through the end of March of work that Donald Trump or members of his family have undertaken. It appears that an investment partnership becomes public knowledge. There is a conflict of interest. This appear to be mid April 2017. April 2017 appears to be a particularly difficult month. In the following areas: Education; Investments and Family. From February 10 2017 to March 7, 2017 Trans Mars is in Aries and in the 8th house of other people's money. Mars in the 8th is trine Pluto in the 12th. Both known and unseen investors will assist Trump. February 21, 2017 - February 28, 2017 Mars in the 8th sextile Uranus, Sun and North Node. Trump likes to push things but he also is very good at creating opportunities out of adversity. March 5, 2017 Mars in Aries in the 9th trine Mars in Leo in the 12. An overseas or international investors assist Trump behind the scenes. 26 days after the inauguration takes us to Feb 16, usually my forecast are plus/minus a week. Which corresponds with the dates of my forecast Feb 9 - Feb 23, 2017.
  9. Donald Trump will be the most unifying divisive President.
  10. Troy how many White Women were in your sample? Every Four years the American Public is asked to particpate in a Beauty pageant. The winner has the platform that most aligns with the public. Hillary comes off as more of an elitist than a Billionaire. Basket of Deplorables not smart. Trump comes across as a billionaire populist. Hillary is Hawk not afraid to send your kids to die. Donald avoided the war. Perhaps the American public is more afraid of sexual advances from Hillary than Trump.
  11. I think I understand the oncept. But how is standing around outside going to influence a megalomniac? Can you explain how that puts pressure on Donald Trump?
  12. The Meryl Streep speech reminds me of the Madonna Speech. Both woman are part of an two elite groups. Millionaires and Celebrities. Celebrities are our royalty. Celeberity worship is not new. I bet you can name more celebrities from one decade than politicians in any 100 year period. Babe Ruth justified making more money than the President of The U.S. by saying that he had a better year than the President. Can you name a movie where Meryl Streep had black co star. There was an article about when will the disenfranchised white male voter realise that Trump sold them out. What about the othe disenfranchised people. Donald Trump wants to be noticed and maybe even Loved and respected by the public. That's not likely to happen. Since he is not a likeable guy. In my mins eye I can see his son Barron asking him some brutally honest questions, that Trump won't have answers. And on that day Donald Trump will be a broken man. Trump is the most important President ever, and his rhetoric will spawn unlikely alliances.
  13. I am not sure how boycotting Trump make a difference.
  14. Happy New Year. Pioneer. Troy Cynique. Look forward to some interesting dialogue in the future
  15. give up feeling of superiority for equality not likely, without a huge amount of pain
  16. Don't be so sure people will turn on him. Belief seems to trump Truth.
  17. I said Trump would win. Feudlism will be back now that VirtualReality is here. Enjoy the ride. You will see large scale Global Geopolitico changes from now until November 2024.
  18. yeah it doesn't look orderly
  19. Trump is going to turn on all the people who backed him. . He will be the most important President in our lifetime. is divisiveness will force people together. He is signalling a major shift. I reckon the next President will be under 50 years old maybe even 40. Troy we are in agreement that Trump is the President America deserves. He is us.
  20. The question is which Donald Trump will be leading the country. I'd he takes a more conciliatory position then he may be lose his supporters. While his detractors may not believe In the new Donald Trump
  21. It was and still is easier being a Dad than the husband role. Children just want attention and some guidance. Thanks Cynique.
  22. Pioneer you know the answer to that question
  23. It's an interesting way to meet people.
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