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Posts posted by richardmurray

  1. @Pioneer1 

    racism can be based on any factor, not just skin color. racism can be based on religious affiliation,language,geographic descendencyy, family name  which is not genetically based. While it can be based on hair, height, gender... skin which all have a genetic basis, cause genomes of the DNA in the complex biomolecular system of humans dictates them. Don't limit racism to phenotype simply because as black people we have dealt with negative bias from whites in a phenotypical racial system in the usa. Racism come in infinite forms , some are genetically based, some are not. 


    But bias is not a key factor of racism, one from a phenotypical range thinking themselves better or worse than another in another phenotypical range isn't racism , it is bias. Bias can be positive or negative. But bias is never genetic . Emotions are not bias. And bias is never neutral, that is unbiased.

    To restate , and this is the problem with you or @Troy. Both of you make an automatic connection between bias side race that is dysfunctional. Troy suggest bias is race, and you embed bias into race. But neither suggestion is true. just because bias is not based on genetics doesn't mean some forms of race isn't. Just because humans choose to be biased in a racial system doesn't mean the racial system is biased. 


    My proof is humanity. You have a last name but you don't hate or love most others who don't have your last name.  You having a last name is racism. You are mostly unbiased to those who don't share your last name. But, you may have biases to some who do not share your last name.  In the same way if you have a child they will be born with one of three things: a penis in which they  are male, a vagina in which they are female, or they have a hybrid between penis and vagina in which they  are a hermaphrodite. But if you are positively biased cause they are male, unbiased as their female, or negatively biased cause they are hermaphrodite, the bias isn't genetic. the race , gender, of your child is. but the bias to your child isn't. All racism are unbiased classifications. When I call someone white, that is unbiased. It isn't a slur or support. When I suggest negativity based on their phenotype that is bias. 



  2. @Troy I once asked in this very group what literature in the black community reflects various groups, and people only spoke to their own group if at all. 

    One of the hurdles of the future for the black community in the usa, with its specific situations, is Black people in the usa are going to have to embrace how various the tribes are in our community in the usa. 

    I know I jumped away from the debate over the word race , but I did cause that debate is done. PEople can have different definitions for words. And I don't see any illogic in my usage, nor based on your elementals do I see illogic in yours.

    But the deeper issue is communication between tribes. Language reflects the subtle grouping one is in and I know Black people, some large tribes,  in the usa have been, to be blunt, criminal in their acceptance of the multiintralingual presence in the black community in the past, and I see that hasn't ebbed. And that is a problem. 

    To be blunt, it is black people who killed all the many Black lingual dialects all about the usa from enslaved times. 

    Regardless of why, the heritage of that act is a hurdle for the future, I argue the present. 

  3. @Pioneer1 funny about that school, it is still the same, for all the movie's hype, the reality is a fiscal poor community is just that and education will not cause a leap while on the other hand while the lean on me school had these kind of speeches, white jewish children in nyc private schools were not being taught how to read or write to the simple city's standard  and were given no speeches like this externally or internally, whatsoever. An those kids abrely able to write english were given trips to cancun and swimming and shops and all sorts of amenities. 

    I will no longer tolerate black people in the usa acting like education is our problem when some communities are getting away with not educating their children at all, and being chastised by few to no one externally or internally. 




    Clark passed away but to him and all the other blacks, many who chime in this community talking about what black children need to do educationally, I say shut the fuck up and do what the white jewish adults are doing for their ignorant children, giving them a golden road. SHut up clark, shut up any of those like you and give black children the world, cause that is what white children , who can't read or write are being given by their adults. 

    No Excuse Black Adults.

  4. @Troy i have another solution, this is your website, you should have the programmability to place users in racial camps and have powers based on that.

    meaning what.

    users who have paid for an aalbc author page +

    users who are on the forum but have achieved certain badges +

    users who have achieved a certain level of interaction are allowed to have two types of posts. 

    Public + Quality. 

    In a quality forum posts only those who have earned the quality ranking can create or comment. While all users can see or share. 

    In a public posts it is open to all for total functionality. 

    But only quality users have utilize either form of post, thus all the fake accounts by default start with public only and based on a set of factors will never reach quality as they barely post.

    Thus it allows all quality users the ability to post to a quality space or public space,  where quality users can communicate to each other while non quality users can only watch.

    Instead of filtering bad users, allow users based on performance on the website to have an alternative posting abillity that is accessible only to the qualified.

    • Thanks 1
  5. @Troy 

    I can not tell you how many writing groups I have been part of where the following came up side my fellow crafters of words. Even as a child. 

    But here we go again. Websters is wrong.  PEople are misusing the word, it is that simple. And I go one further. Webster's and many dictionaries in all earnest puts too much weight on figurative evaluations in words. I don't care if 99 percent of people use a word a certain way. 99% are simply using it wrongly. 

    Racism/Bias/Prejudice are not as defined in websters.

    And I will use the definition you gave to support my point.


    You said


    1 : a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
    From Merriam Webster:

    also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice


    First, a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits. 

    well how does your websters define race


    any one of the groups that humans are often divided into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry

    That isn't race:) Troy, that isn't race. Race isn't a divider of humanity. Race isn't bounded to physical traits. Race is any classification scheme that can be applied on humanity by humans. 

    Me , you, Schtrumpf, Nahomie Osaka are human beings, children of earth. That is the shared ancestry.  The fact that three of us are male and one is female. Three of us are black and one is white. One has recent asian lineage and three don't. One speaks japanese , three don't. All speak english.  These are not dividers, it is merely a classification scheme. 


    So websters definition of race is false. Which makes sense cause their definition of racism is false. 

    What divides human beings are rules or policies, not racism. The train track didn't divide towns because black people side non blacks don't share the same shades of skin. Non blacks power+ policies made the train track divide, and it was the bias in their use of power or creation of policies, not racism. 


    No point in going further because the primary explanation to the word is false by webster. 

    A classification scheme isn't even a belief. it is a tool.  But when webster placed race as webster defines it their definition is totally flawed. 


    Race is a classification scheme applied on any grouping. 

    When humans say, lions and tigers are cats that is racism. 

    Racism is actions to define race. 

    When humans make a book describing cats that is racism. 

    Bias is making an opinion on a race

    When humans say black cats are evil, that is bias. 

    When humans say the pig can not be eaten, that is bias

    When humans say the cow can not be eaten, that is bias


    humans calling another human black is racism. 

    humans calling another human stupid cause their black is bias

    humans calling another human woman is racism

    humans calling another human foolish cause their woman is bias

    humans calling another human old is racism

    humans calling another human weak cause their old is bias

    humans calling another human christian is racism

    humans calling another human fanatics cause their christian is bias


    Now, having preached , I apologize again, I already know most folk don't use the words the way I do. I know. And I know you troy or others will continue to use words as you have. I comprehend 100%. But your wrong. that is what I will conclude on. it is that simple. Use words better, trust me, it matters. 



    @Delano I don't know the south american country you are referring to but white argentines who controlled the argentine government, didn't kick out black argentineans, they murdered them wholesale. 

  6. @Troy 

    thank you, black people everywhere have always fought back against the non black, the problem is when non blacks anywhere escalate, usually <not everywhere all the time>many and sadly most black people tend to relent or melt away. in this very comment stream you have the theme of nonviolence, which comes from more than a sense of peace, it also comes from fear. 

    Luckily in modernity, non blacks in the usa don't have the same sense of unity as the near past. Immigration since 1965  has changed all communities in the usa in multiple ways.

    I know I beat the dead horse but the IRA comprehended most irish who might be in for  a march or blowing up a store wasn't ready for escalation. But the IRA was and thus achieved their result. 

    I do not advocate nonviolence or violence, but either way has negative or positive sequences and too many in my view, focus too much on the positiive sequences of nonviolence or the negative sequences of violence absent comprehending both holistically 

  7. @Pioneer1

    First, Cynique's assertion is false as you never know until the critical moment. I can look back on history and tell you what white people have done, but assuming if the phenotypes are reversed will lead to a mirror history is just that, assumption and unwarranted. 

    I concur that various groups in various races are different. 

    Women are not men in the gender race.

    Blacks are not whites in the phenotypical race.

    Asians are not Europeans in the geographic race.

    But I don't say this based on genetics. I say this based on heritage, an underrated word or concept. People  love to talk of culture, what is grown from today. The unknown of the future allows people to be positive.  But people don't like to speak of the complexities, the communal complexities of heritage, what we carry from yesterday. Especially as in modern humanity, most yesterdays are near complete to negativity for most.

    In my view, the variance between whites or blacks in the usa, notice my geographic focus, comes from the variant relationships to the place. 

    Why are white people in the usa? They are here for their betterment regardless of others. The white people of europe that freely came on those boats to the native american lands were not thinking of multiculturalism or multiracial or peace on earth or rule of the people or rule of the king, they were thinking, how can I make life better for me , no matter what I have to do. 

    Why are black people in the usa? They haven't figured out how to leave. The Black people of africa that was forced to come in those boats to the native american lands were no thinking of multiulturalism or multiracial or peace on earth or rule of the people or rule of the obas, they were thinking, how can I go home, no matter what I have to do.

    These two heritages in my eyes is the true source of the variance between blacks side whites in their relationship to the usa.

    HEritage isn't weak, it isn't as solid as a genetic sequence but I argue heritage can survive for a long time. Because heritage at its core is related from parent to child. 

    So, in my view, I don't think you or Cynique or correct, cause either of you assuming is just that, an assumption. You don't know and while assuming about an individual is at least challenging at most impossible, assuming about a community, a collection of human beings, is at least impossible, at most folly.

    I use James Baldwin for my point. He said his father hated whites, and yet, his father never attacked whites. His father prayed in church for white people's damnation in a heaven where only black people exist.

    DO you see? James Baldwin's father like most black people in the british colonies or the usa from it want one thing, to leave. Death is a form of leaving .White people's heritage is to thrive in the usa regardless of how. Black DOSers heritage is to desire to leave the usa, even if we can't. 

    But, with modern immigration the usa has added many others who have muddled the racial situation even more. 

    And that is why I asked, 


    Black people heavily viewed in media  complain about the USA being the USA but I never hear them answer if they had power, what will they do?

    The point is to admit what you want, whatever it is. The problem is less about who will do what in power in the usa, but the damage so many of the powerless in lying about what they desire if in power, no matter what it is. This goes back to Frederick Douglass. He publicly said he opposed leaving the usa, having black states in the union, warring with whites. Frederick douglass at least publicly stated what he wanted. That is why the black masses booed his speech as most black people didn't want what he wanted. But, Black people today in the usa, tend to curl around what they want, whatever it is, and emit lies. 


    @ProfD I don't know what black people in the usa will do if in power. I don't like to assume that. No one knows. 

    I think the black populace in the usa today in itself has many various desires on how to relate to the usa and tend to undercut each other cause many of these paths don't mix. Most black people in the usa want betterment for black people, but most black people in the usa seem unable to handle how to be a community of people going different paths. Most Black individuals in the usa can accept the entire village doing what said person thinks the whole village should do or individualism en mass. But Few Black individuals in the usa can accept the truth, we are a community of tribes who want various things. Is it fair? no. Is it lucky? no. But it is the truth. And the heritage of christian preaching has made it difficult for many black people to accept that truth.



    :) good one, yes, historically, not currently:) Yes, the CBCU's :) need to be repurposed. I concur. I think the black community en masse has become disconnected to them for them to be considered so vital to the black community en masse. But of course, the problem is the black one percent who use the CBCU's for their communal efforts. Like black churches, the CBCU's in modernity are about a specific tribe in the village, not the whole village.


    I oppose one thing you say. 


    Making sweeping generalizations about people based upon the way  they look is the definition of racism.

    That is a lie troy, what you call racism is bias, not racism. Racism at its heart has no bias. Comprehend, the use of genus/species is a form of racism. You really have to learn, and I am not preaching but I do think people in general need to learn to the use word bias properly. Racism is not bias. LAst names, family names, is racist. The whole point of clan names is to have a symbol of orientation to a group. it is meant to classify, to rank, to make one of a race. It isn't bias though. 

    I am black/male/hetero/anglo/descended of enslaved/human...  these terms have no bias. 

    I am black based on my appearance. 

    male based on being born with a penus

    hetero based on the desire to fornicate side the female gender.

    anglo based on the language i communicate in most

    descended of enslaved based on my ancestors condition in the american continent at a time.

    Human based on my genetic sequence.

    None of this is bias. No generalization exist in any of these definitions. These are simple facts, but not limiters. 

    Just because I am black doesn't mean someone can't call me mulatto. 

    Just because I am male doesn't mean I can't neuter myself to delete the ability to use my penis to its fullest.

    Just because I am hetero doesn't mean I can't be raped by a man

    Just because I am anglo doesn't mean I can't learn mandarin

    Just because I am descended of enslaved doesn't mean I can't associate to the land my forebears were enslaved to. 

    Just because I am human doesn't mean I can't want to marry a tree.

    I am preaching sadfully, but the word is bias not racism. I really hope more people in humanity stop using the word race inappropriately.



    A black asian of indian descent who was in the courtroom when mandela was imprisoned said it best. He came in a warrior in traditional garb and left prison in a european suit. 

    Mandela left prison peaceful, but he was also broken. The man he was before prison, like many who have been in prison, was broken into something else. 

    Now that something else was satisfactory to whites in power, satisfactory to black leaders who preached nonviolence in south africa or usa, but that something else was unsatisfactory to the majority of black people in south africa, who represent most of the populous. 

    Winnie Mandela was excommunicado from the leadership. It is that simple. Mandela/Tutu/Declerk/ the white + black one percents in south africa were united. They each had an element that when put together made a key point in south african history. 

    The truth is, like in all countries ala the usa at the end of the war between the states, it will take time for south africa's truth to mold the choices made at the crucual moment into the future. 


    Your wrong, no people's really die. Jews always lived in Germany even through all the nazi's killing. The druids , native people of what is called england, didn't die off even though the history books keep saying they did.  The Black populace in the usa will always exist. Maybe one day a large exodus out the usa happens, that would actually be historical balance. Maybe one day a war happens involving the usa and black folk are on the losing side again. That happened in the past multiple times concerning the usa. But the black populace in the usa will survive in some numbers. Hell, the native american wasn't completely annihilated and white people of europe tried their best so... no people's die. Get small, perhaps. Get large, perhaps too. But never die out. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. By powerless or impotent I mean across all racial lines

    Phenotypical race: black

    Gender race: female

    Religious race: muslim

    Geographic descendency race: Native American


    Black people heavily viewed in media  complain about the USA being the USA but I never hear them answer if they had power, what will they do?




    Cento poetry Series eleventh edition
    Love That Pass Ships In The Night stageplay
    Question: are you eloi or morlock?
    Question: How do you define Gratitude?
    Dates , Astrological or other

    IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR : Plant dye pocket from plant dye for textiles , fetish tools in modernity from Trevor Brown, little mermaid from movies that move we, African Futurism collection edited by wole talabi, everyone complains side the blacks in aalbc, Chuck berry side bo didley



  10. Well:) @Pioneer1

    first, hans christian anderson's little mermaid story can be described basically about this white mermaid who chases around a white boy and seeks his love and approval?

    So any story based on the little mermaid will probably have a female mermaid chasing after a male human seeking his love and approval.

    Sequentially, the greater question is, do you like the original story? 

    If the original story base points are to your disliking than any version will be. 

  11. @ProfD


    how you would solve the race problem(s) and/or unify Black people

    Well, I will answer this question as I always do. 

    First, how do I define black people. The problem with people when they answer questions like this is they answer without first defining the elements of the question which is why replies to their answer go into argument. However you or others define black people is void in my answer cause i told you how i define black people in my answer.

    I define black people in humanity as those of a phenotypical range of skin regardless of their heritage or culture, an element of melanin production which is visible can be a rigid determinant, but the skin of humans nor any other physical factor determines friendship or foeship.


    Now your question didn't specify geographic scope, which is something I will define for my answer. 

    Black people live throughout humanity ,all over the earth. My answer will not go into how to unify the global Black populace or how to solve problems involving the global non black populace.

    Black people live in every continent. My answer will not go into how to unify the black populace in any one continent or how to solve problems involving the non white populace in any continent.

    Black people live in every country in every continent. My answer will only go into how to unify the black populace in all countries or how to solve the problems involving the non white populace in all countries.


    I will answer, a very reduced form of your question, based on how I define black people the following question, and it is not applicable to a black populace in another country. How to unify Black people in the USA plus solve the various problems with the non black populace in the USA?


     To Unity,

    How is unity defined in a group in relationship to a country/government? It is unity of agenda. When the USA was founded the overwhelming majority of nonblacks  in the USA had one agenda to the government of the usa, to live under it and prosper. All groups have infighting but the nonblacks  share one agenda. Before the usa was founded in the british colonial form, Black people of any geographic descent were split into three groups each having an unbridgeable agenda to the british colonies and later to the USA: Destroy/Leave/Live in. 

    In the film shared by Troy 


    A great example of the problem in the black community in the usa is present. A character tries to convince the others they shouldn't do violence. 

    Now many will say that is wise but I oppose that. why? If you are in a group of your phenotypical race that wants an action you do not like the only thing you can do if you truly want to support them is to leave. Not make a scene and chastise or try to preach and tell them wrong, just leave. The IRA wasn't a majority of irish in ireland nor were they particularly liked by a majority in ireland, but they didn't suffer irish not interested in their cause, and they had an agenda in relationship to the british empire, which was to not be in the british empire. 

    In modernity, I have been fortunate to know multiple black people in the usa  in each group as well as the modern group, individual. 

    But I repeat what I have said in here so many times, over and over. Find your group and go to your goal with them and let other groups be. Don't chastise, don't speak ill.

    Wanting to be president doesn't make you a slave. 

    Wanting to leave doesn't make you a fool.

    Wanting to destroy doesn't make you crazy.

    Wanting to do for self doesn't make you a traitor.

    The Unity the black populace in the usa need is in embracing its history, its true self, stop trying to mirror whites relationship to the usa, and embrace our own.

    If those four groups: Leave/Destroy/Prosper in/Be for self can act without meddling in the other groups affairs, then the non blacks negative influence in the usa  will be lessened over the entire village.



  12. @ProfDyes:) and no

    we only disagree on assessment of the past and the only reason why it matters is cause if the black community anywhere will act unified in the most positive manner when most in a black community comprehend the past somewhat similarly so that most in the group is influenced to act to the future similarly. 

    We both know firmly the past can not be changed and to learn from it. 

    We also both know that one of the great causes of dysunity is how black people assess our past and i can prove it anywhere. 

    Look at south africa, the whole schism between winnie mandela side nelson mandela came because nelson mandela suggested that the movement was about reaching some synergy with whites and winnie mandela correctly said that wasn't true.  Yes, the black people in south africa during and pre apartheid never were trying to kill all the whites so to speak , but the idea was never to become something with the whites which most whites themselves don't even want. At the end of the day, mandela took the desire of two minorities, a minority of whites plus a minority of blacks and put the whole populace of south africa , under that tiny populace's vision, which has proved disastrous. I argue only those two minoriites have benefited from it and sequentially mandela was wrong but to this day, that minority of whites plus minority of blacks stand on a hill and try to make it seem their assessment of the past that mandela spearheaded it correct. 

    It goes back to why Frederick Douglass was booed by a black crowd speaking the composite nation speech. Douglas embraced the move from the south. He liked the phenotypical ranged groups mixing.  He was convinced that would lead to something positive. Your words Profd are similar to his. But my point is Douglass and you are wrong. I am not suggesting the black people who stayed in the south were correct, they were wrong too. I am suggesting what few are maybe willing to say, that both choices were wrong. The exodus out of the south  and the determined to say  in the south were both wrong. Yes, cheap retrospect, but both were wrong and I think many black people , adults/parents/guardians/mentors are as I type preaching a terrible lie about some coming together and the potentials of the exodus to black youth, who are living life and making choices based on these lies. 


  13. @Troy


    I could be wrong, but I think places like ATL and PG County offer a great deal of hope for what a strong Black community can be. 

    And add the black community of tulsa beforehand. the usa and the british colonies preceding it always had some positive black spots, always, but the problem is the larger black community. Comprehend in every single major city a section, a black "opulent" region, exists. This post is about communities black people live in, falsely called ghettos which are for white jews <but no problem it has been repeated enough to just go with it>, aside the many splintering historically within the usa or the english colonies preceding it. Minorities in any community make poor storytelling for the larger community. 



    Now I said I'd be on the first thing smoking out of the South, but I'm using my 2023, 61-year-old, Harlem-ghetto-raised sensibility.  I have no idea what I would have done if I was actually born and raised in the South during the height of Jim Crow.  While I can't possibly know, it is interesting to contemplate.

    of course, no one knows till the critical moment, but the point is the idea will be in your head and was in the head of many black people then and it was acted upon. I referenced you Troy not to suggest I knew what you will do in the 1800s south but to reject @ProfD assertion, that leaving the south was the correct decision. I argue, leaving the south or staying in the south, in cheap hindsight, have been proven to be the incorrect choice. Both black sides went the wrong way. Both were wrong, not one was wrong, both was wrong, and the results are clear. 



    For some maintaining a cohesive family is hard enough, trying to do it across a so-called race is virtually impossible -- especially in the dog-eat-dog, winner-take-all culture American culture.

    yes but I wish you would had added without power. White power in the usa  comes from white people killing or harming those not white and giving out free opulent opportunities to their own. Giving uneducated, no monied whites, land from the native american, great paying jobs hunting black folk or imprisoning black folk,  made white power.   

  14. @ProfD   



    We should be able to surmise how and why Black concentration camps, er, ghettos were created throughout America.

    this very forum proves that black people's interpretation of our history conclusions from our history are so varied, nothing should be assumed.


    But, Jackson, MS is a great example of how Black folks have not progressed in the South. 

    I oppose that historical view. Jackson Mississippi shows how individual the black community was even one hundred and fifty years ago.

    @Troy said it best


    I know I would have been on the first thing smoking

    Alot of black people did the same, and that goes back to my point about individualism in the black community in the usa as something stronger in itself, but also the damage to the black community that jackson misssisippi showcases. 

    Jackson shows how the black communities first splintering made two impotent groups: one group is fleeing a region of greater violence for regions of greater non lethal persecution. I argue NY/Oklahoma/Illinois/California overall are more abusive in non lethal ways to black people than the southern states. The southern states kill more, but the northern states it can be argued are more restrictive to black people's growth. the other group stayed knowing the whites will not change but they will have fewer cousins around to make a united front. PRofd, you sinfully in my view, suggest that the black community who fled the south was on the path of growth or betterment. 



    Atlanta, GA is the home of significant Black wealth.  It could be a microcosm of Black paradise in America.

    prince george county in maryland, martha's vineyard in new england/baldwin hills in los angeles. all regions of the usa have a black one percent community that is totally disconnected to making fiscally poor black people lives better.


    Along the lines of Garvey-ism, if Black folks were to ever consider a mass exodus, taking over a state like Georgia would be a great place to flood and flourish with intellect, industriousness and talent, etc. 

    the white community of georgia wouldn't even support the likes of stacy abrams enought to be governor, and you think black people can just flood into georgia? if white people act violent in georgia, what do you think black people should do ?


    Black folks could make their state the best place on the  map and a beacon of light for the world.  We don't even have to ask for it in a reparations package.  Just start moving down there.  😁😎

    ask for it? white people don't have the means to repair the damage they made. No one does really. I extend that thought to the native american who also is warranted reparations that are impossible to grant. 

  15. @Troy

    yes and


    yes and


    yes, I want to add Evers was not merely brave but comprehended that most black people have always lived in the south in the usa so the splintering regionally is black people defeating ourselves. Comprehend I am probably killed by whites back in the south in those days. So don't think I don't comprehend why people left. But, you can't have your cake and eat it to... and you made me think of immigration itself. The USA in my opinion has an immigrant culture that is based on the Black DOS experience, meaning what. The north/midwest/west whites did not want black people from the south, that is why all the riots but black people came anyway cause overall it was safer with whites in other regions than the south. But, that culture of immigrating to a place that don't want or like you and trying to outlast the dislike or unwant from those in power I think is dysfunctional , harmful but has become the standard in the usa to all communities. 


    I prefer to use the word disconnected to garveyism and the modern continental black american community. The modern black community in the usa is individualist, and seeks a positive integration side whites never seen before. This goes against garveyism at its core, which is very communal and is also segregationist.

  16. @Troy

    I made an ass out of myself. you didn't write anything that I viewed anyway that opposed my position straightly. I assumed you wouldn't see the timeline for black people in the usa after the first exodus as inevitable.



    I have only read the first four chapters and do not know if the author addresses our splintering going back to the late 19th century.

    ok, I figured in a book about history one will approach it temporally. I assumed incorrectly by chapter four he is out of the 1800s.


    Still, in my short life time.  I've seen the idea of a Black leader and a strong Black institution vaporize, along with our media. 

    yes but the 1900s was inevitable for me. And I am one who praises those high moments in said century but if I am most blunt  in assessing the black community in the usa, then the problems stemming from the 1800s were massive and couldn't be undone with the strategies or movements in the 1900s. 


    I believe part of the problem is how our economy works; we favor the creation of monopolies and a winner takes all mentality.  This hurts the entire country, but in when folks catch a cold Black folks get pneumonia...

    :)  the word we:) well yes, usa fiscal capitalism has always been based on the model of slavery that the usa instituted. Where the enslaved has no legal route out or .... poor person has no legal way out. Where the wealthy are public abusers of the law while publicly act above the law which the usa didn't invent but when you have inescapable slavery which the usa instituted which is uncommon, you create an abrasive situation financially. And yes, when the white wealthy fight in the usa, it is for all the marbles. The Native American community has been in a come if blacks get pneumonia.


    I heard a stat that the New York Times has a online subscriber base larger than all other newspapers combined -- including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, LA Times etc.  If the LA Times can't compete with the New York Times online what does that say for a Black-owned independent newspaper online? 

    The amsterdam news can be used. The amsterdam news was once wholesale black owned, harlem based, had an online page for years. What it says is that absent money ala the arabs using oil money to manipulate systems it will take great ingenuity which is honestly not common.



    I quess the one thing we can agree on is that the Black community is indeed splintered.

     Yes , the question is when will more black people in the usa realize the first splintering made all the rest inevitable. To me, most black people in the usa know we are splintered but too many black people in the usa think the other splinterings past the first could had been prevented or should had not happened and disagree. I think that is black people in the usa trying to turn a bad gamble, the first leaving of the south into a good strategy. I comprehend why black people did the first exodus out the south but it was a bad move in cheap but clear retrospect. Black leaders pushed for our community to splinter from the brick we were in the southern states, thinking with less density we could thrive in small sections in multiple places but that is a flawed strategy to me. It puts too much weight on smaller black populaces in very hostile and sometimes more hostile places in the usa, ala the black community in nyc.


    Are Black Greek letter organizations, Masons, Boule, etc, a unifying or splintering force in the Black community? 


    These are in depth questions. I want to say that. Each one is a long essay. 

    I will start and say each membership organization has to be looked at individually first. 

    Second, the simplest answer is both. All membership organizations that have rules for membership are by default unifiers side splinters. why? by default their membership nature excludes while includes.  This includes nation of islam, the black church as well.  Again it is cheap retrospect but I argue the biggest tent black organization for descended of enslaved was and is the garveyites. Cause being a garveyite doesn't require you be employed or owning a business or been enrolled in a college or taken a pledge to a private club or speak english/spanish, all being a garveyite requires was black descended of enslaved which is the entire DOS populace in the american continent <canada to brazil > and the desire to find a true home, and the ability to work side other black people to get it, preferably in africa but Garvey wasn't that limited. The fiscal poorest black person can be a garveyite.

    Third, the two organizations you mention have examples of unifying black people in various places or parts  positively so i am not suggesting a black hate with my prose. 

    Fourth , overall the problem is the black person who has no money, never went to college, never owned a business, never had employment is barred from most of said organizations and thus a splintering:) 

  17. The tiniest variance makes a story other. I am not suggesting Life Size = Cool World= Barbie ... but I am suggesting that Cool World <barring the lust themes and sequentially audiences that will not see it for that> plus Life Size <barring the TV movie audience limitation > are the same movie as Barbie 2023 <barring BArbie's global brand nature>

    What is my point? 

    The current hollywood strike is about maintaining a domestic film industry in the usa amidst the simple financial reality that shows can be made cheaper outside the usa, global sentiments to what is funny or good or entertaining , among those who can afford global communication entertainment <which is not most or a good chunk of humanity> , is similar, and places outside the usa have learned to open up financially profitable creative opportunities for artists while the usa has fewer and fewer financially profitable creative opportunities by the day.


    I don't know what will happen but the Barbie movie reflects these realities. Life Size if in theaters , based on its own financial returns which are very good for a tv movie prove, it could had been better received by the financially profitable opportunity was closed. Cool world is likewise, for the ratings system financially is about limiting audiences for certain work , that is the effect of all ratings systems in media, limit exposure, sequentially profit, based on a tag or label. 


    The following was the comment to the ny times article writer. 

    @mattfleg one thing you didn't mention is cool world in your article https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/24/us/politics/barbie-movie-newsom-gaetz.html  I think the plot and themes, not the results necessarily, are similar
    and did the film Life Size mirror barbie but suffer from not being a brand ? https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/life-size-remember-when-tyra-banks-and-lindsay-lohan-did-the-barbie-movie-first/ar-AA1ezVmZ?ocid=socialshare


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