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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2016 in all areas

  1. He may be a bit too late as there are countless YouTubers who have been able to transition from the computer screen to mainstream, or they have been able to build a solid enough following to generate their own outlets. Some of these are already linked to a variety of new services...but at the end of the day if his goal is to create another outlet and make a killer profit it's all good.
    2 points
  2. Didn't somebody famous once say "all art is political"? Hummm. I would prefer to know the race of an artist who uses his craft to make a statement about racism because - race matters.
    2 points
  3. LOL! Kanye needs to look at what progression is by watching Kendrick Lamar. Kanye has been off of his rocker since his mom died. I get it, but he hasn't seemed like the old Kanye since then.
    1 point
  4. Me too... but we made it by using our personal networks. When I wanted to meet someone, or speak with someone I counted on someone in my network to make the connection. Today, I think we're too impatient to bother.
    1 point
  5. It takes you back to a time when life was simpler and relateable. I immediately felt the vibe and had a sense that just possibly ole skool HIP HOP is on a come back. Great lyrics!
    1 point
  6. Thank you Sir! I knew about the July/Aug Bestseller listing because I joked about coming in 3rd behind R. Kelly and Superhead. I did not know about the Sept/Oct! I will do my very best to make the list again with Black Gold! Thanks so much for including the work on your aalbc! And if you guys didn't see the LL Cool J and Puffy edition of Finding Your Roots tonight, you're missing the power of the real history of our enslaved ancestors! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q51xFQ6edBE https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208471367770142&set=pb.1485491096.-2207520000.1455680449.&type=3&theater
    1 point
  7. “Distraction aside, waiting on your copy and paste of the quote you allege I made.” I did not allege anything. You made a statement and I simply commented about your statement. There is nothing to allege….. Oh! And distraction aside, everything I said about negativity and black self-hate "swimming" though your post.... stands. Well, I guess since you lack the intellectual ability to defend or clarify your statements, adolescent nefarious race baiting accusations will suffice. But guess it would be unfair of me to criticize you for doing the best you can. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
    1 point
  8. Kunjufu wrote the book, "The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys". How ironic! No one is more of a threat nor destroys more black males than Negroes. I've never understood such hypocritical thinking and posturing in the face of irrefutable facts that are documented every single day. This is not to say racism does not exist or that black people do not catch the brunt of injustice in our so-called justice system. But the daily national body bag count and the sheer abuse of black males by a dysfunctional chaotic Negro culture contradicts the premise of his book.....
    1 point
  9. LOL I, for one, am not suicidal. But I do have an external struggle with being black because the race itself seems to be suicidal, bent on destroying its young via violence. The longer you live, the more disappointed you become with the situation that never seems to go away. Or am I consumed with self-hate which I consider a psycho-babble term thrown around by those who want to put people in boxes. I don't hate myself and I also have no desire whatever to be white. I just want my people to get it together and not burden themselves with a lot of extra baggage by dropping out of school and having more children than they can manage. Racism is of course pretty entrenched so you have to arm yourself with the tools that will allow you to co-exist with it. Such is life.
    1 point
  10. Very nice post bro Troy! I appreciate it. So often, morally conscious whites (and non-blacks) are lumped into the category of being racist. No room for individual thinking or belief. Negroes rail against whites for making sweeping generalizations about them yet they will not and do not hesitate for one second -to do it to other groups. It's sad and unacceptable. Anyhoo, big shout out to Mr. Michael D'Antuono for his outstanding socially conscious art work. He deserves much credit and respect for what he has chosen to do. I have always admired artists who use their talents to articulate hot issues and take on political/social injustices.
    1 point
  11. @Troy Thank you very much for the feedback. I will post links that are easier to follow. Thank you for your kind words.
    1 point
  12. wow "merciful slave master"...and then he returns to the "cyber plantation" known as facebook. I couldn't in good conscious provide content to facebook for free. I wouldn't continue to provide "eyes" for ads that I wasn't benefiting. Mr. Reed doesn't need the facebook platform - facebook platform needs the likes of Reed.
    1 point
  13. That's a 4 to 5 hour drive for me or 1 hour flt time and Charlotte is lovely! It seems as though we may be looking at 7 months from now if the organizers remain consistent in scheduling. This would give us ample time to create a format and an agenda. We would also have time to invite participation. More participation means we can sell our books! woo-hoo!
    1 point
  14. Hi Troy. Thank you for posting. I brought attention to my whiteness for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it might carry a little more weight with the white community (to whom the message is primarily directed to) if the wrong is exposed by someone who is not a victim of the injustice. The black community knows all too well about the injustices put upon them, but I hope there is some comfort in knowing that there are white people willing to devote their energies towards trying to correct the problem. In a perfect world, I wouldn't have to declare my race. But then again, in a perfect world, racism wouldn't be an issue. Kind Regards, Michael D'Antuono www.ArtandResponse.com
    1 point
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Could-I-Really-Be-President/dp/1682229521/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1455117192&sr=8-1 Please be sure to support! Pre-sales in Amazon marketplace are CRUCIAL!! Thank you!
    1 point
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