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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Jyotish as a whole is probably older than Western Astrology and it's lineage is intact. I am not interested in doing covers. Or copying what has been done before. Musicians have to do a lot of work to sound like themselves.
  2. Yes perhaps someone can explain it in a way you can comprehend. You have to be knowledgeable before you to teach. “Power is the ability to define your reality and get others to accept that definition.” Good luck Pioneer
  3. You're thinking of Swiss Bank accounts. I don't know that Sweden uys famous for tax havens. The Chinese gave us fireworks which may have lead to gun powder, dynamite is a bit different.
  4. Sweden gave us Dynamite and the Nobel Peace Prize in that order.
  5. Science is from the Latin scion to know. Religion is based on belief. So belief and knowing are by definition in opposition.
  6. I am quoting Troy from March 30, 2017 7:05 I hate to let you guys in on something, but feudalism has already returned. Once white folks started complaining about a lack of opportunity that should have told you it was a wrap for us spooks. But we are happy to be serfs, so long as we have cable TV, social media, sugary food, porn/sex, and some way to get high. We don't mind being bound to the land--most of us don't even have passports. We are happy to give away our labor for free (ala HuffPosty Bloggers) Here is a related article worth reading:
  7. Or because you are a rational human being. @Troy
  8. I try to read a bit and I heard of the leaves from a former boss who was from India. There is no benefit to me to research something, that is inaccessible. Instead of following I am developing my own system. Which is preferable than following a system that is not mine. This is what happens with some Practioners. At some point your craft speaks to you if you are devoted
  9. I test everything. BTW you never responded about my prediction about your income and work stopping on December 9, 2019 @Pioneer1
  10. Pioneer can you post either references or reasons for your two statements to me.
  11. Pioneer that's good in theory. Troy has worked in corporate America got his paper and created his own business. Yet you are telling him what people like him need. And that is the problem. Like I said we can't move forward because of ego and disorganisation. Congratulations then there's nothing I can tell you.
  12. Can you imagine what would happen if A Black Hospital was successful. Walt just look at the history. You can't be seperate and Black people as a whole function as the barometer for the bottom. So unless the powers that be change their mind. This is how it's gonna be. Also you will have a hard time stopping Black Brain drain. I laid out an overview for a Black Astrology group how to grow into a national group. A few people thought is was well thought out, yet nothing happened. We can't move forward because of ego and disorganisation. You want to be successful look at the beginning of House Music. Marginalised people congregating to express themselves. The coolest party had gay men and lesbian women. And at a certain point the best dancers danced together. I saw this happen once over literally thousands of parties.
  13. People are willing paying $500 - $2000 for a phone that lasts a year or two. The amount of money people spend on entertainment dwarfs the example you are using about vaccines. Now if you said virus protection software I would say perhaps you have a good point. For example Kaspersky Antivirus Software
  14. Pioneer if there are more blacks than are needed their unemployment rate goes up.
  15. What is the benefit of wiping people out. why not just take the resources you need and leavee the crumbs. Kind of like what has always happened. Some people have castles and planes. What's the advantage of wiping out the source of your wealth.
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