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Everything posted by nels

  1. I think the white supremacy argument doesn't hold much if any weight here. The white supremacy argument has been the rallying cry anytime Democrats and The Left feel that they're losing their grip on controlling black America.
  2. No one does, but sometimes it's necessary. #Cynique has repeatedly shown herself to be a very intellectually challenged person whose nonsensical judgmental rants are somewhat reflective of someone who simply doesn't have the mental chops that are needed to execute in a functionally coherent manner. People like her are borderline (really) dumb, but we'll give her a little credit for being able to type on a keyboard. Just another patently false assumption from a faux visionary intellect who consults with a crystal ball, daily. One more thing, I don't use Twitter, Facebook or the rest of that social media junk; they're a waste of time. On this board, we get a chance to smack you around every time you open your mouth, and then some. #TDSAlert | #Smackdown #Cynique | #TRUMPWON
  3. My guess is that there are a lot of black people (of today) who might take real issue with that.
  4. Cynique, you're never going to insult your way out of the whole you've dug for yourself. #TRUMPWON
  5. Spot-on ! ! ! IMO, yes...that is the key point and I'm very glad you brought that out. Without fiscal chops, black folks don't stand a chance, no matter what they have to offer.
  6. And sadly, they seem to gladly accept their less than decision-making state, in order to maintain their status in the(ir) insular world of professional sports, media and entertainment.
  7. From a pragmatic standpoint, why is a 'reset' necessary? Just curious about your train of thought.
  8. One of the potential problems I see is that it's becoming increasingly challenging to correctly determine which of the wealthy black elite are on black America's side, and which aren't. Some of those ultra-wealthy blacks just don't realize that despite their wealth and status, they're being played by the top 1% of the 1%ers.
  9. That's certainly an angle. There are definitely some external players who are pulling the strings. It's been reported that Whoopi's been know to be quite arrogant. IMO, what she said didn't warrant a suspension, but the liberal Jews who run Hollywood tend to look at the world as if they own it.
  10. A sad case of TDS on steroids if we've ever seen one. Let's guess? Hmmm... It depends on which (kind of) black people you're crowing about? Every now and then we come across some very unstable discussion board moderators. Guess where they ended up? You can pass around that Charmin when you're finished.
  11. Well said Mzuri. That was an excellent critique and perspective. Some people just can't separate facts from fiction and truth from lies, so they continue to jump down rabbit holes that move around like a whack-a-mole challenge. From what I've seen, they don't appear to be deep thinkers, at all. One thing reasonable people don't do, is launch knee-jerk diatribes based on pure emotion instead of common sense and logic.
  12. Yes, it's quite unfortunate that these folks think that black Americans should be a monolithic voting bloc, which is an insane political position. Their ignorance is nothing more than a preface to the real surprise that awaits them if they keep letting the Democrats and the left gaslight them.
  13. Can't wait for the opportunity to engage you on this one. Will make you won it.
  14. One thing I don't do is waste time trying to control anything or anyone. Life's too short for that nonsense. It would appear that it is you who wants to control the tone of this platform and that's you're right. That's something that moderators both good and bad, do on a daily basis almost everywhere. It's also something that The Left and totalitarian thinkers have done for hundreds of years across numerous mediums and societies. Nearly everyone has political views, but I find that the issue with liberal blacks in particular is that when you're black and you leave the plantation, they blow a gasket. I see a lot of personal opinions posted on this board and I treat them as such. If I think they're great, I'll say so and if not, likewise. If you're trying to moderate a discussion board and don't have thick skin or exercise good judgement, then you're wasting you're time and everyone else's. Perhaps you might want to toughen up like Megan McGlover, instead of whining and complaining because hearing what you don't like makes you miserable.
  15. Perhaps someone needs to be brought to their senses because they seem to have selectively and conveniently forgotten some (true) facts, not false ones. All of this tumult appears to have arisen after Stefan attacked me for simply posting my personal experiences and observations regarding black America needing to get its house in order before it burns everyone else’s down. I didn’t know who Stefan was then, don’t know who he is now, and don’t care. As far a I’m concerned, people like that border on pure lunacy. The only skewing I see is from someone who is wholly insecure and who doesn't seem to understand the basic fundamental differences between opinion, truth and lies, and facts that are based on each category. I could care less what people including you, say, think, or do. My only focus is on getting people to 'pay attention' to what's happening around them. This is simply a discussion board and only a discussion board, not a court of law. Anyone who takes what's posted on common board exchanges too seriously, needs to have their head examined.
  16. One thing I've learned; some people can only see life in grainy 2D black and white, while others see life in high-definition 3D color. From my viewpoint, this snippet is evasive, but it's your own opinion, and that's all that matters.
  17. In that regard, liberal Jews in particular are very weak. That's why they have to resort to this kind of immature cancel bullsh!t in order to flex their muscle. Whoopi is just like any other brainwashed Hollywood idiot. She thinks she's important, when in fact she's a fly in a birdcage.
  18. Really? NOT! As James Bold said to Pussy Galore in Goldfinger, "I must be dreaming". Barack Obama: A Practitioner of Saul David Alinsky? Investigate. = = = Re: Former President Barack Obama | Just peeling back the onion. "the president is not an infiltrator of the dreaded establishment, but the personification of it" https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/post/saul-alinsky-would-so-disappointed-sotu-breaks-rules-for-radicals/2012/01/24/gIQAt1cVPQ_blog.html "the partisan press is helping him whitewash his radical past" https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/media-ignores-obama-alinsky-rules-for-radicals/ "To understand President Obama and Hillary Clinton, one must understand Saul Alinsky" https://www.wsj.com/articles/saul-alinsky-is-the-cause-of-our-political-divisions-1519662559 "Barack Obama was once a teacher of the Alinsky principles" https://www.am*zon.com/Obama-Hillary-Alinsky-Useful-Idiots/dp/1507889453 Cynique, do you know how you sound? Utter nonsense. Your Post: "when you're not providing links to sources that do your thinking for you" Since when does having to post links to validate anything people know, think or say have merit? Who cares about links?(!). You're either smart, dumb, or somewhere in between. IMO, only truly mentally deficient people people who have IQs that hover around room temperature, need to reference links as a crutch to buttress the illogical crap that they post.
  19. When will Black America wake up and stop watching traditional television and the mainstream media, which are destroying its (i.e., Black America's) social fabric, youth, economic power, intellectual growth, competitiveness, future prospects, very existence, and more? Megan McGlover (who is black) on Whoopi Goldberg (who is black)... Her Instagram Profile - https://www.instagram.com/meganmcglover Access THE Video Without an Instagram Account - - - > https://greatfon.com/c/8939986621040484672
  20. This entire rant reminds us all of a circular firing squad. Best guess is that Stefan is at the center of it. It's detrimentally amazing when mentally detached people write lengthy obfuscating passages in order to argue about things that they don't have a firm grip on or at worst, things that they have absolutely no measurable knowledge of.
  21. daniellegfny, your entire post was spot-on. Black conservatives, Trump supporters and the like, simply want to honestly support their country and all of its greatness and freedoms. This is why the rest of the world wants to come to the USA. Just being brief on this one. Troy, you can't have it both ways. Mzuri, your full post was great. Survey Said? Stefan just doesn't get it.
  22. Yes, Stefan just doesn't seem to understand that under fake president (or whatever he is) Joe Biden, the cost of living and inflation are exponentially higher than they were under Trump, the National Debt just hit $30 trillion for the first time in history today, Biden and the Leftists who are actually running his regime are undermining everything that defines American greatness, Biden via his former boss Barack Obama has been systematically bifurcating black America without blinking an eye...etc., etc., etc. Stefan appears to be a hopeless brainwashed victim of very intense gaslighting on steroids that is coming from the Democrats, the Left, the Mainstream Media, globalists, Big Tech, Wall Street, and a lot of other oligarchs and other major players.
  23. Yes, it is an extremely sad state that some folks are in these days. Sometimes, people are just too reluctant to seek help.
  24. https://ariseusa.com/speaker/kevin-jenkins/ https://medicalracism.childrenshealthdefense.org/filmmaker/kevin-d-jenkins/ https://zero-sum.org/segregation-2-0-a-conversation-with-kevin-jenkins/ Thoughts? Perspectives? Suggestions? Solutions?
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