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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Let me quess you were in North Tulsa right? I only stayed there for less than 3 weeks so I actually forgot. It was over 10 years ago. I've been in 10 states in the last four weeks and things are opening up, not shutting down. The only exception was the Navajo Nation. I was there a couple of days during a 50+ hour shut down and everything was closed except the pumps at gas stations. I don't know any place in the U.S. that has done that. I'm not sure why. According to the media (not sure if it's true or not) the virus is exploding over the nation. People dying left and right. Are people in denial and just INSIST on trying to carry on as usual despite the risks or something? Remember your brother Herman Cain? Insisting on going to that Trump rally and not wearing a mask TRYING to carry on as if everything is normal and eventually dying? Listening to Trump and these other Republicans in leadership LYING to people, hiding the statistics and cases, and telling people to open up and carry on life as usual seems to be leading to disaster and prolonging the problem. They don't care about human life and health, they only care about making money and will push out as many sacrificial bodies out there to PRETEND that things are back to normal as they can to keep that money rolling end....who cares if they drop dead a month later. You see every time they try to open a school back up HALF the damn students end up infected and they have to shut it back down again. Man I would love to visit a reservation. It's one of the parts of the United States I have YET to visit.
  2. Troy that is one MUST have brown colored skin to be "Black" in your book. I'm I wrong? Yes you are, because for one thing I don't use words like "Black" and "White" for racial designations except on occasion. Skin color is A FACTOR when it comes to race, but it's not the only one. BTW, can you find me ONE example of a Jew calling another Jew "anti-Semitic"? Daniel And YOU said the racism was "bogus". Can you PLEASE SIR tell me how something an entire Civil War was fought over and people like Martin Luther King and others gave their lives to fight against actually turns out.....in your opinion...to be one big PHONY concept??? You did @Pioneer1 make the assertion by stating that it was self evident the difference between Blacks and White. You asked me what was the difference between a person who IS White and a person who IS Black. YOU just stated the obvious difference YOURSELF in your description of them! That's like saying what's the difference between a tall person and a short person....the obvious difference is HEIGHT. You have fallen into the race struggle trap. Well if you are an AfroAmerican you didn't "fall" into it.....you were BORN into it. It's like one slave telling another...... "Man I can't believe YOU managed to fall into their trap like that....hee...hee...hee!" .....as if he's not in the same condition.
  3. The Devil And Daniel It comes from an inability to forgive Forgive who? Racist Caucasians aren't even ASKING for forgiveness.....lol. Not only have they NOT apologized for what their forefathers have done, or what they ARE doing right now, but they are PLANNING to do even more! It’s devoid of personal responsibility Personal responsibility should START at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.....and work it's way down. Speaking of forgiveness and personal responsibility..... Have YOU forgiven the racist Republicans who are responsible for the death of your fellow Black Conservative Herman Cain?
  4. There is a brother trying to put together a Black Militia right now named Grand Master Jay (not Grand Master Flash...lol). So far he's been able to put together a pretty large following in Georgia and in Kentucky. His organization is called the NFAC (Not Fucking Around Coalition) But some of the things he's been saying lately has been pretty disturbing....he promotes religion and talks about taking AfroAmericans.....whom he calls Israelites...out of America to another land. Militant Christians. Militant Muslims. Militant Hebrew/Israelites. .....I wish we could have strong intelligent AfroAmerican leaders WITHOUT pushing their own religious agendas. Religions and weapons don't mix in my opinion. Troy If you move to Oklahoma you will almost HAVE to buy yourself a rod. You better see if you can find Kareem...lol. Daniel Many Blacks are prohibited from gun ownership by background checks and strict gun control regulations. Yeah, and I wonder who prohibited these "Blacks"....because they certainly didn't take their OWN rights away. They do the same thing with the votes by using felony records to keep you from exercising your Constitutional rights. So much for this "freedom" and "liberty" you Conservatives love to dangle in the faces of everyone who dare criticize the United States.
  5. Daniel I'm still trying to understand why you think "racism is bogus" when it's existence and all of the terrible effects of it is well known and well documented? They are just weapons used to establish hegemony. Perhaps.... But they wouldn't COMMIT SUICIDE by turning those "weapons" used by those particular communities against their enemies......on THEIR OWN people! You NEVER heard a Jew call another Jew "anti-Semitic" You NEVER heard a homosexual call another homosexual "homophobic". What sense does it make for an AfroAmerican to call ANOTHER AfroAmerican "racist" or a "bigot"? "Man, you KNOW you racist! You ain't treating them white folks right!" @Pioneer1 so you think that skin color defines race. Which is wrong. I never said that skin color defines race. You can't find any post of mine stating this.
  6. Black people may be BUYING guns, but the questions are: 1. Are Black people going to properly USE the guns? and 2. WHO are Black people going use those guns ON?
  7. Congratulations! I lived in Tulsa Oklahoma for a hot second. I didn't care too much for it because it looked like a dirtier or poorer version of Texas. And it was too dusty. Plus, every public establishment I went into had Fox News playing on television, lol. Do you think NOW is the best time to make moves and major changes with this pandemic going on? Even schools are not opening up, I'm not sure how many programs and organizations are still operating under normal circumstances when so much of society is actually SHUTTING DOWN.
  8. Daniel Both the LEADERSHIP of the Republican and Democrat party have the SAME agenda and their AGENDA for society is set: -Increase taxes. -Lower wages -Reduce the AfroAmerican population -Increase crime -Increase poverty -Take away liberties -Lock more people up in jail -Make more people sick When the Democrats are in charge THEY will push and pass one item on the agenda while the Republicans pretend to oppose it. When the Republicans get in office THEY push and pass another item on the agenda while the Democrats pretend to oppose it. And they'll go back and forth until the items on the agenda are accomplished. There is no REAL difference between them They're BOTH on the same team and only PRETEND to oppose each other to trick the public into believing that they actually have a choice in who to vote for. Your only choice is between.... or The Devil Satan ....no matter WHICH one you choose, you're still going to end up catching hell.
  9. FAS A white woman who not only loves him, but from all appearances, is a good mother to his children. So say what you will about Kanye being crazy, he did something everyone says you can't do -- he made a wife out of a ho. This is HOLLYWOOD. We don't know what's REALLY going on, we only "know" what we SEE. It's not until 20 or 30 years later on E or some tabloid or one of the children write a book about what ACTUALLY happened and you find out what you THOUGHT was true turned out to be a big fat lie. You look at a family and think it's like Leave it to Beaver perfect, and later on you find out EVERYBODY up in the house worshipped the devil and were being ritually molested. What we DO know is true is that Kanye has serious mental issues and he shouldn't be paraded around in public to make a further spectacle of himself. Not so much because they love him as to split the African-American vote. That's why I put "loving white folks" in quotes. They don't love him, they are just using him. INCLUDING the Kardashians. They target AfroAmericans (especially men) with money to trap them into marriage so that they can eventually GET THE WEALTH. But them encouraging him to run for president serves 2 purposes: 1. To CONFUSE the AfroAmerican AND multi-racial Hiphop community both of which usually vote Democrat and yes....split THEIR vote from the Biden/Harris ticket. But also..... 2. To maintain and further their narrative that AfroAmericans are CRAZY and deserve the treatment they get in society. Showing an emotionally unstable Black man walking around on stage in a bullet-proof vest bucking his eyes at the crowd and crying uncontrollably is a "great look" for the White Supremacists. The best thing since Tupac and the thuglife. How can they resist? Let's see SOME MORE of the Kanye Show! Kanye are you with the Democrat Party? No Kanye are you with the Republican Party? Nnnnope ! Then what party are you running under? The Independent BIRTHDAY PARTY !!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West_2020_presidential_campaign Daniel I was mistaken you are a bigot From a racist to a bigot...... Well atleast I'm EVOLVING, lol. because you still haven’t defined what distinguishes a Black person from a White. You just answered your own question. The difference between a Black person and a White person is that the Black person is "black" and the White person is "white". Counter-racist is as bogus as racism. So racism is "bogus" huh? I wonder would I EVER hear a Jewish person say that anti-semitism is "bogus" ? I wonder would I EVER hear a homosexual say that homophobia is "bogus"? Like I said....... When a person DENIES reality, it can have serious consequences.
  10. Daniel God help us all if Biden/Harris win. It will be hell in America on steroids. I don’t like Harris she is a shrill woman that grates me like Ben Shapiro. She has no substance and no self-respect. Minister Farrakhan said that if Trump was elected to office he would take the nation to hell on a ROCKET SHIP. Take a look at what has been happening in this country SINCE your boy Trump took office..... -The economy is shutting down -The schools are shutting down -The post office is shutting down -Crime and violence is up -Civil conflict is rising -The nation is in the early stages of a Civil War -Police services are being dismantled -All in the midst of a pandemic Can't you see what's happening? ....and all of this is JUST the Beginning. Trump was put in office to help DESTROY the very system his ignorant grassroots supporters hoped he would save. Troy You can stop after "God help us." I see you didn't include "help us ALL".... That tells me that I MUST be having an influence on you, lol. FAS Btw, India Indians make up only 1% of the population and Caribbean- Americans make up on 3% for a total of 4% of the voting population.... to be "split" up? Seriously? From what I know of the Indian American population, most of them are Republican anyway because most of them tend to be professionals, business owners, and have socially conservative cultural views. Infact, this can be said of most non-Latino immigrants and their immediate progeny. Most people WANT to do what they consider the "right thing". The Republicans COUNT ON people really believing their so-called "conservative" and "moral" rhetoric. If they were to tell the public the TRUTH....that they are racist, sexist, and only care about rich people.....over 90% of the population would tell them to go to hell and abandon them. So they need to disguise themselves in order to TRICK enough of the population to vote for them.
  11. I believe education is key tool in combating racism. I believe that educating BLACK PEOPLE is a key tool in combating racism. Educating Caucasians even more than they already are will only make them MORE EFFECTIVE at practicing their racism. When they were less educated they only had swords and spears to conquer and control people of color; now that they are MORE educated and more advanced they have GUNS and MISSLES to do the same thing...conquer and control people of color. What do you think we need to do to end racism? Either make people of color smarter or make Caucasians dumber. Racism for the most part is an ACTION. It is actively mistreating people in words or deeds based on their race. And as long as Caucasians are smart enough to dominate and mistreat people of color and GET AWAY WITH IT with nobody stopping them....I believe they will continue to do so. So you either make Caucasians too stupid to rule over and master other people; so that the only thing they can do to Black folks is just sit on the ground and watch as as we walk by smiling.......... Or you make Black people so smart that Caucasians can no longer take advantage of them and the next time they have so much as a THOUGHT of doing or saying something offensive...they'll just keep it to themselves. "UUUhhh on second thought....I better not."
  12. Troy Have you spent time seeing a kids grow from childhood into adulthood? Have you been raised with white people from childhood? If so, then would would know from personal experience that this does not resonate. I too grew up in a mostly AfroAmerican neighborhood and went to mostly AfroAmerican schools....although for a few years I was bussed to a couple of mostly Caucasian schools. So YES I have seen Caucasian children at various stages of development and grew up with many of them. And YES I saw them exhibit CLEAR signs of racist behavior even at very early ages and stages of life. I didn't know what I was looking at at the time, but I knew that it was DIFFERENT from the behavior of the AfroAmerican children. For example we would all want to play games but the Caucasian boys even if it were only a few of them would always want to boss the others around and decide where we would go and what games we should play and if they couldn't do that a lot of times they would want to just go home. Or they'd run into a corner with a red face and fold their arms talking about "It's not faaaaiiir" When they didn't get THEIR way they would say things are "Not fair!" Be all up in the grocery stores in the shopping carts cussing their mothers out and calling her all types of bitches and telling her to fuck-off, lol. I also noticed that they did a lot more STARING at us than we did at them. Infact, most of the time we didn't pay attention to them....but they paid attention to US. I didn't know at the time that part of racism was how Caucasians would STUDY our people. They come among us and just watch. -Observe us. -PRETEND to be our friends. -Ask as many questions as they can -Gather intelligence. This is how they learn to MASTER many of our people. They were doing this even as children. And just like the ADULT negroes the KID negroes were just as unassuming and didn't notice any of it. Just happy as hell to play with their white "friends". Many were happier with their white friends than with eachother! Many Black kids would FIGHT and INSULT eachother....but when the white kid came around they would talk him to death and have all types of fun with him. As we got older, the White boys would start hanging around the Black girls, telling them what the Black boys were saying and who they were trying to have sex with. Getting all in their heads. Black girls would let White boys hang around them when they wouldn't even let other Black boys! Some White boys would tell lies and making THEMSELVES look like the good guys and saviors! Or they'd tell lies and expose secrets to get the Black boys to fighting eachother. Same old tricks they've been using for centuries to divide and conquer many of our people and turn them against eachother. For example, I grew up in a racially segregated neighborhood, but they reality is that I grew up with people who you would describe as "white." They were Puerto Ricans of European ancestry. I also grew up with Puerto Ricans of African ancestry who are what you describe as "Black." I never had a racist attitude to any of the white Puerto Ricans. I never had a reason to, because they were not racist to me, they were just other kids. Perhaps. Or perhaps you were just projecting YOUR feelings. Perhaps because you had no ill feelings toward THEM you ASSUMED that they had none against you and just suppressed them to keep from getting thier ass kicked in a predominately Black neighborhood. We know there are Caucasian Puerto Ricans just like there are Afro-Puerto Ricans. And we also know that the White Puerto Ricans are just as racist as White Americans because they are descendants of the Spaniards who first killed off the Indians on that island and brought Africans to be slaves.....just like the British Caucasians did in the United States. All you have to do is sit down and TALK to an AfroLatino about the racism and colorism that so many experience growing up even in thier very own HOUSEHOLD and it won't be 5 minutes before they start crying. That shows you how real and deep the racism is in the Hispanic community. .....which means that many of those Puerto Ricans you grew up with HAD to be racist but just weren't showing it around you. Besides people can also learn NOT to be racist. I agree. However it's hard because it goes against the nature of some people. If racism had to be taught...who taught the FIRST racist?
  13. Daniel @Pioneer1 how can you post a picture of King Kong and not think of LeBron. ????????? If King Kong (who is NOT in that picture) reminds you of Lebron James then YOU sound like the typical racist, lol. Why would a picture of King Kong make me (or anyone else) think of Lebron?????? Am I missing some sort of connection???? Mental illness doesn’t make Kanye a bad person. No, but it makes them vulnerable to be exploited BY bad people. Kanye is just ONE example. Mike Tyson is another example. He had psychological problems AND low intelligence and instead of getting the help he needed he was exploited by Caucasians for his athletic skills and put on public display to be laughed at and joked about. You are a racist, do you go out and hurt people? Perhaps I am racist....I won't argue that I'm not. But I prefer to think of myself as COUNTER-racist instead. Racists are people who hate members of another race strictly because they are members of that race. It doesn't matter what members of that race do or have done, just them being members ALONE is enough for a racist to hate them. For example...... Racist Caucasians HATE Africans and Native Americans although neither group did anything to these racist Caucasians. They just existed, and the racists hate them and their very existence. However, COUNTER-racists are people who POINT OUT the racism they and others have experienced and also point out those who are racist and are guilty of it. They seek to oppose racism and those guilty of it. I suppose the major difference is who INITIATED the conflict in the first place. If a man breaks into your home and attacks your wife and you grab him and beat him up, most people wouldn't call YOU a "violent thug" although what you did was a violent act. They would see your act as JUSTIFIED because of the violence that was INITIATED by the man who broke in. The police probably wouldn't even arrest YOU but that man who broke in.
  14. Daniel Worse than racist, it would be stupid. Is stupidity WORSE than racism? Stupid people tend to only hurt THEMSELVES by their own poor decisions.....yet racists have been known to enslave, mistreat, and kill MANY. People of all colors love him People of all colors love doing cocaine too, doesn't mean it's a good thing. Troy Indeed, he married a white woman who presumably loved him, he was invited to the white house by a white president, is paid extremely well by white people, and the white masses love him. That's why they love him, because he's crazy and routinely makes a spectacle of himself for their entertainment. These "loving white folks" will even supporting his run for President knowing full well he's not qualified and doesn't have a chance. Why? Because like most racist Caucasians.....they find AfroAmericans who act crazy entertaining! The more disturbed the behavior, the more amusing they find it! -------------White Man Tells The Truth About Why They're Using Kanye West----------- As far as they're concerned crazy Black folks aren't being "mentally ill"...they're just being BLACK FOLKS! They think it's NORMAL for negroes to act a fool. Now if it were a CAUCASIAN celebrity with the same mental problems, they wouldn't parade him around for their amusement. Instead they'd lock him up and get him the help he needs. The only pictures you'd see of him are him laying in a bed with his wife sitting next to him stroking his forehead. Or maybe an occasional picture of him walking along a beach at some California rehab center.....until he's well. But just like they do on the late night news, when it comes to a crazy ass Black man they put him on FULL display and give him the whole stage to make a fool of himself for their entertainment like Mighty Joe Young at some dinner party. "Oh look honey...ha ha ha!!" "Eeewww my!"
  15. Listened to the video again, much of it is old information to me. It seems that many Black Nationalists are trying to let the Caucasian Gentiles off the hook by blaming everything on Jewish Caucasians as if they somehow "manipulated" their Gentile brothers into being racist. I've been saying for years that Caucasians don't need "help" in being racist. They don't need to be "taught" how to be racist, it's in their NATURE or genetic make-up. If anything they need to be taught how NOT to be racist. Too many of our people don't understand or believe that. They think racism has to be TAUGHT to Caucasian children and if it's not taught to them then they won't grow up to be racist and everyone will live happily together in peace. No.....White Supremacy must be taught. It's a SYSTEM and an establishment so it's rules must be taught in order to function in it. But this is not the case with just plain racism. Caucasians don't have to be taught this or "manipulated" into being this way....they come out of the womb not liking people of color even if there was no system of White Supremacy to help organize these feelings. Kind of like how human beings are born naturally spiritual WITHOUT religion.
  16. It's not a matter of judging people and condemning them for who they are....as much as it's about accepting reality. Not accepting reality can lead to mental illness and other psychological problems. For example:
  17. Troy (Them/They/It.....lol) I didn't say I didn't expect it....I said I don't like it. As I said before, I know why she and others are doing it. I actually expect MORE of this disgraceful behavior and will be surprised (pleasantly) if I start seeing the vast majority of AfroAmerican entertainers stand up and give their critics the finger! I was gonna say if we had so much more of our OWN platform as AfroAmericans most of our people wouldn't feel forced to apologize and eat own words....but then I thought not only DO we have our own platforms but some of our people are so greedy.......it wouldn't make a difference anyway. For every negro who REFUSES to apologize and speak their mind even if it costs them their career, you'll have one who will say anything and tell the public what they want to hear just to get "the bag" and keep the money coming in. And since I'm not paying them OR their bills....can I really blame them? I don't like it....but you know what?????..... I'm not as angry as I was 1 hour ago! I understand more and more....she did and said what she felt she had to to keep the money rolling in. I'm not paying her, who am I to tell her to "stand strong sista" ? Besides there is nothing wrong with a woman not being attracted to female presenting man. It might even be a biological adaptation. It IS a biological adaption. Now here's what I REALLY don't like (I found something else to be angry at)...... Most women DON'T like (find attractive) a man who acts like that. They just won't admit it in this current environment, but they don't and you have to live and deal with women long enough to learn it for yourself because they simply don't admit this anymore. And it's that HYPOCRISY that I find so distasteful today! The fact that you KNOW you don't find those type of men attractive, but you won't admit it. We have to deal with you for years...decades...before finding this out because you won't just come out and admit it. Some of these same women will dare not criticize an ACTUAL gay men, but they'll sit up and insult STRAIGHT men all day by calling them "moist" or questioning their sexuality and manhood. Listen, you can get into an argument with a woman on this site and she'll KNOW you're straight AND she'll talk about her gay and lesbian friends. No problem. But if the argument goes long enough she'll start calling you "emotional" and start talking about how where she comes from "real men" don't do this or say that. And if it keeps going she'll question whether or not you're "sweet" or gay. Not that she really believes this, but she's using it as an insult. And a lot of brothers do the same thing. Start calling you a punk of a f*g or accuse you of having on panties....not really believing you're queer or gay, but just as an insult. Would you be so honest if everyone knew who you were? Would I be SO honest? I'm not sure if that's the right term to use. I'm not a liar so yes I would be just as honest but I wouldn't say nearly as much. Infact, I probably wouldn't post at all if EVERYONE knew who I was....lol. Posting online is a good way to express my thoughts, meet people, and get things off my chest but if everyone knew who I was there would be too much risk involved to just get on running my mouth. You're bound to piss people off and if they knew who you were and where you lived it would only be a matter of time before they confronted you on the matter and you'd have to end up killing them just to end the conflict. So I just wouldn't post except for straight business or advertisement or something like that. And even then I would be very careful what I said. But I realize I think differently than most people. Most people think it's "brave" to go on Twitter or facebook. to show your complete identity and give out all of your personal information all over the internet AND speak your complete mind cussing people out and telling them exactly what's on your mind.....until they come knocking on your door, lol. I also am beginning to understand that a lot of people aren't brave OR afraid, they simply don't care or don't think about the consequences of having their identities exposed in social media....UNTIL they meet those consequences. I thought it was common sense NOT to put your business out in the street. I thought anyone with good sense knew what could happen if everyone knew who you were and how you thought. I didn't realize so many people NEVER EVEN THOUGHT of the consequences! It seems like every other month I'm having lunch with with a lady friend of mine who goes on and on about some woman she's gotten into a beef with online..... "That bitch done threatened me and my kids....talking about she gonna come up and KILL everybody" ((munch munch munch....)) Well, how do she know you have kids? "Cuz I TOLD the bitch...how you THINK she know?" ((drink....slurp...gurgle....ahhh)) Well....how does she know what yall look like? "Cuz the bitch done went through all the pictures on my time-line, how you THINK she know???" ((munch....crunch....crunch....)) Well...how does she even know where yall live? "Why you keep asking them stupid ass questions.....cuz I TOLD her....damn. Now she threatening to do this, that, and the third" ((shakes head)) I just have to sit there looking at them. And the sad part is like many people....most of the time they STILL don't realize the role THEY played in their predicament.
  18. Troy I've seen that video before, years ago...but I'll take another look at it. Take a trip down memory lane. I dunno the Hasidum I see running around in Brooklyn look pretty creepy. Pale, bad vision, out of shape... Ofcourse like anyone else not all Jews hold to these teachings and you have some who do and eat whatever they want. I'm speaking generally. The Hasidic Jews (those you see in Black hats and suits in sections of New York and a few other cities) are a RELIGIOUS GROUP more so than an ethnic group. I saw a lot of them growing up in a neighborhood that was transitioning from mostly Jewish to mostly AfroAmerican. They would walk around on Friday nights with their hands clasped behind their backs humming....lol. I remember they had entire sections of the neighborhood all to themselves with their own parks, health clinics, and even their own ambulance services with a blue star on it! But Hasidism is a RELIGION that came out of Europe centuries ago. When I speak of Jews I'm speaking of the actual ethnic group or BRANCH of the Caucasian race....similar to Slavic, or Anglo, or Persian. These are different branches of the White race who went into different directions after leaving central Asia and has less to do with religion and more to do with ancestral lineage. There is this white guy (can't recall his name now) who says jews are better culturally than any other people bacause they have won a disproportionately high number of Nobel prizes other reasons. They also tend to have better genetics than other Europeans, it comes from centuries of eating the right foods and proper hygiene and marrying among each other instead of outside of the group. This is how they keep wealth in the family. Many of the top scientists were Jewish and lived in Germany back in the day because it was the center of the European world....but Hitler went crazy and tried to kill them and ran them out so many of them went to America and Russia and that's why America and Russia are on top technologically today! But there is nothing magical about it. They just eat better and live a better life and this gives them more success and stronger genes (not stronger than us but stronger than other Caucasians). A lot of poor and ignorant Caucasians who don't know the TRUTH about the role of Jews in society get jealous and angry at their success....lol. While the average White boy is out somewhere eating pepperoni pizzas and getting drunk falling out in the street and doing stupid shit....the Jewish boy is in his room reading and studying Hebrew as well as a profession (law, medicine, psychology, ect...) that his parents will make him enter into as an adult. Koreans and Nigerians are the same way....but to a lesser extent. It's a matter of discipline and study.
  19. So now Black women are running around acting like Caucasian men? ....fake "apologizing" for offending people and claiming to be allies to THIS community and THAT community? I didn't like it when Kevin Hart did it and I don't like it now. So instead of being the "good guys" and standing strong in defense of our community and demanding an end to the racism and White Supremacist ideology of this nation, negroes are running around wringing their hands together and bowing and apologizing to Caucasians for offending THEM (instead of it being the other way around). If anything, LGBTQIA Caucasians should be standing in line right next to the OTHER Caucasians apologizing to US, for the roles they also play in the system of White Supremacy. I know she MEANT what she tweeted and probably still means it but she's just doing it for money and to keep her career. But the reason I don't like it is because I'm wondering WHAT ELSE will our people start apologizing for? When did we start letting Caucasians give us OUR "moral compass" or making us feel guilty for saying something supposedly offensive? See, that's what happens when you don't have a solid knowledge of self and are more interested in making money and getting "the bag" than having honor and integrity. You will do or say anything for money and fame and fortune.
  20. Troy I've known about the Talmudic "curse of Ham" (which was actually about the alleged curse of his son Canaan) for a long time but didn't mention it to you because I figured YOU didn't know anything about it. While the Torah/Old Testament doesn't mention Canaan being cursed to be Black the Talmud does. It says he was "cursed" with black skin, red eyes, nappy hair, and a long dick (is that a curse???).....lol. There was no actual curse. That myth was used to justify Caucasians coming in and taking over people's lands. It's what you read in the Bible about the Israelites coming in and slaughtering the Canaanites, taking their land, and enslaving those who survived. What really happened was Caucasians came down from the mountains and killed the Black natives of those lands and had to make up myths to justify it. The Talmud is MUCH older than 6th Century AD. It was WRITTEN DOWN during that era but it was passed down ORALLY for CENTURIES before it was written. Jewish people have 2 main holy books...the Torah and the Talmud Both are based upon the teachings that a man named Musa gave to the Caucasians when he left Kemet and went up into the mountains to civilize them. The Torah are the LAWS you read about in the Old Testament telling the Caucasians what to eat, how to get married, don't have sex with animals, how to live, ect... The Talmud are the DETAILED ORAL INSTRUCTIONS given to a select group of Caucasians known as "Jews" on how to conduct daily life and how to manage the rest of the Caucasians (called Gentiles) and keep them civilized. Indeed white racists hate Jews as much as they Black people. Only the poor and ignorant ones. Educated and powerful Caucasians respect and protect Jews and seek their counsel and company because they usually smarter and more well read than the other Caucasians. They are the leaders of the Caucasian race. They are usually smarter, more educated, wealthier, and cleaner in personal hygiene and diet than other Caucasians. Why do you think so many are lawyers and doctors? During the so-called Dark Ages when all types of plagues and other diseases were floating around Europe...the Jewish communities were safe. Why? Because while the other Caucasians were eating bloody animals, not taking baths, having sex with sheep, and getting bitten by fleas and rats that carried diseases....the Jews were eating properly and bathing on a regular basis as they were instructed to by the Torah and Talmud that Musa gave them. This kept them healthy and safe. Without the Jews to keep them in check, most Caucasians would go right back to SAVAGERY. Smart Caucasian gentiles know this which is why they had to work together to stop Hitler!
  21. And do you know who is aiding and abetting this "gig economy" the most? Caucasian youth. Especially the Millenials and Generation Z's. Unlike the generations BEFORE them who hated economic injustice, formed unions, and demanded better jobs with higher wages and more benefits....despite all of the young Caucasians out protesting....the MAJORITY of Caucasian youth today actually support this feudalistic ultra-capitalist direction. Their doctrine is: " don't complain just work your ass off until you drop dead". Decades of Reaganomics and the Conservative brainwashing has convinced them that it's immoral to fight for higher wages and more benefits for LESS work. During the nation wide riots, a lot of POOR Caucasians with no teeth in their mouths and absolutely nothing were actually out there with guns defending property that wasn't even theirs talking about "This is our country and we can't let it go to hell !" Their mentality is they will preserve this system by all means even if it provides absolutely NO benefit to them what so ever. They'll work 4 or 5 jobs. Hell, they'll work their ass off and then lay down and STARVE to death before getting out in the streets and demanding a change because they've been brainwashed to believe anything else is "socialism" and that socialism is "evil".
  22. Troy If skin color (or lack of it) doesn't make any difference in people's behavior.... Why do you think Europeans more than any other demographic engaged in so much MORE colonization, slavery, and weapons manufacturing far above and beyond anyone else in history?
  23. I'm surprised. I wasn't nearly as offended by this video as I thought I'd be. It's not the overt sexuality that I often find offensive, I actually LOVE it and welcome it as part of our original culture as people of color. But Cardi B has a reputation for being ghetto and slutty and I didn't see TOO much of that in this video. That being said...... Nothing really to see. I don't see what the big deal is or why so many people are making such a fuss about this video unless a lot of money has been put into media for promo. It reminds me of Drake and how Caucasians who know almost nothing about Hiphop will talk about his videos and music simply because it's promoted in the media as THE current topic of conversation. I've said this before and this is a good opportunity to say it again, it's not CLEAN GOOD SEXUALITY that I have a problem with. It's the "sluttiness" and ghetto behavior that so many AfroAmerican women are portraying in their music that I find offensive. What's the difference? These pictures should illustrate: Venus Williams Nude Cardi B In A Slutty Pose While Venus's well toned body is seen nude and beautiful, Cardi is fully clothed but dressed in a little school girl outfit with her finger in her mouth as if to portray a minor under-aged girl....and grabbing her crotch....something most women don't do in public. It's low class "ghetto" behavior. Clean sexuality is regular "clean" sexuality like nudity, intercourse, flirting, ect.....which is enough for most Black men...or sex drive is strong enough that we don't need extra shit to turn us on. Slutty sexuality has an unhygienic ghetto low-class connotation to it that often involves violence. Slutty sexuality often includes leather outfits, whips, insinuations of rape and abuse, even pedophilia, making a mess of bodily fluids (including blood)....things that get most Caucasian men off. When you have a weak sexuality you rely on SEXUAL PERVERSIONS because normal natural sex isn't strong enough to stimulate you. This is what I have a problem with because too many AfroAmerican female entertainers....especially in Hiphop...are being encouraged to engage in THIS type of sexuality. Often times they'll preserve the beautiful "clean" sexuality for the White women. Show them in white lining...pearls...pregnant.......in soft lighting with soothing music. Too often the Caucasian woman is portrayed as the clean "goddess" housewife to be adored....while AfroAmerican woman is portrayed as the slutty nasty whore to be screwed, pissed on, and then abandoned when you're finished. Look at how the words "whores in this house" are repeatedly said over and over again. Also, the ignorance is a constant problem...... She calls herself Megan Thee "Stallion"....but a stallion is a MALE horse. A woman who goes around calling herself a "stallion" is like calling herself a "bull". And anyone who ISN'T ignorant to this fact is going to question not only her sexuality but her intelligence as well.
  24. Well.... It may be a nice gesture, but at the end of the day Google is a PRIVATE BUSINESS. It's not a government institution and has no obligations to serve the public, nor does it's users have any "rights" that are guaranteed. We need to be careful with these mega-corporations "sucking" the public into believing that THEY are public or government institutions there to serve them. These institutions are here to MAKE MONEY....bottom line. They will do anything to get the public on their side to MAKE more money but they aren't obligated to do so. There are no "public" sites or domains because the internet itself is not "public" or owned by the government. It's one big collection of PRIVATE entities that are being regulated (to various degrees) by the government....which means you have no RIGHTS to demand. Any content they deem inappropriate can be erased and you don't have a "right" to dispute it as being fair or unfair, you must only accept their decision. This truth must be clearly understood by the public; but it's not. For decades now the lines are being increasingly blurred between private and public to the point that many people think facebook, twitter, and even Fedex and UPS are "public" entities with an obligation to serve "everyone" in the public....when they infact are not. So they begin to RELY on them and allow the TRULY PUBLIC entities like the post office to collapse. If people aren't careful, pretty soon people like Bezos and Musk will have more power over the economy than the president and the people will be living under a state of FEUDALISM akin to 13th century Europe that'll take them another 300 years to fight their way out of.
  25. Lol..... Well, I've told you before that the intellect or intelligence level of the AfroAmerican community has DECLINED over the past several decades. Our people used to be MUCH more intelligent, smarter, and well behaved than they are today. Our people looked better too. Look at how slim or well built so many of the young people were back then compared to the obese and funny-made characters toddling around the neighborhood today. More than a few brothers have noticed and commented on how so many Caucasian women today have the curves and butts that so many of the AfroAmerican women USED TO have back in the day! A few sisters have vocalized how so many young brothers are chubby with big lumpy butts and big bellies that flop from side to side while they're running from the police or are being tossed to the ground and hand-cuffed. How can their be a lot of "Black Love" when you don't even like who you're looking at? Which one of these women do YOU think most Black men will be willing to fight for and defend: or Which type of Black man do you think AfroAmerican women would most likely respect: or The PHYSICAL condition of many of our people today is only a reflection of the MENTAL condition so many are in that is the source of so much of the crazy behavior you see going on in the neighborhoods today. This is no accident, it was deliberately designed that way by pushing out poisonous foods that fuck up the mind and body.
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