Stefan Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 Part of me always will believe that certain unconscionable individuals mostly remain insulated from the resultant violence, but enjoy the money made from the trafficking of guns. It's our young people who are being slaughtered continuously and relentlessly. 1
ProfD Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 Agreed. That wa a horrible situation. Folks gathering to have a good time and idiots decide to settle their differences among a crowd of innocent people. I hope law enforcement quickly apprehends whoever was responsible for that shooting. That individual(s) deserve to be locked up for life. The sad reality is that too many people have little or no regard for human life. 1
zeke1234 Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 Don't fool yourself. A lot of young people are being baptised at an early age. God will use their generation to help turn it around. "Integration" took a lot of our Black leaders out of Black communities, and has taken corporal punishment out of schools. We have to rethink to what degree we want to 'integrate'/'disintegrate', and to what degree we want to build Black community.
Pioneer1 Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 Yes...... And if ALL you do is stand around shaking your head with your arms folded like a pregnant can rest assured that this madness will CONTINUE over and over again. This reaction is a GOOD example of why we can't look to the so-called "professional negro" to solve the problems of our communities. Because THEY are looking to the White power structure -White sociologists, psychologists, law enforcement officers, and legislators- to bring the solutions. They aren't looking in the mirror for the solutions. Nor are they looking to another AfroAmerican for the solutions....for they trust neither. THEY are looking for their "White Jesus" to swoop down into the ghettoes of America and clean everything up, and until that happens...THEIR plan is to stand to the side next to the White folks (where they think it's safe) holding candles and shaking their heads, commenting on how senseless the violence has become. Meanwhile the REAL solutions to our problems usually come from the grass roots. From those who haven't been educated/trained (which means had their creativity stunted) by White academia. A good example if how the Fruit of Islam has a well known track record of going into the worse and most violent neighborhoods of America and restoring peace, law, and order in a number of weeks. They did this all through out the 80s and 90s. Well why don't they do it NOW, you ask? They ARE. Most NOI temples are located in the hardest of ghettoes, but there's no foolishness going on in THEIR temples or anywhere on THEIR property where THEY guard and protect it. Nor is there any violence and criminal activity going on at any event the NOI sponsors or speaks at because the NOI and MGT see to it being secure. What goes on in the neighborhoods AROUND NOI property and events.....((shrugs shoulders))...not their responsibility. That's on the local law enforcement....which may explain why those surrounding communities are in the shape they're in. Why the government stopped paying them and offering them contracts to secure public housing and other facilities......I have no idea (yes I Don't ask me. But the point is, these are GRASS ROOTS brothers and sisters with CLEAR SOLUTIONS to the crime and mayhem that afflicts so much of Black America. But to those who've been TRAINED to put their faith in White Jesus....aka the White power structure....they will continue to stand on the sidelines with their arms folded, knees wobbling, and head shaking; being both observers AND eventual victims of the hate that the original hater produced. 1
zeke1234 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 Its not a matter of being 'trained' to believe in a White Jesus. Christ Jesus dwells in me. And so does God the Father, who we call YAWEH. When I pray everyday for one hour, they are there answering my every prayer. No ifs and no maybe's about it. Both are there, casting out devils, evil spirits, withcraft and diseases. Try him. Money back guarantee. I own no guns, Christ Jesus protects and provides. He's also a pretty good automechanic. And if you don't believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, which is to dwell in his Word, which are the words of eternal life, I want you say out out, 'Jesus Christ is not the Son of God'. Please do that just for me. My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ still makes house calls, to all unbelievers. He doesn't even use GDPS. I was washed in the Blood of Jesus over 60 years ago, my daddy was a devout Christian, my granddaddy had 37 brothers and sisters all Christians. His daddy had children by five different women, oh well nobody's perfect. My great great granddaddy over in Thibodaux, La in the 1880s was a Catholic. YAWEH reins supreme. Hell is hot.
Troy Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 I was in Thibodaux last year. Site of a little known race massacre. @zeke1234 the “Jesus” Pioneer speaks of is the one whose religion was used To justify slavery and had done little to stem the violence in our communities. It is a mind set. It is the same mind set that give is our standard of beauty and tells us whose ice is colder. 1 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 zeke As Troy pointed out, I'm not talking about the historical person known as Jesus, but the symbolic White Savior that so many Black folks around the planet have come to rely on to rescue them from their tribulations. What I'm talking about is beyond religion. Plenty of Asians believe in the religious Jesus of the Bible, but it's not stopping them from building sky scrapers, building major corporations and buying up land around the planet to establish businesses and legacies for their children. No.. The White Jesus I'M referring too is that "daddy" figure the Black man and woman is looking to and is expected to come to their rescue and do all of the work for them that they are too scared and lazy to do themselves.
ProfD Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said: The White Jesus I'M referring too is that "daddy" figure the Black man and woman is looking to and is expected to come to their rescue and do all of the work for them that they are too scared and lazy to do themselves. Well, they do give him credit for their life, health, strength, job, food, clothing, shelter, vehicles, jewelry, vacations, private schools, etc. Never will admit that if they stop showing up to work for Mr. Charlie aka White Jesus, they will lose everything. 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 39 minutes ago, ProfD said: Well, they do give him credit for their life, health, strength, job, food, clothing, shelter, vehicles, jewelry, vacations, private schools, etc. Never will admit that if they stop showing up to work for Mr. Charlie aka White Jesus, they will lose everything. Well I WILL admit that I still rely on White folks too to a certain extent. I still work for them primarily. Pay my rent to them. Even when I go to hospitals run by them when absolutely necessary. It's just programmed in me to do so. But the strange.....pleasantly strange...thing I've notice through out my life is when I take a leap of faith and STOP relying on White folks for a particular thing and take the initiative of doing it or solving the problem myself, the results USUALLY turn out to be even more successful than I imagined! I've had jobs where I came in on time (I've done that on almost all jobs I've ever had) and did what I was supposed to do and was respectful and a good producer....but didn't get the best treatment from my co-workers or management. But if they did something to anger me to the point I decided to tell them what's up even if it meant me getting fired....and made up my mind to quit and tell them all to kiss my ass if they didn't give me my demands....not only were my demands usually met but I was given EXTRA special benefits! This has happened on more occasions than I can remember or count.
zeke1234 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 To Troy: My people go down deep in slavery in that part of Louisiana, and my Y-DNA shows me related to most Whites in Louisiana, a lot of Whites in Canada and France. A lot of my 'mulatto' cousins, my grandfather, and his mother, could pass for White. 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 Zeke The U.S. racial classification system is so confusing. In my opinion, those who can "pass" for White should be CLASSIFIED as White.
ProfD Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said: Well I WILL admit that I still rely on White folks too to a certain extent. I still work for them primarily. Sure. Hopefully, you're under no illusion that a sky fairy is making moves on your behalf, ordering your steps and/or the source of your everything. N8gglets running around preaching that the sky fairy will give them a Bentley. The dumbazz congregation scrapes up their coins and buys it for him. But, the preacher will say...won't God do it and the congregation will respond...yes, he will. Meanwhile, let them miss ONIE payment on the church mortgage, electricity or lawn sprinkler system and Mr. Charile will cut that sh8t smooth the f8ck off. Won't Mr. Charlie do it...yes he will. Amen. 1
zeke1234 Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 You can now add the Philly and Fort Worth shootings yesterday, to the Baltimore shooting. If we all seek the Lord's mercy and grace together, by humbly submitting ourselves to Jesus the Christ our Lord and Saviour, He will work it out. Carnality and guns ain't the solution, you must be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. da' precha
Pioneer1 Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 35 minutes ago, zeke1234 said: You can now add the Philly and Fort Worth shootings yesterday, to the Baltimore shooting. If we all seek the Lord's mercy and grace together, by humbly submitting ourselves to Jesus the Christ our Lord and Saviour, He will work it out. Carnality and guns ain't the solution, you must be born again. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. da' precha I have a question...... Will being born again and submitting to Jesus protect you from being shot OR going to prison if you shoot someone? Also, you said if WE ALL seek the Lord's mercy and grace together by submitting to Jesus....He will work it out. So am I to understand that this is conditional? order for Him to work it out, must ALL (every one) of us do this?
Stefan Posted July 5, 2023 Author Report Posted July 5, 2023 @ProfD You are absolutely right. There is NO respect for Life among many of these shooters. There has been a dramatic increase in levels of sudden violence and sudden killings. You read these news stories every day and from different parts of this country. This has nothing to do with fear of White cops or law enforcement in general. I am mystified why so many young Black men choose to pull a firearm and then discharge it at parties, BBQs, family gatherings, in a store, restaurant a school or church. Some get asked to leave a party, they might react in anger and want to kill. Labeling an incident a mass shooting when three or more individuals are shot shocks few people anymore. | The bottom line is there a huge decrease in a lack of compassion, lack of empathy and lack of consideration. There's also many mental health issues that are not being addressed. I found a news story from Philly, where a writer tried to give the issue some nuance ... One news story tries to explain the blood letting
Chevdove Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 2 hours ago, Stefan said: The bottom line is there a huge decrease in a lack of compassion, lack of empathy and lack of consideration. There's also many mental health issues that are not being addressed. I wonder if there is a conclusive answer(s) to why these incidences are happening. It seems to me that this type of violence is escalating. 1
ProfD Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 11 hours ago, Stefan said: I found a news story from Philly, where a writer tried to give the issue some nuance ... Nice article but it's an unfortunate situation. We know the effects of impoverished communities under the system of racism white supremacy. Politicians and law enforcement officials have forked tongues when talking about gun violence and crime in Black communities. Their livelihood is directly tied to the dysfunction in the communities they have been sworn to serve and protect. These Black males need to see more successful men of their own kind and be provided with a better job opportunities to accessing wealth . Otherwise, with seemingly nothing to lose, hopelessness and despair will lead to lack of respect for human life.
zeke1234 Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 To Pioneer1-- I am a 70 year old Black man (dark brown skin) I don’t see things as a 50 year old, I am old enough to be their father. I don’t see things as a 90 year old, they have much more experiences in life than I. Who ever told Blacks they had the right to own or carry guns. The White man. We went for hundreds of thousands of years in Africa, with no firearms. Killed many lions and tigers with our bare hands. Many intra-tribal wars that we fought, were not to the death, because we did not own firearms. When the second amendment was passed, it was meant to apply to Whites to help protect themselves from their British former overlords, any new overbearing government. They didn’t have ‘colored’ people in mind, when they passed the second amendment. Some Blacks kept their guns issued to them during the Civil War, the War of 1898, and the two world wars. But the massive influx of guns into Black communities began in the 1970s mainly, by the White powers that be, so that we would destroy one another. Same tactic on the continent of Africa, the Whites pitted one tribe against another, until both tribes were successfully loaded onto the slave ship. That Hispanic second grader Daniel Garcia said it best after the Uvalde shooting, ‘guns are bad’. God spoke through young Daniel, and hardly anyone listened. Around 1980, I tried to enter Omega Missionary Baptist Church on State Street in Chicago, near 45 th Street, for the 6 pm Sunday service. About 200 Gangsta Disciples or Black Stone Rangers stopped me in the middle of State Street, and were going to eat my lunch (jump me into their gang). They had chains and clubs, etc. and were going for a rumble. I think their street philosophy was, if you don’t pull any guns, we won’t pull guns on you. Only a miracle by God saved me. Fixation with guns is something we learned watching John Wayne and Roy Rodgers, it wasn’t on the boat that carried us from Africa to America. It is learned behavior, of Satan. Satan sifts all of us, like wheat. . If you are pressed into a situation where you feel you need a gun to protect yourself, move to a different city, move to a different state. Get involved in church life, grow in favor with God (YAHWEH according to the Hebrew in the Old Testament). Maintain mobility in life, increase stability in Christ. Avoid your enemies, if you can’t love them. In the 1980s in Columbus, Ohio, one preacher preached, ‘Living for Nothing, Dying for Nothing, Living and Dying for Nothing’. Find something Christian worth living for The Bible is about God’s judgment and salvation. God judged the world during Noah’s day with a catastrophic flood, because of man’s sin. Later, salvation for Israel from 400 years of captivity in Egypt. Judgement and salvation. Judged the Northern Kingdom of Israel 721 BC by Sennacherib the Assyrian, because of Israel’s sin, their unbelief in YAHWEH. Many killed many, deported many from their homes in Samaria. But Judah was saved (the Southern kingdom) at that same time by YAHWEH, under Hezekiah’s kingship. Hezekiah and Isaiah the prophet worked overtime on the prayer line to YAHWEH. Salvation or judgement. Judgment on Judah (the Southern Kingdom) 587 BC by Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon because of their sin. Jerusalem levelled to the ground, except one wall left standing. Salvation or judgment. God’s offer of salvation through Christ Jesus his son, 600 years later. Rejected by many Jews at that time, whose Israel was levelled by the Romans 70 AD. Same offer was made to us Gentiles. Judgement or salvation. The offer is still on the table for you, my friend. God’s ‘promises’ of salvation, of eternal life to the Christian faithful, versus His promises of judgement, eternal death, disemboweled heads gnashing at one another for eternity for sinners and unbelievers. No timeouts in Hell, no fountains of water in Hell, only eternal agony. Judgment or salvation. Read your bible, pray, preach and give. It was good for Paul and Silas, it was good for Paul and Silas, its good enough for me. That old time religion. It is better to give to Samaritan’s Purse, St. Jude Hospital, Doctors Without Borders, etc, than to receive. You are part flesh and blood, and you are part spirit. Lean and trust in God, and not your guns. Get rid of them. God loves to communicate with men through our spirits and dreams, but if He has to, He can and will communicate through our flesh, which can result in earthly death. You can pay the Lord now with praises and obedience to His Word, or you will pay Him later, when He judges your eternal soul. Judgement or salvation, the choice is yours.
Stefan Posted July 6, 2023 Author Report Posted July 6, 2023 Real reason why Mass Shooting are on the rise Now that these details are known, the identify, social standing and background of the Philadelphia mass shooter should destroy a B.S. myth from the Gay and Trans communities that they are morally superior. They are not. On many Social Media Websites, I was greeted to rationales that people in this country need to accept trans people in their schools, universities, houses of worship, workplaces, police and fire departments and the military because "they are not running around shooting people." I said to myself: "Give it time." Looks like the time has come and it prove that LGBT folks can be just as vicious, unconscionable and horrible as any other demographic. I guess that is why law enforcement in Philly kept those details about the shooter to themselves as long as they could. Chevdove asked why these incidents are increasing. I am not a psychologist specializing in violent, public incidents. So, I'll let a monthly magazine for professionals who specialize in the study of the mind and behavior or in the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders answer. It's called Psychology Today. Real reason why Mass Shooting are on the rise Here is the publication's explanation: An FBI study of “active shooter incidents” reveals that mass public shootings have greatly increased in recent years. Mass shooters are often incorrectly portrayed as mentally unhinged individuals who simply “snap” and engage in a killing rampage. Perpetrators are likely to be angry, vengeful individuals who seek retribution for a perceived harm done by some person, group or institution. Mass public shooting incidents are generally premeditated and often well planned in advance of their commission. "The perpetrators are more likely to be angry, vengeful individuals who seek retribution for a perceived harm done by some person, group, or institution. Moreover, mass public shooting incidents are generally premeditated and often planned well in advance of their commission. "Unfortunately, in their search for a solution to the mass shooting epidemic, certain interested parties and groups in the U.S. have made scapegoats out of legislators, lobbyists, gun manufacturers, law enforcement authorities, the mental health field, schools, and even the media. With every accusation made, some interested party declares that one or more of the aforementioned groups are boogeymen and thus to blame for the mass shooting epidemic. "In reality, most of the scapegoating arguments are myopic and self-serving for the interested party." Now that one sentence is a mouthful since it destroys the nonsensical excuse that it's the system, the White man or lack of opportunity that's to blame. "That is not to say there are no truths to be found in the popular arguments, such as the blaming of assault rifles for the mass shooting problem. It is certainly true that assault rifles exacerbate the problem, but their existence and availability are not the cause of it. "What is missing from the scapegoating arguments is a good look in the mirror by us as a society and a culture. Other developed countries that we consider to be our peers simply do not have the problem with mass shooting incidents that we do. "It is my contention that the very roots of our mass shooting epidemic may be found in our core cultural value of fierce individualism, a belief in vengeance, and the ethic that might makes right." - Scott Bonn, Ph.D, Criminologist "These cultural values have been central to what it means to be an American since our nation’s birth. We have always loved to settle disputes (at the individual and group levels) with violence and guns and we gleefully celebrate vigilantism in our popular culture." See? We do not need someone who dosen't understand the issue to post 2,000 badly written words that explains little. That's why I first seek our professional news, data and informational sources. So, be patient, folks. Another mass shooting is just around the corner and a belief in the Lord, Aliens, a certain politician or idolizing a celebrity or sports team ain't gonna stop it. 1
Chevdove Posted July 6, 2023 Report Posted July 6, 2023 15 hours ago, ProfD said: Otherwise, with seemingly nothing to lose, hopelessness and despair will lead to lack of respect for human life. Yes, but @ProfD the lack of respect for human life is other Black people! Black people usually attack other Blacks, but other cultures will attack their own cultures however, they also attack other cultures too. So, the problem that surrounds Black people seems to be unique, IMO. 5 hours ago, Stefan said: "It is my contention that the very roots of our mass shooting epidemic may be found in our core cultural value of fierce individualism, a belief in vengeance, and the ethic that might makes right." - Scott Bonn, Ph.D, Criminologist "These cultural values have been central to what it means to be an American since our nation’s birth. We have always loved to settle disputes (at the individual and group levels) with violence and guns and we gleefully celebrate vigilantism in our popular culture." Due to my reflections on this very time of the 4th of July, and how the American Revolution unfolded, therefore this makes sense! @Stefan This is the American way to settle conflict! But still, it needs to stop.
Pioneer1 Posted July 6, 2023 Report Posted July 6, 2023 @zeke1234 I have a lot of questions about your message above, however in order to avoid CONFUSION and not jumble things up -my ORIGINAL questions remain to be answered: 1. Will being born again and submitting to Jesus, protect you from being shot OR going to prison if you shoot someone? 2. You said if WE ALL seek the Lord's mercy and grace together by submitting to Jesus....He will work it out. Is this conditional? In order for Him to work it out, must ALL (every one) of us do this?
Troy Posted July 7, 2023 Report Posted July 7, 2023 On 7/3/2023 at 12:56 PM, Pioneer1 said: In my opinion, those who can "pass" for White should be CLASSIFIED as White. Even passing is subjective. A person calling themselves white my get by one but not another. Maya Rudolph could pass for some but not for others. The sooner we dispense with white racist concept race the better off humanity will be.
zeke1234 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Posted July 7, 2023 To Chevdove and Stefan's postings about mass shootings. We as a society have gotten away from Christ. We reap what we sew. We can't be the provider of bombs and missiles to the whole world, without upsetting the spiritual fabric in your own country and the universe. America is on a collison course with YAHWEH, the God the Old Testament, and Jesus his son. The White man thinks he is God, and will soon use his sciences to drink of the cup of eternal life, this is what the Human Genome project and artificial intelligence (digitizing men's souls into artificial bodies) is all about. What races will be eliminated, and which will become gods. Pioneer1, I am working on answering your question.
Stefan Posted July 7, 2023 Author Report Posted July 7, 2023 Abandoning belief in a supreme being has little to do with the skyrocketing increase in shooting incidents, Zeke. How could you miss the plainly worded conclusions from Ph. D. Criminologist Scott Bonn? Because you definitely did. When it comes to the assailants of spree shootings, Bonn explained: “The perpetrators are more likely to be angry, vengeful individuals who seek retribution for a perceived harm done by some person, group, or institution. Moreover, mass public shooting incidents are generally premeditated and often planned well in advance of their commission.” Did you get that, Zeke? There’s plenty more evidence that Mr. Bonn is on the right track from several other psychologists. No longer wanting to worship Yahweh has little to do with it. An uptick in the belief of a supreme deity is not going to alter the escalating spiral of gun violence, Zeke. The shootings will continue. Over the centuries, many people who lived in these lands have tried to use religion as a barometer of how individuals should treat each other. And those who can read well and understand history know so many were vile and lying hypocrites. For someone swearing folks need to return to God, you may not have opened up a Bible that often. Because the Good Book PREDICTS a great and lasting falloff in the worship of God. And Jesus the Christ detailed illustrations of those who would continue to believe and those who would not. “Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” Those are the words of the Apostle Paul at 1st Cor. 6-10 I also assume you’ve heard of mass shootings inside churches, synagogues and other houses of worship? Houses of worship are meant to be places of shelter, reflection and peace, where strangers are welcome. But the recent string of high-profile mass shootings in the U.S. is a reminder violence can happen anywhere, prompting some faith leaders to ramp up security. Don’t try to fool people or promise protection to anyone because they believe in a certain deity because you’re not saying anything different that missionaries, preachers and revivalists haven’t spoken or written about in the last 90 years. “Indeed, all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” - wrote Paul at 2nd Tim. 3:12. Being religious probably won’t protect you from psychotic spree shooters. Because this does not protect attendees in churches, meeting halls, temples, synagogues or prayer conventions and assemblies. Would be awfully nice if it did.
zeke1234 Posted July 7, 2023 Report Posted July 7, 2023 This comment is addressed to PIONEER1 -- no one else can read this Will being born Jesus, protect you from being shot OR going to prison if you shoot someone? again and submitting to After you are born again, and continue in His goodness, the likelihood of His protecting you becomes greater. If you want that Kelvar armour Spiritual protection, that can stop Biden’s cluster bombs that he is giving to Ukraine, you will need to grow in favor with God the Father. Faith as a grain of a mustard seed is what you will need, head to toe protection, full armour of God. The seed that grows and sprouts, that brings others into the body of Christ. Like Creflo and Joel Osteen. That should protect you from 44 magnum bullets and cluster bombs, if not draw them to your front doorstep. Fifty of the PSALMS are David asking God for deliverance from his enemies. Second part of question, about God protecting you from going to prison. If anyone shoots someone else, then maybe they weren’t totally born again, or maybe they had a relapse into the old man. Should God save the old man from being incarcerated? If it were me in the hot seat, about to be sent to prison, I would pray 24 x 7. If it is you, and you don’t believe in prayer, or don’t think your prayers are being heard, go to a Black Baptist church and ask the whole Church to pray for you. Some of them are ex-cons, ex-prostitutes, hustlers, thieves, etc. God will hear their prayer for you. I cannot pray for you, because my prayer rates are somewhat exorbitant, at this time of the year. I would throw my guns away, this would be a sign of true repentance to God. Its hard for God to forgive, if the gun is still smoking in the killer’s hands, and the DNA evidence hasn’t been wiped clean. One cousin who I grew up with shot a White fellow in the head about 1977, and killed him, during a robbery. He is gonna died off in Oklahoma maximum, but grew up in the Church with me, has preached the gospel behind bars every day since day one of incarceration. Trying to keep young Blacks from coming his way. God needs sturdy workers behind walls, not 5’8’’ wimps like me. The Lord most of all hears prayers of those incarcerated, ask Jeremiah in the muddy dungeon of king Zedekiah, Joseph in Pharoh’s prison. Somebody says God even heard Paul and Silas singing at midnight in a Roman prison. And saved all of them from their physical calamities. 2. You said if WE ALL seek the Lord's mercy and grace together by submitting to Jesus....He will work it out. Is this conditional? In order for Him to work it out, must ALL (every one) of us do this? Regarding ‘we all’, there is ‘individual salvation’, salvation and judgment of each local church, as in the book of Revelation-Thyratira, Laodicea, Ephesus, etc, and there is national/corporate salvation as indicated in my COMMENT above. I am quite certain, and to no extent quite certain, that God would like the whole ‘we all’ nation to humbly submit ourselves to his will, get rid of our nukes and weapons of mass destruction. But up to this point, that ain’t happening. So ‘we all’ as a nation ain’t going to Heaven. Then, there is ’we all’ as each individual church. Then again, you may choose a church, and most of its members play the lotto or play the horses (especially the DRC which used to be located in Livonia, or the Hazel Park track— I still got $200 or $300 dollars worth of losers from 1974). So again, the ‘we all’/church again is some what tainted, questionable. This comes down to your ‘individual salvation’, regardless of what the other assholes (please, forgive my French) in the church are doing, such as living in fornication, stealing the Church offering, etc. You get right with God first, and try to stay right with Him, and God will ‘work it out for you’. At a macroscopic individualistic level, tenuously conditional on others in the church and at large. At a microscopic individualistic level, itsy bitsy teenie wennie level, you are responsible for your salvation and God ‘working it out with you’. Grow in favor with God, regardless of life’s circumstances. Its easy for me to say on the outside, looking inside at someone else’s troubles. Some stumbling blocks in life we put in our own way, some stumbling blocks church members or other people put in our way. Some ditches or pits that we fall into in life, we dig for ourselves, or other people dig for us. There is one constant, the same jam that we get ourselves into in life, is the same jam that YAHWEH can get us out of. He makes jelly, out of jam. But we must put all of your Faith in Jesus, put all of your trust in the Lawd’ (Lord). Whether on death row, or in the darkest recesses of Hell, my Bible tells me that God is there. But you must believe that God can deliver, ‘according to your faith be it unto you’, time and time again in the New Testament. And we must continue in God’s Word. No faith, or faith in the wrong thing, or no continuance, then no deliverance and we will burn in Hell for eternity. And that same Jesus went down into Hell itself, and set free the saints of old, after his resurrection from the dead. Nobody but Jesus. Didn’t take Simon Peter, neither James nor John with him. He didn’t ask nobody. He went down into hell to kick Satan’s ass, and set captivity free. He has done it once, and he will do it again. Jesus is the Word of God. When God spoke in the book of Genesis, ‘let there be’, those were God’s Words. That was JESUS, His Word, that creates ex nihilo (something out of nothing), that heals without medicines, without vaccines, He is life itself. God’s Word (Jesus) was made flesh according to John, and dwelt among us. As we say in the Black Baptist church, ‘same Jesus, same Jesus’, the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost, are three in one, God wearing three different hats, three different offices in Heaven above. Jesus transcends time and space, He is the Word of God. The old Black Baptist hymn, ‘Only believe, only believe, all things are possible, if you only believe’.
Pioneer1 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Posted July 8, 2023 Zeke Thanks for responding to my questions!! I'll be honest with you, I'm not religious and don't ascribe to religious dogma anymore. However did you arrive at your beliefs from any particularly Spiritual experiences like hearing directly from Yahweh, seeing Angels, having Visions.....or did you come to your conclusions ONLY from reading scriptures? What'choo know about the Hazel Park race tracks, lol.....are you from the Detroit area or something? My uncle used to go to that rack every week....wasting THOUSANDS of dollars, lol.
zeke1234 Posted July 8, 2023 Report Posted July 8, 2023 This comment is directed towards STEFAN's last comment --- and this is my last comment for this topic. Some people have made blasphemy of YAHWEH into and art. Haven’t even lived 50 years, have taken dead aim at YAHWEH like Nietzsche, and have emasculated him, restricted him to Heaven above. It is YAHWEH God who keeps the inner space, from the outer space. YAHWEH is all powerful (omnipotent), all knowing (omniscient), and is everywhere at once (omnipresent). It is written in Job 28:24-25, YAHWEH ‘looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth the whole heaven…he makes the weight for the wind, he weigheth the waters by measure’. He bound the sweet influences of the Pleiades and loosed the bands of Orion, Job 38:31. YAHWEH is in every church and every meeting hall on Earth. He can save, and He does save at every moment. You have given me two scriptures, let me give you three. It is written, Proverbs 14:16 ‘a fool rageth, and is confident’. It is written, Proverbs 16:5 "everyone that is proud in heart, is an abomination to the Lord”. It is written, A foolish woman is clamorous she is simple, and knoweth nothing.” Proverbs 9:13 I have read your quote from by Scott Bonn. TV criminologist? 'Angry and vengeful persons'. Did Scott tell you why those people are angry and vengeful? Did Scott tell that the Black angry and vengefulness persons, were happy and glad on the shores of Africa for thousands of years, until his white forefathers kidnapped many Blacks into slavery, induced Black tribes to fight one another, to take Black slaves for their White plantations and gold mines? Anger and vengeful? Did Scott tell how his White forefathers separated your great great grandparents from each other, left some in the middle of the Caribbean to suffer hurricane after hurricane in the middle of nowhere for hundreds of years, with no relief, while those same Whites continued on their journey to mainland America? Just out of spite for Blacks. Did Scott tell how his forefathers brought some of your forefather to North America in chains? And took many more to South America where they were genocided? Would you be angry and vengeful in the 22nd century? Why listen to Whites who’s race genocided of millions of Indians, turns around in the 22 nd century, and say that he is a normal non-angry White man, because his forefathers did all their killings and rapes when there was no TV? Why you listen to such nonsense, is beyond me? Christ’s raising the woman in Nain son from the dead, Christ raising Lazarus from the dead, His own resurrection, says we humans know very little about life, death, and salvation. Medical doctors and criminologists know nothing. Scott Bond, da' fool.
Stefan Posted July 9, 2023 Author Report Posted July 9, 2023 @zeke1234 What makes you think I am in a rage? Because I disagree with you? Dude, I am not in a rage. You are the one who appears in a rage, mentioning Mr. Bonn's skin hue and then pretending that he or his antecedents were involved in the Slave Trade. Which have nothing to do with the increasing spate of spree shootings. Now, do you have any proof for that Slave Trade comment, Mr. Christian? Now you might be beginning to understand why so many are skeptical of what you preach to folks that your God is going to save them from an assailant with a gun. But if that's the only way you think that you can win a spiritual debate, consider the words of King Solomon at Eccl. 9:11-12 which points out anyone can meet their end at any time. Do you even know what those scriptures say? "I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all." Unfortunately, that seems to be happening a lot lately. People dying unexpectedly in acts of gun violence. And more and more people no longer believe a supreme being can protect them. I am not mocking your belief. But I am mocking your foolish rationale. "He won't agree with me! He's in a rage. A rage, I tell ya!" Dude, calm down. I've read the Bible, explained the resurrections performed by Jesus. But I did not condemn anyone who simply didn't believe. Learn to accept that not all will believe whatever you preach. "But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect." (1st Peter 3:15) Are those the two qualities you've been displaying? A mild temper along with deep respect? You really need to understand humility. You're not going to find believers if you blindly attack those who doubt. Follow the advice of Jesus who said: "Wherever anyone does not receive you or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet." (Matt. 10:14) In other words, don't take is personally.
Pioneer1 Posted July 9, 2023 Report Posted July 9, 2023 Zeke1234 Why did that have to be your LAST comment for this topic, lol??? You're on a good website where you don't have any technical difficulties posting, and there are no moderators coming down hard on you telling you what you can and can't say and policing your every move. Do you know how RARE that is now a days? Especially in the age of Twitter and Instagram where you'll liable to get your account suspended just for saying "good morning"
Chevdove Posted July 11, 2023 Report Posted July 11, 2023 On 7/7/2023 at 1:31 PM, zeke1234 said: To Chevdove and Stefan's postings about mass shootings. We as a society have gotten away from Christ. We reap what we sew. . . . The White man thinks he is God, and will soon use his sciences to drink of the cup of eternal life, this is what the Human Genome project and artificial intelligence (digitizing men's souls into artificial bodies) is all about. What races will be eliminated, and which will become gods. @zeke1234 I absolutely agree in that we as a society have gotten away from Christ, in terms of this government, though as a whole. But I also think that it is not only the White man who thinks he is God, but this is a flaw in all mankind as a whole. Just because there are white people doesn't mean that they are the only ones to have a problem with believing in White Supremacy. Many black people believe in this and so this is the problemw ith Black Hatred and Black disrespect. It is an iniquity that plagues this whole world; Colorism. I believe that it is for this very reason that Jesus Christ came to help the whole world. A lot of black people don't realize the 'two-fold delimma' that has been presented when Jesus Chrsit came. His coming meant that mankind had completely failed. More importantly, it meant that the Black civilizations failed! This becomes a dangerous set up that has caused a certain mindset in the governments that formed after he came. This is one main reason why, I believe that many Black men are targeted and attacked. But the other aspect is that, if Jesus did not come and open up the door for the Protestant Movement to have a chance to organize their government, well, LOL, innocent people would never have a chance. So yes, this aspect is not recognized. By Jesus coming, it meant that he came to help with the predicament of human sacrifice and the oppression of Black people but, it also meant that the Black civilizations needed correction. So, it's not only that, TODAY, the White man thinks he is God, but all mankind has had a run at being supremacist and believing that they were gods, imo. Black kings in ancient times thought that that they were untouchable and could not be checked. No one is perfect imo. Oh yes, and women too. We've shared in this human plight in both the positive and the negative aspect.
Pioneer1 Posted July 11, 2023 Report Posted July 11, 2023 Not only do you have to worry about Whites and even other Black folks who believe in the ideolog of "White Supremacy" but you have millions of Asians and Latinos flooding into this nation who are conditioned and brainwashed through and through with it also. Even after Europe and most of the West as a world power is replaced by the Chinese.....the Chinese will promote White ideology with an Asian twist to it. If you don't believe me...... Ask yourself why are the leaders of China standing around in Western clothing (suits and ties) with their hair parted to the side like White men? Why are their military leaders wearing caps designed and worn by White men from back in the 30s and 40s? Why aren't they wearing their "traditional" cultural clothing? They BELIEVE in the "White way" of governing and living...even as they claim to be independent. It's quite possibly that in many areas of the world, the ideology of "White Supremacy"....the belief that White people and their ways are the best....will outlive White folks themselves! It's quite possible that even after the last White man leaves the planet, there will be Blacks, Browns, and Yellows who still believe in and practice various forms of it for perhaps hundreds of years afterward. It will be found in the religions, in the philosophies, in academia, in entertainment.
Chevdove Posted July 11, 2023 Report Posted July 11, 2023 1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said: It's quite possibly that in many areas of the world, the ideology of "White Supremacy"....the belief that White people and their ways are the best....will outlive White folks themselves! lol! This has already happened especially in Ancient America! Many Natives were shocked when the Europeans began to attack them for this very reason. Many natives were begging 'THE GREAT WHITE FATHER' to help them get rid of the 'Black' natives and so, they were shocked when after this did occur, the Europeans also came after them too! There is much more to what I am alluding to. 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 13, 2023 Report Posted July 13, 2023 Chev I can believe that. I've heard from some trusted sources that most of the modern Native Americans of today are actually a mixture of 2 different races who occupied the Americas at a certain point. The very dark Black folks of India with the straight hair ......and the yellow skinned Asians from places like China and Korea. While some tribes stayed separate , they eventually mixed and this was for hundreds if not thousands of years but the racism and foul living of the Asian Native Americans got to be too much for the Black ones and they started not t get along. 1
Chevdove Posted July 15, 2023 Report Posted July 15, 2023 On 7/13/2023 at 5:45 PM, Pioneer1 said: I've heard from some trusted sources that most of the modern Native Americans of today are actually a mixture of 2 different races who occupied the Americas at a certain point. The very dark Black folks of India with the straight hair ......and the yellow skinned Asians from places like China and Korea. While some tribes stayed separate , they eventually mixed and this was for hundreds if not thousands of years but the racism and foul living of the Asian Native Americans got to be too much for the Black ones and they started not t get along. I recall the Cheyenne in photographs with the long and straight hair, however, most of the natives of the 13 colonies were negroes with afro typed hair. The Mohawks, shaved thier heads on both sides and had afro typed hair standing straight up in the middle. Most the depictions in museums show nappy headed Native Americans, however, we have been conditioned NOT to recognize this. The depictions of the California natives have big afros. As a biologist, @Pioneer1 I say that I understand what scientist are now admitting in that there would be no such presence of Native American MALEFACTORS if there were never any African males in ancient North America because all males stem from one male origin out of Africa. That's it. Male YDNA Haplogroups are very stable and 100% accuracy in that it can be determined who is the father if even a woman had sex with two brothers! A man can have two sons, and both will be linked to him through DNA testing. It's just that stable and can be traced all the way back to Africa. So at what point males ended up in India, China, America, is the question. But, I don't know anything about what you say about the Black people from India. Native Americans came over here to ancient America in different waves of migration.
Pioneer1 Posted July 15, 2023 Report Posted July 15, 2023 That sounds like that the Hebrew Israelites teach.....that a person is what their FATHER is, regardless of the race of their mother. I know when I see mixed people, they usually look a little like BOTH their father and mother.....not too much on one side or the other. Same with UN mixed people come to think of it. Most people I see take after BOTH their parents, usually favoring one over the other....sometimes the mother and sometimes the father. If it's this way phenotypically....seems to me the genetic markers we DON'T see would carry the same behavior.
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