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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Discussions about healthy living usually revolve around diet and exercise. Social interaction is often left out of the conversation, even though research shows that it's critical to our well-being.
  2. Why are so many Black folks running around repetitive West's asinine statements? I know why the so called news media do it -- the celebrity dysfunction drives readers, viewers, and traffic. Of course the BS Kanye West spouts off is Twitter's bread and butter. Were it not for 45 and the lunacy of the Kanye, Twitter would be largely irrelevant. What bothers me is that we going around discussing Kayne statements as if they are relevant. All his does is raise the profiles of stupid remarks and uplifts Twitter so that they can become even more effective at propagating more nonsense. It bothers me because all our attention, energy, and money is diverted from things that matter much more -- things that would actually benefit ourselves and Black people. It is a zero sum game; we can't do both.
  3. The Ultimate Top 10 Books Lists, Great New Books, Black Classic Press Celebrates 40 Years, and More!
  4. I learned about this film listening to a podcast of This American Life, who produced this film. This American Life podcast of Heretics: the story of Bishop Carlton Pearson Your browser does not support the audio element. It tells the story of Bishop Carlton Pearson, a very successful preacher who began preaching that there is no Hell and the God loves everyone -- even if they are not "saved." I enjoyed both the podcast and the film.
  5. I never heard this before, but it is a brilliant observation.
  6. Cohen too got away with a lot of shit for many years, plus he is not the POTUS. You just don't get rid of the President without due process. This means procecutors will proceed deliberately and carefully -- which means slowly.
  7. Yep that pretty much sums it up. The historical retrospective mirror my experience
  8. Again, Pioneer if you accepted the fact that race has no genetic basis and is purely an artificial construct, would would be confused about the differences between by and Shakra and only this issue to b th bass for you rejecting our sister. You really should have read the issue from National Geographic recommended these was an article with pictures that illustrated the genetic diversity on the continent of Africa. It would help you appreciate grouping people origin by the basis of their skin color is silly.
  9. Again I believe he will last the year. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
  10. Mahogany books did a signing with him last year: I'd previous watched an interview with him. Let us know what you think of the book. I should probably create a top 10 list of cook books: https://aalbc.com/top10/
  11. Wow Brewster projects I would have made a point to checking them out when I was last in Detroit, but it appears they have been torn down. I agree they should have more subsidized housing, but they should also have kept the standard up. I understand when my building opened you needed to be employed, married, and meed other requirement to get an apartment. They also need to provide better schools to server the residents.... man they need to do so much it is not even funny. The buildings I grew up in were completed in the 1940's are are one of the oldest housing projects in the city. The buildings and apartments after almost 70 years the apartments need a lot of work. Amazioning I heard the 45 administration is talking about raising rents by 35% and cutting the budget by a few hundred million dollars! These people are animals, they really do not care about anyone other than themselves.
  12. If you are looking for context Twitter is the wrong place.
  13. Hi @Verdelle Lambert I just added your book to our website: https://aalbc.com/books/bookinfo.php?isbn13=9781732091009 I was think about adding your article from Jet to your profile page: https://aalbc.com/authors/author.php?author_name=Verdelle+Lambert I think it would give potential readers some interesting insight into your background. What do you think? Unfortunately It is not likely that I will be able to do the review of your book. But it is on my radar. I attended Syracuse too
  14. Given the celebrities backing of mute kelly, ava duvernay and others it seems like you might be right @Delano, but that is just how it is covered. If you go by his concert attendance and popularity another story is told. 45 is not exactly wrong when he talks about fake news in the sense that one could get the impression that kelly has been proven guilty of a crime and that the majority of the public is outraged. But this is not the case. Again, I read about this in a newspaper, not on social media so the coverage followed basic rules if journalism.
  15. So I'm watching a 3 hour interview with Walter Mosley, 'cause that's what I do for fun, and he actually shouts out AALBC.com. He even got the site's awkward acronym out (you could see it was a little tough but he did it!). At any rate, this is what we have to do to ensure the viability of our institutions; acknowledge, recommend them, and patronize them. Stay tuned...
  16. Javaka Steptoe read from his award winning children's book Radiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. I worked with the Queens Public Library on this event. It went really well. Seems like everyone brought a book a few purchased 3 or more. Javaka is a very warm Brother and talented artist. Both f his parent are artists. His father, John Steptoe is also in the site.
  17. I did not do an internet search on R. Kelly. But coincidentally, there was an article in the newspaper yesterday. Apparently all of the criticism against Kelly is hearsay. No convictions. I think before we start trying to destroy the livelihood of others we should have perfect clarity on what they have done.
  18. Sure it was a fluff peace, but who else would cover a meter maid -- make a cover story one it no less. Who knew they were trained in judo? The focus on her attractiveness seems sexist, but that is by today's standards. Today I'm sure, we don't even see them as human, just a tool of the state... Again, we have lost something important. The magazine you are describing the covered politics was Emerge, but they died at least 10 years ago. I not interested in kanyes tweets, and only know of them because every is taking about them, even a buddy of mine who is not active on Twitter asked me about it
  19. Yeah I have to admit after learning more about Constand's behavior the the $3MM this case does not site right with me. I did not even know she willingly took the pills. Sheesh. Again I'm sure it was the testimony by the other women that made the difference. Is Harvey, 45, and all the other dirt bags gong to go to jail too. I think they will put Cosby in Jail. They have to don't they he was convicted.. isn't that how it works?
  20. @Verdelle Lambert, maybe the evangelicals see Trump as a means to an end. If @Delano and @Kalexander2 are right, Pence could be president before the year is out. Honestly I'm not too excited about the prospect either... ...They say be careful what you wish for.
  21. You wrote for Jet in the 60's wow! That sound like Jet's hey day. It seems to me -- I'm to young to really know -- that we have lost so much culturally. Not even Jet survives and it was designed for the masses. Ebony which had great articles is not what it once was. It also seems that so much of what we have left is designed for young adults and geared to towards celebrity, scandalous gossip, and entertainment. Are there any magazines let where one can read serious content for Black people from a Black perspective. I maintain a list of Black owned magazines, and I don;t know of any. I spoke about an article in Ebony  the great John A. Williams wrote. As far as I know there is no widely circulated magazine creating content like this today. Now there are magazine create content like this for white folks every day of the week. The best we can do is hope that they cover us -- which is shameful. As result we have not control over what is covered, who is elevated, and how it is presented. We get the ramblings of a Kayne West regularly, but no one knows who John A. Williams is
  22. It might be helpful to explain the problem with R Kelly. In believe there is a video of him urinating on an underage girl? Is this right. If not what specifically did he do that should require us to stop listening to his music? Did he break any laws?
  23. My bet was a classic hedge. I win no matter the outcome I'm still not convinced that an evangelical is better than 45. In fact, I would not be surprised if the positioning of Pence was not the plan along.
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