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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2017 in Posts

  1. @Pioneer1, I'm completely unfamiliar with the notion that large communities of poor white people want to be poor Anecdotally, one of the most common conversations I overhear, when in Florida, is white people talking about how hard they work. I was at a book fair the Ft Myers and witnessed a popcorn vendor talking to an ice cream vendor next to her, saying that this was just a part time job. She explained that she had another job and was working 7 days a week. The ice cream vendor was working three part time jobs and was looking for full time work. Neither appeared to be racist. The popcorn lady provided me with friendly service. Of course there are white racists who are poor, but I doubt either group wants to be poor. I believe being racist is a consequence of poverty due to lack of education and scapegoated promoted by manipulative plutocrats like 45. Of course there are middle class racist, but they are probably only one or two generations out of poverty and there are rich racists--who truly believe they are genetically superior, but they are just stupid. Some people understand intuitively, or through life experience, that racism is a flawed belief system. Anyone with a decent education should know this as well. Unfortunately given the state of our education system and our habit of consuming information through social media memes, both poverty and the racism it breeds will probably grow.
    3 points
  2. My point was about subjectivity. Your brain is making stuff up and making connections that don't exist
    2 points
  3. Have a scary Halloween!
    2 points
  4. @Pioneer1 1) I asked if you watched the film because I asked my questions within context of the film. Since, you answered "No” then you can't provide an informed opinion that is relative to the film. That's cool. In the documentary, the problem is NOT white supremacy... Now if you want to go off topic, that's fine. 2) But for sake of argument let's say the film discusses "white supremacy" then we see it's not a goal or a problem per se, it's a tactic. In this film, the goal was empire building and where necessary” white supremacy" was used as a tactic to divide the people from their natural resources and riches. 3) THE PROBLEM, both in the film and globally, is the goal of a pseudo emperor attempting to seize and control resources, even natural resources to amass a fortune for his/her empire. Thereby reducing the rest of the planet and its inhabitants to slavery and servitude. In sports, such as basketball, I know you don’t get distracted by your opponent’s fancy footwork & dribbling – that’s how you get your ankles broken. You maintain your focus on achieving your goal. Leaving the sports analogy, defense can be a goal but it’s not an effective one. There are a few countries that have created their own goals – and as a result are not at the mercy of the World Bank or IMF. One country has already taken steps to create its own world bank. They may have problems but white supremacy ain’t one. If you really understood white supremacy, you'd know you fell for the illusion. Then you’d know it’s a distraction to keep alleged “non-white” people on a defense to lose sight of their own goals. You’d know the would-be emperor is skilled at the art of legerdemain. The easiest way to defeat him is to stop letting him rent space in your head. @Cynique thank you for this - I think I've been a victim of this eggcorn
    2 points
  5. @Cynique, I too have come to enjoy watching videos on Quantum Physics and have even read a couple of books on the subject, but I have never read anything written by a scientist that says, "...Its experiments have proven that your eyes integrate an image that disintegrates when the eyes look away." If you can share a source of this idea it would be interesting to check out. Of course I'm familiar with the famed double slit experiment which demonstrates how the location of an electron can only be determined when it is observed (it's wave function collapses). But again this is true at the quantum level. Your refrigerator however is still there whether you or anyone else is looking at it. @Del, this is completely different that the blind spot we have or the optical illusions we previously discussed; which reveal flaws in the how our eyes and brain perceive reality, not the nature of it. @Pioneer1, you give white folks too much credit. Western civilization is founded on ideas learned from Africa. The ancient Greeks did not hide this. In fact, we know Black Africans built the Pyramids, and know one is even sure how it was done--even with today's technology. So reluctant are are white people today willing to give credit to the Black people, they rather say aliens built them?! I was unaware of ancient Africa's contribution to civilization or quantum physics until I began reading books on my own; largely promoted by creating this site. Nother subject was taught to me in school. I think both subjects would have had me riveted.
    2 points
  6. True you have a blindspot but you're brain fills I the missing bit. There's no objective reality. Elon Musk believes that we are living in a computer simulation
    2 points
  7. Here's an article from EDC, publisher who pulled 2000 titles from amazon.com, Ingram and baker & taylor (because they're distributors to Amazon) and big box stores in 2012. He said it meant $2 million in annual sales but after a few tense months, they started making money again... http://www.businessinsider.com/edc-beat-amazon-2014-8 One more thing; EDC also has home sales consultants who sell their books - I mentioned that's how I sold my first book. There are other ways to sell books besides Amazon.
    1 point
  8. @Mel Hopkins I am always pleased and often surprised at how you "get me".
    1 point
  9. and me!!! How far would you go to find love? An ingénue will go to hell and back to find the man of her dreams. Or is it her nightmares. * * * “Sleeping with a D-Man” is a supernatural tale of forbidden love, conspiracy and sacrifice in a world where nothing is as it seems.
    1 point
  10. Great Rising Troy, My website is DiaryofFaith.com. I concur with everything that you stated. I researched traditional publishers vs. self-publishing before I finished my first book, TRIGGER. I didn't have an agent nor could I afford one to get my manuscript to a mainstream publisher. So, I eventually decided on a publishing company that offered self-publishing services. I also based my decision on location. I wanted to be able to go and meet with the team. I learned a lot from the company, but I think I will be publishing on my own for my second book. I have been to writing workshops that praise CreateSpace for publishing, as well as Amazon's POD capabilities. I purchase my books upfront, and it can be costly. I have also been very indecisive on if I will continue to list my eBook on Amazon. Before my eBook was release I had made up my mind on listing my book on Ganxy, but after discussions with those close to me and readers I decided to try out Amazon because of their platform. I have not seen the sales that I need. This may be on my part. I am my own marketing team and I don't do any advertising on Amazon. So, back to the drawing boards.
    1 point
  11. The word you are trying use is "jibe" not "jive". To jibe with someone is to agree with them. Jibe can also mean “be compatible with or similar to.” If two people jibe, they get along quite well. (Definition from Merriam Webster.) Trailer park communities exists in every state, just like ghettos exist in most of them. We have to be careful in giving explanations for why whites do what they do. Especially since we tend to blow off whites when they seek to explain why blacks do what they do. Trailer park dwellers are no different from white suburbanites when it comes to a choice of where to live. Racism crosses all classes. Poor whites helplessly stay where they are because they are too unskilled and dumb to be upwardly mobile. They along with ghetto blacks have been relegated to the fate of the have-nots in a capitalistic society. i think if you interviewed blacks in the inner city, i'm sure you'd find they have just as much revulsion and contempt for poor whites as these woebegotten cretins have for them. So why worry about why poor whites are where they are. Who cares?
    1 point
  12. @Troy and @Pioneer1I think quantum physics is an exact science. Its experiments have proven that your eyes integrate an image that disintegrates when the eyes look away. i have no problem at all with believing that people are subjective when it comes to what they see. That's why eye witness accounts are so unreliable. Do either of you know whether what i call the color "blue" is what you call the color "blue". Quantum physics has also proven that something can be 2 places at once. Quantum physics is the stuff of the universe along with mathematics. Since i believe that reality is in the eye of the beholder, i am very compatible with this meme which is why i posted it. Your scoffs don't count as credible rebuttals.
    1 point
  13. Mel Yes... because while I knew of the inequity- I didn't know of the laws that made it possible.   What's worse is we haven't stopped it yet. We haven't changed our ways. We continue to vote to allow the oligarchs to take more of our rights. We haven't taken the steps prescribed in the documentary or even from the man who is a confessed economic hit man to act on it. When you say "we" haven't stopped it yet.....it shows me that you don't have a full grasp of the problem. The problem is WHITE SUPREMACY. If you look at the bottom of my posts at the signature it read, "If you do not understand White Supremacy....what it is and how it works......everything else you understand will only confuse you" Part of understanding White Supremacy is understanding that ALL economic inequality is caused by White racists because THEY control the economy all around the world! WE haven't stopped it because WE (me, you, and the other people of color and victims of racism all over the world) didn't start it. It was started by the White Supremists who left Europe centuries ago and imposed a system of oppression and injustice GURANTEEING that most of the people will live lives of poverty oppression in order to satisfy their worldwide economy. Asian women have little influence over poverty. African men have little influence over poverty. Native American men have little influence over poverty. They are mostly victims of it. Who controls the world's economy? Who controls the IMF? Who controls the World Bank? WHITE MEN! ....White men like Mr Diaz who is pretending to give a damn...lol. And WHITE MEN are the ones who can influence it and change it.....if they want to. What part shocked you? I haven't watched the movie yet, but I'm sure none of it will be shocking because I've worked with and still work with poor and homeless people so I've seen destitution and it's effects first hand. What simple action can you do to make a difference in all our lives today? -Make sure I'm not living in poverty myself, because before I can help ANYONE I have to be in a position to. -Give CONSTRUCTIVE assistance (food, housing, limited cash, protection, advice, ect...) to people living in poverty and destitution in my community....which I've done for years. -As best I can....let people know some of the rules and codes of White Supremacyand how it works so that they can protect themselves and not fall into poverty, crime, incarceration, addiction, and other traps of White Supremacy. This won't guarantee they still won't fall into the traps, but with more information and with their guard up...they'll be less likely to. The only LASTING solution to poverty and oppression is for the system of White Supremacy to end since it spawned these plagues in the first place.
    1 point
  14. Pioneer and Del have found common ground... my job is done here, this house is clean
    1 point
  15. I'm finding it interesting, that when i express "unpopular" opinions here and on FaceBook, there are always a few who speak up and confide, that i am just verbalizing what many people think. So it is occurring to me that since most of what i said in my "carefree" vent, is a rejection of political correctness, political correctness bears closer analysis because it is a double-edge sword. It charges people to exorcise their personal prejudices and conform to what is considered civility when dealing with their fellow human beings. Since we are all flawed individuals, and human nature is difficult to suppress, people become conflicted about thinking one thing and saying another. This is what has spawned a polite society that is separate from the real world. In the real world people like me remind ourselves that we should live and let live, but we still, for example, cringe when we see public displays of affection among same-sex couples. We still think the word "retarded" is a legitimate one when referring to "mentally challenged" people. We still prefer mothers to not nurse their babies in public or to at least cover their breast when doing so. We still think that dressing provocatively is sending signals to men, since women who show off their physical assets are presumably not trying to appeal to other women. We still think trans-gendered people are weird. We still wish black folks wouldn't make it so hard to defend them because of the stupid things they do. I could go on and on. But these are all private opinions we harbor while publicly hating Donald Trump because in the big picture he and his supporters are our worst nightmare. It is becoming clear that this political correctness specter played a significant role in the last presidential election. Trump's followers were tired of high-minded liberals dictating who and what they should accept. And now these deplorable bigots are happy because they are free to be themselves. Meanwhile liberals are unhappy because their "inclusiveness" formula couldn't dissolve the electoral college. In the ongoing battle between Liberals and Conservatives, the right-wingers are presently in control. Why? Because our esteemed ex-president Obama and his scrupulous wife, set the pace by going "high" when the Republicans went "low". A credo that seems to permeate the liberal philosophy. Pundit Bill Maher says "screw" this. Democrats need to take off the gloves and fight dirty, too. The only option is to be patient. Political dominance goes in cycles, and the minority party invariably makes a comeback. Meanwhile, the voting public alternates between polite society and the real world, struggling to do what is right instead of what is natural. The truth is a bitch.
    1 point
  16. @Troy I agree. And it's time for more people to do the heavy lifting. I honestly thought at my age (49) I'd never see as many white americans fight as vigorously and publicly against racism and intolerance. Certainly never thought I'd see a black president. So there's progress being made, for sure. But it has always about race. I'm reminded of that everyday. I can't help folks with their racism and don't think it's my job.
    1 point
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