All 34 Bestselling Books for September/October - 2023

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Click Headings Below for a the List of Bestselling Books with Images. View a collage of these titles.

10 Bestselling Fiction

  1. Promise Me A Miracle by Naleighna Kai, Martha Kennerson, J. L. Campbell, Karen D. Bradley, and Stephanie M. Freeman
  2. Perfect Peace: A Novel by Daniel Black
  3. Babylon Sisters: A Novel by Pearl Cleage
  4. Running to Fall: A Novel by Kalisha Buckhanon
  5. Our Gen by Diane McKinney-Whetstone
  6. Lone Women by Victor Lavalle
  7. Fool Me Thrice: Money Changes Everything by Dean Conan
  8. Voices of the Harlem Renaissance: Originally Published as The New Negro an Interpretation by Alain Locke and Introduction by Troy Johnson
  9. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  10. No Place to Be Somebody: A Black-Black Comedy by Charles Gordone

10 Bestselling Nonfiction Books

  1. Only for the Brave at Heart: Essays Rethinking Race, Crime, and Justice by Leon E. Pettiway
  2. How We Do It: Black Writers on Craft, Practice, and Skill by Jericho Brown
  3. When Crack Was King: A People’s History of a Misunderstood Era by Donovan X. Ramsey
  4. The Gospel according to James Baldwin: What America’s Great Prophet Can Teach Us about Life, Love, and Identity by Greg Garrett
  5. Black AF History: The Un-Whitewashed Story of America by Michael Harriot
  6. Our Unfinished March: The Violent Past and Imperiled Future of the Vote-A History, a Crisis, a Plan by Eric Holder
  7. Reparations on Fire: How and Why it’s Spreading Across America by Nkechi Taifa
  8. Black Boy by Richard Wright
  9. Basic Black: Home Training for Modern Times by Karen Grigsby Bates
  10. The Jewish Onslaught: Despatches from the Wellesley Battlefront by Tony Martin

10 Bestselling Children’s Books

  1. The Mermaid Princesses: A Sister Tale by Maya Cameron-Gordon
  2. I Promise by Lebron James
  3. Black Girls by Dominique Furukawa
  4. Something, Someday by Amanda Gorman
  5. Jelani’s Key by D. Amari Jackson
  6. Treasure Island (hardcover): Runaway Gold by Jewell Parker Rhodes
  7. Dream Big, Little Leader by Vashti Harrison
  8. Black Mother Goose Book by Elizabeth Murphy Oliver
  9. Swim Team by Johnnie Christmas
  10. Think Big, Little One by Vashti Harrison

4 Bestselling Poetry Books

  1. Hipology: Horizons in Poetry by Ron Alle and Stella Crews
  2. Life On Mars: Poems by Tracy K. Smith
  3. Black Poetry by Dudley Randall
  4. S O S: Poems 1961-2013 by Amiri Baraka