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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. High minded talk, is right. Solutions offered are hypothetical, as opposed to realistic. White Supremeacy is comparable to the name of a sports team. and like the NFL or NBA or NHL, whatever team defeats all the contenders, wins the privilege to call itself supreme until another team defeats it. Nice guys finish last, and morality is just a word, as the pollution of religion proves. Might makes right. Power is the other side of the supremacy coin, and "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It's the nature of the beast. LOL My screen name speaks for itself..
  2. In case anyone cares, EMPIRE is back and the season opener aired last Wednesday. As the resident pop culture vulture, I would be remiss if I didn't provide a re-cap for anyone who missed the return of this hip hop soap opera. Watching the first installment, I could understand how, like the Roman Empire, this show is in danger of toppling. Rating are on a downward slide and one reason for this could be the plot redundancy so apparent in the premier episode. Rumor has it that fewer celebrities will be making cameo appearances, a decision I question because familiar show biz faces popping up were what kept things entertaining. Apparently Naomi Campbell didn't get the memo because she is back. Having made good on her promise to mount a hostile take-over and seize the reins of Empire from Lucious Lyon who banished her for making out with Hakeem, his youngest son, she reunites with Hakeem and invites him to share her power by declaring himself to be the company's new leader. As expected the chic, ubiquitous Cookie continues to walk the runway, hoping to find a recipe that will enable her to create her version of the Lyon legacy. and put a stop to its medley of musical CEOs, wherein every time the music stops, a new leader seizes the throne Preferring to work solo, her sometimes loving husband, Lucious Lyon, still on the radar of the Feds, attempts to mow down all the troublesome wildebeest grazing on his turf, interfering with his plan to reclaim his high-jacked dynasty. The fact that his album is competing with his middle son, Jamal, for an award show trophy does not seem to command his interest. Between all of this intrigue, is the updating of the cliff hanger from the final episode of last season. Instead of dying from a fall down the stairs, the pregnant wife of Andre, the oldest son, survives the tumble but loses her bundle as mystery surrounds who did the dirty deed that ended her motherhood. Could it, as the plot hints, have been Lucious' ex-girlfriend who is now the third leg of the triangle comprised of Hakeem and Naomi Campbell. Coming together to mourn this loss, Cookie and her crumbs decide to once again stop feuding and find a way to recapture their legacy. Somewhere between all of this drama, Cookie is given a crash course in the fluidity of love as seen through the eyes of the gay middle son, Jamal, an interval which, of course, calls for a forgettable rendition of a song he has written about the subject. Anyway, this is kinda how it all went down and you get the idea,- or maybe you don't. The second installment will air on Wednesday, promising more of the same. Unfortunately. Elsewhere, the final episode of the OJ murder case runs tonight, and we get to find out whether or not Simpson is found guilty and if Marsha Clark and Chris Darden drown their sorrows in bed together. It's been a thrilling(?) 10-week excursion into the past, providing the TV audience with a suspenseful recounting of this sensational crime that Americans can't enough of. Spoiler Alert: OJ beat the rap and nothing came of the Clark/Darden hook-up.
  3. Could you exert your influence and see that Hillary wins the New York Primaries. I'm sick of the Bernie fans yapping about his "momentum"! Power is relative. On second thought, I have known a few powerful black men. When i worked at my local post office, the Post Master was the "HNIC" and he ran it. He was a big fish in a small pond, but he did have power. I guess my kids thought my husband was powerful. He was tall and husky and didn't take no shit. As long as i was bringing in a paycheck, however, I was not so easily influenced.
  4. A lot of time, what is overlooked is whether or not Blacks feel superior to Whites. They are not above ridiculing them, ignoring their standards, attributing very bad things to them or just plain dismissing them as "crazy white people". Implicit in this behavior is a feeling, if not of superiority, of at least rejection. I'm sure this dates back centuries, when it began occurring to the slaves that Massa was kinda stupid and Miss Ann was an airhead. This, in a small way, was empowering. Human beings are flawed. We should stop expecting them to be paragons of virtue. When individuals deal with each other daily on a one-on-one basis, race very often fades, I worked on job with a white female co-worker who hated another white worker, and would get mad with me if I was friendly toward the woman she hated. I'm sure a lot of people have had similar experiences.
  5. LOL. Well, Pioneer, There's nothing left to say. You pretty much covered all angles. Me, myself, I was never particularly attracted to the bad guys. I liked the cool, laid back articulate ones. They say that power is a great aphrodisiac. Funny. I don't think I've ever personally met a powerful black man, although I know they do exist. I confess that I am not that well-traveled. Back in the day, when I'd go hang out at the club, cat fights would sometimes break out, and guys would step up and break them up if things got too violent. These were usually older men who would play peace maker.
  6. I think Bernie's people will dispute this. This is what their platform is all about. And Clinton is jumping on board with the same message. Just about everybody agrees that rebuilding America's deteriorating infra-structure is not only imperative but would provide thousands of jobs.
  7. Do you have a solution, Doctor Jazzy? The monumental scope of this problem is mind-boggling. It should be obvious that, if after all this time, the problem hasn't been eliminated, then elimination is not a part of the solution it's part of a self-perpetuating problem. If we look closely at the Big Picture, we will notice that the world is in a state of flux; variables abound, and human beings vacillate. One thing that is constant is a desire to thrive, Another persistent factor is a vulnerability to corruption. Just because people are deprived, doesn't make them immune to sin. The "have-nots" want to become "haves" so they, too, can wield power and indulge their greed and manipulate justice. If the "have-nots" become the "haves". there's no guarantee that the situation will improve. Whomever is in control is who reaps the benefits of power and the wherewithal to oppress. The way of the world... I've come to the conclusion that since their organizations and demonstrations and charismatic leaders are just going in circles, Blacks just have to concentrate on their personal sphere of existence, try not to burden themselves with a lot of baggage, and use whatever resources are available for them to get ahead. Millions of them have done this. The newly-elected Democratic candidate for Chicago's Cook County States Attorney is a young black woman who grew up in Chicago's notorious Cabrini-Green projects, the child of a single mother drug addict. I know what I am saying is just hot air to you, Doctor Jazzy. So cool me off with some answers, instead of questions.
  8. @TroyI am not a "staunch" supporter of Hillary i am just a cynical skeptic of Bernie. And in the spirit of digging up dirt from the past, which seems to be the forte of Bernie supporters, I decided to mention that Saint Bernie had a child out of wedlock. I was going by polls when I said more Blacks are supporting Hillary than Bernie since everybody likes to cite figures. Plus, at a gathering I attended on Easter, I myself was surprised by how everyone there, many of whom were your age, were supporting Hillary. One of these was a New York resident who was visiting her mother for the holidays. Go figure. As for applying the simple solutions to complicated problems dogma to Obama, I'm surprised that you, who chided Obama for bailing out the banks and being a care taker of the status quo, would make that rationale. The carefully crafted "Guest" manifesto has appeared all over the internet and the more I read it, the more I become suspicious of it being a ploy to divide and conquer Democrats in the hope of sending disgruntled Bernie followers into the Trump camp if Sanders doesn't get the nomination. @CDBurns You may very well be representative of a silent voting bloc; those who vote their pocketbooks. They may wield more power than expected because these entrepreneurs and professionals come from all races. Their hearts may be with one candidate but their heads are with who will best serve their financial interests.
  9. I have a problem with Bernie supporters like this "Guest" poster of patented propaganda, most of which is old news from years ago, while the rest consists of blaming Hillary for the sins of her husband, citing a lot of things which if vetted objectively can be discounted, To me, "Guest", is an embodiment of the Bernie followers with their inflated sense of nobility. They're so busy patting themselves on the back for exercising what they consider their "integrity", that they are blinded by their own halos, Contrary to what "Guest" claims, white Bernie followers, themselves, take on the role of standard bearers for the poor negro masses who are misled and can't think for themselves and need to be rescued by do-gooder bleeding hearts and their allies of warmed over latter day black radicals and young wanna-be revolutionaries all recycled from the 1960s. They spend all their time demonizing Hillary while glossing over how Bernie, in his role of savior, will pull off his miracles by applying simple solutions to complicated problems, something he didn't do when he fathered a baby out of wedlock back in the day. Like Trump's following, Bernie supporters think he is going to save America, not by reinforcing racism, but by dismantling capitalism. Lotsa luck. So far, the rank and file of black voters and their practical leaders are backing Hillary because Bernie is an unknown entity and black folks tend to go for what they know and be placated with what they can get. Only the young ones are idealistic. Hillary is certainly not perfect but being perfect is not a requirement for becoming POTUS. The job calls for a broad global command of issues and a doable mentality. Actually, she is Moderate Centrist and Bernie is a Leftist Progressive and they are not that different in the people they purport to represent. They are both promising reform, although to listen to the Bernie's fanatics who are stuck in the past, all Hillary wants to do is line her pockets and represent the rich, something my gut feeling tells me is not the case. But, that's just me. Come November, I won't cross my arms and purse my lips and not vote if Hillary isn't the Democratic candidate. Instead of pouting, I will simply vote for Bernie if for no other reason than it will be interesting to see how it all works out...
  10. Being bored has nothing to do with being foiled, Dummy. SMH.
  11. Another senseless reply. How many re-writes did your "book" require? Probably drove your editor crazy. Unless of course she was a homosexual like you and you licked your way into getting published
  12. LOL You have no idea how transparent you are, "strapped up sara the homo ho". You're really pathetic. So hard up for attention and approval, going back in the archives, desperately searching for anything about Kola Boof, you new "crush". I thought you were being satisfied by your girlfriend but I guess she's not enough. . Fortunately, I don't have to expend all the energy you do trying to make your point - whatever it is. All anyone has to do is read your incoherent posts and it's crystal clear how right I am about you being mentally disturbed. You have made me your project. Watta fool.
  13. The only thing gettin unravelled around here, strapped up sara the homo ho, are the lies you try to pass off as true, while looking for sympathy and feeling sorry for yourself because you "can't say hi to someone". Poor ol thing, Why don't you coax sarafan out of her hole and bring her on board so you can feel better about yourself. something that's hard to do, I know. But stay away from mirrors. That might help.
  14. Where ya been, strapped up sara, the homo 'ho, Just finishing dinner? - enjoying a hearty meal, courtesy of your naked girlfriend?? SMH. Your responses are so lame. They never make sense; total non sequitors. And your memory is bad. .It's you who were screwed by your strapped up ol grandmother. That's why you can't get the vision of an old wig-wearing snuff dipping woman out of your head. Another one of your obsessions. You really do need therapy.
  15. Me and the bard definitely agree that your ranting is the sound and fury of a lying idiot saying nothing. We can also quote another verse about "strapped-up sara, the homo 'ho" whose girlfriend tells this crotch face just where to go.
  16. So you finally admit that you are bullied and that is why you are whining and lying and making an ass of yourself. Man up! That should be easy for you do, considering what you are. Making an ass of yourself may turn on your girlfriend but it's a pitiful repetition on this site.
  17. Sara's incomplete quote was: Cynique said: This recent exchange that follows may have gotten lost on the thread invaded by the relentless postings of the serial poster, sara... Sara's response was: Your bitter, lying, dog hair wig-wearing, about-nothing, envious bitch azz just can't get enough of my stomping it, can ya? All I have to do is to say "hi" to anyone on this board and here you come, fingers tapping, leathery old titties flying with every gasp under that nasty raggedy slip and swinging away with that big spoon, hoping to make contact as you derail the thread. GTFOH! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cynique says to sara: Maybe you and your devious self will get your fill of cutting and pasting incomplete quotes in order to make yourself look blameless. _____________________________________________________________-____ Cynique responded: "We", hell. What does a sub species aberration like you know about herbivores? It's obvious all you eat is your own feces which you lick off of your underage girlfriend. LMAO.
  18. LOL LOL are you talking about me saying "only the strong survive"? And did you mean to say replace "strong" with "evil" instead of "evil" with "strong"? Come on, not everybody who survives is evil. And just because people are weak, doesn't mean they aren't evil. Will a Bernie victory be a precursor to that scenario? I think the nation will be ripe for upheaval after the upcoming elections but in an article i recently read, the author said that this national unrest is much ado about nothing and that when the smoke clears, everybody will just get on with their lives. Maybe we are in a panic mode because of the MEDIA whipping the population into a frenzy
  19. First of all, we stop thinking of Life as a movie where things follow a plot that ends with the problem being resolved. Random luck plays a part in the course of events. Concrete plans become fluid because of extenuating circumstances which involve solutions to problems giving rise to more problems. Justice is very elusive and Equality is a myth. Observe the pure primitive society of the animal world, where the law of the jungle prevails and is unwavering. Only the strong survive and sometimes strength involves the ingenuity of symbiosis. For humans, the perfect world will never exist because Life is not fair. IMO Admittedly, I am an Existentialist. and since nobody else has responded, that is my input. Maybe an optimistic visionary will enlighten us as to how to succeed where others have failed. Praying folks can also chime in.
  20. Well, we are all individuals and, for lack of a better solution, just have to get our priorities straight, keeping in mind that we also have individual metabolisms and that one person's meat is another one' s poison. IMO, Life is too short and relishing delicious food remains one of its enduring pleasures.
  21. Yes, thanks to the Republicans, lies are the new truth. It's a very simple formula that works because people believe whatever keeps them in their comfort zone.
  22. Yes, white supremacy is an actual influence but "hope springs eternal in the human breast" and eliminating racism is a goal that blacks perpetually yearn for. Scientists are still trying to figure out the paradoxes of quantum physics, something which supports the idea that a problem can exist independent of a solution. Sometimes an equation has to be re-written.that better applies to the dilemma. White supremacy came about because people who invented the term are supreme at maintaining their power. Turn white into brown through in-breeding, and Mother Nature will eliminate the white supremacy dynamic. But the class system will still perpetuate discrimination.
  23. Why do we have to go through life avoiding what tastes good and provides pleasure just so the food Nazis can dictate our lifestyles? I still think moderation is the key. Avoiding gluttony is a simple solution.
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