All 19 Bestselling Books for November/December - 2014

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Click Headings Below for a the List of Bestselling Books with Images. View a collage of these titles.

8 Bestselling Fiction

  1. Consequences by Martha Kennerson
  2. Surprises by M. D. Williams
  3. Dear White People by Justin Simien
  4. Was It Good for You Too? by Naleighna Kai
  5. A Letter for My Mother by Nina Foxx
  6. I Dreamt I Was in Heaven - The Rampage of the Rufus Buck Gang by Leonce Gaiter
  7. 2 Halves Make Me Whole by Tiffany D Taylor
  8. Pleasures & Treasures by Naleighna Kai

10 Bestselling Nonfiction Books

  1. 6 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise by J.J. Smith
  2. Tough Notes: A Healing Call For Creating Exceptional Black Men by Haki Madhubuti
  3. Faith in the Valley: Lessons for Women on the Journey to Peace by Iyanla Vanzant
  4. Rainbow in the Cloud: The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou by Maya Angelou
  5. Lies of a Real Housewife: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Angela Stanton, Anthony Whyte, and Alveda King
  6. Who We Be: The Colorization of America by Jeff Chang
  7. Justice While Black: Helping African-American Families Navigate and Survive the Criminal Justice System by Robbin Shipp and Nick Chiles
  8. 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by J.J. Smith
  9. Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony Browder
  10. 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof by J. A. Rogers

1 Bestselling Children’s Books

  1. Letters to a Young Sister: DeFINE Your Destiny by Hill Harper