21 Books Published by lulu.com on AALBC — Book Cover Collage
Walking in Footsteps of Promise
by Kiran H. J. Dellimorelulu.com (Mar 10, 2020)
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Walking in Footsteps of Promise is the unadorned account of my evolution as a human being in my quest to find a place in this world. My journey has without a doubt been an arduous one, with many ups and downs, but through it all I have preserved and remained resolute in my determination to succeed against all odds. Looking back on my life I have realized that my quest for a higher purpose and burning desire to seek meaning in life is actually a recurring theme that in many ways has always unconsciously been there. All along I have been walking in these footsteps of promise, unwittingly following the path paved by my ancestors long ago. I sincerely hope that through my story you will gain renewed inspiration for the pursuit of your dreams. At the very least I wish that Walking in Footsteps of Promise will remind you that you are not alone in experiencing failure and hardship; and that the triumph of the human spirit over adversity is an old tale which must be constantly rewritten.
How to Unlock Your Genius Using Black History
by David Simonlulu.com (Feb 19, 2020)
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In reading this amazing book the reader will not only travel back into global black history but will be encouraged to undertake assignments to help them unlock their hidden talents.
Using black history, storytelling and assignments the book is for general readers, community workers, activists educators and anyone who wants to engage in self-development and community development like the wonderful characters in the book.
The intriguing story line centers on Percy, a disgraced black politician who runs to a Nigerian therapist Dr. Eze, who uses black history notes to help the beleaguered politician ’find’ himself and reunite him with his estranged wife, Priscilla.
Topics include: the ancient civilizations of Nubia, Egypt, Europe, Asia and the Americas; the medieval kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai and the history of the Moors, leading into the holocausts of the Arab and European slavery. Finally the reader explores colonialism, civil rights and contemporary strategies for black development as envisioned and inspired by the Ancestors.
Spook Lights II: Southern Gothic Horror
by Eden Roycelulu.com (Jan 29, 2017)
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Y’all gather round for thirteen more tales of Southern Gothic horror: Boys find evil in their favorite sweet treat, a perfume shop that makes more than scents, a hurricane carries a mother’s vengeance, a conjure woman lies dying, unable to name a successor
When Minorities Lead in America: A Black Theologian’s Political Journey
by Herman J. Fountain Jr.lulu.com (Jan 22, 2017)
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The Caucasian race is shrinking in the United States. The Hispanic growth rate is increasing. Minority birth rates are growing faster than Caucasian birth rates. The combined group of minorities will be larger than the European population in America in less than forty years. What would America be like if Native Americans, Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslims, Asians, and all other minorities formed a coalition to create a new majority voting bloc, and passed laws that enabled them to achieve their academic, economic, and healthcare goals? How would formerly oppressed people rule when they become members of the majority political group?
Is Allah a Man? The Islam Debate
by Wesley Muhammadlulu.com (Dec 16, 2016)
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Dr. Wesley Muhammad successfully debates fellow Islamic scholars about the concept of Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad-the foundation of the Islamic teachings in the Nation of Islam. This book is the appendix of another book titled Take Another Look: The Quran, the Sunnah and the Islam of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
The Religious Dimensions of Metaphysics
by Osei Kufuorlulu.com (Oct 29, 2016)
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This is a jewel that can only be worn on the body of the Soul which is our mind. This book can only be digested by those who can travel into worlds beyond the physical brain into other dimensions where other bodies of Truths exist.
by Billy Chapatalulu.com (Feb 24, 2016)
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Sometimes, we forget that we are human. Our flaws envelope us, and we feel inadequate, unequal, inferior. Your flaws are part of you. Parts you can embrace, accept, grow from. Let your flaws be your flowers.
Spook Lights: Southern Gothic Horror
by Eden Roycelulu.com (Sep 18, 2015)
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Pull up a rocking chair and sit a spell. Soak in these tales of Southern Gothic horror: A witchdoctor’s niece tells him a life-altering secret, an investigator who keeps a 100% confession rate
“The Black Bible of Science” (Compilation)
by Osei Kufuorlulu.com (Mar 19, 2015)
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This book breaks down the so-called holy books and help those who are asleep in religion to overstand the metaphysics of what its reality and the truth that it points toward is really about.This is a book for the Black man and woman who has the spiritual DNA that will bring about change throughout the dimensions of self.
Squirrels & Puppies: Dark Morality Tales
by Russell A. Mebanelulu.com (Oct 18, 2012)
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A collection of short stories involving some puppies, a couple squirrels, a kitty, a cyborg, some aliens, and some Black people. There are other people in the stories, too. Together they’ll be exploring moral relativism. What is moral relativism? It’s a bunch of good fun! That’s what it is!
The Black Church: Where Women Pray And Men Prey
by Deborrah Cooperlulu.com (Jun 09, 2012)
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Black churches were once the cornerstone of the Black community and looked at as a source of guidance and strength. Indeed, the war for freedom waged in the 1960s battle for civil rights was born within the walls of Black churches. But that was then, and this is now. The pews of African American churches are filled with women, many of them lonely single mothers. These women come to church to be spiritually uplifted, but that is not what happens. Instead, twisted Scripture is used by unscrupulous men to manipulate and control them. Church is where black women are being preyed upon sexually, emotionally and financially. Are most pastors in black churches nothing but pimps smiling from the pulpit instead of from a Cadilla
Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, And The Ghost Of Dr. King: Blogs And Essays
by Kevin Powelllulu.com (May 01, 2012)
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Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, and The Ghost of Dr. King, Kevin Powell’s 11th book and his latest collection of blogs and essays on American politics and pop culture, is a stunning manifesto for our times. That is because Powell is one of the most courageous and distinctive voices in America today. Be it violence against women and girls or the Trayvon Martin tragedy, Occupy Wall Street or the Penn State sex scandal, The Super Bowl or leadership in America, Powell is unafraid to touch any controversial social issue. Thus what we have in Kevin Powell’s Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, and The Ghost of Dr. King are 22 raw, unfiltered blogs and essays, intent on not just exposing, but understanding, all the while building bridges of dialogue — with ourselves, and with our America.
The 24 Types Of Suckas To Avoid
by Deborrah Cooperlulu.com (Mar 26, 2012)
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What every single woman tired of short-term relationships with losers needs to know. This book teaches you how to quickly recognize and eliminate time wasting jokers. You’ll get the tools you need to avoid dead-end relationships with commitment phobic jokers, heart breaking players, immature mamas boys, angry woman haters, mooches, and a host of other rogues women run into on a daily basis. Change what you seek in a man and how you look for it with some no holds barred straight talk about how to find true love and the relationship of your dreams.
Neurotica: An Honest Examination Into Urban sexual Relations
by momowillylulu.com (Oct 06, 2011)
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"[Neurotica] is a cross between the Pearl and Iceberg Slim… a tour-de-force triumph."-Dwight Hobbes, Insight News, 7/24/06. Hidden amongst the dirt of clichÈd erotica and urban lit comes a shining gem. A collection of twenty-four short stories, "Neurotica: An honest examination into urban sexual relations," showcases sex on different levels, highlighting the neuroses and nuances of sexual situations and relationships. This is a roller-coaster ride of pomp and circumstance as author momowilly takes the reader through sexual highs and lows, humorously dealing with embarrassing debacles, and chronicling the innermost thoughts of those whose lives are wrought with disappointment and sorrow. Momowilly does so with finesse, rare grit and street-smart honesty, engaging the reader with detail and ambiguity, laughter and tears, all while stimulating the erogenous zones. Men and women alike will appreciate her fresh take on a stale genre, turning week-old bread into French toast.
A Glance Away
by John Edgar Widemanlulu.com (Mar 05, 2010)
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John Edgar Wideman’s first novel, A Glance Away, was published in 1967 when the author was just 26 years old. The New York Times Book Review raved "Here is a novelist of high seriousness and depth. He has all sorts of literary gifts, including a poet’s flair for a taut, meaningful, emotional language." The action unfolds over the course of a single day, but deftly jumps through time to interweave the life journeys of two very different men whose paths converge one unforgettable evening with surprising and unforgettable results. Eddie Lawson, a young African-American, has spent a year kicking his drug habit and finally returned home. Robert Thurley, a white college professor, is on the verge of crumbling under the weight of haunting family memories, alcoholism, and a tormented struggle with his ambiguous sexual identity. Their encounter forcefully illustrates the consequences of our failure to understand one another, and the transformative possibilities that open up for those brave enough to try.
Hurry Home
by John Edgar Widemanlulu.com (Feb 22, 2010)
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In 1970, The New York Times wrote, "Hurry Home is a dazzling display…we have nothing but admiration for Mr. Wideman’s talent." Wideman’s second novel is the powerful and remarkably prescient story of a highly educated, multiracial man’s struggle to find himself and understand his place in a country walled off by sharp racial and class divisions which seem to preempt the very possibility of his existence. Cecil Braithwaite works as a janitor while earning a law degree, yet discovers faithful adherence to the script promising the American Dream is not enough. He travels abroad, looking to Europe and Africa, but can’t escape the abiding sense of rootlessness, of being trapped in a halfway house of questions the world’s not yet ready or willing to answer. Wideman starkly portrays how difficult it is to shake free of the shackles one is born to, claim an identity that transgresses society’s most fundamental boundaries, and find one’s true Home.
The Lynchers
by John Edgar Widemanlulu.com (Feb 22, 2010)
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Almost 30 years before 9/11, John Edgar Wideman published his third novel, a revolutionary and controversial story about four African-American men who hatch a terrorist plot to shake a complacent America to its foundations. They see their plan to lynch a white cop as the ultimate symbolic act of protest in a racist, hypocritical society mired in fundamental inequalities that contradict its "Home of the Free" credo. Critic Saunders Redding raved, "It is all here…the history of Negro America raised to the grandeur of superb fiction, as Tolstoy did it for the history of the Russian people in the Napoleonic era in War and Peace. I think The Lynchers is far and away the truest, the most moving, and the most brilliantly crafted novel of Negro life in almost a quarter of a century—that is, since Ellison’s Invisible Man, which in some ways it surpasses."
by John Edgar Widemanlulu.com (Feb 19, 2010)
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BRIEFS is a groundbreaking new collection of "microstories" from celebrated author John Edgar Wideman, previous winner of both the Rea and O. Henry awards saluting mastery of the short story form. Here he has assembled a masterful collage that explodes our assumptions about the genre. Wideman unveils an utterly original voice and structure-hip-hop zen-where each story is a single breath, to be caught, held, shared and savored. A relief worker’s Sudan bulletin, a jogger’s bullet-dodging daydreams, your neighbor’s fears and fantasies, an absent mother’s regrets-Wideman’s storytellers are eavesdroppers and peeping Toms, diarists and haiku historians. The characters and compass points range from Darfur to Manhattan, from Pittsburgh to Paris, but the true coordinates these stories chart are the psychic and emotional fault lines beneath our common ground. BRIEFS is an unforgettable map of the lives we inherit, those we invent, and the worlds we wander between first and last loves.
From The Depths Of Despair: Love: How Ted Forsook White Supremacy To Marry His Princess
by Ca Josephlulu.com (Aug 06, 2007)
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Ted was a member of the Ku Klux Klan and other clandestine White Supremacist Groups. He was the treasure of his deeply racist family, with expectations of him one day becoming a charismatic White Supremacist leader. But life changed in a flash. All it took was one hunting trip to shed the quasi-religious outlook encouraged by his alcoholic family members-his mom Jen, Uncle Rick, a drunken reverend of a Southern White Supremacist Church, and his father and grandfather, senior members in the Ku Klux Klan. During a college break, he attends a feral-hog hunting trip with his relatives. Sitting by a stream, drunk on backwoods Mississippi moonshine, Ted sees a sight that would test everything he believes. He spots an African American woman who steals his heart and mind. Ted embarks on a quest to find her ,battling his inner demons as he does. He realizes that she is the one, and that there is no force in the world more powerful than the four-letter word, LOVE. But not before plunging into the Depths of Despair!
Sleeping with a D-Man: An Urban Fantasy Novel
by Mel Hopkinslulu.com (Mar 16, 2006)
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What should be a normal school year at an East Coast Catholic university turns out to be anything but normal for freshman Nicole Jettison.
Cheerleader tryouts, sorority rushes, basketball games and a lot of school work should be par for the course. Nicole, however, opts for extra-curricular activities including unmasking shape-shifting drug dealers, sorcery and a night-course in fallen angels.
At the end of the semester, Nicole doesn’t just get a passing grade; she gets a gift from otherworldly beings looking to change their fate and maybe the fate of the world too.
Sleeping with a D-Man is a supernatural tale of forbidden love, conspiracy and sacrifice in a world where nothing is as it seems.
Stone’s Revenge
by Sylvia Hubbardlulu.com (Apr 04, 2005)
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There is a copycat killer in Davenport and William is the number one suspect. William is the son of a serial killer; Therefore William’s nemesis, prosecuting attorney Ramsey McPherson feels the apple does not fall too far from the tree. Ramsey makes it his number one mission to put William behind bars. William vows revenge against Ramsey with every intention to hurt what Ramsey holds dear in his life and that is the prosecuting attorney’s daughter Abigail, who thinks someone is trying to frame William. Abigail and William fall in love and they keep their love affair a secret from Ramsey. Yet with a murder so gruesome happening on a night when Abigail and William are together, Abigail is forced to choose between not telling where William was or revealing to her father that she is truly in love with William. Only question remains : Who’s the real killer?