All 20 Bestselling Books for March/April - 2006

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Click Headings Below for a the List of Bestselling Books with Images. View a collage of these titles.

10 Bestselling Fiction

  1. Addicted: A Novel by Zane
  2. Married to the Game by Chunichi
  3. Black Gangster by Donald Goines
  4. Chasing Destiny by Eric Jerome Dickey
  5. Gettin’ Buck Wild: Sex Chronicles II by Zane
  6. Wild Stars Seeking Midnight Suns: Stories by J. California Cooper
  7. Boondocks: Because I Know You Don’t Read The Newspaper by Aaron McGruder
  8. The Sex Chronicles : Shattering the Myth by Zane
  9. Public Enemy #2: An All-New Boondocks Collection by Aaron McGruder
  10. Living Water by Obery M. Hendricks, Jr

9 Bestselling Nonfiction Books

  1. The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis
  2. Kill Them Before They Grow: Misdiagnosis of African American Boys in American Classrooms by Michael Porter
  3. Keeping Black Boys Out of Special Education by Jawanza Kunjufu
  4. The Covenant with Black America by Tavis Smiley
  5. Confessions of a Video Vixen by Karrine Steffans
  6. Black Students. Middle Class Teachers. by Jawanza Kunjufu
  7. A Small Nation of People: W. E. B. Du Bois and African American Portraits of Progress by David Levering Lewis
  8. The Ditchdigger’s Daughters: A Black Family’s Astonishing Success Story by Yvonne S. Thornton
  9. Diary of a Lost Girl: The Autobiography of Kola Boof by Kola Boof

1 Bestselling Children’s Books

  1. The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Encyclopedias) by Editors of Kingfisher