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Everything posted by Cynique

  2. Happy Birthday, April Fool. Let's hear it for "strapped-up sara, the homo 'ho", aka the lying barnacle who was kicked out of Alcoholics Anonymous.
  3. Obviously "strapped-up sara the homo 'ho" is still suffering with those flashbacks from her childhood, triggered by her dysfunctional incestuous family life. SMH After reading her childish rants, when it comes to "strapped-up sara, the homo 'ho" being a mentally disturbed pathological liar, I rest my case. She has become so obsessed that she's doing research, grasping at straws, and is stupid enough to think Kola Boof and I took our petty differences seriously enough to fight about it, had we actually met. How stupid can this deluded psycho get? She's lost touch with reality and judges people by her own silly standards
  4. Yea, but there is a vast menu of delicious food that you don't have to acquire a taste for. After eating it once, you keep eating it because it tastes good to you. A dog will do tricks for dog treats. Babies will nibble and smile when you give them a cookie.
  5. There has to be an explanation as to why all of the plants we cultivate and animals we slaughter are so pleasing to our palates. Why did we acquire and come to savor a taste for them? Is it some kind of trick of nature that everything that tastes good to us is frequently considered bad for us? Even an infant naturally likes things that taste good and so do our pets. Processed foods full of preservatives and additives still taste good. We eat what appeals to our taste buds and salivary glands and olefactory organs of smell. Man's brain seems to be wired to enjoy what we call delicious food.. And of course everybody's metabolism doesn't react to food the same way and longevity has a lot to do with genes. Some people eat everything and never experience debilitating effects. Others watch their diets but are not necessarily that healthy. Of course, exercise or lack thereof, is a great factor in maintaining a healthy body.
  6. Who is "Tony", you drunk, lying-ass dyke? I never said Kola wasn't formidable. i would, indeed, be leery of her in person cuz she was supposedly 6 feet tall. But deep down inside, Kola had a good heart. Unlike you, she didn't let the demons of her borderline personalty disorder, completely possess her. We were actually frienemies. You are pathetic. Pull yourself out of the gutter and go somewhere and sleep it off,
  7. CYNIQUE SAYS: This recent exchange that follows may have gotten lost on the thread invaded by the relentless postings of the serial poster, sara. I thought it was an interesting conversation that deserved its own thread. PIONEER SAID: "Nearly all diseases afflicting humanity are man-made either directly or indirectly from not living by attempting to defy and go against nature. Infact, what we called "Western Civilization" has been a major contributor to the suffering of mankind as people no longer live in harmony with nature. -Glasses are good for correcting your sight...but they also make the eyes weaker. -Cars are good for for fast transportation....but it makes the legs weaker and is responsible for thousands of people being killed and disabled every year. -Clothes and shoes are good for protecting us from the environment but they also make the feet weaker and the skin more delicate and vulnerable. Every holiday the most religious of people can be found stuffing themselves with all types of meats, breads, and alcoholic beverages.....and afterwards farting and talking nostalgically about the time when people ran around naked in a garden with only food that grew on trees as being the ideal way to live. Were human's made to eat meat? Where are the fangs and why must it be cooked first? Where humans made to eat bread? Who even thought up the relatively complicated process by which bread is made? Many people believe that the only food human beings were designed to eat are fruits and water, not even vegetables that must be cut and boiled to be edible." ____________________________________________________________________________ TROY RESPONDED: "Pioneer, you know all the examples and symptoms you described, eyeglasses, clothing, and cars, none of those things are diseases. I seriously doubt anyone who needs eye-glasses would agree with or care about your assertion that they cause weakness , nor would any one who needs clothing to protect them from the weather or a car to transport them. Man, lets keep things in perspective. So-called western civilization despite all of its ills has improved the quality of life, certainly if you measure it by life expectancy and infant mortality in particular. There are scientists who argue that modem man evolved because we cook food, not the other way around. Cooking food actually reduces greatly the amount of energy we need to exert in order to consume it. Man can consume meat just fine, we are adapted to do it. The whole notion that homo sapiens evolved to eat only vegetables flies in the face off all the available science, despite what some vegetarians might have you believe. Those vegans have the luxury of being vegetarians because they can go down to the Whole Foods and buy this stuff with relatively little effort. If these "nuts" were in the wild they would die from starvation or malnutrition come the first winter. Whenever someone starts a sentence with, "I believe God...." I stop listening, because what man knows the mind of God? Who would presume to know what God knows. That is like an amoeba presuming to know what Einstein knows. Of course man was meant to eat meat. We are omnivorous."
  8. That roll of toilet paper you call a girlfriend is really going to be in for it tonight. The only thing worse than a horny liar, is a drunk horny liar. Strapped-up sara, the homo 'ho. pitiful LOL
  9. ???? Compared to you, Kola was quite well adjusted. (Your response was off the mark, as usual.)
  10. What else can you do but laugh?? You've run out of lies to defend yourself. SMH
  11. Hi, Mel! Finally! A woman who has it all together and is confident without being condescending and supercilious. In addition to that, she is just plain likeable. As for me running off published authors who have come here, I can't name one who I ran off because the few who did stop by, were well-adjusted people. LOL
  12. It's amusing that sara tries to pass herself off as a mature, civil person, when she is actually the anti-thesis of this. Another example of how she lies. Nor can she deal with rejection. 'Guess every time she has a liquid lunch we can look forward to her accomplishing the very easy task of making an ass of herself.
  13. Well I see the barnacle-known-as-sara that has attached itself to the good ship AALBC is still around, trying to legitimize the crap it puts out there. Of course it never wants facts to get in the way when it seeks to impress. I wasn't talking to Harry but to the devious barnacle suck-up who attached itself to the information Harry offered while not offering one iota of proof of its own silly claims.
  14. It goes without saying that anything concerning lying-ass sara is NOTHING. LOL
  15. My girl. Reading what I considered to be the definitive biography of Nella Larsen several years ago, was what piqued my ongoing interest in the Harlem Renaissance. Nella was one of the lesser known authors in this movement, kind of overshadowed by Zora Neale Hurston, and led a rather complicated life. Why I have a special interest in her is that when I was 10 years old, I spent the summer in Nashville, Tennessee, with my Aunt who was affiliated with Fisk University. In Nella's biography it talked about the period she spent in Nashville because she was at one time married to a chemist who was a Fisk faculty member, and he and Nella were part of the social circle of other Fisk figures such as poet Arna Bontemps, sociologist Charles Johnson and musician John Work, all of whom were among the "new negroes" who comprised the Harlem Renaissance. As soon as I saw those names while reading Nella's bio, I realized that the children of these people were the kids I had played with during my summer in Nashville.
  16. Come on, Pioneer. Meat supplies iron and protein. Bread and vegetables supply fiber.The body needs a certain amount of salt and sugar. Moderation is the key.
  17. LOL Sorry, my impromptu anecdote didn't fulfill your request, Pioneer. Guess I wasn't inspired - something for which I'm sure Troy is grateful. Enough of making a mockery of AALBC's mission. Surely, you are aware that there are internet sites where you can go to get your vicarious thrills. But be careful, I hear they can become addictive. I've never known a woman who had the time or the desire to curl up on a couch, and sip hot chocolate while reading a romance novel, so I can't help you there, either. Maybe you should polish your bedroom skills, do a better job of whispering sweet nothings, and rub yourself down with some cocoa butter.
  18. Ooooh get over yourself. ZZZZZZZZZZZ Who gives a damn about who or what you are. Forget the lies, the truth about you is bad enough. We know you want to prolong this because it's the only way you can get attention but no point in beating a dead dog to death. So stop baring your canines and go gnaw on a bone. LMAO.
  19. Chicago never wants for controversy. The city abounds with it in all areas: politics, police misconduct, gang killings, a pending teachers strikes, an increasingly unpopular mayor. A couple of weeks ago, I could barely finish wiping my tears over the collapse of my beloved Chicago Bulls basketball team, when a spring training episode erupted in controversy centered around the White Sox. Because one of the Sox's designated hitters with a big contract, was called out by the general manager for bringing his 14-year-old son to work every day, this indignant player opted out of a lucrative contract and quit!. Chicagoland immediately began to take sides on this issue. The scenario was that this home-schooled youngster was brought to work by his father every day. He had his own uniform with a number, his own locker, his own spot in the dugout, and was a daily presence during practice work outs, something his father was under the impression was OK. Although most of player's teammates remained silent about the issue one of them vehemently sided with him and vented his displeasure with the black general manager of the Sox. This quickly became a topic of conversation throughout the city. Local black talk radio was blowing up about this incident having racial over tones. speculating that the white player and his white ally had issues about the black general manager flexing his authority. Local fans were equally vocal. The issue of a professional being allowed to bring his child to work everyday, sparked TV Evening News surveys which were overwhelmingly against the player. And the idea that this father would forfeit millions of dollars in unpaid salary to protest not having his way about his son, was looked upon with disbelief. Almost everybody thought the player was stupid for walking away from all those millions. When the story went viral, even my guilty pleasure talk show host, Wendy Williams, weighed in saying some parents are too indulgent and she and her audience agreed that a parent bringing a child to work every day was unfair to co-workers. Her assistant spontaneously piped up, confessing she actually hated being around all kids but her own, something I suspect a lot of people secretly agree with. Talk show host, Bill Mahr, in his take on this subject went her one better, by saying he hated being around all kids, period. LOL This brouhaha is yet another example of a growing breed of parents who, because their worlds revolve around their children, think everybody else's world should, too . Colleges say that incoming freshmen classes have been so pampered and sheltered by their hovering "helicopter" parents that these kids have no concept of how to cope with the real world. They expect everything to be handed to them and done for them and are steeped in feelings of entitlement. There are even reports of helpless young women in the dating pool lamenting how few skills their equally helpless boyfriends have; they can't change a tire or a fuse and when it comes to fixing things around the house, their knowledge is limited to replacing dead batteries in the remote. Another favorite gripe concerns youth sports, where participation trophies are handed out to all members of both winning and losing teams so no one's little darling will have to experience the agony of defeat. tsk-tsk IMO, coddled youngsters immersed in a Wi-fi environment, do not bode well for the real world of the future. Except for the Artificial Intelligence machines that are waiting in the wings...
  20. Hummmmmmm, I clicked on to "reply" and this quote popped up on its own. WOOOOO Could supernatural forces be at work here??? I'll take this as a sign from the nether world and be brief. Sara can lie and deny and spam the emoticons that prove her to be as childish as she accuses others of being, but I stand by the undisputed words that appear above. BTW, Anybody who addresses "CDBurns" as "CD" is not detailed-oriented...
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if she did remove the post where she bragged about how popular she was in the publishing industry and knew "scads" of budding young female authors. On one occasion in particular I recall her saying her book was in 1,000 libraries all over the country, as well as Europe, further stating in response to our dubiousness that she "knew her demograph". So her "best seller" is probably a text or reference book since she is so quick to cite statistics and so eager to post and explain maps about the middle east, drivel that Pioneer challenged. She was also very eager to lecture about things that people here already knew about ethnic groups and the civil rights movement, so non-fiction is probably the genre she works in and she may be published by a University press. Our first clash was when she chided me for referring to the civil rights movement as a "quest", a word she apparently didn't know the meaning of. I also had to set her straight when she asserted that Jews never anglicized their names, and she apparently didn't know JFK was the first Catholic president or that black nationalism dated back to Marcus Garvey. (She will of course deny all of this) Her condescending attitude and tendency to underestimate people's intelligence is what got me on her case; not an inferiority complex or envy or jealously or the insecurity she desperately cites as the reasons she incurred my hostility. I know damn well I'm cynical and devilish and don't make fans but Sara is clueless about being a snob who believes being "accomplished" compensates for her being asinine. As I previously opined, she apparently surrounds herself with syncophants; brown nosers who flatter and humor her, or dummies who are as shallow and phony as she is. LOL Whatever. Hummm. Well, when it came to intimacy with my lover, I wasn't big on foreplay. I preferred getting down to the bare essentials quickly... OOOOOOOH WEEEEEEEE YES! ... Basking in the afterglow supplied the romance...a leisurely-shared cigarette...a goblet of wine between us, and lotsa provocative pillow talk...Baby, baby, baby...Yes, Love, yes Love, yes, Love.... Then a short nap, our bodies entwined...... Slowly aroused, dreams would fade...seconds came next and so would we...time would stand still...the earth would move......and all was right with the world...... LOL
  22. LOL Typical sara response. But what can you expect from a proven liar who, for some unknown reason, thinks people feel inferior to a nobody like her. Ever in denial, that's apparently the only "idea" sara can come up with to distract from her utter mediocrity. She's so transparent that she's like a roll of Scotch tape, envious because I have the liberty to post my recollections on a site that bears my name. But don't be shy, sara. Join in! Share with the board the first time you got turned out by another homosexual. I'm sure Pioneer would love that! Sneaky sara may not go around posting pictures of herself, but she admittedly skulks around the Internet, hunting for a message board audience to feed her need for adulation. Finding little success, this board has become the latest stop for her and her concocted groupie sarafan. ROTFLOL
  23. I've lost track of who is saying what. But What a crock. Your version of an idea is to vet my personal reminiscences in order to portray yourself in a favorable light, and you think nothing of lying and distorting when trying to make your points. You constantly boast about outfoxing me when all you do is parrot the same ol litany, giving clues to the pathetic effect your dysfunctional childhood has had on you. Poor ol sara. Self-delusional and self inflated in addition to being a pathological liar, - a petty, hapless nomad who wanders from message board to message board, seeking validation for being your inimitable, devious, obnoxious self, finally leaving with one fan, who you create in your imagination. ROTFLOL. As for your anonymity, maintain it. I don't give a damn who or what you are. You gave such a poor accounting of yourself on this board that I don't blame you for not wanting to reveal your identity. In the meantime, tell your girlfriend to quick! bring the extinguisher because your pants are on fire, LIAR. And to anybody out there who is reluctant to come to this board because of me, I implore you to get some gumption and step up. I do my thing because besides Troy, Chris, Harry, and recently Pioneer, nobody else is posting. So I just fill in and share my experiences and observations and latch on to other folks' conversation because sometimes a question is begged. Whatever. Come one, come all! Show some backbone.
  24. Let's just humor sara. She's in her multiple personality mode. Come out, come out wherever you are sarafan. Step up and join the discussion. Don't be shy. I welcome you. Why hide and cower on the fringes and let a liar do the talking for you?
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