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Black Misery Is...

brown-sugar-nude.jpgBelieving you are woke, but realizing you are fast asleep. 😉


I was collecting information about a literary magazine, Brown Sugar, that I plan on adding to the site when I discovered this description:


Brown Sugar is a womanist literary magazine for women, womxn, and womyn of color, of any nationality, sexuality, religion, or cultural diasporas that are misrepresented and underrepresented.”


I've seen womyn before but, womxn was a new one on me.  My understanding of what I thought womyn meant seemed to preclude the need for womxn.  Obviously I was wrong. 


Issues of gender, transphobia, sexism collide to create plays on words that aren't universally understood or even accepted by the  people in the communities that are supposed to benefit, let alone the general public.  It is like the Negro/Black/Afro-American/African-American debate but far more confusing (at least to me).


Seeking additional understanding I discovered “Myn,” gave up and moved on to another activity.... 


25 minutes ago, Troy said:

Seeking additional understanding I discovered “Myn,” gave up and moved on to another activity.... 

Smart move.  Each generation has its hurdles to jump and crosses to bear.


Roll with what you *know* and leave this *new* sh8t for those coming up behind us.🤣😎



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Typical right-wing Conservative trick.

Take a Liberal or Progressive principle and ADD to it and convolute it to the point that it's reputation is ruined.

Turn the public against it....that's the tactic.

No one would be against the original meaning of the term "woke" or "wake up".
It simply means open your eyes to what's going on..
Who would be against that?


Woke was a term that came from AfroAmericans which meant conscious....aware of the racism that exists in this society both explicit and institutionalized.
Racist operatives who POSED as Liberals took the word, co-opted it...and started using it for every ridiculous cause they could dream up in order for their racist Conservative allies operating on the other side to justify smearing the image of the term.

Just like they took Welfare and turned it into a "government hand out" insult.
Or took Universal Healthcare and turned it into "Socialized Medicine".

Brother Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X ) warned us about how slick these devils were and how they could use their media to make wrong seem right and right seem wrong.
Make up seem down and down seem like up.

Now they're figured out a slick way to put the masses BACK to sleep by making them cringe at the term "woke".


I use the word "conscious" as opposed to "woke."  You are right @Pioneer1 the word has been co-opted by right-wing extremists who have perverted the idea into ridiculing so-called left-wing extremism. 


The sentiment of my post was intended to reflect the confusion or lack of resonance, I feel for these terms, hence the "Black Misery" quote.




As AfroAmericans, there's no shortage of platforms to reinforce the meaning of words especially in how we choose to use them. 


White folks have politicized woke and Black folks who know better and have the megaphone to say something are silent. 


Especially those Black folks who will go along with whatever political wind sail to which they happen to be tethered.  Sellouts.  We need a drop squad.😎


Egads!  Listen to you Boomers and GenXers fretting and expounding as if you  have some relevancy.  Puleeze.  The Millennials and the GenZers got this! And they are the wave of the future. Your days are numbered. Traditional values mean nothing to these sleepyheads. They are flexible and evolved, have embraced the "do me" approach to life and are making headway as they dare to merge with their true selves. Something they do with a growing measure of authenticity because the species is mutating - expanding. Screw all that BS about the true nature of humans and what "God" intended. 


Time brings change, depending on the whims of, say,  quantum physics and  -  the impact of highly advanced computerized technology, including  Artificial Intelligence. And last but not least a Creator who's lost interest in your welfare.  Society is also evolving, fragmenting into the diversity of tribalism.  Nowadays all you have to do is find your "Peeps". immerse yourself in their echo chamber and commiserate with your fellow malcontents. 


Meanwhile, Civilization staggers along  being what it has always been about: acquiring power and exerting the control that comes with it, pitting the great unwashed masses against themselves, leaving their legions bound together by a common mistrust of their Government. America,  in particular, is a sphere of mass confusion compounded by organized chaos bristling with the wanna-be soothsayers pulling their hair and beating their chests,  spouting tired old conspiracy theories that disintegrate under the scrutiny of logic and reality.  Same ol, same ol. So what else is new? 


Check ya, later.  Maybe.

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Toodle-oooo   baby. ✌️

Neely Fuller Jr. said we as AfroAmericans need to make up OUR OWN definitions of words instead of waiting on the dominant society to do so.
We need to control the narrative.

Woke means what WE define it to mean, not what White Conservatives, Liberals, Nazis, or anyone else attempts to define it as.
We should dance to anybody else's tune except our own.


@Cynique Were you up on the meaning and distinctions between Womyn and Womxn before I made my post? Were you up on Mxn?  (how do you even pronounce these "words?")


22 hours ago, Cynique said:

Same ol, same ol. So what else is new? 


Cynique, surely you must appreciate that in the last 50 years along with dramatic and rapid changes in technology we have seen similar changes in our culture.  The scope of these changes are unprecedented!


Prior to that things did not change so rapidly and I think this is what has many boomers to stressed that they would vote for a Trump and use woke as a slur.


Think about it, someone could have lived a life time and listened to music on the radio or a record player.


Someone who is 40 today would have listened to music on records, cassette tapes, CDs, mp3 players, and now streaming services.  This demographic may have been able to adapt more easily than the typical 70-year-old but the constant changes are a source of stress --even for young people. 


Have a little compassion for us Boomers and GenXers. 


Some people will never get with the times. The world is changing rapidly and humans are simply not built to adapt this quickly.

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13 hours ago, Troy said:

  The scope of these changes are unprecedented!

Isn't that the nature of change?


13 hours ago, Troy said:


Prior to that things did not change

The American Revolution
The Industrial Revolution

Traffic Lights

Program Trading/PC
George Floyd

13 hours ago, Troy said:

but the constant changes are a source of stress


13 hours ago, Troy said:

Some people will never get with the times. The world is changing rapidly and humans are simply not built to adapt this quickly.

People sure  bought a lot during Covid. Isn't that adaption buying new stuff or finding new ways to buy old stuff.


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what your are describing are important events, but you are missing my point.

Think of it this way @Delano what was the first telephone that you remember? It probably was a wired, rotary dial  phone. That technology was in wide spread use a decade before you were born and  well into the 70s. The only improvement was the push button phone which was in wide spread use until the late 1980s when cordless phone became available. there were only minor incremental changes to telephone technology for decades.

Someone just 30 years old witnessed the change from push button phones to pocket sized super computers!


 The advances in technology have been profound and unprecedented. Moreso than even the Industrial Revolution.


Adaotion to technological change is difficult . Adoration to the rapid changes we are witnessing in recent years is extremely difficult. There was a reason the VCRs of senior citizens were always flashing “12:00” 🙂


Adaotion to social change is difficult . Adoration to the rapid sociological changes we are witnessing in recent years is extremely difficult.


Adaptation to rapid social change is probably more difficult. We adapt to social change as people steadfast in their old  beliefs die off.

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On 4/14/2023 at 3:24 PM, Troy said:

Cynique, surely you must appreciate that in the last 50 years along with dramatic and rapid changes in technology we have seen similar changes in our culture.  The scope of these changes are unprecedented!


On 4/14/2023 at 3:24 PM, Troy said:


Have a little compassion for us Boomers and GenXers. 

@TroyWell, for one thing, by now you should know better than to take me that seriously, Babe. I'm just tweakin' you guys' noses.  Of course "time brings change", and the other side of that platitude's coin  is "the more things change, the more they become the same". 


"O tempora, O mores!" a Roman citizen once said a thousand years ago. And the beat goes on. Don't worry. Be Happy! 😁 

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18 hours ago, Troy said:

what your are describing are important events, but you are missing my point

Yeah I don't help me reconcile the following statements that you made or fix the possible typos.


On 4/15/2023 at 6:24 AM, Troy said:

  The scope of these changes are unprecedented!


Prior to that things did not change so rapidly and I think this is what has many boomers to stressed that they would vote for a Trump and use woke as a slur.




Some people will never get with the times. The world is changing rapidly and humans are simply not built to adapt this quickly.

Not everyone adapts to change well which is why we we have: alcohol; drugs; entertainment; music; hobbies and pasttimes.

Some people decide to drop out. Or decide that they won't pick up their  device every time it pings. the UnaBomber or Prince, I think Thor didn't have a cell phone either.

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21 hours ago, Cynique said:

@TroyWell, for one thing, by now you should know better than to take me that seriously, Babe. I'm just tweakin' you guys' noses.


OK, you caught me out there 🙂   Sometimes I take myself too seriously....


11 hours ago, Delano said:

Not everyone adapts to change well which is why we we have: alcohol; drugs; entertainment; music; hobbies and pasttimes.


There is always intercourse too 😉


@Cynique It is times like this that I miss your exchanges with @ABM ...

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