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  1. Her sexual orientation has nothing to do with her ability and it's not pulling black people down in any way. LGBTQ people are just as much part of the black community as anybody. We've got to move beyond the idea that authentic blackness whatever that may be is only straight male cisgendered and patriarchal. My only concern is that Barabara Lee whose been in the House for several years and lives in California wasn't chosen. But this woman has a strong background in labor and community organizing in addition to abortion rights. Give her a chance. She might surprise us in a good way.
  2. Someone shared this with me this morning. It was unattributed, so I can't share the source, but I learn it I will. This reminds me of the HISTORIA AFRICANA DATES FOR MAJOR AFRICAN EVENTS @Mel Hopkins shared a few months ago. 1501 African Slaves in the New World Spanish settlers bring slaves from Africa to Santo Domingo (now the capital of the Dominican Republic). 1522 Slave Revolt: the Caribbean Slaves rebel on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which now comprises Haiti and the Dominican Republic. 1562 Britain Joins Slave Trade. John Hawkins, the first Briton to take part in the slave trade, makes a huge profit hauling human cargo from Africa to Hispaniola. 1581 Slaves in Florida Spanish residents in St. Augustine, the first permanent settlement in Florida, import African slaves. 1612 The first commercial tobacco crop is raised in Jamestown, Virginia. 1619 Twenty slaves in Virginia Africans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves imported into Britain’s North American colonies. Like indentured servants, they were probably freed after a fixed period of service. 1626 The Dutch West India Company imports 11 black male slaves into the New Netherlands. 1636 Colonial North America's slave trade begins when the first American slave carrier, Desire, is built and launched in Massachusetts. 1640 John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave for life. 1640 New Netherlands law forbids residents from harboring or feeding runaway slaves. 1641 The D'Angola marriage is the first recorded marriage between blacks in New Amsterdam. 1641 Massachusetts is the first colony to legalize slavery. 1643 The New England Confederation of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Haven adopts a fugitive slave law. 1650 Connecticut legalizes slavery. 1652 Rhode Island passes laws restricting slavery and forbidding enslavement for more than 10 years. 1652 Massachusetts requires all black and Indian servants to receive military training. 1654 A Virginia court grants blacks the right to hold slaves. 1657 Virginia passes a fugitive slave law. 1660 Charles II, King of England, orders the Council of Foreign Plantations to devise strategies for converting slaves and servants to Christianity.1662 Hereditary Slavery Virginia law decrees that children of black mothers “shall be bond or free according to the condition of the mother.” 1662 Massachusetts reverses a ruling dating back to 1652, which allowed blacks to train in arms. New York, Connecticut, and New Hampshire pass similar laws restricting the bearing of arms. 1663 In Gloucester County, Virginia the first documented slave rebellion in the colonies takes place. 1663 Maryland legalizes slavery. 1663 Charles II, King of England, gives the Carolinas to proprietors. Until the 1680s, most settlers in the region are small landowners from Barbados. 1664 New York and New Jersey legalize slavery. 1664 Maryland is the first colony to take legal action against marriages between white women and black men. 1664 The State of Maryland mandates lifelong servitude for all black slaves. New York, New Jersey, the Carolinas, and Virginia all pass similar laws. 1666 Maryland passes a fugitive slave law. 1667 Virginia declares that Christian baptism will not alter a person's status as a slave. 1668 New Jersey passes a fugitive slave law. 1670 The State of Virginia prohibits free blacks and Indians from keeping Christian (i.e. white) servants. 1674 New York declares that blacks who convert to Christianity after their enslavement will not be freed. 1676 In Virginia, black slaves and black and white indentured servants band together to participate in Bacon's Rebellion. 1680 The State of Virginia forbids blacks and slaves from bearing arms, prohibits blacks from congregating in large numbers, and mandates harsh punishment for slaves who assault Christians or attempt escape. 1682 Virginia declares that all imported black servants are slaves for life. 1684 New York makes it illegal for slaves to sell goods. 1688 The Pennsylvania Quakers pass the first formal antislavery resolution. 1691 Virginia passes the first anti-miscegenation law, forbidding marriages between whites and blacks or whites and Native Americans. 1691 Virginia prohibits the manumission of slaves within its borders. Manumitted slaves are forced to leave the colony. 1691 South Carolina passes the first comprehensive slave codes. 1694 Rice cultivation is introduced into Carolina. Slave importation increases dramatically. 1696 The Royal African Trade Company loses its monopoly and New England colonists enter the slave trade. 1700 Pennsylvania legalizes slavery. 1702 New York passes An Act for Regulating Slaves. Among the prohibitions of this act are meetings of more than three slaves, trading by slaves, and testimony by slaves in court. 1703 Massachusetts requires those masters who liberate slaves to provide a bond of 50 pounds or more in the event that the freedman becomes a public charge. 1703 Connecticut assigns the punishment of whipping to any slaves who disturb the peace or assault whites. 1703 Rhode Island makes it illegal for blacks and Indians to walk at night without passes.1705 Slaves as Property Describing slaves as real estate, Virginia lawmakers allow owners to bequeath their slaves. The same law allowed masters to “kill and destroy” runaways. 1705 The Virginia Slave Code codifies slave status, declaring all non- Christian servants entering the colony to be slaves. It defines all slaves as real estate, acquits masters who kill slaves during punishment, forbids slaves and free colored peoples from physically assaulting white persons, and denies slaves the right to bear arms or move abroad without written permission. 1705 New York declares that punishment by execution will be applied to certain runaway slaves. 1705 Massachusetts makes marriage and sexual relations between blacks and whites illegal. 1706 New York declares blacks, Indians, and slaves who kill white people to be subject to the death penalty. 1706 Connecticut requires that Indians, mulattos, and black servants gain permission from their masters to engage in trade. 1708 The Southern colonies require militia captains to enlist and train one slave for every white soldier. 1708 Rhode Island requires that slaves be accompanied by their masters when visiting the homes of free persons. 1708 Blacks outnumber whites in South Carolina. 1710 New York forbids blacks, Indians, and mulattos from walking at night without lighted lanterns. 1711 Pennsylvania prohibits the importation of blacks and Indians. 1711 Rhode Island prohibits the clandestine importation of black and Indian slaves. 1712 Pennsylvania prohibits the importation of slaves.1712 Slave Revolt: New York Slaves in New York City kill whites during an uprising, later squelched by the militia. Nineteen rebels are executed. 1712 New York declares it illegal for blacks, Indians, and slaves to murder other blacks, Indians, and slaves. 1712 New York forbids freed blacks, Indians, and mulatto slaves from owning real estate and holding property. 1712 In Charleston, South Carolina slaves are forbidden from hiring themselves out. 1715 Rhode Island legalizes slavery. 1715 Maryland declares all slaves entering the province and their descendants to be slaves for life. 1717 New York enacts a fugitive slave law. 1723 Virginia abolishes manumissions. 1724 French Louisiana prohibits slaves from marrying without the permission of their owners. 1730-1750 The number of male and female slaves imported to the North American British colonies balances out for the first time. 1731 The Spanish reverse a 1730 decision and declare that slaves fleeing to Florida from Carolina will not be sold or returned. 1732 Slaves aboard the ship of New Hampshire Captain John Major kill both captain and crew, seizing the vessel and its cargo. 1733 Quaker Elihu Coleman's A Testimony against That Anti-Christian Practice of MAKING SLAVES OF MEN is published. 1735 Under an English law Georgia prohibits the importation and use of black slaves. 1735 Georgia petitions Britain for the legalization of slavery. 1735 Louis XV, King of France, declares that when an enslaved woman gives birth to the child of a free man, neither mother nor child can be sold. Further, after a certain time, motherand child will be freed. 1738 Georgia's trustees permit the importation of black slaves. 1738 Spanish Florida promises freedom and land to runaway slaves. 1739 Slaves in Stono, South Carolina rebel, sacking and burning an armory and killing whites. Some 75 slaves in South Carolina steal weapons and flee toward freedom in Florida (then under Spanish rule). Crushed by the South Carolina militia, the revolt results in the deaths of 40 blacks and 20 white The colonial militia puts an end to the rebellion before slaves are able to reach freedom in Florida. 1740 South Carolina passes the comprehensive Negro Act, making it illegal for slaves to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to read English. Owners are permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary. 1740 Georgia and Carolina attempt to invade Florida in retaliation for the territory's policy toward runaways. 1749 Georgia repeals its prohibition and permits the importation of black slaves. 1751 George II repeals the 1705 act, making slaves real estate in Virginia. 1758 Pennsylvania Quakers forbid their members from owning slaves or participating in the slave trade. 1760 New Jersey prohibits the enlistment of slaves in the militia without their master's permission. 1767 The Virginia House of Burgess boycotts the British slave trade in protest of the Townsend Acts. Georgia and the Carolinas follow suit. 1770 Escaped slave, Crispus Attucks, is killed by British forces in Boston, Massachusetts. He is one of the first colonists to die in the war for independence. 1772 James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw's writes the first autobiographical slave narrative. 1773 The first separate black church in America is founded in South Carolina. 1773 Slaves in Massachusetts unsuccessfully petition the government for their freedom. 1773 Phillis Wheatley becomes the first published African-American poet when a London publishing company releases a collection of her verse. 1774 The First Continental Congress bans trade with Britain and vows to discontinue the slave trade after the 1st of December. 1774 Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Georgia prohibit the importation of slaves. 1774 Virginia takes action against slave importation. 1775 The slave population in the colonies is nearly 500,000. In Virginia, the ratio of free colonists to slaves is nearly 1:1. In South Carolina it is approximately 1:2. 1775 Georgia takes action against slave importation. 1775 Abolitionist Society Anthony Benezet of Philadelphia founds the world’s first abolitionist society. Benjamin Franklin becomes its president in 1787. 1775 In April, the first battles of the Revolutionary war are waged between the British and Colonial armies at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Black Minutemen participate in the fighting. 1775 In July, George Washington announces a ban on the enlistment of free blacks and slaves in the colonial army. By the end of the year, he reverses the ban, ordering the Continental Army to accept the service of free blacks. 1775 In November, Virginia Governor John Murray, Lord Dunmore, issues a proclamation announcing that any slave fighting on the side of the British will be liberated. 1776 In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, members of the Continental Congress sign the Declaration of Independence. 1776 In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, forbids its members from holding slaves. 1776 Delaware prohibits the importation of African slaves. 1777 Vermont is the first of the thirteen colonies to abolish slavery and enfranchise all adult males. 1777 New York enfranchises all free propertied men regardless of color or prior servitude. 1778 Rhode Island forbids the removal of slaves from the state. 1778 Virginia prohibits the importation of slaves. 1780 Delaware makes it illegal to enslave imported Africans. 1780 Pennsylvania begins gradual emancipation. 1780 A freedom clause in the Massachusetts constitution is interpreted as an abolishment of slavery. Massachusetts enfranchises all men regardless of race. 1783 American Revolution Ends Britain and the infant United States sign the Peace of Paris treaty. 1784 Abolition Effort Congress narrowly defeats Thomas Jefferson’s proposal to ban slavery in new territories after 1800. 1790 First United States Census Nearly 700,000 slaves live and toil in a nation of 3.9 million people. 1793 Fugitive Slave Act The United States outlaws any efforts to impede the capture of runaway slaves. 1794 Cotton Gin Eli Whitney patents his device for pulling seeds from cotton. The invention turns cotton into the cash crop of the American South—and creates a huge demand for slave labor. 1808 United States Bans Slave Trade Importing African slaves is outlawed, but smuggling continues. 1820 Missouri Compromise Missouri is admitted to the Union as a slave state, Maine as a free state. Slavery is forbidden in any subsequent territories north of latitude . 1822 Slave Revolt: South Carolina Freed slave Denmark Vesey attempts a rebellion in Charleston. Thirty-five participants in the ill-fated uprising are hanged. 1831 Slave Revolt: Virginia Slave preacher Nat Turner leads a two-day uprising against whites, killing about 60. Militiamen crush the revolt then spend two months searching for Turner, who is eventually caught and hanged. Enraged Southerners impose harsher restrictions on their slaves. 1835 Censorship Southern states expel abolitionists and forbid the mailing of antislavery propaganda. 1846-48 Mexican-American War Defeated, Mexico yields an enormous amount of territory to the United States. Americans then wrestle with a controversial topic: Is slavery permitted in the new lands? 1847 Frederick Douglass’s Newspaper Escaped slave Frederick Douglass begins publishing the North Star in Rochester, New York. 1849 Harriet Tubman Escapes After fleeing slavery, Tubman returns south at least 15 times to help rescue several hundred others. 1850 Compromise of 185 In exchange for California’s entering the Union as a free state, northern congressmen accept a harsher Fugitive Slave Act. 1852 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel about the horrors of slavery sells 300,000 copies within a year of publication. 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act Setting aside the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Congress allows these two new territories to choose whether to allow slavery. Violent clashes erupt. 1857 Dred Scott Decision The United States Supreme Court decides, seven to two, that blacks can never be citizens and that Congress has no authority to outlaw slavery in any territory. 1860 Abraham Lincoln of Illinois becomes the first Republican to win the United States Presidency. 1860 Southern Secession South Carolina secedes in December. More states follow the next year. 1861-65 United States Civil War Four years of brutal conflict claim 623,000 lives. 1863 Emancipation Proclamation President Abraham Lincoln decrees that all slaves in Rebel territory are free on January 1, 1863. 1865 Slavery Abolished The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery.
  3. I don't really like a lot of haunted movies but only a few. I don't know if it is in this picture, but I like Hocus Pocus, starring Bette Midler.
  4. The Scientific Case for Two Spaces After a Period
    A new study proves that half of people are correct. The other is also correct.

    By James Hamblin


    photo by Tina Fineberg / AP

    MAY 11, 2018

    This is a time of much division. Families and communities are splintered by polarizing narratives. Outrage surrounds geopolitical discourse—so much so that anxiety often becomes a sort of white noise, making it increasingly difficult to trigger intense, acute anger. The effect can be desensitizing, like driving 60 miles per hour and losing hold of the reality that a minor error could result in instant death.

    One thing that apparently still has the power to infuriate people, though, is how many spaces should be used after a period at the end of an English sentence.

    The war is alive again of late because a study that came out this month from Skidmore College. The study is, somehow, the first to look specifically at this question. It is titled: “Are Two Spaces Better Than One? The Effect of Spacing Following Periods and Commas During Reading.”

    It appears in the current issue of the journal Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. As best I can tell, psychophysics is a word; the Rochester Institute of Technology defines it as the “study of the relationship between stimuli (specified in physical terms) and the sensations and perceptions evoked by these stimuli.” The researchers are also real. Rebecca Johnson, an associate professor in Skidmore’s department of psychology, led the team. Her expertise is in the cognitive processes underlying reading. As Johnson told me, “Our data suggest that all readers benefit from having two spaces after periods.”

    “Increased spacing has been shown to help facilitate processing in a number of other reading studies,” Johnson explained to me by email, using two spaces after each period. “Removing the spaces between words altogether drastically hurts our ability to read fluently, and increasing the amount of space between words helps us process the text.”

    In the Skidmore study, among people who write with two spaces after periods—“two-spacers”—there was an increase in reading speed of 3 percent when reading text with two spaces following periods, as compared to one. This is, Johnson points out, an average of nine additional words per minute above their performance “under the one-space conditions.”

    This is a small difference, though if a change like this saved even a tiny amount of time, or prevented a tiny amount of miscommunication, the net benefit across billions of people could be enormous. Entire economies could be made or broken, wars won or lost.

    Or so it would seem. The conclusions she drew from that data pushed people into their corners on social media, where they dealt with it in variously intense ways.

    Justin Wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan, tweeted in reference to the study: “Science can blow your mind sometimes, and this time it has come down on the side of two spaces after a period.”

    Nicholas Christakis, a professor at Yale University, wrote: “Hurray! Science vindicates my longstanding practice, learned at age 12, of using TWO SPACES after periods in text. NOT ONE SPACE. Text is easier to read that way. Of course, on Twitter, I use one space, given 280 characters.”

    There’s a lot going on in that tweet, but you get the idea.

    Others were less ecstatic. Robert VerBruggen, the deputy managing editor at National Review, shared the study with the comment: “New facts forced me to change my mind about drug legalization but I just don’t think I can do this.”

    My colleague Ian Bogost tweeted simply, “This is terrorism.”

    Full disclosure: I also shared a screenshot of the study’s conclusion that “the eye-movement record suggested that initial processing of the text was facilitated when periods were followed by two spaces.” I said about this only, “Oh no.”

    I find two spaces after a period unsettling, like seeing a person who never blinks or still has their phone’s keyboard sound effects on. I plan to teach my kids never to reply to messages from people who put two spaces after a period. I want this study’s conclusion to be untrue—to uncover some error in the methodology, or some scandal that discredits the researchers or the university or the entire field of psychophysics.

    So let’s look for that. Because this really does matter: In a time of greater and greater screen time, and more and more consumption of media, how do we optimize the information-delivery process?

    In much the same way that we’re taught to write in straight lines from left to right, most of us have been taught that one way of spacing is simply right, and the other is wrong. Less often are we taught to question the standard—whether it makes sense, or whether it should change. But what is the value of education if not to teach children to question the status quo, and to act in deliberate ways that they can justify with sound, rational arguments?

    Such an argument is extremely difficult to make when it comes to sentence spacing, because the evidence is not there for either case. The fact that the scientifically optimal number of spaces hasn’t been well studied was odd to Johnson, given the strength of people’s feelings on the subject. The new American Psychological Association style guidelines came out recently, and they had changed from one space to two spaces following periods because they claimed it “increased the readability of the text.” This galled Johnson: “Here we had a manual written to teach us how to write scientifically that was making claims that were not backed with empirical evidence!”

    She was intrigued and designed the new study “to add some scientific data to the conversation.”

    Her rationale for two spaces gets complex—verging into the domain of rather high-level psychophysical theory (email me). As the researchers explain it, it’s all about mechanics of the eye, and what causes us to trip up or pause, even for a split second. In the current study, when text was presented with two spaces after periods, some readers’ eyes were more likely to jump over the “punctuation region” and spend less unnecessary time fixated on it. The extra space seemed to make it easier for readers to “extract the lines and curves from the text.” The space also comes into the periphery of one’s vision before it arrives, and that helps to signal that the sentence is wrapping up.

    The Skidmore study was small and less than definitive—essentially dipping a toe into a long-unquestioned practice. There were only 60 subjects, and they were all college students—meaning they were probably more interested in “hooking up” and “Snapchat” than actually reading. (Ed.: This is too much editorializing, apologies.)

    Most importantly, the effects appeared early in processing, and spacing did not affect overall comprehension. And that’s what reading is all about, no? The fact that our eyes may move a little faster is less important than whether the concepts make it into our brains.

    “It’s not like people COULDN’T understand the text when only one space was used after the periods,” Johnson said. “The [human] reading system is pretty flexible, and we can comprehend written material regardless of whether it is narrowly or widely spaced.”

    Angela Chen at The Verge also gave a pointed critique of the methodology:

    The two-space convention is left over from the days of typewriters. Typewriters allot the same amount of space for every character, so a narrow character like i gets as much as a wider character like w. (This is called a mono-spaced font.) With a typewriter, it makes sense to add an extra space to make it clear that the sentence has ended. Today’s word-processing software makes fonts proportional, though, which is why we only need one space. Also, it looks better. The Chicago Manual of Style and the Modern Language Association Style Manual also take this stance.

    “I’ve gotten a lot of flak for using a mono-spaced font (Courier New) in the study,” said Johnson. Her defense is that most eye-tracking studies use monospaced fonts, and that many word-processing systems still, in practice, act like typewriters (in that they don’t add additional space between sentences even when using proportional fonts; to increase the amount of space between sentences relative to the amount of space between any two words within the sentence, two physical spaces are still needed following the period). “Although I agree that future research should look at these effects using other types of fonts, research in this area suggests that font differences in general are small or nonexistent.”

    Even in the studies where researchers have removed interword spaces altogether, reading comprehension is still very high. For example, Thai and Chinese are typically written without spaces between words, even though studies have found that when space is added between words, reading speed increases. The standard comes down to aesthetics, tradition, conservation of paper and space—basically, the fact that reading is an act of much more than information delivery.

    I’ve written before about the effect of color gradients on reading, and how it goes against the findings of science that our words should be in a single color, usually black and usually on a near-white background, and usually presented in lines of a certain length. This is all a matter of tradition and style, not optimal information transfer. This standard does not work well for everyone. It’s why I thought, for a long time, that I didn’t like books. I wasn’t good at the mechanics of reading. When I found text-to-speech programs and actual audiobooks, it was like finally seeing the turtle in one of those Magic Eye posters that everyone else at the party saw hours ago.

    All of this is to say that if we really wanted to do evidence-based delivery of text for maximum comprehension, it wouldn’t be like debating one space or two. It would look totally different: words spewing into your face by some sort of torrent that syncs with feedback about your perception, and slows or pauses when you are distracted, and speeds up when you are bored.

    Still, this has been a good exercise in challenging beliefs, at least for me. What is important is that this question not be what breaks us—that Americans remember that we are united by the ideals of democracy, freedom, liberty, and justice that we still hold dear, and which demand our allegiance above any person or party or spacing issue.

    James Hamblin, M.D., is a former staff writer at The Atlantic. He is also a lecturer at Yale School of Public Health, a co-host of Social Distance, and the author of Clean: The New Science of Skin.




    As a writer I used and use grammatical techniques that are uncommon; I received and receive negative commentary in response to said use. But, what is the most potent issue? The most potent issue isn't who is right or wrong. The most potent issue is fear of no norm/standard. I find many people in various arenas are standardphiles or standard fanatics. 

    I give the following examples: a sports team succeeds in lifting a trophy using a strategy deemed outdated, a writer composes a story that buyers embrace that doesn't utilize common expectations for characters, a person lives comfortably while not acting to the life script all others have around them. 

    The problem isn't right or wrong, it is the fear of not being able to say who is right or wrong. This fear is huge. When a person whose forebears were enslaved in the usa to whites, says kill whites/kill the usa. The normal /standard response by most blacks or whites in the usa living at the time of this writing is something negative, around the terms: shame on you, you know better, judge individually, we are all family. But what if.... they are allowed? Notice I didn't say right or wrong. What if the condemnation is wrong ?  It isn't an issue of opinions but applied opinion. Applied opinion breeds consensus , creates the standards or norms. 

    All know this. But how big is africa? who is american? who are immigrants to the usa? who are white? Absent applied opinion, the peer pressure is gone, and people are freer to do as they want, even against a majority as individuals. 

    To writing, it doesn't spell the end of literature, but spells the end of critiques. Judgement requires laws which are attempts as an enforced standard or norm, which themselves are built on applied opinions. 

    The reaction in the article from others is the purest example. They fear someone not caring what they say, and being surrounded by others who don't care too. 

    Thus, the individualism, at least in the usa,  becomes true, not the mirror of white european descended, pan religious, empowerment that it is. 

  5. Great video. I started to flip right past it as I thought it may have been a cartoon clip that you and your young daughter like to watch together, lol. Much of it just reiterates the same ideas I've said about the After Life on this site but were pretty much ignored or questioned. I guess it sounds better or more credulous coming from a White man to some people....lol. Although I'm not sure about the "living through every human who existed" part. I do believe there is a certain individualism or separateness among most humans where you live YOUR particular set of lives and they live theirs. As I said, already knew much of what was talked about in the video but what really made it great for me was the ending of it when the Universe was called a big EGG for us to develop in and eventually move on from for further growth. That really did it because then I understood the term I've been hearing for decades about the COSMIC EGG. I'm curious as to what @ProfD thinks of this video and it's message....lol.
  6. Lol....that takes the FUN out of it!!! Just posting a video of a movie and watching it individually......we can do that NOW, lol. I know what you mean about focusing on watching the movie itself instead of being pre-occupied with conversing with others. Even back when I was younger, if I REALLY wanted to check out a movie that I thought was going to be good and deep......I wouldn't go on date to it. I'd go by myself so I could focus on it. Besides being preoccupied with trying to get my squeeze on, a lot of females would bring too much "talk" while I'm trying to focus on the movie....lol. However in THIS case......... Actually, most of the movies I'm thinking about that would be posted would be movies most of us have already seen before but just would get together as a community and watch it for the sake of nostalgia. Like some Spike Lee flicks or Richard Pryor movies...lol. What really sparked the idea for me was that pro-Black video posted a few months ago from back in 1968...the name escapes me at the moment. That.....and last week a few of you were discussing William Shatner's performance in "The Intruder" back in 1962. I hadn't even heard of that movie until reading the comments on it....checked it out....and loved it.
  7. Ice Cube started going mainstream right after he made Boyz In The Hood....lol. He began to see that Hollywood and making movies was where the money was. He was really hard on White folks and especially Jews in his earlier albums but after that money from movies started rolling in....he changed his tune and kept quiet. Check out how he had to check Kanye for mentioning him and his former "anti-semitism"......
  8. @Pioneer1, white folks are actually the biggest consumers of Hip-Hop music. If rappers are giving out marching orders, white folks aren't falling in line. Dysfunctional human beings are products of their environment. They don't need music and movies to set them off
  9. Yeah, something we can do as a group. I think most of us are around the same age group.....certainly everyone is over 40. We're all Black and grew up in urban areas so we probably share similar tastes in movies.
  10. HEre is the screenwriting course from tananarive due side steven barnes of lifewriting VIDEO SLIDESHOW MY THOUGHTS AS I LISTENED, it started at 5:00pm eastern standard time 5:18 i say 10 is in what the medals represent, they are proven rebel leaders 5:26 haha, yes i bought the rod sterling/richard matheson/charles beaumont scripts for twilight zone to learn 5:27 many people don't have people in their personal lives who allow them to fail 5:29 write for you. if you like what you write you aren't failing, and keep writing till you like what you write 5:31 what does it mean to be human? you need to know what it means to be human. 5:34 and also extend the human comprehension to all characters. the hero isn't the only character to approach holistically 5:36 you did say it before , the writerjapanese anime called "black clover" said he wanted to do that in his anime 5:42 exactly alot of boring science fiction or horror or adventure is in books/movies where the plot isn't existent, it is merely, experiencing someone doing stuff 5:46 I don't usually write the other. Definitely need to push that forward to learn about myself more 5:55 are the immortal villains in horror or scifi films , witness characters? 5:56 all writers get into habits and regular forms 6:04 I make storyboards that helps this writing without dialog in screenplays is vital, so that you can tell a story absent text 6:07 of course, you never know when the doors of imagination open 6:09 i am on lifewriting, anyone else on the group from facebook? lets create together 6:09 exactly tananarive, the immortal villains in horror are witness characters:) 6:13 I watched the twilight zone marathon while reading the scripts i had:) 6:26 screenplay elements for structure, remember just a template 6:45 beat sheet for danger word I see, thank you,I felt it was a coming of age thanks for confirming 6:47 they funded the movie with a visual storytelling element 6:48 great story behind the scenes of danger word and crews influence 6:50 danger word was crowd funded for 30,000 dollars QUESTIONS 7:09 7:52 great information on working in hollywood. I wrote in my own notebook alot. 7:56 glengarry glen ross with M.A.G.I.C. will love to see that:) Join the lifewriting group on facebook or the firedance weekly sessions on zoom, i have experience in either and both I have learned from or are uplifting or are positive. https://masteryplus.mykajabi.com/lifewriting-premium-sales-page-4
  11.  I made a reply to the following




      I will only opine on two quotes from Troy's prose. I can opine on the rest but I will not. 



    I use the term black statians where he used  black americans. Black americans for me represents the people I deem black from the lands commonly called canada to argentina in total. 


    The first is 


    It was organized by the leader of black america, in so far as we have one, Al Sharpton.

    While  the definition of any people or leadership in humanity varies historically, in various races in the human race, based on my definition of leadership or its mechanics as well as my definition of black statians, Al Sharpton was never and is not a leader in the Black Statian community in the USA; he isn't a leader in the black statian community of New York State; he isn't a leader in the black community of NEw York city; he isn't a leader in the black community of manhattan. I offer two proofs that satisfy me , and some others. 

    Recently in harlem, a spitting distance from the national action network, a white owned real estate property went through a administrative/organizational struggle. But sharpton was absent. He didn't even speak with the black elected officials in the city council or state assembly on the issue. 

    I view Al Sharpton as an advocate, not a leader. Sometimes a leader is an advocate as well, like the great Malcolm X. But sharpton is an advocate, he works for something, ala advocacy , but a leader, as i define one, isn't merely an advocate, they are an organizer as well, and sharpton has always refrained from organization. 

    My second is Al Sharpton's words concerning his own movement. 

    He admitted in local media in new york city that when he started his movement, his thing to advocate through, he wanted it to be a christian movement. what is the problem? Not all black people in the usa/new york state/new york city are christian, not all black people in the usa/new york state/new york city  are nonviolent, so by his own words he was never interested in something all black statians could gather into. So you can not lead any people when you are unwilling to lead all their  tribes or subparts. 


    the second is 


    Maybe that is the result of “progress.”

    Well, the problem with the word progress, what you move toward, is answering the question, what are you moving toward. To the topic, what has the black statian been moving toward. One of the problems with the black community in the usa, the black statians is the idea that it is a collective, a unified being. the black statian community had two major historical moments. First when the usa was founded. Second the war between the states. 

    When the usa was founded most black people were enslaved to whites and a minority of blacks were free. BAsed on their actions what were they progressing too? 

    The enslaved blacks wanted freedom from whites by any means, violence preferable but exodus from the usa was the goal. Most free blacks fought aside the british to maintain the british colonies and stop the usa from being so the black statians when the usa was founded was 90% progressing to kill whites or leave the nascent usa 10% was looking to kill white colonits and gain land within the british empire. sum it up, most blacks, as well as most native americans , were opposed to the creation of the usa as well as the white europeans in it. SO the creation of the usa and the empowerment of the white europeans in it went completely against the progression of most native americans or black statians when the usa was founded. Thus is it odd to see the future negative . 

    Then the second for black statians is the war between the states. But again, the three black leadership groups  were: black abolotionist leaders absent money, black soldiers who had their guns removed immediately and dispersed throughout the usa as individuals at the end of said war, the black church who was divided on whether to integrate or segregate from whites based on a vote of clergy that was near split 50/50. so what does this mean. black abolitionist had no revenue or resources to act beyond speeches and petitioning after the 13th amendment; they progressed to a small minority in the black community that speaks for money which has existed ever since in the black statian community paramount by Obama, black soldiers embraced through force or desire an individualism; that progression  become the largest heritage of the black community in the usa en large, the black church was multivided on what to do which manifested in the exodusters in the western states as opposed to integrated communities in the north east; which was a progression that led to the variances between malcolm/martinthe panthers/the sclbc/fannie lou hamer that led to the variances of barack obama/cornell west/michael jordan/oprah winfrey . 

    The Black community has never in the history of the USA been majority to one path of progression that is pro usa or integration. 







  12. @Pioneer1 I don’t think people who are locked up are factored into the poverty figures. The poverty rate also measures income versus a defined figure fora location as more blacks move out of cities where the threshold for poverty is higher to place where the threshold is lower poverty rates will decline (assuming local rates are being used in the graph above. People were still getting stimulus checks, PPE money, extended unemployment in 2022 right? with inflation, rising the cost of energy from utilities to gasoline. The Increased cost of money I can see gains in 2022 being erased.
  13. That’s right Biden is giving away free crack pipes. Now before you say this is a Right Wing Disinformation this activity has been recorded as being done as early as 2014. https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/sf-group-handing-out-free-crack-pipe-kits-expects-to-expand/ To bring the matter current a provocative article in the Free Beacon highlights the safe smoking kits and supplies. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/biden-admin-to-fund-crack-pipe-distribution-to-advance-racial-equity/ Looking at the grant, its clear that they aren’t talking about nicotine or weed.
  14. 5-Minute Morning Yoga
    Seven poses to help you wake up and feel energized

    By Melinda Wenner Moyer Sep. 6, 2023
    The last thing many people want to do when they wake up is exercise. But if you’re not in the mood for a run or a trip to the gym, yoga is a good way to get moving, and you can do it in as little as five minutes.

    Yoga can help “to wake up your body and get it ready for the day,” said Neha Gothe, the director of the Exercise Psychology Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The right poses can stretch the major muscle groups and warm up the joints, while slow breathing promotes focus and can reduce stress and anxiety. No equipment or even sweating‌ is required. ‌

    If possible, start your morning yoga routine right after you wake up — and ideally before you reach for your phone, said Laura Schmalzl, a neuroscientist and certified yoga instructor at the Southern California University of Health Sciences.

    Begin with slow, gentle movements. Listen to how your body feels, releasing any poses that cause discomfort.

    As you hold positions and move through sequences, try “box” breathing, suggested Dr. Natalie Nevins, a family medicine physician and ‌an assistant dean at the Western University of Health Sciences. Inhale for around four seconds, then hold your breath for four seconds, exhale for four seconds and hold your breath again for four seconds before repeating the cycle.

    If you have a heart condition, or are uncomfortable holding your breath, Dr. Nevins recommended a simple series of five-second inhales, each immediately followed by a five-second exhale.

    Here is a yoga routine recommended by experts to get your day going.

    Start by lying on your back and hugging your knees to your chest. You should feel a gentle stretch in the spine. Breathe in and out through the stretch.

    Half cobra
    Release your legs and roll onto your chest, allowing your forehead or cheek to rest on the floor. Rest your forearms and place your palms on the ground, directly under your shoulders, while keeping your bent elbows tight against your sides.

    Then gently push away from the floor, lifting your chest and forehead. Feel your spine gently stretch as you continue to slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Stay here for three breaths.

    Alternating cat-cow
    This pose is useful to encourage spine mobility and flexibility. Rise to a kneeling tabletop position, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-distance apart directly under your hips.

    On the inhale, arch your back into a cow pose, easing your belly toward the floor, and bringing your head and chest upward so you are gazing toward the sky as you inhale. Then exhale, releasing your breath and pulling your belly up and in and rounding your back into a cat pose.

    Alternate between these two poses as many times as you like, feeling your spine and neck stretch in both directions. Feel free to gently move your hips, shoulders or head in a circular motion, breathing slowly as you do.

    Child’s pose
    This is a gentle and foundational pose that stretches the spine. It’s also a pose you can return to in any yoga class if you need to rest or reset.

    From the tabletop position, inhale and touch your big toes together behind you. Then sit on your heels, letting your knees open wide to create space beneath you. Or you can choose to keep your knees together, if that feels more comfortable.

    As you exhale, shift your hips back and your upper body forward, lowering your torso to rest between or on top of your thighs. If your knees are together and you feel a pinch in your hips, spread your knees apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you, reaching as far forward as feels good, and then rest your forearms on the floor.

    Let gravity pull you deeper into the pose. You may feel a stretch in your spine, thighs, arms and buttocks. Stay in this pose for five breaths.

    Reclining twist
    There are several ways to do this pose, depending on your flexibility and what part of your spine you want to target. Start by lying down on your back and bringing your knees up toward your chest.

    Hug your knees and place your right hand on your left knee. Let your left arm lie flat, extended on the floor beside you. Twisting from your core, exhale and gently guide your bent legs to fall together to the right side of your body.

    Bring your knees toward the floor until you feel a stretch in your back and hips. Then turn your head to look toward your left hand. On an inhale, come back to the center before switching over to the other side.

    You may feel a gentle stretching in your hips, buttocks and back and an opening in your shoulders and chest. If you wish to target the upper spine or you want a gentler stretch, you can instead lie on your right side with your legs bent and resting on top of each other. Then slowly twist your upper body to the left. After that, stretch the other side.

    Spinal Flex
    This gentle back stretch is especially good for people who spend all day sitting at a desk. Sit down on the floor in a cross-legged position and place your hands on your ankles or knees. While inhaling, gently arch your back and lift your chest and chin forward and up. Relax, and while exhaling, round your spine, bending forward slightly and tucking your chin toward your chest. Repeat this sequence five times.

    Upward salute
    Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Feel your feet connecting with the floor, and shift your hips forward slightly, remembering to engage your core. Slowly raise your arms overhead and in line with your ears, shoulder-distance apart. Then, turn your palms toward each other and, if you can, let them touch. Bring your gaze up to your hands and feel a stretch in your neck and arms.

    If you want, try to raise yourself up onto your toes. Find your center as you take several breaths. When you’re ready, slowly lower your arms and the rest of your body to release the pose. Take a few moments to shake out your arms and legs to release any lingering tension.

    Produced by Deanna Donegan and Hang Do Thi Duc.



    Breath folks, Breath

  15. Black Greatness: Have you seen the movie, 'Something the Lord Made'? Vivien Theodore Thomas (his mom just knew she was having a girl, and chose the name Vivian in spite of the fact that she had a son) was an American laboratory supervisor who developed a procedure used to treat blue baby syndrome Thomas did not have any professional education, nor experience in a research laboratory; however, he served as supervisor of the surgical laboratories at Johns Hopkins for 35 years. In 1976, Hopkins awarded him an honorary doctorate and named him an instructor of surgery for the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.. Without any education past high school, Thomas rose above poverty and racism to become a cardiac surgery pioneer and a teacher of operative techniques to many of the country's most prominent surgeons. *************************************************************** There are other Black Greatness movies out there that shine light on other contributions that we made to the WORLD, yet have gone undiscovered until recent years. Gifted Hands is a Story about neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson whose life went from a failing student to the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was the first to successfully separate conjoined twins who were joined at the back of the head, *************************************************************** Hidden Figures is a story of NASA's segregated group of African-American women hired to process aeronautic data in the space era. These African-American female mathematician's math skills helped put a US astronaut into orbit in 1960s. This is just some of the ladies *************************************************************** What other Black Greatness movies are out there?
  16. Stop! We have been over this before @Jeromex If you continue to say things that YOU KNOW to be factually untrue I will ban your account for simply being a straight up spammer. If you'd like to continue simply acknowledge what you've written is false, and we can move on. You may reference the FBI's data; they provide a handy tool. It is not perfect (there is no perfect data set), but one can see the arrests for white folks are more than twice that for Black people in 2021. @nels statements about DC crime is factually accurate, but his conclusion that "...this will never change" is his opinion. Which you are free to express. The information Nels provided and his conclusions are biased and misleading. The fact is Blacks make up a larger percent of the population (based upon 2020 census) so of course more Black people make up more of the victims and offenders of crime. if you factor in income the numbers will be more pronounced. This unfortunate but not unusual or unique to Black people. I seriously doubt that Black people go to white websites and write, "Hey there is a serious problem in Montana with white-on-white crime! You white people are responsible for +90% of the crime and you are +90% of the victims! White crime in Montana is higher than the national average something must be done about this!" The media don't talk about the problem of white-on-white crime. Instead, we focus on Black folks and create the false impression that we are worse than white folks. Even some brainwashed Black people buy into this propaganda. This, as the good @ProfD often reminds us, is a direct consequence of living in a white racist society -- we are all affected. Sadly, some more than others.
  17. In today's super woke - hyper cancel culture - post-George Floyd era, blacks have suddenly and disproportionately been cast / inserted into nearly every facet of big and small screen entertainment, advertising, marketing and the like. Is this effort and push by probably mostly white paymasters a genuine pursuit of diversity, or is it just a deceptive feel-good moment? / / / Too Many African Americans in TV Ads? http://www.journal-isms.com/2017/11/too-many-african-americans-in-tv-ads/ - - - Why is it only black people in commercial any more? https://www.girlsaskguys.com/social-relationships/q4452611-why-is-it-only-black-people-in-commercial-any-more - - - Ex-SCORPIONS Drummer JAMES KOTTAK Says Black Americans Are Disproportionately Represented In Commercials https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/ex-scorpions-drummer-james-kottak-says-black-americans-are-disproportionately-represented-in-commercials/ - - - Advertisers are 'trying too hard' to demonstrate diversity by shoehorning in minorities, study finds, as it reveals third of commercials now feature black people https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7111087/Advertisers-trying-hard-demonstrate-diversity.html = = = Why are there so many black people in commercials? They're 12% of the population but seem to be in 90% of commercials. https://www.quora.com/Why-are-there-so-many-black-people-in-commercials-Theyre-12-of-the-population-but-seem-to-be-in-90-of-commercials?share=1 / / / Selected Additional Quora Headlines: Why are a large majority of actors in TV commercials nowadays, black? ... Why does every commercial on TV have an interracial couple? I'm fine with that but based on percentages of those marriages there is no way it's that high. Are TV companies preempting future criticism of them by just making every couple interracial? ... Why are black people overrepresented in ads and programs on TV? ... Are black people overrepresented in the US media (e.g., movies and TV shows)?
  18. you may not have seen micheaux's work before so if you see this post , within an hour of its time tag, go to TCM and view it or tape it if you can.
  19. Week 4 of the workshop with Betts on Tumblr


    based on Girl from Jamaica Kincaid
    The First Mass Of The Perihelion At Saint Lamma


    Training Ground


    Complete writing workshop with Betts posts
    https://richardmurrayhumblr.tumblr.com/tagged/tumblr writing workshop with betts


    Companion Deviantart folder


    The soccer blog workshop posts- for it I didn't do all the weeks
    https://rmfantasysetpieces1.tumblr.com/tagged/tumblr writing workshop with betts



    After discussion side a fellow artist. I made a father to son , son to father reflection of girl from Jamaica Kincaid

    Title: Boy

    Get up and dig a new latrine hole; Get up and clean the tide off the boat; Get up and get the thrush from the field; Get up and clean the hotel's lawn; Get up and search for crabs; Get up gather and remove the hotel's trash; Get up and clean the hotel floor; always work with your head down; always go where Mr. White tells you to; never steal Mr. White's sugar; use your shirt to wrap the cane if no more cloth; when carrying fish don't trip up or no one will want you to carry their fish again; It is best to sweep the hotel at night when the customers are sleep; Is it true you fought in Sunday school?; don't sing songs on the road, people will not hire you; on Sundays act like a good man and be quiet and not the bums you learned those songs from; Don't fight in Sunday school; you musn't speak to those village girls, not even to give directions; don't eat in the street- people will think you are a bum; but I only fight the teacher on Sundays and always after class;  this is how to make a reel; this is how to make a hook for the reel; this is how to fish so you will not be a bum singing all over the place; this is how to you repair the roof of my house; this is how you repair the wall of my house; this is how you throw a net; this is how you reel in a net; this is how you clean out a net; remember never smile when you accept a delivery; remember never smile when you complete a delivery; remember never to smile when you confirm a delivery; never sing at any time during a delivery or people will think your a bum; don't sing with that voice or people may think your a girl; don't hang around in groups - a good worker never has time for partying; don't touch people's cars, you might dirty them; don't throw stones at blackbirds, because it might not be a blackbird at all; you have to start fishing in the morning; you have to keep fishing in the afternoon; you have to stay fishing at night; if you don't feel good , keep fishing; only sleep with dem village girls at midnight; never trust dem village girls , never say their kid is yours; if the kid is yours , teach it what  i taught you; this is how to spit up in the air if you feel like it, and this is how to move quick so that it doens't fall on you; always spend your money cause you can't save it anywhere; always squeeze bread to make sure it's fresh; but what if the baker won't let me feel the bread?; you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of man who the baker won't let near the bread? 


    Title: Sir

    Why do mornings stink? why are mornings salty? Why do mornings cut my feet? Why do mornings make me cough? Why do mornings make me tired? Why do mornings never have breakfast? Why do mornings make my skin bleach? Can I look up at a white cloud? Is Mr. White your father? Why can't Mr. White cut his own sugar? Why didn't you tell me the cane can cut my skin? Why didn't you ever help me carry fish? Why couldn't you ever help me sweep the hotel? Papa never helped you to. Why you hit me whenever I was happy. Why does nobody smile at church? Why do we live in homes like the village people? why does no one have anything to eat ? My father loved me like I love you, the best love is the love you don't know.  why didn't you go out to sea with me? why didn't you fish with me? Why didn't you ever smile when you caught fish, or show off fish? Why do you always grunt to Mama? Why don't you ever smile to Mama? Why didn't you throw a net with me? Why didn't you reel a net with me? Why didn't you clean out a net with me? Why can't I want to do what I do? Why can't I like what I do? Why can't I love what I do? Why can't I tell people I am happy? Why do people think I am a girl if I am happy? Why don't you have any friends? Why can't I have a morning off? Why can't I have an afternoon off? Why can't I have an evening off? Why do you not sleep at home at night? Why do you never trust what mama say? Why is all your money spent on rum? Why did you never let me squeeze bread around you? I  don't need your help. So after telling me what do to all the time, you never cared what I did?




  20. The majority of Africa is a dangerous, violent cesspool. So many of our black brotha’s and sista’s love to bloviate about their proud African heritage. Of course not one ever even visits Africa never mind move there. Slavery currently exists in certain area ‘s of Africa and that pales in comparison to the indiscriminate killing and genocide that occurs. Next time a black brotha tries to speak negatively about these great United States, ask him why he wont go to Africa. The answer is abundantly clear.
  21. ProfD Even in positions of power, ADOS/FBA folks are powerless when it comes to going against the laws established by white folks. ADOS/FBA folks can only enforce the laws...mainly against their own people. Who would stop a couple Black police officers from rolling up on an arrest and stop White officers from unjustified detention? Who would stop a Black Federal judge from overturning a particular law that is clearly unfair and racist forcing the rest of the judicial system to follow suit? Sometimes fear itself is our biggest obstacle. Jeromex blacks in America will never move to Africa or any other country for that matter. How do you explain this: https://www.youtube.com/@goblack2africa54
  22. Wait, I thought Africa was a great place to live ? Everyone keeps saying how racist and horrible America is but yet blacks from Africa are dying to come here and blacks in America will never move to Africa or any other country for that matter. All talk !!!!
  23. @Cynique, excellent breakdown of the other sides most clueless VPs and wannabes in history. I certainly didn't start this thread for VP Harris to come under attack from the other side. But, I'm not surprised especially when it comes to strong partisansh8t and trolls. I guess those h8ters especially from the park would move to another trailer, er, country if VP Harris ends up in the drivers seat. Let's Go Kamala.
  24. Writeup as I listened

    Secrets to writing great horror

    He wrote the Kundalini equation < https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/the-kundalini-equation-1 >

    originally wrote to have a best seller and increase his career. A white guy was put on a peers cover. The firms back in the day to the original publication was not willing to look at their own responsibility. 
    True, the white audience in modernity is used to 

    STeven sees the potential to do something unique to him. He will rewrite a former novel and turn it into something it should had been, and he will collaborate with Tananarive in the script form. He wants to use Tananarive practical historical smoothing.

    People suggest Tananarive Due is one of the greatest horror writers alive. 

    what makes a great horror story?

    What is the greatest extent, what is the most extreme moment?
    There is a point where it is too much or that is not enough. A symphony of different emotions to feel the experience. Using vision boards matters.  You can feel your way before you write it. 

    Now that a cardboard treatment, and now a written treatment and ask what is the experience of this movie be.
    What is the difference between action or horror movies?
    In action movies, people are getting hurt in a sequence, like in horror. 
    For Tananarive, the difference is the depth of characters.
    For example, a horror movie about a bunch of college students on a ski trip. She can relate to college students through friends who like skiing.
    Then a mercenary on a mission is on a ski lift. She can't relate to a mercenary or being on a ski lift. 

    Horror needs a relatable character who is experiencing fear, a haunted house is not enough. You need a customer who has never been in that haunted house and something goes wrong. A couple for example trying to work out their stuff and it makes the external side internal.

    Tananarive has a template. 
    If she has to write a horror story and has three weeks.
    ->What scares you?
    She uses survivor horror as that is scary to her and she has been camping, rafting. 
    ->How do you make the story yours? 
    So more than bears, it becomes about a cult. Stephen King was a teacher growing up
    ->Believe in the characters
    Suffered a trauma, and committed a transgression is common among writers of horror. Grief is common , the one horror no one overcomes. 

    All horror is about surviving what you are in.
    Imagine Get Out if Chris wasn't in grief over the lost of his mother.
    Steven makes a point, deer antlers were used as a symbol to defend himself, which is like the deer he hit in the beginning of the film.

    Tananarive, she weaponized his Grief, and by the end, he has weaponized his own grief. To make it his strength and overcome. 

    Tananative You can make "Get Out" a drama. Is Chris in love with the secret psycho white woman? 
    Peele discussed Guess who is coming to dinner in the early screenplay version of "Get Out" 
    < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpGmCLcqgAw >
    < https://www.shadowandact.com/what-is-black-horror-the-sunken-place-professor-tananarive-due-explains

    Peele started with social anxiety. It wasn't about phenotypical frictions, merely the frictions of the stranger among a group of friends and amplify it. 
    Turn it up to 11. 
    Tananarive isn't into human horror. She is triggered by Human horror and make it a journey. It is a journey of self revelation. 

    Liam Neeson, eyes in the grey.
    She loves that film, for not about the wolf winning but standing up. Even though many call the end a downer. The film is about who the character becomes. 

    Tananarive considers gaslighting her least favorite horror. PArents or spouses gaslighting children or spouses in her opinion is poor storytelling. Is it going to kill your character to cut on a flashlight in the dark room? She feels it is overdone. She calls it an artificial conceit. She loves Miles in the good house. Miles doesn't believe but stands by the female character. 
    < https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-good-house-2


    You want psychological realism, nothing breaks more than when people act away from common responses. If you do not pick up a weapon going to a dark place you are an idiot.

    STeven Barnes, asks is that why meetings are the best part in horror to Tananarive. 
    Tananarive loves the meeting in horror.  

    Steven talks of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, people of normal intelligence with no idea what is about to happen. In alien, normal people of normal intelligence. Whereas in prometheus, they were scientist and should had known better. 

    Steven, Difference between action in horror, something killing you in the dark is horror, in the light as a tiger is action. 
    Horror is unknown, playing on the minds ways to whatever the truth is in the darkness. Action is more strategic, allows for knowable assessment. 
    Tananarive, the feeling of fear is different in action. 
    Steven, it will be interesting to take a liam neeson skill set taken man into a situation where he finds himself in a situation beyond his comprehension that he realizes. 

    Tananarive, war time horror is like that. ala Predator. 

    Steven, talks of Prey, the predator underestimates the human female lead. 

    Elegance usually takes years. Steven says, the best pieces of horror were not primordial, they evolved. 

    Tananarive, Think about the antagonists too. Make sure their is logic to Zombies. What is different in the way you write zombies?
    < https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/devil-s-wake

    Put your own unique spin. For example, the reason for haunting of ghost matters. 
    The interaction between characters side antagonist matters. 
    Steven, your god of the universe in your story
    Alot of readers like the antagonist more than anybody else in the story, make it pop ,and don't repeat things. 

    September 23rd 5-8 on the east coast , 
    3 hour workshop. It is 197 dollars. If you can't afford it. You can email us and ask for a lower price.
    how to format screenplay, all the hacks. 
    www. hollywoodloophole.com
    < https://store.payloadz.com/details/2686637-other-files-arts-and-crafts-10-secrets-of-hollywood-writers-live-zoom-workshop.html

    They want engaged people. 



  25. Besides fear and love, another reason it's so hard to kick the foreigners out of African nations is because AFRICANS THEMSELVES are in nearly every nation for one reason or another. French citizens are in Niger sucking out the natural resources, but guess what? Niger citizens are in France working jobs and going to school. This plays on the "sense of justice" a lot of Africans feel in that since they want to go to Europe to partake of certain benefits, they feel it's only "right" that they allow Europeans to come to Africa and exploit the land in exchange. Interesting that we're talking about this topic because I was watching 2 movies over the weekend related to this: Blood Diamond and Lord of War
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