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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. You don't deserve my best. Why waste it on a scumb bag like you? You're so pitiful. it's a shame somebody who has such an elevated opinion of herself is so hasrd up for attention she has to come to this board for attention. Wassa matter. Your girlfriend leave you for a younger, prettier, better-smelling homosexual?
  2. You just can't stand to have your words used against you. Stop describing yourself numbskull. And look who's talking about being original and creative. Puleeze. Triteness is your middle name.
  3. Man, the smell is getting worse. SARA reeks with the odor of a wet ape. No surprise.
  4. The mentality of a 10 year old. That makes you a moron, SARA. Be we knew that.
  5. It's no use, SARA. you can't hide your ignorance. Every time you say something it becomes more apparent. Watta fool.
  6. Where's my RAID. The pest is back, done with eating her lunch of bananas. Once again, SARA is being SARA and that really stinks up the place. What a foul creature.
  7. You're really sick. The educational institution located in the twin cities of Champaign-Urbana is the flagship university of the State of Illinois and is a charter member of the prestigious Big Ten midwestern college group. You obviously don't what that means. Who doesn't know that the privately endowed University of Chicago is one of the best schools in the country?? You're a total imbecile! SMH Why don't you tell the name of the community college you got your AA from?.LOL If you weren't such a sniveling, obnoxious little coward you'd reveal your identity but you're afraid to show us your ugly face while subjecting us to your ugly personality.
  8. LOL Your frustration is showing. It's interesting watching you self-implode.
  9. LOL Where ya been, Shirl? I missed you. I've been busy as you may have noticed, calling it like I see it, fighting fire with water and am none the worst for wear. Hurry back!
  10. Plus we have this Supreme Court situation.which if it doesn't get resolved could very well be deadlocked if it has to be called on to name a candidate the way it was when the conservatives prevailed and put George Bush in office over Al Gore after the vote irregularities. If one candidates wins the popular vote and the other one wins the electoral vote, things could really get explosive. There are some rough times ahead and i think American Muslims can look forward to things getting worse rather than better for them because no matter what high ground leaders may take, the average American really does regard Arabs suspiciously and with the "if you see something, say something" call to action, and the acceleration of terrorist attacks, Muslim citizens will become scapegoats.
  11. Sara is the worst name I can think of to call you so get a grip, SARA. You've proved beyond all doubt to be the narcissistic, mentally disturbed case of arrested development that I've always thought you were. Since you're obviously in you manic phase and can't turn it off ,do yourself a favor and get back on your meds. Accept that nothing you say impresses me and you aren't worth my attention. Or,- rant on like the SARA that you are. Poor thing.
  12. Is that what your grannie told you after she found an older child to molest and left you wanting??
  13. I'm going to play bridge now. I wasted enough time on you and your inane, boring blather. So knock yourself out, and keep on trying to prove that you're worthy of any more of my attention because you're not. You're a second-rate lightweight. I've argued with the best and you pale in comparison. You'll pee all on yourself thinking you've chased me away but who cares? Not me. Your girlfriend will change your diaper, and I will have some real fun playing bridge. And seek help. LMAO
  14. You're a gay alcoholic, idiot. And stupid to boot. You're so pathetic and deluded. You ain't making no waves, even if you are a drip. LMAO.
  15. Just can't shake those flashbacks from your childhood on the planet of apes, can you, when your granny gave you a tongue bath and the rest is history. So obvious. And did you take the rest of the day off from your bathroon attendant job, or were you sent home for being drunk again? SMH A hot mess.
  16. It's you, Sahara. No need to deny it. But by ape standards you're cute. And the freaks you surround yourself with have to appreciate how well you satisfy their penchant for bestiality.
  17. Don't choke on your swill. You're making it easy for me. Say anything you want. The more you rant the more you prove that you are a bi-polar psychopath. And probably an alcoholic, too.
  18. LMAO. I am a retired old lady who has a lot of free time, but if we are to believe your lies, you are a young vibrant homosexual, who writes dull books, and is the toast of the publishing world, leading a full life, yet you have nothing better to do than to spend your time engaging in the most infantile activity I've ever encountered. Why don't you leave your mother out of this and respect her privacy. I repeat: you are a hot mess and an unbalanced psychopath. Get help and also some new material. Yawwwwwwwwn
  19. i knew you'd be back. And since you're so shy about posting your picture, I've taken the liberty to show the world how cute you are. I also implore others to pity you because the reason you're so fixated on old women who dip snuff is that you were molested by your grandmother as a child and it turned you on so that you grew up to become a flaming gay homosexual. And you probably have an harem of ass-wipes who do your bidding. But, hey, it's your life.
  20. You had no choice in this matter because I am able to mess with your weak mind and get you to reveal the crazy evil creep that you really are. You couldn't sleep last night, stewing because I shook your family tree, and you got up this morning, ready to defend you homosexual apery!. Just as I planned it. Thanks for the laughs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  21. Is this the work of that underage skank you keep around to use as your toilet paper, or is your multiple personality disorder kickin in and motivating you to post all of this juvenile twaddle. Not only are you a hot mess, but you are a psycho.
  22. LMAO. Know why Sahara is obsessed with trolls? Because it takes one to know one and she's obsessed with herself, unaware that she's nothing more than a meandering pest who brings nothing to the board but amusement for me. Here's a few crumbs, Sahara, because I feel sorry for you. Now gobble em up and go to bed. You've gotten your Cynique fix for the night. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.
  23. LMAO. After a hard day of sulking and seething, trying and failing to muster up some dignity, mentally crafting a far-fetched scenario to post in retaliation for having her sorry ass handed to her, once again Sahara, the poster gal for "if I say it, that makes it so", has surfaced, all saturated with her inflated sense of importance and privilege, somehow under the impression that she can disassociate herself from her nemesis because she can't best me. Deluded as usual, this asinine phony is mistakenly under the impression that she is my "bettor". But if she puts her money on herself, she will emerge the loser as usual. . Puleeze. All of which is proof, that the monkey DNA this offspring of incestuous bestiality inherited from her mother and father/grandfather will not be denied and Sahara's inability to think like a human is damaged, - her primitive blood throbbing like the sub species predator that she is. Woooooo. After her girlfriend gave her a pep talk, then emulated a camel and pissed all over Sahara, sending her into homosexual heaven, she's found new inspiration. But ol Cynique is unfazed by this urine-soaked, crab-infested varmint. I got my RAID ready. And be advised that you don't call the shots around here, and as long as you drag your pathetic self onto this site, Sahara, your verbal vomit will be challenged if I so choose to disagree with you. Or does it make any difference whether you acknowledge it or not. In fact , that makes it easier. If you weren't so ego-strapped, you could figure this out. But you are blatantly lacking in common sense. Hi to ya monkey momma! Holla back!
  24. There's plenty going on between us, you ding-bat. Who are you engaging in a slam fest with? And you obviously don't know the definition of the word, provocation. Just another example of how self-deluded you are. I don't consider calling you a homosexual an insult, but you obviously do. tsk-tsk. See ya. Talk to the hand. Gotta go see how Super Tuesday is progressing and which candidates are looking good.
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