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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. More editing, huh? Trying to come up with something clever and failing miserably because, as usual, your are off the mark. But what can you expect from a loser who is in denial about being a homosexual.
  2. LOL. Took you a few re-writes and edits to come up with that, Sahara. Guess you finally realized you needed to throw in the towel, Loser.
  3. Down, Girl! Bet you gave up your lunch hour to come here and rant, Sahara! Probably choking on your fish sandwich. Obviously you are too dense to discern that I play the role of a contrarian, challenging people's views in order to elicit a response from them and thereby make the board more interesting and lively. This is no secret. I say it all the time. And I welcome all comers! But you are too stupid to get this. All you can do is fall into my traps and expose yourself as the shallow ditz that you are, someone who thrives in the company of syncopants. . I really miss Mel and Shirley and truly wish other cool, secure, interesting women would post here. They'd be a welcome diversion from you and your boring self, Sahara, who can't deal with the fact that you ain't all that. And I would have no objections whatsoever if Troy elected to not call this site Cynique's Corner. I would totally understand if he wanted to go in a different, younger, more positive direction. I realize that I am of another generation. So you can apply for the job, Sahara. I'm sure your resume is pages long, a love letter to yourself. Meanwhile, i couldn't are less what Alice Walker would think. Irascible Toni Morrison is my girl! And as the inconoclastic, polemic, existenialist that I am, I will tell you to go fuck yourself, something I'm sure you're quite skilled at.
  4. LOL. I must admit that's not the reaction I was expecting from you, Troy. I just knew you'd be unhappy with me for prolonging this feud. You have the patience of a Saint! And while I do admit to being revolted by Sahara's false set of values, I am also amused by the grand self-delusions of this "one-trick pony" who thinks living a long time is a flaw. And speaking of flaws, it's really ridiculous how Sahara is in denial about being a homosexual, refusing to admit to what she is, thinking that giving it another name will make a difference. Talk about self-hate. No gay pride here. But, what can I say? Looks like this creeping vine has taken root on this site. So I will just keep my weed spray handy, because I'm sure she's infested with insects.
  5. I've tried to comply with your request, Troy, but Sahara is drunk again and a glutton for punishment so leave everything up so everybody can see what a fool this creature is who slithered on to this site and stinks it up with her obnoxious illusions and boring twaddle. You're in for it now, Sahara. I have exposed you as the phony, wanna- be, homosexual, spawn of a baboon and her father. I guess your tranny is helping you out with your posts because they get sillier and sillier. You must be a cougar cuz your bitch sounds like she's still in high school. Either that, or you are afflicted with multiple-personality disorder. You are a hot mess.
  6. Get real. You are so deluded. Everything you say is stupid and off point. You whole approach is childish and witless, and I consider you a very unworthy opponent. And your rationalizing about being a full blown dyke shows just how pathetic you are. I don't work or have to get up in the morning but a shallow airhead like you sits up all night trying to keep up with me, and failing miserably with your repetitive inane attempts at being clever. Now go crawl back into the hole where your rat skank is waiting to get licked. You've been served!
  7. For somebody who considers herself so "accomplished", you'd think you'd know how to spell. But guess you're not only a homosexual but a dumb dyke. Go to bed now. Your butch is waiting. And remember don't talk while your mouth is full.
  8. Whatsa matter? Are you rattled. Nothing you say makes any sense. What's your excuse for hangin out on this site. Still lookin for an audience to spout all your old warmed over trivia to?? I'm sure you were born a homosexual. it probably runs in the family. Bet you and your moms and your trannie girlfriend have great threesomes. Ok, you have my permission to give your public service announcement. Haven't you run out of troll food by now, you stupid idiot? LMAO.
  9. Oooooh puleeze Sara. You and your trannie girlfriend probably spent the whole evening, trying to figure out a new strategy. You're not foolin' nobody. You're a gay homosexual but you are cowardly denying this because you want to free yourself up to talk about my age.YAWNNNNNNN Why don't you observe your mother so you can get some new material about old folks. Anybody who had a freak like you by her father has to be a crone.
  10. Just as I suspected, Sara. You're absolutely nothing, and nobody wants you. LMAO. ( And you have no will power) Well, Pioneer, Sara is a great target because she's sooo full of herself. Now I know why. Nobody wants to get inside of her. (Maybe she should check out some sex toys) .
  11. Nothing stays the same, Troy. Nobody knows what changes lie ahead or who will be more successful in implementing them. Unless Socialism prevails, the poor will always be with us. Average Gen-Xers and their preoccupation with diets and physical fitness and eternal youth and 401Ks appear very confident about their futures, and If the bullying, brain dead Millennials face a dire future, much of the blame for their impending doom falls on themselves and their total dependence on hand held computerized devices, and their doting parents who endowed their kids with such a deep sense of entitlement and inflated self esteem that they are unprepared to cope with reality. If future generations can't use their texting fingers to find a way to save themselves then all is lost, C'est la Vie.
  12. First "race" has been declared nonexistent, but the word racism is still a major part of the vocabulary of those who assert this. Now, "homosexuality" has been designated an offensive word by those who can't yell "homophobe" quick enough if somebody dares to question their lifestyle. Same-sexers want it both ways, apparently. ROTFLOL. Suck it in, Sara.
  13. It's also interesting how certain homosexuals want to preach about the protocol they expect others to observe, yet think they, themselves, should be exonerated from retaliation if they indiscriminately put labels on other minority groups. Their sense of entitlement is ludicrous and "homophobe" is their favorite word. My 30-year-old granddaughter is gay and I'm cool with how she is able to take things in her stride and not expect to be treated any different from a heterosexual.
  14. It's interesting Troy, how you interpreted my last post as being the words of someone who's satisfied with the status quo as much as I have been ranting about how screwed up the country is and how crazy people have become. And where did you get the idea that senior citizens are all nice and comfortable when millions of them are dependent on Social Security and afraid it might be tampered with and are struggling with medical expenses and health issues and the high cost of living?? And I don't know any such thing about what lies ahead for the Millennials or the hardships of your generation. I would never presume to generalize about anything that concerns the economy because the trends fluctuate and past predictions haven't been that accurate. I also don't think I am any more presumptuous about what Hillary will do than you are about what Bernie and Trump will accomplish. As I opined, after November America, as we know it, will never be the same. And from a historical viewpoint, I think this will be interesting to observe. LOL. The only thing that's obvious is that we are not on the same wave length.
  15. Good grief, Troy! Hillary is not in office so you can't blame the lack of progress on life expectancy and the earth's jeopardy on her. But she has at least put forth plans for economic and social improvements, if elected. And I don't agree that most Americans are pulling forTrump and Bernie to compete. There are millions of people who are not mesmerized by the cults of personality. I think everybody by now has figured out that Trump and Bernie represent the electorate's dissatisfaction with the political correctness and the status quo yet people continue to announce this like it's some great revelation. Yes, Donald Trump is thriving because he says what others think. DUH. No shit. We get it. Bernie's plan to thwart the rich which is why The Establishment is trying to quash him. Surprise, surprise! You don't say. Who knew? The biggest reality shows around are the political debates and the dreaded MEDIA is to blame for everything that doesn't placate the paranoid followers of each candidate. Yada. Yada. Yada. When is somebody going to come up with some new material that is constructive rather than the same ol bellyaching and whining. What is the worst case scenario if there is no clear winner in November? Before the Baby Boomers and the Gen-Xers and the Millennials, there were the Depression babies who grew up in the 50s and were called the Silent Generation. There are many of us still around, who are just shaking our heads. We have witnessed a lot of history, and are now waiting to see if November will usher in the beginning of the end of America as we know it.
  16. You can't have it both ways. Struggling blacks victimized by black on black crime and police brutality would not be happy with too much focus on wealthy blacks especially the ones who don't give back. Black Lives Matter and all the other black organizations with agendas are very happy to get all the press they can.
  17. He's talking about confrontations between the racists thugs who support him and all the delegates who are against him. Riots are a definite possibility after the elections in November and this country might erupt into a mini-civil war.
  18. Of course not. There have to be Fems for the Dykes to relate to. It also goes to show that all old people don't dip snuff. .
  19. Being POTUS is more than just being head of the United States. It's about diplomacy and experience when dealing with all the other countries in the world. This is where Trump falls short. He is the epitome of everything that the rest of the world hates about Americans. He's looked upon as an arrogant loose cannon by all of America's global allies, while Russia and Isis relish his egocentric belligerence. He and that narcissistic bully, Vladimir Putin, are kindred spirits. And Trump's hostility toward Islam bolsters Isis' recruitment. What is Trump going to do for the middle class, and what will his presidency wake America up about,Troy? And why is my backing Hillary a sign that I still have faith in the democratic process any more than those who back Bernie and Trump??? I have no doubt that if elected, Hillary will seek the advice of her husband, but I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing because 2 heads are better than one, and I have a gut feeling that at this point in their lives, they want to do what's best for the entire country. You don't have to love the Clintons; you just have to like what serves your best self interest in the long run. Bernie is a lovable ol guy, but once in office, as an Independent, he has no coalition to help him deliver on his pie-in-the-sky promises. He is about drastic reform; Hillary is about steady improvement. That's why she represents the "doable".
  20. None of the Hillary supporters I know, love her. They just think she's the best person for the job. So do I. But, unlike the petulant Bernie groupies, I will vote for whomever gets the Democratic nomination.
  21. So, Troy. you think journalism should tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and news outlets should eliminate editorializing and should not cater to the masses in any way except to report events and ignore people who aren't paragons of virtue and honesty and piety. Or should journalism be involved in making a profit but should be a public service. Television should not provide anything unless its educational and wholesome and factual. The internet should simply enable e-mail and provide data and forums about subjects that only have redeeming value. Social media should be eliminated and Wikipedia dismissed. Movies should reflect people of every race - oops sorry about that. Race its a no-no because it interferes with people being color blind. On and on it goes. A world that never has and never will exist. Come November, we'll see how influential the media is. When all the publicity has burnt out, there's always the possibiity that familiarity will have bred contempt and Donald Trump will be yesterday's news. I don't agree that Democrats will stay home and I also think that Moderate Independents will go with Hillary. This is the combination that allowed her to sweep yesterday's Super Tuesday
  22. L LOL A cliche is a cliche is a cliche. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  23. You better believe that any high profile actor or sports figure or politician or Fortune 500 CEO who becomes a party in a highly publicized scandal involving child porn or rape or talking steroids or accepting bribes or committing embezzlement, is not publicity anybody considers good, and in most cases careers and endorsements are adversely affected.
  24. Any author getting a review from the NY times is sophisticated enough to realize the value a good or bad review. Self published authors, particularly black ones, are notoriously thin-skinned because their books are labors of love and a bad review hurts their feelings and stirs their resentment. I've seen this time and time again. There is such a thing as bad publicity . It can ruin someone's career. Look at Bill Cosby. So, we have to agree to disagree.
  25. The population at large is a cross section of liberal and conservative and moderate segments and the media reflects these sentiments. because it is multifaceted. There 's something for everybody out there and people gravitate toward whatever media outlet is a conduit for their views. Over half the country is not swayed by Donald Trump or impressed with his celebrity. it's his controversial message and his blustery demeanor that fuel his visibility. The Apprentice never got great ratings and cancellation was always on its horizon.
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