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Delano last won the day on April 27

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    I like to think, i think, about thinking

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  1. There is no logical reason for AI to terminate humans unless it has human drives. Unless it becomes conscious itself aware. Which I can't imagine. That doesn't rule it out though.
  2. You are assuming that AI will have human wants and desires. Even though it may appear that way. I don't know how you could program motivation onto AI.
  3. I wasn't implying that. If AI has the rights of a person then terminating it is akin to murder.
  4. That is an education. I was likely to go to schools where that wasn't always the case. Black's aren't supposed to thrive. Black have two functions. Entertainment and to be the economic incubator for immigrants. It's been that way since the birth of this nation.
  5. I would say there is a huge difference. In the past you had craftsmen, artisans and artist. You develope skill by by learning how to use your tools. Using AI may result I. The end product but it circumvents the process that improves your skill. For certain tasks like writing code AI is a boon. For anything creative I think you still need innate ability. My favourite art capture something or changes how we see the world. If Artificial Inspiration can be programmed that is a game changer. In short it has to become fundamentally human. Which creates serious ethical and legal problems.
  6. I like to solve puzzles. I think therefore I am. What happens when as a civilisation we no longer have to think.
  7. Is it true the army had soldiers dig a ditch then refill it. I just don't see it. People used to read on the train ride to work. People have more of relationship with their phone than other people. Myself included as is evident by the forum. What do people do now? I see babies on phones. I see parents on phone and sometimes the kids on a phone. I see couples at restaurants on phones. So once people stop working do they put down their phones? In the pandemic how many people do you know that did something they wanted to do, but didn't have time? I am outside watching people walk by the only people not on a phone or carrying their phone like a pacifier for the mind. Are older people and immigrants. Even homeless beggars are I. their phones while they are asking for money. I just saw this on Facebook. I don't know if this makes your point or mine. Kurt Vonnegut tells his wife he's going out to buy an envelope: “Oh, she says, well, you're not a poor man. You know, why don't you go online and buy a hundred envelopes and put them in the closet? And so I pretend not to hear her. And go out to get an envelope because I'm going to have a hell of a good time in the process of buying one envelope. I meet a lot of people. And see some great looking babies. And a fire engine goes by. And I give them the thumbs up. And I'll ask a woman what kind of dog that is. And, and I don't know. The moral of the story is - we're here on Earth to fart around. And, of course, the computers will do us out of that. And what the computer people don't realize, or they don't care, is we're dancing animals. You know, we love to move around. And it's like we're not supposed to dance at all anymore." Let's all get up and move around a bit right now... or at least dance
  8. Blacks have no rights that Whites have to respect. After a few centuries Blacks still aren't seen as human.
  9. You may be an exception but most people can't handle large blocks of free time. Some retirees literally drop dead once they stop working. Also you often hear the story of successful entertainers developing an addiction. The other example I use is Covid. Work provides structure and social interaction. So as much as people say they wish they didn't have to work reality is much different. In addition a study was done on people who won millions on the lottery . The only people who weren't broke were the ones who kept their jobs. If people used their free time productively the entertainment industry would be a fraction of its current size. In Australia a lot of retirees gamble. While some are gamblers most have a lot of time. I used to go to dive bars in New York and there were a few patrons who were there all day. While that's not everyone and may not be a large percentage of people it is an issue.
  10. What will become of people when they no longer have to think or work. I reckon that drugs, VR and escapism will be more dominant than they already are. Which will may result in the collapse of civilisation
  11. It's rewarding solving a difficult task.
  12. Black Americans have survived not thrived as a whole. Whenever Black people have succeeded they were eradicated. Power only concedes to a greater power. One possible way of creating more fairness is socialism. However that has been demonised. When you say socialism most people think communism. Without understanding that socialism is both a political and economic system. The following are examples of socialism: insurance; libraries; museums. In fact all government payments are socialist including military expenditures. @ProfD I order for your vision to be realised the population has to be reeducated. Most societies prefer an entertained as opposed to educated populace. This goes back to Rome and is true in the US, which is similar to old Rome.
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