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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. Hey @Troy I agree, however, I presented three other sources, one of which was National Geographic. And, again, I already address this point completely, and that is my very position in which I did say that as of now, you won't find that statement in 2020 from scientist right now. My position as repeatedly been that based on what they have indeed reported, I believe that they will NOT report or admit their complete findings. The title of the other references that I did report such as "Why Am I Neanderthal" and "Most people are part-Neanderthal" and "Hybrid vigor" supports my argument very much so! My previous statement addresses the point that I am trying to make here. As I also stated, these traits that are still being reproduced today after thousands of years supports my argument in that scientist are NOT telling us the whole truth. I mention the study of Population Genetics, the definition of Species previously to support my argument. Troy! Like I said, I just wanted to address this topic because of my area of study and so, as you said earlier about Pioneer, it's not that I have not explained myself but perhaps you are not willing to respect that a person like me could be valid, so I just want to make sure that I have the opportunity to say this first because I believe that one day scientist will make this very claim and then perhaps you will accept it. For you to believe that I do NOT know what "extinct" means after I provided an argument based on me telling you that I do have a degree in Biology and understand the Scientific Method and have applied this principle means that you are disregarding me no matter what I present. But, no, I am not offended and am very happy that you gave me this audience. For that I say, thank you very much! I never implied, ever!--that people with these traits are Neanderthal, that has never been my point. You may be jumping to your own conclusions. But no, people that show certain traits does not necessarily means that they are homo sapiens either based on my argument because I believe certain phenotypes may show a degree of "blending" or "hybridization" that we homo sapiens exhibit but also with regards to "hybridization" that means that scientist today are NOT telling us the whole truth. The presence of "Hybridization" suggest that their is still another "species" present in some type of population--somewhere existing amongst us in this earth, imo. No, that's crazy. Oh absolutely!!! Troy, when you hear news reports about "suspects" and they are described as having "Nappy Hair' then this Phenotypical trait absolutely means that if you ran a DNA test, they will 100% show that they have "African traits"!!! Modern Humans are NOT the origin of certain traits that Neanderthals posses at all. The origin of the "thick brow ridge" is purely a Neanderthal trait and not all of us Modern humans have this trait. Just like the trait of expressing nappy hair, YOU WILL NEVER SEE A WHITE EUROPEAN WITH THIS TRAIT of Nappy hair!!! Never. You will see all of us humans showing a degree of a BLENDED TRAIT such as curly hair or wavy hair, but only indigenous African-typed people can express the AFRO!!! Oh yes you can!!! If you observe someone that is SEVERELY MENTALLY RETARDED then you can be sure that their DNA will comfirm this type of observation!!! Now that is the truth! You can never determine the whole story based on phenotype! I agree. As one science report stated, today we humans only exhibit part of Neanderthal traits, never the whole. Again, I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to express my opinions. And BTW, I am African-typed and I express nappy hair, but Hey!--I love my freckles! And I don't see anything negative about them at all.
  2. Okay, Here is another reference source on NEANDERTHAL ANATOMY from Wikipedia: This post agree with my firstreference source from Ancestry Genealogy Distinguishing physical traits The large number of classic Neanderthal traits is significant because some examples of paleolithic and even modern Homo sapiens may sometimes show one or even a few of these traits, but not most or all of them at the same time. · Cranial o Sloping forehead … o Supraorbital ridge, a prominent, trabecular (spongy) brow ridge… o Broad nose o Bony projections on the sides of the nasal opening, projecting nose Sub-cranial … · Large hands and feet · Larger round finger tips… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal_anatomy Okay, and Here is Another Reference source, maybe secondary source but based on "scientific published works": This source mentions the Neanderthal trait of FRECKLES of which I presented in my first reference source from Ancestry Genealogy; Science – NBCNEWS.com Some Neanderthals were redheads Bones yield genetic data that adds a red hair, light skin and maybe freckles By Jeanna Bryner Live Science Uploaded 10/25/07 3:02:53 PM ET Bones from two Neanderthals yielded valuable genetic information that adds red hair, light skin and perhaps some freckling to our extinct relatives. The results, detailed online today by the journal Science, suggest that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were redheads…. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21474978/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/some-neanderthals-were-redheads/#.Xpd2qP1KjIU
  3. @Troy My question to you was not based on 'just' this reference source, rather I asked you if you had not heard of 'this kind of data from any scientific source'. I posted a quick google search reference of 'John Worthington for Ancestry - Genealogy & DNA' because it is a source that has been published for years and seems to me to be a very good source. So, I regard it as a good 'secondary scientific source' at least. As far as it being a 'click-bait', I don't understand what you mean because the content seems to be a good source, imo. I totally disagree. I based this on years of research as I do have a degree in Biology and I do understand the Scientific Method, of which one vital aspect is OBSERVATION. Not only have scientist published information on this subject and data but it definitely agrees with observation. You are wrong, Troy. Okay, below, I will post some more "scientific" background from other reference sources that report the same findings as the sources I posted previously. Uh uh. This makes no sense to me, how is this article not enlightening if it shows detail examples of what scientist have been presenting for recent years? Some of the picture references are of celebrities of which I do not believe would disagree. So why are you so adamant about denying what has been published? and yes, I agree about the words "May" and "mostly" and "almost" ... used in this study as I did say in other post. The model with the large eyes is well known, the man with the large hands is also well known and etc. I absolutely did! Again, this is my area of study and I can see that are not understanding what is being reported here! Just because researchers cannot not yet say how theyse archaic sequence affect people today, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTING THAT THESE TRAITS ARE INDEED ARCHAIC!!!--and that modern humans have these archaic traits, --acquired them through reproduction from interbreeding with Neanderthals!!! The simply do not know the whole complete story, that's all that they are saying here. I did!!! And, I don't know what you mean here about discrediting what I am saying. I am saying that if we today, express these archaic genes then, the scientist are not reporting a complete finding of what they already know. I dont think so. I agree. I absolutely do NOT believe that White people descend from them. I have said this repeatedly. But I do believe that we, all modern humans have some kind of blending and/or hybridization--all of us whether we are White Europeans or Brown African-typed modern humans. Why should I not have an opinion? Because you accept it? You yourself said that scientist update and make changes, so why should I be allowed to form an opinion on what they have reported today? Okay here are some more references and I don't know what you consider a valid "scientific source" but I did post initially that these findings stem from an INTERNATIONAL STUDY of scientist and Stanford University was part of that group. So, therefore some of my source, I believe are scientiic sources such as the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC organization and some may be secondary sources but they all seem to reputable: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Why Am I Neanderthal? When our ancestors first migrated out of Africa around 70,000 years ago, they were not alone. At that time, at least two other species of hominid cousins walked the Eurasian landmass—Neanderthals and Denisovans. As our modern human ancestors migrated through Eurasia, they encountered the Neanderthals and interbred. Because of this, a small amount of Neanderthal DNA was introduced into the modern human gene pool. https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/neanderthal/ Everyone living outside of Africa today has a small amount of Neanderthal in them, carried as a living relic of these ancient encounters. A team of scientists comparing the full genomes of the two species concluded that most Europeans and Asians have approximately 2 percent Neanderthal DNA. Indigenous sub-Saharan Africans have none, or very little Neanderthal DNA because their ancestors did not migrate through Eurasia. https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/neanderthal/ "Everyone living outside of Africa today" This is my case in point. This does NOT mean that NO African person does NOT have these traits. Many African-typed people live outside of Africa. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Okay, here is another "scientific reference" Most people are part-Neanderthal. That may be a protection against viruses Science and technology Hybrid vigor Oct 8, 2018 MOST modern human beings have Neanderthal genes lurking in their DNA. That is well known. Only Africans, or those of recent African ancestry, are exempt. Genetic analysis makes it clear that there were at least two periods when Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (a species found only in Europe and Asia) interbred with one another: ... https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2018/10/04/most-people-are-part-neanderthal-that-may-be-a-protection-against-viruses
  4. Looks so peaceful. I ran across these two short videos. I don't know if this is helpful, but you never know:
  5. @Troy Your statement gives me flashbacks and thoughts of a young slave child stating to her or his slave master that 'we are all one race'. That's a lot of mind control, but no, I do not believe that we are all one 'race' of humans, just for your information--because the kind of evil on this earth meted out to other humans, not just for being Black African, but, in so many other modes, is why I would never believe in what you have LEARNED to believe. I do absolutely believe that people of all kinds and colors are one 'race'--one human species--but there is definitely something strange existing among this human race and it is pure evil. @Pioneer1 I cannot at this time, understand even this. This is SOOOooo true, then that just shows how crazy this kind of thought process really is too.
  6. NO!!!!! @Troy Why do you say no!? Okay, I will provide a reference or two. 20 physical traits you may have inherited from a Neanderthal By John Worthington for Ancestry – Genealogy & DNA ...4. Supraorbital ridge or brow ridge 5. Broad, projecting nose... 8. Wide fingers and thumbs... 11. Fair skin and freckles... 13. Large eyes ... The large eye sockets in Neanderthal skulls indicate that they had large eyeballs to fill them. Antroplogists have suggested that they required larger eyes to enable them to see in the weaker sunlight of the northern latitudes. https://www.abroadintheyard.com/20-physical-traits-inherited-from-neanderthal/ Neanderthal in our skin Most Neanderthal variants exist in only around 2 percent of modern people of Eurasian descent.... The regions that contained high frequencies of Neanderthal sequences included genes that could yield clues to their functional effect. Base-pair differences between Neanderthal and human variants rarely fall in protein-coding sequences, but rather in regulatory ones, suggesting the archaic sequences affect gene expression. … https://www.the-scientist.com/features/neanderthal-dna-in-modern-human-genomes-is-not-silent-66299 @Troy You have never heard of this kind of data from a scientific source? But, @Pioneer1 We are ALL intermixed with Caucasians!!! So that makes us defined as the same!!! The date KEMET/Egypt marks Moses is detailed. The term 'MUSA' is recorded in both Sumerian text and Egyptian text. This term is used many times and at no time is it applied to your version of Caucasians being stuck behind a wall, where Kemet sent any MUSA up to the Caucasus to teach them and give them ARYAN CAUCASIAN SCRIPT!? Duh! Pioneer! Lol. Wow. Okay. I'm scratching my head on this one too.
  7. @Pioneer1 Absolutely not! The pastor is originally from Australia NOT East India. Both he and his wife look like Aboriginal Australians. No way. The Paleo-Indians are not dark brown. WOW. No way. Anyone can see how both Africa, North and South America fit like a puzzle before this earth split. Pioneer, you are so wrong. Native/Ancient American 'Indians' were definitely of AFRICAN-TYPED descent--by the millions! You thinking from an Americanized format-brainwashed because that is what you are trained to believe. From CHAMBRAZIL, 'Brazil' to the Zuni, to the Olmecas, to the millions of Athabascans .... the African presence in both North America and South America goes back for thousands of years, but yes, the straight haired pale faced and brown faced natives go back much farther than the African-typed as far as records reveal. You are way off. No, NOT talking about Dravidians today. What date!? That island is ancient Pre-Greek Shem. Dravidians are not Semitic. Oh no. You are defining the Dravidians as having straight hair and dark brown. The Elamites [Original] and Sumerians are defined in script as being ETHIOPIANS; THAT IS BLACK SKIN and Nappy hair. Elamites are not Iranians, you are right. Dravidians are not defined as being Elamites at all. LOL. So the Caucasians-Aryans had script!!! Pioneer! Wow. No. @Pioneer1 Modern books agree that SANSKRIT [ie Samskrit] came from SUMERIA--Cuneiform script] You give 'White' Caucasians too much credit. Is it too much for you to believe that Black African-typed people could have been the foundation for script? NO WAY. The Persian script is based on Old Phoenician script that they had developed from the Hebrew Israelites. Prior to this the more early form of Persian script also came from the ancient Cuneiform script of the Sumerians. The Aramaic script too stems from the Old Phoenician script.
  8. @Delano I need to read over some references before I can answer this completely because the ancient methods, written down, is like a Byzantine plot. But, I would suppose it would be a good example to mention how certain Native American Indians were attached, massacred and some were completely uprooted in one area and relocated. My husbands grandmother said that she remembers The Trail of Tears as she was a little girl and a part of that movement to uproot certain 'Indians' from one area to put them on reservations. My father-in-law [her son] told my husband, the White man was mocking them severely when they 'so-called'--said to the Indians in North Carolina that they had a designated Reservation for them to relocate. My father-in-law said the White wanted to completely wipe them out and did so in many methods such as listing them as being 'Colored' instead of what they said when they were made to respond to the census. He said that they told the Souix to leave their lands and go to the designation Reservation, but my father-in-law said THERE WAS NO RESERVATION FOR THE SOUIX!!! They lied. He said they made reservations for the Cherokee but not for the Sioux, no where in the eastern parts of North Carolina. They just wanted them to go and if they didn't, they were hunted down. So many of them went west to the Cherokee Reservation of which of course, caused conflicts because the Cherokee and the Sioux are two different people! Also the Racial Integrity Act [RIA] was another movement--law made agains the Native Americans with the purpose to completely erase them from the census due to the World War. The government did not want any Native Americans. Period!!! So, they had to either [1] stay on the impoverished Reservations, [2] marry White women of which the Government records shows 90% of the Native did and were able to leave the reservations and live, or [3] be listed as 'Colored' or 'Negro' in the military and become segregated with the Negroes. The government says that there were a small but significant few HOSTILES that refused to be listed as Whites, refused to leave their homelands, and refused to join the war, so they either melted into the North Carolina woods or the Piedmont area and they married Negro women. That is what my father-in-law did; he married a Black woman and he melted into the woods, and set traps to feed his mother and family. He said that his family became divided and some 'passed for White' and went that direction. And some tribes did join the military as I said and was listed as Colored or Negro. That maybe one example of how White Movements occur against certain people. The Indians in Arizona were viciously attacted too, and some of the remnant that this government tried to get out of their lands was shipped all the way to the east in America! Some of the victims of war, old chiefs, that survived were sent to Atlanta Georgia and Florida, etc. Another example would be what happened in East Europe and the fall out of the Byzantine system. That kind of 'republication' of people was crazy.
  9. ROFL! No! LOL! Okay, and this is interesting because of Hitler, himself. This may sound crazy but, I didn't even realize who Hitler really was until I took a class. Even though there are so many pics of Hitler, it never HIT me that he was himself an 'impure white'!!! So, I guess HItler suffered from the same evil as BLACK HATRED operates among Black African typed people. Hitler has totally Black hair and dark eyes like his mother, but his brother was Blonde haired and Blue-eyed like their father! yes! I didn't know this. REally!? Why do you think?
  10. @Pioneer1 Thank you!!! OMG! Thank you. And, yes, the photos that you posted absolutely shows certain 'archaic' Neanderthal traits!!!--But I would never say that anyone can be Neanderthal completely because we are all so very intemixed. No. Here you are completely disregarding BLACK ENSLAVEMENT by the Romans. This type of belief that you have that SLAVS are White Slaves in a world that was dominantly Black AFrican makes no sense at all. You have completely thrown down Black African people. The Romans campaigned heavily all throughout Africa to get their slaves. Also, you are completely butchering history. For HOW LONG did the GRECO-ROMANS WAR!!!!!? Don't you realize those Negroes caught up in these PUNIC WARS!? These dates and times show a dominant Negro presence as the Greeks went all down into Africa. Alexander-the-Great became the pharaoh of Egypt. He was all in Africa. The SLAVS were NOT White Slaves. LOL. You are making up stuff. Both are of the exact same time period. You 'historical Musa' of Kemet is dated to be the very same time period as KEMET records are extremely detailed.
  11. Yes, this is my beliefs too. There's something much more deeper than just doing this at Black people for fun. And as you said too, Black people can have this kind of nature too, imo, but it's NOT directed towards White people though! Yeah, @Troy, unfortunately, it's not that simple. It's not out of stupidity or just explained away as being evil, because there is some type of motivation and premeditation here going on. People are not just EVIL for no reason. There is always some type of motivation. I believe that this kind of racism against Black people and the kind of evil attacks 'online' we are always getting stems from an ancient origin and it stems from AN INFERIORITY-SUPERIORTY COMPLEX. That is one of the early phases of racism. It also stems from behavior--acting on the motivation of feeling and believing that 'being White or LIght skinned' is so much better than being dark or Black skinned thus doing something against dark people to justify this strange belief and superficial belief. Another ancient and continual behavior that fosters this kind of racism is the continual act of SEPARATION. These kind of racist people can't feel good about themselves without being around dark people in order to constantly seek out 'our' downfalls of which in turn, makes them feel justified on believing they are more supreme than us, and then they will move to 'categorize' us and separate from us on certain levels that causes a lot of hardship. However, they never want to be completely rid of dark people because then, it would stop their purpose of wanting to be 'more supreme' than 'whomever'. Now, this 'inferior' complex is part of why I scratch my head though, because in essence no one is more supreme than another just based on COLOR but at some early point, certain 'beings', of whom were NOT naturally made to be White and beautiful, but became WHITE through certain means and they began to feel that their being White was connected to flaws and this aspect was willfully concluded that even though they have 'flaws', it doesn't matter, 'I'm still more supreme than darker people' and thus this is why racsim and White Supremacy is definitely based upon a strange complex; INFERIORITY-SUPERIORTY COMPLEX; and it is a complex that NOT all White people have again, as I said, some people don't TRY to be White, they accept their presence and birth and culture, etc. and are blessed. There is no such thing as a person being born White, Brown, Black, etc. and it being negative. This is so crazy.
  12. But @Pioneer1 Why would this be FUN to them? This is a part that I don't understand. Again, I understand partly their motivation to be racist but I don't think I will ever understand completely. I don't think so. First we need to understand, at least partly, their MOTIVATION for racism and hatred of Black people. No. Pioneer, again, as you did state about Black people; INTENT. If, as you say, racist people do it out of FUN and JUST LOVE TO STALK AND INFLICT PAIN, then you have NOT explained their deeper MOTIVATION and intentions based on something that makes them go after BLACK PEOPLE.
  13. @Troy So true! Again, so true. Yes. okay. LOL. Yites!!! @Pioneer1 This is true! I believe you. And again, think about this though, many of 'us' do the same thing in return. Many Black folk are completely obsessed about White people and White cultures and go 'all out' to micmic them to the point that some even go much farther than that and try to chemically change their phenotype permanently. You know, I think, even regarding this thread, some of what you say about White people micmicing us would not be bad if they don't harbor the hate. Actually, immulating a good quality of someone else can be seen as positive, but the hate that some people have always creeps into the mix. On the other hand, if Black people that wear blonde hair want to do it to look good and see this as a positive aspect of many White people, then that shouldn't be looked at as if it is a bad thing, but when it is done due to Black-Self-Hatred, then that is the problem. But you mention Michael McDonald; I don't see him as emulating Black people though, he has a very 'heavy voice' and it compliments our kind of music, imo. Yes, this is interesting point you make.
  14. I don't know who the person is referring to, but that is why I appreciate you so much @Troy. I know that you have your work cut out due to so much racism. Wow. I see a lot of this on the few comments that I read at the end of Yahoo articles. White racist people are an enigma to me. I understand it partially, but then I don't think I will ever understand it completely.
  15. Trump supporters Funny but probably morbidly true. Even though Black people are absolutely affected by this terrible plague, however, this kind of belief that, somehow, Black people are immune is NOT based on 'the whole' but on history. And even though we should kick against this false report, however, it is useless to be afraid because it won't stop certain people from believing that 'black people are immune'. And we can thank our 'miseducation' for not knowing why this strange belief is being publicized. Because many of us believe that THE JEWS are not BLack, this is the basis for our not accepting this issue of today. Historically, Europe responded violently to 'THE JEWS', I mean the Original Jews, you know, the Black African ones LOL--due to the BUBONIC PLAGUE. So, it's not about all Black African people, but way back when--certain Black people had a high rate of not dying as a result of pandemic plagues, and well, the Original Jews were reported to not be AS AFFECTED by this Bubonic [Black Death Plague] as other kinds of people in Europe and Asia. Nevertheless, there were other Europeans too, that did not die as a result of this and other ancient plagues, but this rhetoric today absolutely stems from this kind of history, but more importantly, this is due to ancient scripture regarding the Orginal Jews. So even though some of them probably died of the plague, they still were blamed for it and thus--the SLAVE TRADE ERA began!!! Europe launched a movement that became known as GET RID OF THE INFIDELS after the Bubonic Plague dissipated in the 1400s and so, Black people were targeted in many places all over the world. The Moors, Original Jews, the remnant of the SELJUK TURKS, BLack Africans all over EAst Europe, etc. were expelled from Spain, and soon, many other Black Africans were forced right back into Europe as slaves... This is the kind of history that revolves around this notion today, that Black people are immune. We've never been immune to anything, but history does show some dynamics to this kind of evil intent meted out against Black people when it comes to this kind of pandemic. Today, I here the Black radio commentary about Exodus 12, but even then, if the Jews did not show faith by putting lambs blood on the lintel and post, they would have dropped dead too, and then right afterwards, tens of thousands of them did drop dead, so all of this fear today is based on history and ancient script. And, oh yes, the Orginal Egyptians that were the target for this plague were indeed, BLACK AFRICANS!!! lol. ANd because of how it played out, this ridiculous notion will probably not go away quickly.
  16. Absolutely! Man! What if this kind of pandemic started in Africa, BY AFRICANS? What a thought! Now, it's difficult to stop people from leaving their country, but well, I have already heard about something along these lines with regard to health problems in Africa, as a matter of fact. True, but @Troy I think that you may be missing a bigger point. I don't think that there is any benefit in wiping people out, but @Delano, there has been attempts to wipe out certain people concentrated in certain areas. I think that is the bigger point. Ah ah!!! This is the point!!! I didn't listen to all of the video yet, but I saw the term POPULATION TAILORING!!! Okay, isn't this what I was stating in other recent thread!!! White Supremacy and Colorism is a global problem and it started a long time ago and so, if we can't see that it is NOT about wiping out all 'one kind of people' but it is about POPULATION GENETICS, and POPULATION CONTROL and at times, movements went against certain kind of people in certain regions. It has never been about wiping out all Black African people, in modern times, because of what happened in the archaic period. White Supremacist are not about making that mistake again! LOL. But we are not recognizing 'empire history' here.
  17. Get out!!! This is exactly what I described in the other recent thread about the term SLAV!!! Ah! But Troy, they still do have an ORIGIN! And to equate that with the term 'AMERICAN'!? Isn't that a little to broad? American people have a history too. Yes, but this particular topic addressed to Spike Lee about 'COONERY' and 'BUFOONERY' does address a specific culture and so, in this regard, it does make sense to me what Pioneer is saying. I gather though, that the men interviewing Spike may be, at least, Part-African AMerican? I'm not sure though. Uhm. I don't know about this take though. So White Americans are allowed to define other cultures, and joke about others, but we cannot make specific acknowledgements or comments about who is doing this? We can't question or take offense about people 'making fun of our cultural antics' because we are all in a melting pot? Is it a melting pot, really? But yeah, I guess that's America.
  18. @Troy It's good to hear Spike speak on this! But nevertheless, the man that interviewed him used the term 'Bufoonery' and 'Coonery', LOL, so at least I know that I heard the same misinformation that he did and that was going around. I am glad that Spike and Tyler are friend, but then the explanation that Spike gave was definitely vague as he used the terms 'my opinion' and tried to separate 'his opinions' from what Tyler Perry does produce. It does sound like a lot of 'straddling the fence' rhetoric. Tyler Perry does do a lot of that kind of coonery and this cannot be denied. Yes, it pays a lot of money but, even if Spike pulls back and chooses not to give 'others' the benefit of 'dividing to conquer', imo, this kind of issue can do that all by itself. As a Black person, I think we should at some point address this kind of money-making issue, and yes, this thread that I started, does address this 'knee jerk' kind of comedy. @Pioneer1 Oh Gosh! LOL. I realized this after I logged off days ago because I did a quick google. I couldn't believe it! It's just like this thread! LOL. Two White men micmicing Black males -- Man! Then there was a spin off of Black men using the same name 'Amos and Andy' and continuing on for years! Kind of like a spin off of TYRONE and JABARI.... So, this has been going on for so long!
  19. @Pioneer1 It could be the opposite, in that 'Aden' is a mistranslation of the word 'Eden'. But at any rate, I LIKE WHAT YOU WROTE! No, I don't believe that word 'Eden' is a mistranslation but 'AEDEN' is a cognate term for 'EARTH' and the word is broad and needs to be considered within context. I believe that both terms 'Aden' and 'Eden' does define, not only that region of 'the gulf of Aden' but at one point, it included the whole area of 'the Garden of Eden' [ie Guarded Den of Eden], but the actualy area of the specific Garden of Eden is based on THE MOTHER RIVER, the oldest river at its' source. This ancient river source and the other three rivers that flow from a source marks this CENTRAL POINT of AEden. Also, I can see the cognate term because of what you wrote! In that region of the gulf of Aden, historians do report an ancient civilization and archeologist have reported many remains! Absolutely not!--But then, that is part of our deliberate miseducation! For thousands of years, many White Europeans have been through what is known as SLAVICIZATION and we are made to believe that they want to look like what White East Europeans and Russian look like today, OH, BUT THIS IS NOT SO!!! This ancient term 'SLAVIC' can be compared to today, such as like Kim Kardashian's children--and if they later become adults and interbreed with other White Europeans--and then become defined as African AMericans! The term 'African American' in the future would eventually transition to very light skinned African Americans and then White people embracing our history and then making it a national classification. We, the Original African AMericans may be 'erased' and then the term African American would never have been known to define a Slave inheritance based on BLACK AFRICAN ORIGINS. And, another way to understand the lie about the term 'SLAVS' would be to see us, African American DOS in that many ORiginal people of the African continent regard us as being WATERED DOWN through interbreeding, and although many of us still have the dominant traits of being from the Mother land, however, we may not be regarded as being 'Original' by other governments. THIS IS THE TRANSITION OF THE TERM 'Slav'. The term 'SLAV' comes from the term 'SLOVENE'--SLOV-VENETIAN--SLOV-PHOENICIAN--BLACK AFRICAN-TYPED PEOPLE initially enslaved byway of the Roman civilization right there in VENETIAN-ITALY [PHOENICIAN-ITALY]. Both terms 'Slov' and 'Venetian' carry a huge amount of suppressed history. I agree with part of this, oh yes. Wow, I never realize this! Okay, this makes no sense, again, because the dates of Moses are completely wrong based on what you are saying.
  20. @Troy That is why I posted references about the percentage reported by scientist. I am using AVAILABLE SCIENCE. I understand why you or anyone would doubt even the existence of Neanderthals but, that is the purpose of government(s) and their responsibility on education and their acknowledgment. Truth is not based on us as individuals but eventually and historically, government are contrasted with other governments on issues of truth and confirmed data. Therefore, this government reports info about Neanderthals and other archaic beings based on skeletal remains and DNA analysis, so yes, they did exist based on 'national concensus'. These archaic beings do not match the modern human species at all. Therefore, scientist are reporting facts about modern DNA, archaic DNA and that yes, there was a contemporary period in which different species did interbreed and we show this today. The scientific data available today says that modern humans are continuing to reproduce and have about 2-20% Neanderthal DNA, and I am basing my beliefs on this SCIENTIFC DATA that has been reported and also more (of which I have not presented) regarding ancient scripture. Now, how am I rejecting scientific data. My interpretation is based on reported scientific data and I believe that the scientist reporting these statements are in contradiction when they do not admit that it can't be possible for Neanderthals to be extinct if we modern humans are still expressing their traits after thousands of years. Well anyway, I also believe that soon you will hear scientist reporing just what I am saying, and that is why I also want to make these statements. I feel that it is important for us as African Americans to address some of these issues that our government is reporting or 'half-reporting' about our past because it has to do with them also exploiting us too. If our 'Black' leaders in the government agree to miseducation then it shows that we are in agreement. Neanderthals cannot be extinct if scientist report that modern humans are still showing these traits through reproduction. Now, I provided some terminology such as POPULATION GENETICS, the definition of SPECIES, etc. to support why I say this.
  21. lol! You know @Pioneer1 I didn't follow the story very well, but I am sure there is/was a rift. I think years back it stemmed from Spike Lee in that he did not like Tyler Perry's style of presenting Black people. I think he referred to it as bringing back the days of Amos and Andy. Now, I didn't have any idea what even that meant myself--Amos and Andy. But I googled years ago and found out that Amos and Andy was before my time, but it was about two black men who portrayed black people in the same way that Tyler Perry does. I would have to google myself to find out more about the rift between Tyler Perry and Spike Lee.
  22. Question: Do blue eyes come from Neanderthals? Answer: Blue eyes do not come from Neanderthals, and current data shows that Neanderthals had a variety of skin tones and had different eye colors (including brown). Two female Neanderthals from Croatia were studied and their genome demonstrated a likelihood that they had tawny skin, brown eyes, and brunette hair. https://owlcation.com/stem/8-Neanderthal-Traits-in-Modern-Humans Is haplogroup Y-DNA BT hypothetical? Grant Lee, BA Honours, History, University of Western Australia (2009) Updated Oct 14 2019 – ...However, genetic researchers have been searching for BT* for more than 15 years now, and the chances of finding it decrease every day. … https://www.quora.com/Is-haplogroup-Y-DNA-BT-hypothetical
  23. Then @Troy Don't focus on scripture, just the science aspect! What I wrote about the BT Haplogroup can stand alone! To date, there has been NO live person with this haplogroup but, just like extracting DNA from the bones of King Tut and any of our recent dead ancestors, scientist can see the distinct haplogroup. Just like the analysis of any bones, scientist have completely determined that about 6000 years ago, there were many skeletal bones in that region that showed BLACK AFRICAN-TYPED MALES with the blue-eyes and have the same 'science' as blue-eyed people today, that are European. So, is that why, after about 200 years this American govt decided to Separate Church & State; to save us the trouble of trying to confirm ancient scripture? LOL. People love to say this but strangely, THEY CAN NEVER PRODUCE WHAT THAT ARE REFERRING TO!!! Discussion is good though. I would patrially agree that ancient scripture is difficult to confirm with science, what with all of the deliberate mistranslations, but it's not good to just leave it at that, imo. You did not read that in my previous post! I said the opposite. I said that there has to have been many 'person(s)' on this earth prior to the creation of the nappy headed man and woman. That is what I said. And, BTW, the term 'EDEN' means 'EARTH'!!! Where in the earth was this particular 'GARDEN'? That is what you are not understanding due to the accepted interpretation of the slaveyard teachings. This particular 'Guarded Den' [ie GARDEN] in Eden is based on 4 main rivers, so says ancient scripture! So yeah, the Adamah lived in 'a place called --THE EARTH--'. Troy, although I don't believe that this is at all intentional, but because of the way that you have been conditioned to think, you are changing my words around based on your preconceived beliefs. I absolutely do NOT believe that the Adamah people were the FIRST humans on this earth. But scientist due say that all males with the YDNA haplogroups, stem from ONE ORIGIN!!!--OUT OF AFRICA!!! And, although they lie about the dates and use vague unproven units like BP 'Before Present' based on 1950, they use the unit 'A' to represent the name of 'ADAM' for all of the BASAL markings that are on ALL NORMAL YDNA HAPLOGROUPS. @Pioneer1. Did you just make this up? You know, this has no basis in reality right? LOL @Pioneer1 Yes, I absolutely agree. Yes, although I don't understand all of what you say here, I absolutely agree in that the incest did bring about the recessive 'archaic' DNA! And also, that kind of incest did lead to a lot of problems, still present today!
  24. That's okay Brother! LOL. @Pioneer1Sometimes it's good to have this kind of checks and balances! You are not lying! Tyler Perry keeps on going and going with this. I heard he is not mad at Spike Lee though, and he dedicated a stage to him in Atlanta or something like this. I wonder how Spike Lee has responded? Lol. Maybe. Okay. Thanks @Troy! But again, I don't mind taking a little heat from the brothers.
  25. Like you said, @Troy “Did you not watch very short video explaining the nature of Covid-19 and how it originated or did you simply not understand it? OK I see it is not my in ability to explain it is your unwillingness to believe.” I gave you a few references on the subject and ‘the definition of Species’, and examples of how species can reproduce, even though scientist flip back and forth on this definition when it comes to the Hominids. If Lions don’t breed outside of captivity with other species, but do in captivity then, like the definition of ‘species’ part of the guidelines is based on ‘defective blending’ and ‘defective hybrids’ that shows up in the form of many sterility, diseases, skin cancer etc. of which these animals do show. But, different species can interbreed though. If we humans say that the modern human existed 10,000+ years before the Biblical date of Adam, then that supports what I am saying in that there must have been pre-humans walking around in the Garden of Eden and this planet prior to the Creation of the Nappy headed African YDNA. If scientist say that Neanderthals are ALL extinct, but that all Europeans and Asians have about 2-3% Neanderthal DNA and this is continually being a part of reproduction for thousands of years, then, as a person who has a degree in Biology and understands the Scientific Method then, that sounds like, at best, a contradiction. That may be a theory but not a proven fact. If scientist say that people of African descent carry ALMOST ZERO Neanderthal DNA then, what is their mathematical definition of ALMOST ZERO? Would that be less than 2-3%? LOL. Do we round up or down? LOL. Thanks to about 400 years of Chattel Slavery, many of us Brown African Americans do have traits that scientist say are Neanderthal traits. Scientist say that there are no live humans with the BT Haplogroup. So, if as the scriptures say that all Cainites were drowned in the Great Flood then, that only means that there is no YDNA, but it does not mean that the Cainite presence is extinct, because it can still be here through recessive population. If the FOUNDERS AFFECT shows the Blonde hair/Blue eyed trait showing up in concentrations in populations in Scandinavia and far away in Australia, then that would be a population genetic pool of people that carry a trait that has an origin of a BLACK AFRCAN-TYPED MALE [Nappy headed YDNA] with lactose intolerance in his bones and in the Black Sea region of Anatolia Turkey about 6000 years ago—TRANSLATION CAIN!!! So if this population gene pool would be extinct, then eventually, even African people that can be born with this blonde hair/blue eyed presence would eventually die out do to Natural Selection. It is a trait that has its origin in an African-typed male of the nodeast [northeast] but not the African-typed Southworld males [Sethworld males]. Nevertheless, the dominant presence of the BT haplogroup is completely extinct, but the recessive presence is still here today. Due to it being a mutation, it will not come back, but certain traits continue to show up in a recessive presence. Likewise, this is why I think that scientist are only offering us part truths about the Archaic Hominids species of the Neanderthals. Yes, the dominant presence of the YDNA viable Denisovan-Neanderthal is completely extinct, but in order for certain traits to continue to be passed down through reproduction, then there may be some kind of blending and also hybridization going on due to a population gene pool still present somewhere in this earth. Where? I don’t know for sure, but it is NOT based on color though. Both Europeans and Africans etc. are NOT Neanderthals based on scientific definitions but we are Homo sapiens but we all carry some blending or either hybridization of the Archaic beings. Now there, -- I said it again. I think maybe scientist do not put out the whole truth because of Separation of Church and State and they do not want to agree with the ancient scriptures. They have designed their own form of false religion called Anti-Christ and that doesn’t agree with script. So, I think I have explained it pretty descent, but you just are unwilling to at least acknowledge that I may have a point of view that carries something worth thinking about.
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