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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy more than 5,000,000 dead as a direct result of the war -- far more deadly than WWW I Not sure where you're getting your info from but most historians put the figure for WW1 deaths at atleast 20 MILLION direct deaths from being killed and multiple millions more indirect deaths from disease, starvation, ect.... No one argues whether or not Africans and Asians can be violent given the opportunity and conditions. But Caucasians have literally gotten violence and mass murder down to a SCIENCE. They sit around tables drinking coffee and eating sandwiches while designing bio and chemical weapons like small pox and mustard gas to produce the most massive amounts of pain, suffering, and death.
  2. Troy Dr. Brown, as sexy as she maybe is a bit long in the tooth for me "Long in the tooth"....man, I had to look that one up...lol. I've always found older women attractive. Their confidence and maturity. The older I get the more I appreciate how nice it is to have someone I can have an intelligent conversation with. Listen, I'm not sure if I asked you this before but while you were teachings did you ever run into a deep voiced brother who was a Professor named James Small ? This team's biggest struggle will be getting people motivated enough to vote. If people actually have to go the the polls it will be a challenge. If there IS an election (which I'm having serious doubts about) there will be so much fraud involved that it will probably be the most corrupt U.S. election of all times. We know that the Republicans will go all out to suppress as much of the Black and Brown vote as they can so Biden/Harris will need an absolute LAND-SLIDE to even stand a chance of actually winning. Anything less will be disputed. On top of that, Trump Supporters on the ground are talking about waging a Civil War if he loses....lol
  3. Daniel The history of China is a long a bloody one. I can't tell you the number of Asians who have killed other Asians or Africans who have killed all sorts of people. 6000 years of Chinese murder and counting. 12000 years of Black murder and counting. The Empires of the Niles were not Kissy Kissy. The Ashanit Empire and The Mali Empires were also bloody. Once again Color has no bearing on violent tendencies. And that's my point. We don't KNOW how many Africans and Asians have killed eachother over the thousands upon thousands of years of their history. We know it happened, but to what extent....we don't know for sure. But we KNOW that in just the 20th century ALONE including WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Stalinist Russia, Arab Israeli conflicts, The Bolshevic Revolution, Holocaust, lynchings, and countless other conflicts Caucasians have engaged in around the planet both known and covert....HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of people have been directly killed by Caucasians. (I'm not including the Black and Brown soldiers who kill FOR Caucasians). Again, we're just talking the 20th century ALONE...not including all the other centuries of documented murder of hundreds of millions in the name of slavery and colonization. We can only speculate as to how much killing other races have done, but we KNOW what the Whites have done! Their craft is well documented. Whites have only been a periphery in history. Yeah, well just like the proverbial "tail wagging the dog"....that periphery seems to govern the rest of the body of humanity.
  4. Troy That's a fine sister (Dr. Ann Brown) in that video by the way. Don't you think? Intelligent too. Makes her even sexier. I believe you said you either met or spoke to Dr. Leonard Jeffries before; well HE is in that video interviewing her. You see him for only a fraction of a second from time to time with a little kufi on grinning at her. It looks like Twitter got some help in getting 45 reelected. Biden selected Kamala Harris as his running mate I don't see how Harris is a benefit OR a liability...she just "is". BIDEN himself is the damn problem! The man is almost 80 years old and lacks enough charisma to energize the Democrat base or motivate people enough to go to the polls. He lacks "energy". Personally, I think it's JUST AS racist as Agent Orange, he is just a little better at hiding it. But like most White Supremacists....as he gets older....he's less able to control himself and every other week he's making another racist gaff. As ridiculous as this may sound, the prospect of looking at Kamala for 4 years may be the ONLY thing that will bring enough men to the polls to vote for "Sleepy Joe"....lol. He should have taken his opportunity back in 2016 instead of standing aside and letting Hillary fuck up another Presidential run.
  5. Now see, right here we have an intelligent sister who is a DOCTOR (at least in degree) who questions whether or not ALL humans are of African origin....... Like I said, not everybody is willing to go for anything Caucasians push on them.
  6. Chev I do not understand why you would say that this man is a White Supremacist. For the same reason when I meet a person with a light voice and breasts I say they're a woman.......because GOOD SENSE and life experience has taught me this is usually the case. Not always, but USUALLY. Good sense and life experience has also taught me that Caucasians are ARCH-deceivers and have a history of lying and presenting false information mixed up with the truth in order to confuse the people of color and create further division. One White man gives YOU the Bible and another White man gives ME a "science" book. Then they stand us in front of each other......and now we're arguing back and forth over who's got the "truth" when WE didn't come up with any of the information we're arguing over. White men are in a back room somewhere counting money laughing, while Black folks are in the other room arguing with each other, and shouting so loud the walls of the building are shaking -over who's the REAL HEBREW and who's just an imposter. "Mutha f......don't talk to my wife like dat....watch out!!!" Just fighting and arguing with each other all day and all night year after year over CRAP that NONE of them has actually witnessed and can prove. Families breaking up and refusing to have Sunday dinner with each other because on turned Muslim. Sisters and brothers not getting along because they disagree over which Bible to use. Negro walking down the street with a turban wrapped around his head looking down at OTHER people thinking he has some "special knowledge" no one else has. .....and ALL of them are confused because they believe in the lies they read in some book a White man with a long grey beard wrote by candle light 2000 years ago while in exile on some island somewhere. why don't you focus on the research presented? I did when I talked about the origin of the words "semite" "negro" and some of the other points. But let's be clear, what was presented in this thread was not actual research. It was simply re-posting the ALLEGED findings of a dead White man who DID the research. Much of the time it's the CAUCASIANS who do the actual so-called "research" of going to the land and digging through the sand and dirt, finding old bones and old scripts. The only thing many of our people "dig up" are the BOOKS and other documents that these Caucasians wrote about what they found! Nothing against brother Tazarah because I don't know him or what he's done personally in terms of actual research...... But in general as I've said before, if some of our people want to know the history of Arabia, Africa, or any other place they should GET UP off of their lazy ass and GO there and study it for THEMSELVES instead of sitting back digging up old papers that White folks scribbled up 100 years ago while half-high on cigars and cognac, to deceive the rest of the world. "Well...that should hold 'em until we think of something else".
  7. Chev This correlates to modern day INDENTURED SERVITUDE of which is a 7 year period--CONTRACT. In the ancient times and still today, in certain cultures, people have signed up their children for periods of indentured servitude for a period of 7 years, etc. This is absolutely NOT stealing human beings, forcing them to be born, live and die in FORCED FREE LABOR for 400+ years, from generation to generation because they are of a particular culture, or color, etc. BOND SERVITUDE is NOT 'heaven' for anybody, but people who fall on hard times in their own cultures, historically have left their homelands and if they could find someone wealthy willing to sign them on, then it was A CONTRACT and was expected to obeyed for a period of time. JUBILEE means no more than 50 years, and if the bond servant could not fulfill his part of the deal, then they were supposed to be set free of the binding contract. You seem to believe that the ONLY form of slavery is the type of slavery that existed in the United States where AfroAmericans were born into slavery and bred as slaves. There are MANY forms of slavery through out history, but the bottom line is anytime someone is FORCED to work against their will....they are a SLAVE, period. You keep trying to NARROW the definition of slavery to the point that the ONLY slaves in history would be the AfroAmericans in your book. It doesn't matter if they were born in it or captured in warfare. It doesn't matter if they were paid or had to do it for free. It doesn't matter for how long......7 years or 70 years. It doesn't matter if their role was as a servant OR as a farmer OR for sexual purposes. ...as long as they were FORCED to do it they were a SLAVE. No!!! This is NOT stealing a human being and forcing them to work for free labor until that die. You just don't understand! And YOU just don't understand (or act like you don't) that SLAVERY is SLAVERY. A person doesn't have to "steal" a slave, they can BUY a slave! Many Africans who were SOLD into slavery rather than stolen. Didn't the Bible say that Joseph's brothers SOLD him into slavery? You are angry with White people for addressing a deliberately suppressed truth about all humanity stemming from African male Y-DNA origins!? I'm not angry with them, I just don't trust them. They have a HISTORY of lying and deception. When they give me information, I find it ENTERTAINING.....like reading a novel, lol. Let's see now; Black people did not present this scientific truth, so therefore you refuse to accept it until somebody Black says it is truth!? Ofcourse Black people didn't present it....many of our people are busy working and trying to make a living for themselves. They don't have the time that the White Supremacists have to sit around in cafes with their legs crossed enjoying their wealth while they think up NEW lies to tell. "Ya think they'll fall for it this time?" "Well, I don't see why not........they fell for it before" You don't seem to understand the DANGERS of always listening to the SAME people who've been lying to you for over 400 years. I'm not saying everything they say is wrong, but my position is....I'm not believing ANY of that crap they're bringing. The SAME people telling you about humanity and where they came from are the SAME people who were telling you 100 years ago that everyone came from Adam and Eve. If someone wants to stand up and claim and prove that all humanity came in Africa then it BETTER be a Black man/woman who went there and checked for themselves....not another Caucasian with a white lab-coat on and some glasses. "Hey, guess what guys! We were in the back rambling through some old test-tubes and guess what WE discovered? We discovered that everybody comes from Africa! Well cheez-n-crackers how do ya like that!"
  8. Chev Anyway, I was so shocked when my aunt relayed the same point that you have just done. She told the younger folks that [paraphrasing] 'You all have no idea how close we came to being under German and Japanese domination and it would have been a nightmare if the decision was not made on how to stop them.' !!! I was so surprised and I had never heard that before! I probed and asked her more questions and wanted to know was it that bad. She said yes, it was really bad. She said it was the Nazi Movement and explained more. And even now, this is new information for me. I too heard that as a kid, but now I know better. Hitler wasn't going to let the Japanese occupy the United States or any other predominately Caucasian nation. He just needed them for man-power. He was just USING the Japanese in an attempt to subdue the OTHER East Asian nations like China and Korea in his quest to rule the world. Kind of like how a prison warden will use his most trusted prisoners (trustees) to keep the OTHER prisoners in check. I don't know @Pioneer1 I am not sure about that. I'm not sure either....... Which is why I HOPE Daniel will enlighten me by showing me evidence that may CORRECT what I'm saying if it's wrong about Caucasians being the number one blood-shedders on this planet! But so far all he's been doing is dropping comments here and there having little to do with my assertion. Daniel I made the decision to discipline myself to doing more reading. Now that you're well read... Can you PLEASE explain to me what your particular point is on the subject of race and bloodshed? Are you saying that I'm wrong? And if so are you willing to offer some sort of evidence? Or what is your overall point. I'm asking because you're steadily making comments that are somewhat RELATED to what I'm saying and seem to challenge it...but not really. Pioneer says: "Caucasians have killed more people than any other race on the planet" Daniel says: "China has a long history of warfare" Pioneer says: "Caucasians are the only ones with a history of inventing and using nuclear weapons in warfare" Daniel says: " You better read a book fo' you open yo' mouth!"
  9. Now....... - Position ourselves in local administrative offices like mayors, city council, state reps, school superintendents, ect.....and make OUR OWN laws and policies that benefit US. Don't just OCCUPY the offices....like most negroes are doing now.....but actually DO SOMETHING and CHANGE THE POLICIES to benefit our people. What good is a Black Mayor if they aren't going to re-arrange the laws and take advantage of the position to help AfroAmericans? - Buy up as many local television, radio, and news paper establishments as we can so that we can PROPERLY inform OUR people with real news and current events, like who's trying to kill them or who's giving away free houses and cheap property. - Establish STRONGER punishments for violent crimes like CORPORAL PUNISHMENT...meaning we actually beating people's asses when they commit unjust acts of violence against fellow citizens so that they won't do it again....instead of just locking them up so they learn how to be better criminals, like the Cauasians do. Then you'll actually have PEACE in the community. -KEEP OUT illegal immigrants who are being brought in to undermine AfroAmerican progress and economic success and once we know the threat from illegal immigration is no longer there THEN we can build good paying MANUFACTURING JOBS so that AfroAmerican men and women of AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE can make a good living for themselves without having all types of degrees and connections. There's a LOT to be done, for people who actually want to do it. But many of our people don't WANT to take charge of their own communities and help themselves. They'd rather let Caucasians take care of REAL business like running the society while they run around dressing up in nice clothes, making music, and playing games. White men busy building skyscrapers....and Negroes busy walking by the construction site with an arm full of job resumes (on his way to beg another white man for a job) looking up in amazement wondering what type of building they're building so that he can apply for a job inside once it's completed!
  10. Daniel You know I'm not the smartest guy in the world....so again... what point are you trying to make? Tell me plainly. I know the Chinese and Japanese fought with eachother. Are you saying that their fighting produced MORE DEATHS on this planet than the Caucasians have? Because if it didn't, then what point are you trying to make?
  11. Welcome to the site! Here's a picture of Henry Field that anthropologist/archeologist/white supremacist who did this work: He's a Caucasian, and as usual I advise our people to be VERY careful of accepting any information they receive from Caucasians because they will mix the TRUTH up with FALSEHOOD to leave you in a state of argumentative CONFUSION. Meaning, they will provide you with deception and confusion that you will believe in so strongly that you'd be willing to argue over. For one thing, these brown skinned people he's referring to didn't call THEMSELVES "Semites". People TODAY refer to them as "Semites"; because that word "Semite" is based on biblical mythology; but tose people probably didn't know anything about Shem/Sem or Ham or even Noah or any other of these Biblical figures that so much of Western science is based off of. It's just used to add to confusion. Second, they didn't call themselves "Negroes" either. That's another name people TODAY refer to them as. Negro is just the Spanish word for "Black" and it's been used for different people at different times by White Supremacists to serve their purposes. Which is MORE confusion. Third, those brown skinned people he's speaking of didn't "invade" Mesopotamia from Arabia....they were already there. They are the ORIGINAL people of that land and didn't have to "invade" a land they were already living on. African/Dravidian people already lived in that entire area......the ONLY people who "invaded" the land from outside that area were the various nomadic Caucasian tribes who were coming down from the mountains and were looking for new places to conquer and settle THEMSELVES in. They were known by various names like Akkadians, Chaldeans, Aryans, Persians, ect....but they were the ONLY invaders. I tell my people....... Don't get excited and run off with every paper you read that was written by some Caucasian with a handle-bar mustache and glasses. Read it, examine it, consider that it MAY be true or it MAY not. And then move on to the next piece of material. Because they (the Caucasians) are going to just CHANGE their story 2 years from now and you'll still be stuck with their OLD lies fighting and arguing to hold on to it thinking IT is the absolute truth while ANOTHER Black man will have ANOTHER paper that he found written by ANOTHER Caucasian that HE believes is the absolute truth....then you have more division and confusion among the AfroAmericans. Look at how so many of our people are still STUCK on "Adam and Eve" after the Caucasians gave that myth to them to believe in......while THEY have abandoned it and moved on to Evolution So now you got SOME AfroAmericans who believe in the Bible arguing with OTHER AfroAmericans who believe in the Theory of Evolution. Both of them are DECEPTIONS whipped up the the Caucasians to control the darker people of the planet and they don't even believe in it themselves.....but if they can get people of color to fight eachother over it, then it's purpose has been served.
  12. Daniel My father was a Black Merchant Marine in WWII. Blacks servers in most branches of the US during that war OK, and your point is? Unlike the Europeans the Asians would have fought to the last man if they hadn’t been confronted by massive overwhelming destruction. And ALSO unlike the Europeans, the Asians wouldn't have STARTED a war with people who did absolutely nothing to them. So there wouldn't have been a war to begin with. if the Europeans didn’t create the Atomic Bomb the Asians would have. I am more inclined to believe that the African Hegemony ran it’s course. Funny how the Africans and Asians had been on this planet for HUNDREDS of thousands if not MILLIONS of years and with no record of them using nuclear weapons on eachother. Infact you can't find any records of warfare going back BEYOND 7,000 years! Then a bunch of green-eyed Caucasians pop up on the scene, sitting around tables drinking cognac and smoking cigars and get to talking among themselves and ALL OF A SUDDEN you have entire cities blowing up, mountains catching on fire and tumbling down, and entire oceans becoming so poisonous that even dead fish are floating up to the top. Man, these people are just plain NO DAMN GOOD for the planet!
  13. Chev I can understand this point but still, in terms of the 'degree' of violence versus the quantity, are two different issues, imo. What do you think? Based on the LIMITED amount of history I know and research I've done, I'd say that that when it comes to who's done the most killing.... Caucasians have outdone EVERYBODY on the planet in terms of both "quality" and "quantity"! For thousands of years, Africans fought with spears and swords. Chinese also. Indians with bows and arrows and spears. They may kill ten here....25 there. If they manage to kill 200 or 500 people in one setting, that's a BIG event! The old men will sit around a camp fire and talk to wide-eyed children about THAT battle for generations! Now here a White man comes along, stands there with his arms folded, listens to them brag, and says he'll put ALL of that shit to shame..... He then proceeds to get on a plane, fly way the hell up in the sky, and then drops something that kills EVERY DAMN BODY in the entire city! A million people VAPORIZED in 2 seconds! And cripples 2 or 3 million more people unfortunate enough to be in the surrounding area at the time! Yeah, I think he's got 'em all beat....lol.
  14. Chev I am so sick of Negroes using White Supremacist reasoning to discredit the Bible. Lol..... You're sick of the Negroes who try to discredit the Bible but you ain't sick of the BIBLE ITSELF that the White Supremacists wrote up, huh??? The term 'slave' is NOT a part of the KJV on these scriptures!!! The term is 'SERVANT' and BONDSERVANT, BONDSERVITUDE. the terms 'servant' and 'bondservant' has NOTHING to do with HUMAN SACRIFICE!!! There are only one time the word SLAVE is used in the KJV!!! Outside of this, the definition of STEALING HUMAN BEINGS which is HUMAN SACRIFICE is defined. Oh! So in other words when I read the KJV it will make sense that they are NOT talking about slavery? Let's see.......... Exodus 21 So they are ROUTINELY talking about servants that they BUY and SELL and these servants have MASTERS.....but they ain't talking about "slavery"? OK, gotcha..... I already told you they are NON-BLACK! ....and that's the problem; because WHITE SUPREMACISTS are "non-black". It's NOT about the scientist, this is about the SCIENTIFIC PROOF! LOL. ALL MALE Y-DNA HAPLOGROUPS go back to a single Black African Male origin!!! LOL. The ONLY single origin all of this "revelation" and "proof" is coming from is the ROOM where the White Supremacists made it up in! Straight from the conference table of a bunch of White Supremacists, who sat around and made up their own scientific lies to disseminate just like they made up their own religious lies to spread all over the planet.. Now tell me..... Why in the WORLD would I want to replace ONE White Supremacist lie with ANOTHER White Supremacist lie, and then turn around and ARGUE with other AfroAmericans over which lie is the most convincing!!!
  15. Yes. The same Tamil Script that you said DIDN'T EXIST. But I don't expect you to recant.
  16. The date isn't important, YOU SAID it "didn't exist". I just showed you that it DID. ........so stop playin'.
  17. Most of you may or may not believe this but the VAST MAJORITY of the laws that have been made in this nation AFTER the Constitution was established were made specifically to RESTRICT AfroAmericans! That's right! Those who helped to establish the United States wanted to make a NEW nation separate from the old nations of Europe dominated by centuries of laws, rules, and customs along with Kings and Queens who had the right to just make up any old rule they felt like. They intended to set up a nation with FEW restrictions and only one solid Constitution that was supposed to prevent tyranny and limit excessive authority and rule-making. If you study U.S. history, you'll find that well over 75% of ALL the laws (federal, state, county, local) in this nation saying you CAN do this and you CAN'T do that are actually UN-Constitutional. And if you study the history behind those laws and why the various legislative bodies that enacted them decided to do so...it's usually because a BLACK MAN took advantage of his CONSTITUTIONAL rights to do something and because it either threatened Caucasian power OR it was a good idea and Caucasians hadn't thought of it first....they decided to MAKE a law against it where before there had been none. The entire concept of LICENSING came out of racist intentions! Before Emancipation, you didn't need a "license" to do ANYTHING in America. You may have needed the money or knowledge to do it....but you didn't need a license or permission. This was AMERICA! You were "FREE" to pick up your toys and go ahead and play with them! But during RE-construction so many AfroAmericans were building and inventing and establishing businesses and making money that Caucasians had to find a way to CONTROL them and limit their success, and that's when you started seeing long lists of law after law after law after law at the federal, state, and local levels restricting people on what they could do, have, say, and acquire. Some of you may be surprised to know that we didn't even have an INCOME TAX in this nation until AFTER the slaves were Emancipated and started making a lot of money! The Constitutions says you CAN DO this but when a Black man DID that...... The White Supremacists didn't like it and got together and made a Federal law AGAINST that. The Constitution says you have a right to SAY this, but when Black man SAID that......guess what? Some Caucasian man didn't like it so him and other White Supremacists at the state level got together and made a State law against you saying that. You see, where a law or rule doesn't exist, instead of just leaving it alone - they'll MAKE UP one against you. And this should come as no surprise to most of you because even on your job you know if you did something Caucasians didn't like but it broke no rules they'd get together and have a meeting about you and literally MAKE UP new rules specifically to curtail you and any more negroes of the future who try to do what you did. Talk back to me....am I lying?
  18. Like I said, we must build OUR OWN house on OUR OWN land. In other words.... This is the United States and we have the right UNDER THE CONSTITUTION (not necessarily local law) to buy up land and build our own communities and impose our own laws IN those communities. I emphasize buying land and building our own buildings and institutions because some people believe we MUST leave America and find some island somewhere. That's not necessary. We don't even NEED our own separate state. All we need is to buy enough land in EVERY state and EVERY major city Personally..... I like the Jewish model. They are in every city in every state and enjoy all of the liberties America allows and take advantage of them WHILE building up and promoting their own institutions and values! I don't understand when atleast a SEGMENT of AfroAmericans haven't done as much yet. I'm surprised the Nation of Islam which has been in this nation for over 70 years hasn't bought up sections of several major cities and built them up to form their own separate communities. I know you (and others) will say we've tried that before but look what they did to Rosewood and Greenwood, and you'd have a point. But look at what's happening to our people ANYWAY. Dead is dead. Death is death. Being killed is being killed whether they attack your town and lynch you overnight or SLOWLY poison you with lead in the water, crack in the streets, and Covid-19. I would think it's better to TAKE A CHANCE building something of our own and MAYBE it may be attacked and destroyed rather than sitting around with NOTHING of our own constantly begging Caucasians and other races for jobs, healthcare, media exposure, ect....
  19. Here is her interview on CNN...... Now look at this girl, she's only 15 and look how calmly and intelligently she can articulate her points and answer questions directly and with clarity: Now the next time they interview the AVERAGE (not a professor or politician) AfroAmerican man who is GROWN, pay attention to how HE acts! See if HE can speak as calmly and as intelligently as this kid. See if HE can answer simple questions and even take the initiative to expose the injustices of his community like this kid did in her school! You have several schools FULL of Black teenagers in Flint, I didn't see ONE of them come on and speak like this young lady did about their water being poisioned! Just an hour BEFORE this young lady came on they were interviewing a Black man who was a barber down in Arkansas trying to do something positive and the negro called Mississippi a CITY! Other negroes....GROWN MEN....come on crying, rambling, forgetting the questions they are asked 5 seconds ago and going off on tangents totally unrelated to what the anchor just asked them. Don't make ANY damn sense. "So, DeShawntay....what steps do YOU think the police can take to improve it's relationship in your community?" "Well....see....iss like...ok....." ((looks down and shakes his head)) "I don't know mayne, cuz....like....thangz is so far gone over HERE....that it's just lost! I mean.....ok....put it like this.....if you see little chilrunz runnin' around here....don't be so quick to pull out yo' gunz! See, what I'm saying....cuz you got all deez lil' chilrun runnin' around here.....WHY YOU tryna shoot peoplez??? I'm just saying.....come on mayne....it ain't that serious." "Well thank you for your input DeShawntay, and you have a wonderful day" ((shakes head)) At this point, there is no comparison.......
  20. I may be wrong, but I would dare say that Caucasians killed more people (of any color) in World War 1 ALONE than probably all of the people killed by Africans (including eachother) COMBINED in the previous 6,000 years. What is because of their color? I can't say.
  21. Perhaps the solution is to LEAVE the plantation and build your own house on another plot of land. This issue of "class" and social status ONLY works when you're dwelling inside a system that Caucasians designed for you. You give power to the system and support it just by LIVING in it. If you reject the system all together and decide to build your OWN society with your OWN rules then class becomes less of an issue.
  22. Troy The thing about all your conspiracy theories is that you have to look past a ton of more likely scenarios to believe them. Another thing about my conspiracy theories is that you don't want to believe ANY of them...lol. I'm AMAZED at how so many AfroAmerican no longer believe in conspiracies and seek to dismiss them while at the SAME time so many racist right-wing Caucasian men DO believe in conspiracies and are all over AM talk radio promoting them. Hell, even Agent Orange promotes them and re-tweets them! Do you realize how disappointing it is....especially knowing how well Caucasian men stick together and support each other over LIES.....to tell AfroAmericans about how others are trying to harm them -only to have them laugh in your face and dismiss you as they smoke weed? "Yeah, well...we busy right now......" It's almost as if sometimes you WANT just a few AfroAmericans to get harmed just so they will KNOW that you're telling the truth and will take you more seriously next time you try to tell them something. It's like some of those people who think Covid-19 is a joke or fake news, until THEY get sick. Why did it take THEM getting sick before they believed and understood the seriousness of the matter? The people who wirk in these store bust their asses. I would not trade places with them -- i doubt you woukd either. No, I wouldn't. I see them as indentured servants...almost slaves. Like I said, many of these women are actually PROSTITUTES and have to work for money to pay back the debts they owe or send money back home. @Delano i used to buy cigarettes for my mother when I was a little kid. Lol.... Just like them bottles of 8-ball, Delano was buying them for HIMSELF.
  23. Makes you wonder how all of these non-Black immigrants and business owners seem to do all types of illegal shit and NOT go to jail. They're not that smart if they're doing illegal business with children who often TELL and BRAG about where they get their liquor, dope, cigarettes, and other things from. So the police certainly know about what these people do, but they ignore it and TARGET AfroAmericans. Some will say they are smart enough to "pay off" the police. To those who say this, my question is where did they get the INITIAL money when they first came here to open up businesses and pay off cops? In other words, the VERY FIRST Koreans, or Arabs, or Indians....coming from an impoverished nation...come to America. As hard as it is and as much paperwork as it takes to open up an actual business like a store or restaurant....where did THEY (people who just came here with no connections) get the money and skills to open up an actually BUSINESS? How how did people coming from nations and cultures with poor sanitation and STILL practice poor sanitation manage to get pass the health inspectors? They aren't that smart, someone HELPED them out! I'm telling you these people were BROUGHT to America for the soul purpose of sending them to AfroAmerican neighborhoods to disrupt our social and economic progress. They sell rotten meat, dope, and even weapons out of their establishments and the police KNOW they're doing it but have been ordered to LEAVE THEM ALONE. If I, you, or any other Black person was INVITED to Korean and GIVEN a business, plenty of money to keep it running year after year, and the local authorities were told to ignore you and let you do your thing....guess what.....YOU'D be successful also! YOU'D be part of the business and merchant class of Korea and would be standing behind the counter on high platforms looking down on the rest of the Korean population!
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