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Everything posted by richardmurray

  1. @Troy Yeah,but I must add, so many people online , especially the younger e-citizens were indoctrinated into a 24 hour follow the leader by their own parents who dropped them into the internet without care.
  2. @Pioneer1 Well, this is where the details is key. You speak of control or ownership, but the question is, what is a website. At its core, it is a set of data on a machine that has access to other machines which allow people using other machines to interface it. What is the primary issue to the control you seek? Even if a black person owns land and places their servers on said land and has satellites around earth to provide connection to their servers. Black people themselves live all over the planet and unless black people will own the land everywhere, no one black person or group of black people can control access to the black owned website first mentioned. This is why the CHina/USA internet battle has happened. The chinese constitution says in china the chinese governments rule is law, not international organizations or other governments. So in china, the chinese government demands control so that the chinese government can rule things. In the internet's case this is why china has a grand internal internet in its country that they connect to the outside internets. BEcause of the structure, the rules which some call protocols of the internet, this is not dysfunctional. BUT, to ownership, this is why the usa has such problems with china. Most governments ceded their relationship to the internet to the usa, some like the european union are trying to reclaim it, ala the facebook ruling recently. But the point is, you can only control in your own bounds. If you want to reach the world, deals have to be made. ala Tiktok a privately owned firm in china not straight from the chinese government, using servers in the usa. Now to be helpful... ala my point elsewhere. Let's take AALBC. It is black owned but it is in the USA. To do what you want, the first question has to be answered is, do you want AALBC in the USA? Why move AALBC outside the USA? The USA is either a white country or a multiracial country but the USA isn't and will never be a black country, sequentially, USA law, is not naturally geared to black people and that includes how websites are treated. So, if AALBC stays in the USA, AALBC will eventually be influenced by factors beyond black people's control. But if AALBC leaves the USA , into a black country , meaning government, then at the least black people can control the life of the website completely, which is what you stated you wanted for any black websites. Now financially, it is cheaper for AALBC to remain in the USA and not move. Comprehend, many countries don't have a strong satellite network and have many blockades on their networks by more powerful countries. And many black people live in countries that at the least are not black or specifically, not controlled by the black people in them, and control matters in these intergovernmental affairs. So I know you don't own AALBC, @Troy does, but Pioneer , do you want AALBC to remain in the USA or be under a black government? Either answer will still demand some things the same.. AALBC will need to own the land its servers are on. AALBC will need to own the energy systems for the servers. AALBC will need to have its own satellite network. Said three things to get what you stated will be needed no matter where AALBC goes in the future. all three are expensive. But there is a beginning. And comprehend, even achieving this doesn't mean all black people in humanity have to become members and use as a primary online existence the "new aalbc". A Black website being more black owned doesn't mean any body black online must utilize it more. Getting more engagement is the responsibility of AALBC or the members in AALBC, not the black people who are members of white owned websites.
  3. @Pioneer1 great point and I literally meant black. Meaning what? Black culture for me is global. It has what I call tribes based on language or geography or culture or any racial category or sub category: DOS/Rastafarian/Nigerian/Baptist/Siddi . In NYC you learn to see Black as a phenotypical group, based on how one perceives the range of appearance, but all else is open game. In NYC you have Black lgbtq+/Nation of Islam/Black Democrats/Black Republics/Rastafarians/Black Trinidadians/Black South Africans/DOSers/ et cetera. Their culture /history/heritage/geography/language isn't the same, but in my mind all of said groups plus more are under the roof Black, so to speak. I don't have a problem with the multiraciality in the black community. but I have two main problems between the tribes in the black community, which like the white, is a global community. 1) the tribes preaching or proselytizing to each other or the larger group. In this very forum, how many comments are I am right while you are wrong instead of, how can I suggest an idea to improve what your doing, even if I don't concur to it. 2) the lack of focus on efficiency in black tribes when it comes to growth. Instead of complaining about what black people not in your tribe or doing, what are you doing to make your tribe better? I am not nor do I concur to the complete view of rastafarians or black baptists or black republicans or black democrats BUT those groups always complain about what other black people are not doing, ad rarely judge their tribe functionally. How many rastafarians know where Rastafarians live in ethiopia today, I do? How many rastafarians who have millions spend most of their money in the usa with real estate deals or living in the usa giving the usa their tex money and have no financial investment in africa, but then talk about rastafarianism? How many Black baptist complain about so few interested in their place of worship but don't say how their place of worship is closed most of the week. How it is open for the black rich to come and hob nob on sunday for? I am not christian but didn't jesus speak about the universality in humanity, then why can't Black churches make their churches active to the multiracial needs of the black community ? why don't black churches open up their churches to black muslims, nation of islam or other? why don't they all regale black elected officials to set them up for non profit situations, like food pantry and delivery for homeless? Black republicans continuosuly complain that the majority of black voters or the majority of black people are mentally wrong in some way but I can't recall a black republican as an elected officials with a set of policies that aided black people in their municipality, gave favor. Black democrats continuously complain that black people don't vote enough or black voters need to be respected by the larger democratic party but I can't recall a black democrat as an elected official returning black votes with policy to help black people, to give favors to black people. Black elephants or Black donkeys when elected provide no pro- black laws or policy but then complain that black people aren't engaged or overjoyed as if black people in the usa don't have the right to want government to work for them, damn anybody else, and the funny thing is white people are used to that and their elected officials, donkey or elephant are trying to sell them the idea that it is good to not be favored, which is silly. So... all black tribes can improve, I just wish their narratives or prose focused on how they can improve , and stop all of this, I am right, everybody agree with me ... negativity. To comics, a Black comic book festival in my eyes needs to reflect the inner multiraciality of the black community. I am not a financially wealthy person. if I was a billionaire I would use my money to do something . But I don't have money to do so. But all black people can demand all tribes in the village do better while embracing the Black inner multiraciality.
  4. @Pioneer1 Will you vote ? for where the film place in terms of documentary films?
  5. @Troyand i want to add, being the primary search engine in the usa and for most of the online community is important. I comprehend data acquisition is valuable in various ways but in defense of tiktok, I think they want to be the big website and that means quality. remember, tiktok is the first non usa based website to have such a strong presence in the usa, I think that is underrated, the internet in the future will be global, and that is something no one has experienced before, the internet before tiktok was dominated by usa firms across the board, that age is ended , the future will have unexpected scenarios
  6. @Troy right, but between the people who thought the internet would become the great individual liberty place side the firms who through the structure of the usa based internet easily took over operations, it was bound to happen. I hope so to , for me this website is a rare black owned example online. And I know I have made this speech before but so many black people online talk about black empowerment everywhere else in humanity except online. Why is most black people online who daily rant to what they feel black people need to do to positively support black like: all black people voting, all black people buy from a black shop, all black people marry black, don't seem willing to join a black owned website online and make that the primary location of their activities? That is my only true online peeve. Black people online complain about some negativity among black people and yet, said black people are unwilling to join a black owned website and make it a major online destination.
  7. @Troy exactly, but i do blame the larger design. The internet's design is open for manipulations, this has made it where firms can make a lot of money, but also where the independence some thought the internet would be today <everyone own a website> is... not
  8. thank you for your reply @Tesa Are you a writer Tesa or another type of artist ? I will like to see your work if available.
  9. Norvan reports is a ghana based financial news service, focused on financial fact, not policy issues.
  10. Attacks happen all the time to all websites. AALBC doesn't have an in house team protecting it like the larger websites.
  11. MY THOUGHTS 0:20 Zenobia your shirt 4:44 People forget that in the 1970s in the north east, some schools had the last of governmentally funded activities. 7:27 And the USA has continually asked Cuba to let them take Assata Shakur from in Cuba. And Assata Shakur still has a warrant for her. 8:29 yes, Billy Holiday 10:18 Tupac is a real life example of a child growing up in an environment like :Night Catches Us Black kids growing up in Black Panther homes in Black communities in the 1970s is a huge dichotomy. The Black Panthers had great successes but were hammered all the time by white organizations , governmentally or private. In the 1970s at their first phases end, the black community in the majority is being abused and attacked , from drugs being put in black communities bu law enforcement agencies which are proxies for white communal wealth. All this creates a complex environment. 16:12 nice musical point on the changes of Tupac's music 18:37 frustration not anger 20:45 stress created the bald headedness, yes , artist knows 23:36 Tupac/Biggie many black entertainers have complex lives. 25:15 Did they ever find out who killed Tupac? 27:13 Selena was pregnant, I didn't know that. 28:25 Interesting that Tupac's family did trust someone who had a relatively negative relationship or distant relationship with Tupac. 30:39 Nike, I thought about what you said about the Aretha Franklin biopic.




    Thistle and Verse hosting a panel featuring 
    @Lisa_teabag , @atullerwrites , and @jellybeanrae  to discuss subgenres in sff and sff-ish genres that predate the label. Read through the thread for more info on the panelists! 


    Yvette Lisa Ndlovu is a Zimbabwean sarungano (storyteller). She is the co-founder of the 
     Summer Workshop for Black SFF writers. Her debut short story collection Drinking from Graveyard Wells is currently available for purchase.


    A Jersey native, Celestine Martin writes whimsical and flirty paranormal romance that celebrates the beauty of everyday magic. She’s inspired to write happily ever afters and happy for now endings starring the people and places close to her heart. 


    Abriana Tuller (she/her) is a Vegas native who has just acquired her dream job of becoming a Micro Fiction editor and Fiction co-editor for Solarpunk magazine. Along with having an education background, Abriana is a former journalist.


  13. if you are in philadelphia, enjoy the ECBACC any aalbc members, it is free, share a photo if you can The East Coast Black of Comics Convention 2023 Saturday May 20th, 2023 / 11AM - 7PM TEMPLE UNIVERSITY STUDENT FACULTY CENTER 3340 N. Broad St. Phila., PA 19140 For Comics Book Workshops, AfriCoz Cosplay Contest, Panels, Screenings, and More! Come help us celebrate positive Black images in comic books and the Science-Fiction Entertainment Industry! FREE ADMISSION! OPEN FOR ALL!
  14. official link https://www.deviantart.com/lightzzzzzzz/art/Image-962681628
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