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Everything posted by richardmurray

  1. the url is http://houyhnhnm.github.io/BlackGamesElite/GameRoom/MSinChe/MSinChe1.html
  2. Share photos or videos of playing the games in the MSinChe series:)
  3. Thanks to member Ray Gibson of the private BlackGamesElite group, I realized an error and correct it on the game KumRan Please say the highest level you reach as well as the time it took http://houyhnhnm.github.io/BlackGamesElite/GameRoom/MSinChe/MSinChe1.html
  4. Finishing the second game was interesting. I had forgotten the addressing style and that is what took a long time. I forgot that with arrays in javascript the addressing can be applied multiple times, thus in the function for setting up the data storage i was copying the data repeatedly, thus the inefficient results.
  5. NyoKuun - the snake stitiching game, what is the highest level you can reach, is it too slow, do you want it faster? http://houyhnhnm.github.io/BlackGamesElite/GameRoom/MSinChe/MSinChe2.html
  6. December Solstice art or text craft parade The December Solstice is December 21st 11:19 pm EST or UTC-5 , it is the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern hemisphere share photos of art OR text of fiction The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in summer in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR Black people in winter in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day or summer or winter STORY 1 : https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-december-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=963 Story 2: https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-december-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=964 November 28th Native American Harvest Art Thanksgiving is November 28th , share photos of art OR text of fiction The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo concerning Native Americans enjoying food only -can include Black seminoles- no colonists from europe The text can only be fiction based on the following: Native Americans communities around harvest - black seminoles allowed- no colonist from europe https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-native-american-harvest-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=961 November 11 Veterans day is November 11th, share photos of art OR test of fiction, guest comments are allowed The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo concerning Black Veterans, any country any time, any army The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black Soldiers who fought against the USA for the british/ Black soldiers during the Haitian Freeing/ Black Seminoles during the time of osceola/jonas caballo/Black soldiers who fought for Menelik II in the first Abyssinian-italo war story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-veterans-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=959 story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-veterans-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=960 October 31st Halloween, Oct 31st to Nov 1st is Samhain, mid september equinox to december solstice The time of final main harvest before the winter. look at this dog, the ghost:) https://0512-97.tumblr.com/post/631277935457878016 Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-halloween-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=957 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-halloween-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=958 October 12th indigenous peoples day - present a story of text or images that reflect Black Indigenous people of the USA or the greater american continent September Equinox- it is september 22nd 13:31 UTC equate to 8:31 utc-5, it is the beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern hemisphere < http://www.astropixels.com/ephemeris/soleq2001.html > share photos of art OR text of fiction The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in spring in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR Black people in fall in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day of spring or fall Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-september-equinox-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=948 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-september-equinox-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=949 September 21st international day of peace- a story of peace https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-september-equinox-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=947 September 7th – Mrs. moses, born 1860 was a painter from new york state, began painting at 78,a story of an older person painting Statian LAbor Day- First monday of September-a story of john henry in the usa Ray Bradbury birthday August 22nd- I quote him: "Libraries raised me... I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for ten years" Submit a story using three random things, solid/liquid/gas/eectromagnetic in the room where you sleep, utilizing a book in some fashion in the story. Cat Nights begin on August 17th - display any text or art concerning cats. <Cat Nights begin on August 17. This term harks back to the days when people believed in witches. A rather obscure old Irish legend said that a witch could turn herself into a cat eight times, but on the ninth time (August 17), she couldn’t regain her human form. This bit of folklore also gives us the saying, “A cat has nine lives.” Because August is a yowly time for cats, this may have prompted the speculation about witches on the prowl in the first place. Also, nights continue to get longer. Cats, crepuscular creatures, are nocturnal hunters. Their superior night vision means that the nights belong to them. citing> https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-black-cowboy-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=943 Mid June Solstice to september equinox, Midsummer eve < equal distant days between the June Solstice and the September Equinox, august 6th or 7th in 2020, ? 2021 > Usually celebrated August 1st , also called Lammas This is a free subject time, think of your dreams or compose any art or prose to any subject. Black Cowboy day- In the USA , National Cowboy day is july 25th so I say, give this day to art, text full of imagination for the black cowboy https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-saint-mary-magdalene-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=938 Saint Mary MAgdalene- the catholic saint day is the 22nd of july, i say she warrant better, what is your craft to her? https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-aphelion-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=936 Aphelion is July 4th 11:04pm in 2020, the Aphelion for earth is when the earth is farthest from the sun, in its eliptical orbit. If you consider the Perihelion the beginning of a year, then the Aphelion is the trust midyear point. Every planet around the sun has an aphelion. Earth's moon like all other moons has a similar action, called an apogee to a planet, where a moon is farthest from the planet it rotates around, by having an elliptical orbit. Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-aphelion-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=923 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-aphelion-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=924 Midsummer day June 24th - summer in europe or other places was culturally started in May and ended at the end of august. Thus late july was called midsummer. Usually between June19th and june 25th. What dream did you have? Father's day is june 21st Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-june-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=911 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-fathers-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=912 The June Solstice , in 2020, is on the 20th, it will be in the moment 5:43 PM on Saturday In the northern hemisphere summer begin, in the southern hemisphere winter begin. The sun will appear to be at its highest point in the sky in the northern hemisphere, the lowest point in the sky in the southern hemisphere. In parallel, during the December solstice, in the northern hemisphere it begins winter, in the southern hemipshere summer The sun will appear to be at its lowest point in the sky in the northern hemisphere , while the highest in the southern hemisphere EQuinox, the path of the sun crosses the equator of earth extended out into space or the celestial equator. Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-june-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=909 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-june-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=910 Juneteenth is July 19th , a day celebrated as the day when all black people in the usa knew that the slave system had been destroyed, not legally abolished, which is the 13th amendment. State text or graphics depicting Juneteenth to you. https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-juneteenth-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=908 Flag Day <june 14th , June 14, 1777 the usa flag was adopted : "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.">- commemorating the Flag of the usa. IT is not a federal holiday. But, what does the USA flag mean to you? I ask for various text or graphics depicting that feeling. Here is some trivia. When is a star supposed to be added when a state is added to the union? https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-flag-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=905 Memorial Day <last monday of may originally may 30th, originally called decoration day> - create writing or art that involve the the death of Black soldiers who died serving on the battlefield for the us military or others. I ask a query? https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-aphelion-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=914 Joan or Arc canonized <may 16th>+ Jumping Frog Jubilee <every third weekend in may, honoring MArk Twain's first published work> https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-mothers-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=901 Mother's Day is May 10th , Photos or text involving art /live model/stories involving black mothers Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-mothers-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=897 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-mothers-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=899 May 1st, Floralia or festival of Flora/ hellenistic Chloris or Communists/socialists international workers day for incident involving a workers march on may day, make a story concerning flowers and labor across flag borders, excluding the usa , also called May Eve , or MidSpring or Mid march equinox to june solstice Earth Day, is april 22nd, show art or text or fiction involving the earth Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-earth-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=894 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-earth-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=895 Eostre Easter is April 12th in the year 2020, the name is derived from Ēostre the real or unreal germanic goddess but the date and most modern traditions refer to Pascha which roughly translates to passover, the Jewish holiday. But, I want to focus on Ēostre. For easter, include the real or unreal traditions attributed to Eostre, like rabbits, or make your own.You can show photos of art OR text of fiction The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Eostra real or unreal traditions The text can only be fiction based on the following: Real or unreal traditons of Eostre. Orthodox catholic easter comes a week after roman catholic easter. Story 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=892 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=893 April Fool's day April 1st http://houyhnhnm.github.io/aprilfool/index.html March Equinox art or text craft parade The March Equinox is March 19th 11:49 pm EST UTC -5 , it is the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, fall in the southern hemisphere share photos of art OR text of fiction The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in fall in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR Black people in spring in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day of spring or fall AALBC STORY https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-march-equinox-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=878 Story 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=890 Story 3 https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=891 Saint PAtrick day https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=889 Mardi Gras is February 25th in the year 2020. I ask you to make a journal of your day in New Orleans during mardi using photos from wherever you like to paruse Story 1 : https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=885 Story 2 : https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-eostre-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=886 Black Hearts Day or Valentine's Day good news - Any Love , story or image stating Black love, any language, any geography, any religion. Love is meant to be shared everyday,but giving it a day in the year to itself is not an evil or bad thing. Enjoy Black people together. In the usa it is feb 14th Richard Murray Valentines day album 2020 LINK Mid dec solstice to march equinox, Midwinter day in the northern hemisphere- called imbolc , ussally celebrated on february 2nd , which is also groundhog day in the usa ? Martin Luther King junior Day - His actual birthday is the fifteenth of january but the federal holiday is in a monday for three day weekends, like others. It is celebrated on the third monday in the month of january in every year since its inception in the Statian Empire. I ask you to share , historical fictions/prose/graphical artwork in any style concerning MArtin Luther King jr....I do wonder why Blacks in the U.S.A. can not come together and demand a true day off for this federal notice. And also share, officials days in a country outside the usa for a black person in history? In Amendment Why the holiday is on his the third monday and not his true birthday? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Monday_Holiday_Act MLK jr's views on Financial Accountability https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnKP__N7MNI MY 2020 speech https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/194-richard-murray-creative-table/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-820 Marcus Garvey Birthday Jan 17th January Perihelion The perihelion is the moment in the path the Earth make about the Sun ,elliptical orbit, where the Earth's position is closest to the sun. It will occur : January 5, 2020 2:47 am EST or UTC-5. The June Aphelion is when the earth is farthest away. Please provide any art or text concerning a sun coming closer, and don't try the twilight zone episode. YEAR MARK EXTRA A Day, and Most Night, At The Uffizi Daylight savings time 2020 Arcane Idol 2020
  7. KumRan - the color memory game , what is the highest level you can reach? how many seconds did it take you ? http://houyhnhnm.github.io/BlackGamesElite/GameRoom/MSinChe/MSinChe1.html
  8. Any questions you have to the project. Please ask. I will place thoughts during the process of development in this forum. If you want a list of the games developed for your public parusal, check out the blog using the following link Link
  9. I hope every year we can present a group project.
  10. BlackGamesElite is a online club which I started to do two thing 1. Have a community considering Black people, a human community based on the auniversally accepted phenotypical range of skin, in relation to all elements of the video game industry, from developers to culture to characters in games or any other factor in said industry. 2. To have fun:) Rules 1. Have fun 2. All phenotypes are welcome, but if you can't handle Black empowerment, whether you be black or not, please go somewhere else online.
  11. Most forums have a member introduction space. I rather people introduce themselves by answering the following question. Name me the most immediate or achievable goal for black developers of video games in your opinion?
  12. BlackGamesElite is the name of a group or a project I initiated to do the following, in no order Create and maintain a gaming group , pan phenotypical in composure, with a purpose to have positive dialog/communication/debate/design of games involving Black people aside assessing all things games; Black people is defined as those of a certain phenotype, skin tone range, gardless of their geographic based lineage/heritage/culture/gender/age/language or other racial factor Start a Black Owned Gaming company Have FUN The Group Page that will serve as the totally public depository for member development concerning game development projects- it has a newsletter for those interested in following the journey https://aalbc.com/tc/clubs/5-blackgameselite/ The frontpage to the games developed in the group http://houyhnhnm.github.io/BlackGamesElite/ Companion books to the games- for fun or interest Coming soon
  13. It is the shortest night in Avare, in Sao Paulo in Brazil, a farmer walk to a simple orange tree, growing away from the grove. The sun sets and the stars brighten as they get their chance to gather. The farmer begins to grab stars and place them into the tree, where they can talk and gossip the news across eons. The farmer listen into a faint star dangling low near the base of the tree. "I recall the Lonely Man, the two Weepers and the Three Brothers of the Rim, looking across my universe...the glare of our light never allowing him to see anything ahead, his back eternally fixed" "...He was still looking out, when I came here, bitter, angry" The farmer walk out to the edge of the tree and grab a star, and it speak to him. "I am a member of the Golden Ladle... my cousins, the dippers, tell me many sailors find their way, using them, on this world...but I know a world where the skies decides where the sailors sail" "A sky of said world tried to discover what effect we stars had on their fellow skies. It measured distances and changes, the sailors of said world loved that sky cause it was calm at sea level, allowing the lesser winds to govern the actions above the sparkling sea... that begins the legend of Narda the sailor and the seas of night... now place me there" And the farmer, place the star where it gleamed to. Suddenly, a number of stars laughed on a lengthy branch. And the farmer edged close to overhear a particularly glinty star "...alright, alright, remember all of you flashes, everything I say is the truth... I once saw the spirit of the existence, that is right... the spirit of existence, which turned from a star brighter than my dreams into some image of a fleshy female creature, was talking gibberish." "Everything the spirit said was gibberish, just a flickering about. I asked it, what is the problem? That is right, I am a gentlestar. The spirit suggested some fleshy male creature, tricked it. I said impossible. I told the spirit of existence, my cousin is what those fleshies call the north star, if it shine bright with me, it will forget all of the tricks of the crawlers. So, the spirit of existence, chose to shine with me. Yes, that is right, it shined with me, and me alone. No one else saw because the rest of you were busy talking to yourselves, not gleaming all around you. I of course, am aware of what is going on and saved all your lives. The spirit even touched me with a flare. Yes, it did and said, my simple focus inspired it to select me to have a child. We will call it, Horus or Hercules or something. Shut up Cassia! Your just mad you didn't get a chance with the spirit" And the farmer chose to move on and pick another star. For when the night end, only oranges will exist where the stars were. A juice not to be sold, but savored. If you enjoy my stories and want to read more consider the following Illustrated fables, from a city near you https://www.kobo.com/ebook/concrete-fables The Goods News through the year- stories throughout the calendar https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-december-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/
  14. “Look up mommy”: speak a voice, looking up, in the night. “I see the conjunction; do you remember the planets?”: speak an older voice, looking down at her daughter. “umm yes, Mshtari and… and, don’t say it! Zohari” “Very good… do you want to hear a story about them?” “yes” A blanket covers the two as a third sit down next to his wife in the blanket; he says nothing while looking up. The mother clears her throat. “Once many, many, moon turns ago the planets, who were young then, made forms to travel beyond their bodies and record experiences, Zohari chose a form and wanted to experience the ability to play find and seek with the Sun” “While the avatar to Zohari was on a way to Ra, Mshtari made an avatar. ” “Mshtari wanted to play shadow evasion with the Sun. And the avatar of Mshtari intercepted the avatar of Zohari. The two avatars need not speak; they knew their intentions and they began to fight. The avatar of Ra noticed the battle while waiting in its crown. ” “The avatars fought with so much passion, they brightened all of space. That grabbed the attention of Hathor, of the old divinities. She appeared about Ra.” “She spoke to Ra and suggested a solution. Since the two are fighting over hiding in the dark or staying in the light, why not make it where they both can have fun. Ra did not know how. Hathor answered, what if you use a planet. With Zohari’s avatar on the side not facing you and Mshtari’s on the side facing you, you can search for Zohari while dance with Mshtari. Ra liked the idea and flew to the fight. The two battling avatars agreed and their spirits soon separated, dimming the heavens. And all three ended up playing on every planet they can find. Till they ran out of energy and needed to go back to their sources.” And the two parents, sandwiching thier child, cuddled tighter and looked up to the old light. If you enjoy my stories and want to read more consider the following Illustrated fables, from a city near you https://www.kobo.com/ebook/concrete-fables The Goods News through the year- stories throughout the calendar https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-december-solstice-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/
  15. CONCRETE FABLES Illustrations of moral lessons from the Urban Jungle. A contemporary set of fables as potent as Aesop's. A fun set of fantasies to read at your local park. https://www.kobo.com/ebook/concrete-fables
  16. I remember when I saw Hialeah after waking up. The members of the raiding band cautiously behind me. She was cooking food for all. I knew few english words, my name being John; but she didn’t mind. I met her eyes and she already knew mine. We fell in love, and I joined her raiding party. We survived tons of gunfire as colonist numbers grew and grew. We even got through a pregnancy in a winter woods in the MicMaq lands now called New England. Aponi, our little treasure, skipping in the snow. Hialeah’s feet after the pregnancy always needed extra comfort. I had to make special shoes for her. Then, the colonists in 1775 finally wanted to not be english. We talked about what we should do. She reminded all of us, her people were assaulted by the colonist and had to flee. The colonists fable of being aided is their version of saying they stole from native people. Her people of the Powhatan Confederacy had to protect our food from colonists, who eventually raided across the Tsenacommacah and made it Virginia. She will never forgive the colonists, whether they call themselves english or american. And the persistence of their myth of friendship, sickens her very soul. I agreed, some others joined me and her, but most chose to go farther west. I didn’t know about my people across the great water, but I will never forgive the colonists, no matter what they call themselves either. And, we few went south. We were at the battle for Jersey. I even saw a flamboyant soldier defend against the colonists. After meeting Richard Freeman, he told me that Ethiopia is a place across the big water. Since I never heard of a place across the great water where I came from before, I called myself John Ethiopia. And then, the war got worse. My beautiful land was shot during a raid, I held our butterfly, as her mother sung her last song to her. And, in 1783, the war ended. Me plus our daughter, the last of our band, were sent to Nova Scotia. The cold was too much for the little butterfly and she died. Alone, cold, my memory of her with our little life losing color or definition in the last thoughts in my life. My spirit now gives thanks not living under the colonists, as their kingdom grew. A kingdom full of thieves. I give thanks for being eternally free from its lies, side my loving wife and child. Beyond the confines or the reach of the eagle. Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below Poetry or More https://www.kobo.com/ebook/poetry-or-more-1 Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/richard-murray-16885e64-6c28-459e-bf5f-45c7d458ce49 AALBC https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/blog/29-richard-murray-hearth/
  17. It is an afternoon sun through calming clouds on the private catholic school Institution Marmoutier , along the Loire river. A boy take his lunch and go to his favorite riverside, alone. He unfurl his mat and lay on it, placing his lunch beside his head, and look to the gentle clouds, tears budding at the corner of each eye. He sniff and take out an earbud to hear a Carl Sagan recording. His dad liked Carl Sagan alot, as a kid his dad listened to Sagan with his grandfather. The youth cover his face using the back of his hand while tears flow down cheeks. Abrupt yelling interrupt his woe. He see a girl running from other girls, and he leave his food and mat yelling: "Arrete!"/"Stop!" He chases them to the abbey; it is quiet cause most of the students are in their rooms or the game room or cafeteria. He go inside the abbey and silence. He see the portrait of Saint Martin, third bishop of this abbey. And he recall his father telling him on his first day at the school. "Souvenez-vous, soyez altruiste, comme Saint Martins"/"Remember, be unselfish, like Saint Martins" He prayed for days that his father will recover and come home, be a veteran. He is afraid of memorial day communication from relatives in New Orleans in the USA. Sobbing interrupt his prayers and he go to it. Nestled in a small corner of a hall is a girl his age, by her dress pattern. He ask: "Qui a fait ça?"/"Who did this?" The girl do not reply but the boy notice blood from her inner right thigh. He take off his jacket and put it over her and rip part of his shirt and give it to her. She wrap her thigh. A chaplain arrive. The boy is nervous. The chaplain place a calm hand up and say: "Sois calme. J'ai vu ce que tu as fait."/"Be calm. I saw what you did." The girl rise and go to the chaplain. He whisper in her ear and she turn slightly, her hands on the jacket. The chaplain calmly dissuade her and she exits out the abbey. "Avec moi"/"With me": gently demand the chaplain to the boy. They walk quietly through the halls and into the chapel. "S'il vous plaît, priez avec moi, là où saint Martins a prié"/"Please, pray with me, where saint Martins did pray" The boy at first kneel and close his eyes, peering slightly to see if the chaplain was doing similar. The chaplain smile while praying and the boy close his eyes. The silence made the boy dwell on his thoughts to his father, and he prayed in earnest after a while, and lost track of time, until. A bell sound a new hour and he rise up. "profiter de l'école, tout ira bien"/"profit from the schooling, all will be well" The boy run to class, an official stand outside the classroom door he run to; his jacket is on a hanger. "bein etudient, aller aller"/"good student, go go" The boy put his jacket on and enter the classroom, and his day progress as most school days do. But, in the evening at his dorm room, a knock on the door. He cut on the light and run to embrace his father. "Vous avez laissé ça dehors"/"You left this outside " The boy smile looking to his father and notice a wrapping; the right thigh of his father has a tight strapping. "Oh, ma jambe, j'ai essayé de sauver la vie d'une fille, elle est morte plus tard d'une explosion, mais je jure, j'ai pensé à elle dans mon coma"/"Oh, my leg, I have tried to save the life of a girl, she is dead after an explosion, but I swear, I have thought to her in my coma" "Merci , Saint Martins" Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below Poetry or More https://www.kobo.com/ebook/poetry-or-more-1 Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/richard-murray-16885e64-6c28-459e-bf5f-45c7d458ce49 AALBC https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/blog/29-richard-murray-hearth/
  18. A teenage boy sit side his parents in a living room, surfing the net while eating breakfast, the quiet is nullifying. He see a trailer for a film. “Black people in Mexico!… you hear this”: the teenager shout. “yes, you didn’t know, Hakim”: pleasantly inquire his mother. Hakim father chime in a vocal gesture, a nod, and words: “Black people live, all over, the earth, always have, always will” “You guys didn’t tell me about that” The parents look to each other, and the father speak: “now you know”: and the father laugh. “Can either of you tell me more about them” “I will go make muffins Sweets”: and the father begin to leave the living room. “Ok Cowboy…You see that envelope Hakim… yes, open it and pass me the photo inside… thank you, this is your grandfather, he fought in what you were taught is called World War 2” “it wasn’t called that” “not to him, he said, Black folk all around the world been at war and still at war with whites for hundreds of years, no one called that a world war… you know, he died when I was a little older than you, I missed him a lot, you want to know how I saw him later, and how it relates to Black Mexicans” Hakim give a nod and his mother tell a story. A girl cry in her room unaware of, what she will do or be, where she can go. She look through a photograph book and see her mother side Aunty Bessie, when they served in world war 2. https://todaysdocument.tumblr.com/post/189791629093/ltjg-harriet-ida-pickens-and-ens-frances She remember her father telling her: “Never join the military Dulce, never, never serve another unless it is for your own safety, don’t let your enslavers sell you their lies till you can’t eat anything else, I was forced, like many, don’t do it unless they force you to” Dulce’s mother was less clear; she suggested to Dulce: “I know your father’s ways but no matter what you do, I will accept it” But Dulce want to uphold her father; she want to uphold his truth; her problem is few opportunities exist outside joining up. Dulce does not want to clean homes. Dulce does not want to open doors. Dulce does not want to be a secretary. Dulce want to play basketball; no female teams exist, even though she play side all her friends in South Essex. Dulce continue to cry, nearly twenty and unsure. The rain pour over everything outside. Dulce hear droplets from the crack in the window; she has to close the window so the rain do not come in. At the window she see an odd member in the graffiti on the back side of Uncle Benny’s Ice Cream Parlor. It wink at Dulce; and she go outside to take the trash; her mother call out her name at the back door; she reply, just taking out the trash ma, and get a simple affirmative. In the back alley she approach the graffiti soldier. His eyes look to her, she shuffle backward and gasp, and he speak: “Glad you came out to see me, glad you got your hood, preparation is good for any soldier” Dulce look about worried: “am I in the Twilight Zone or something” “No need to worry young one, but your father told me all about you” “My Daddy… but he” “is dead? yes, but what most of you living folk don’t know is, when a soldier dies, part of their spirit is unrest till their country is found” “my daddy was an american citizen” “yes, he was, but…” “he never loved the usa” “thus, the part of his soul that is a soldier has no country, think of it, like a spiritual veterans day, you living folk honor the soldiers who live based on your rules of citizenship, but we spirits, honor the soldiers who died based on the countries they were fighting for, take my hand” Dulce step back again. “I want to take you to your father” Dulce step forward, and again, and again, and take the outstretch hand of the graffiti soldier. Dulce and the Graffiti Soldier begin to walk in the spirit world, hand in hand. “Don’t worry, you are only in here because of me, if you let go my hand, you will be back in the rain, no problem” The two walk about in the forever fading world and she see soldiers, who look like her daddy in uniform. She see soldiers from other times She see soldiers she think is from the war between the states Dulce see soldiers that look like the Graffiti Soldier: “they look like you” “yes, some from the Black Brigade, most of the Ethiopian Regiment” Suddenly, the Graffiti Soldier grab her hand tight and say: “remember, you can’t leave me” Dulce is excited as she see her father, sitting among other troops, about a fire. Dulce father smile bright when he see her and break to only stand firm and salute the Graffiti Soldier:“ Thank you Colonel Tye” “No problem soldier, I wish I could leave you two alone but” “It is alright sir, thank you for this” “Well little one, I will sit here and you can sit beside me while you two talk” Dulce sit side her father while the Graffiti Soldier sit as arm far as possible. Dulce and her father hug: “Daddy I miss you” “I know, the part of me that is your father, your mother’s husband, feels your love all the time, thank you, but know a part of me has a timeless love for you” “Can I help with finding a country” “Well, I know some spirits have been waiting for, well, longer than I can explain, over there are Loyalists, who fought for the British, the country they fought for may never happen, the best stories come from the Black Seminoles, their oldest ones were actually descended from loyalists who are here, can you imagine a family reunion here, truly wild” “Well, can I come back here” “I am being helped by my comrades to do this, I wanted to show you some of those guys over there, Warriors who fought with Jonas Caballo. They died so that Florida could be its own country, where black or indigenous people could live free absent raids or any sort of attack from the usa, they said something special happened” “what tell me please” “well, they say, that the people must have found a home, cause no soldier joined them who said they died out, the last soldier said they were in mexico and were heading south” “Black people in mexico” “well now you know, though I have seen many soldiers, I tell you, Black people live, all over, the earth, always have, always will, just like whitey, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, the whole world has native black or white people, look a little different here or there, but everywhere has black or white people” “Should I tell ma something?” “No need, I see her in dreams… I want you to know, the country I fought for, has never existed, but if you need to sign up, even if you know about this place, do it” “Thanks poppa!”: Dulce embrace her father very tightly: “I still miss you” “I know, you get back in the house ok” Dulce feel Colonel Tye releasing his grip; she try to grab him back but rain pour on her in the back alley, instead. She stand up and lean over to get the rain from falling on her face, and enter back into the house. “Alright everybody! muffins are made”: speak Hakim’s father, entering the living room with a warm buttery smelling plate. He sit down and Hakim ask him as his mother begin a needlepoint: “you know the story of when Ma met OldPa” Hakim’s father laugh. “Ma, is this your home? thank you” Dulce put down her needlepoint: “Well… the home soldiers fight for, thank you… soldiers die for, soldiers return from war to, is not the home of the heart, like our little apartment, it is the home for their people” “But why didn’t you try to find that home…for our people, the home where grandpa’s spirit can be at peace” “I think … that is what your grandpa wanted to tell me, that he will be alright, part of him has eternity to wait and pretty good company, I need to find my home of the heart first, before I can find a home for the people” “I will find the home grandpa’s spirit can return to” Hakim’s father hand him another muffin: “I bet you will, but put some jelly on that first” Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below Poetry or More https://www.kobo.com/ebook/poetry-or-more-1 Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/richard-murray-16885e64-6c28-459e-bf5f-45c7d458ce49 AALBC https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/blog/29-richard-murray-hearth/
  19. It is the night when the season is between the equinox in September and the solstice in December. The woods are dark or cool. The spirits of indigenous warriors are allowed under the Hunters Moon to inhabit the crows. The march of the pumpkins always arrives through night mid-September equinox or December solstice; they are filled with spirits of children killed before born by the hand of fate. But, in this rare night, the crows found assistance in the crows. Usually, pumpkins have to travel far in the night to get their inner souls released. Most humans these days don't allow pumpkins to be housed for souls, cutting shapes that the spirits can naturally induce. But the spirits in the crows under the Hunters Moons know. And they choose pumpkins to free their spirits; they choose based on how courageous a pumpkin is. One of the pumpkins selected was the first to reach the top of the hill, any hop forward and it will slide down. It tried to help the crows break it free by glowing as much as possible. Eventually, it became free and then absent the pumpkin shell, became a light in the sky. Like all others who became free, it lifted high enough to be seen as a star in the sky by anyone on the ground. And, per fate, a young witch noted the spirit in the sky, like a star. She flew up into the sky and met the spirit and asked it, in an ancient tongue: "young spirit, I lost my ability to have children in an accident but I will love to be your mom, if we work together, I can help you get a body" The spirit reply: "Thank you, I didn't expect to be gathered by a human. I have been on the march for hundreds of years, since Wounded Knee" The witch opened her mouth and the spirit came inside. She slowly descended on her broom with a brightness, and went into her home for a cup of coffee. After a bath in herbal salts, she leaves her home, and sits on the grasses outside her home with a cup of coffee. Butterflies flied about her solar brightness in the evening, a new mother with a child honored by the warriors. The End Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below Poetry or More https://www.kobo.com/ebook/poetry-or-more-1 Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/richard-murray-16885e64-6c28-459e-bf5f-45c7d458ce49 AALBC https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/blog/29-richard-murray-hearth/
  20. This was the party I planned for months to attend. You have to realize, this woman is so sexy, and is a star trek addict. So, I usually am weak in the knees when I am around her. But she talked about the Halloween Party of the year the second day we met, three month ago. I love Mr. Spock too, but I will be blunt. I never saw a Vulcan as sexy as her. So, here I am. I am prepared to the party. I am dressed as a red shirt, willing to die tonight. I gave her a text and she said she was at the porch with friends. At the stairwell, I glanced at a Cheetara, not really complete; in truth she was more like Fairuza Balk, and I had an issue looking away from her cute face. It didn’t help me that she had a healthiness around her heart. As a gentleman, I smiled and she spoke to me. She said: “hi, my name is Mikaela, will you tell me about your world?” I replied, placing out my tricorder: “I come from earth in this collection of planets called the federation. But I arrived to this planet on a ship called the Enterprise” “Do you want me to escort you around my planet?” “why not, let’s try up there” We walked up the stairs and guided through the collectives of various people. At the top of the stars, we saw a guardian. I spoke in shock to my guide: “who is this, the tricorder says she is full of diakente energy” The guardian twirls and said: “I am Sailor Andromeda, can I be of assistance" I reply: "I have a guide from this world, escorting me around. I am trying to get to the porch, see what the mountains are like” Sailor Andromeda replied: “I will help, follow me” So, we three went to the porch. And I saw my chocolate Vulcan, kissing a male Vulcan. It occurred to me, I never asked her about her private life. I assumed because she never said. I tried to usher my party away but she saw me, and waved. So, I used my tricorder and ventured to her party. I must admit, the greetings didn’t help me. And, I recall little of the Vulcan I wanted’s smile or the smiles of the two other guys that joined us, one to embrace Sailor Andromeda, or the other to embrace my original guide. We ate food, under the moon. We moved our clocks back. And at the end, I hugged all three beautiful women. And went home alone. But I remember the night well because I saw my new neighbor for the first time. And, she happened to want someone to watch her star trek collection. Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below Poetry or More https://www.kobo.com/ebook/poetry-or-more-1 Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/richard-murray-16885e64-6c28-459e-bf5f-45c7d458ce49 AALBC https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/blog/29-richard-murray-hearth/
  21. I tend to spend my time creating, you know my crafts @Troy , outside of drawing/writing/crafting, i do watch some sport. I read paper books as well. Just finished a book from Alicia Dunbar nelson, I enjoyed it alot. I must say, I Am not alone in the house. Many people live alone and the environment can be stifling. Nothing is like a tactile touch,a voice in a nearby room. The isolation makes one numb to the outside world, like prisoners.
  22. Happy 20th anniversary Deviantart , the black and white version is my style, but I chose to color it to fit the invitational from deviantart . Do you like the Black and white or the colored? Black and white version- my favorite https://www.deviantart.com/hddeviant/art/20th-anniversary-deviantart-Black-and-White-856152910 Color version https://www.deviantart.com/hddeviant/art/20th-Anniversary-Deviantart-856152306
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