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  1. Guest Brittany Thank you for the clarity and precision of situation that is extremely complex. Please post more.
    2 points
  2. Cambridge Analytica (CA) is a privately held company that combinesdata mining and data analysis with strategic communication for the electoral process. It was created in 2013 as an offshoot of its British parent company SCL Group to participate in American politics.[3] In 2014, CA was involved in 44 U.S. political races.[4] The company is heavily funded by the family of Robert Mercer, an American hedge-fund billionaire.[3][5] In 2015 it became known as the data analysis company working initially for Ted Cruz's presidential campaign.[5] In 2016, after Cruz's campaign had faltered, Cambridge Analytica started to work for Donald Trump's presidential campaign.[6] The firm maintains offices in New York City, Washington, D.C., and London
    1 point
  3. When I got my personality results back from five.com I didn't think anything of it. I did remove it from facebook - and soon after I deleted my facebook account. While I thought some nefarious actions could result from knowing folks from what they write - I never thought it could be used to predict or even influence an election - now here we are. I read an article on motherboard.vice.com and how CA came to be... and it indicated it all started on facebook. (of course)
    1 point
  4. Cynique your statements are indistinguishable from a Magus. Even though you say you haven't studied Magick. There's a sure footedness to your statements. A Magus seeks to understand the tenets of Magick. While seeking the Philosopher's Stone, knowing that it is inside. It took me about 14 years to see the answers are inside. And that other people in our lives are the external projections of internal states.
    1 point
  5. A friend visited me last week. I said your subconscious knows everything and i acces this information with numbers. I asked him for three numbers. Afterwards he said i was reading his body language. I said think of someone you know very well. Them give me the first word that pops into your mind. Afterwards he said i think you have something. i have found there's a difference between skeptics and disbelievers. I have no interest in playing stump the judge. About 1 in 5 it doesn't work. I'm okay with those numbers.
    1 point
  6. @Delano, it's data like that makes me go hmm. we attempt to make sense of the world around us but we make it up as we go and operate on agreement. I suspect, this is why I do a lot of things by feeling and not "facts". Sometimes I just don't feel like agreeing with constructs. I'm a believer that we are governed by nature our environment- just like four-legged furry feathered beings. I do however trust numbers to communicate within our world more than any other medium - It seems that numbers are closest to being the universal language. Yes, my twin daughters are 51 minutes apart and my friend's mom did their charts when they were born. Very different.
    1 point
  7. doesn't that give you reason to pause? - did you know every individual has a unique rhythm to their heartbeat - no two heartbeats are alike...
    1 point
  8. I truly enjoy engaging with readers and potential readers of my work. My work focuses on creating a new paradigm of masculinity which transcends race, yet in most cases I am accused of not being in touch with my "blackness" because I do not make race an issue. I am well aware of the challenges facing men of color and I'm not opposed to talking about race, however, my optimistic attitude and perception about black men is often met with opposition and rejection. My work speaks for itself. I am committed to empowering men to reach their full potential and for men who are ready to do so my work is a breath of fresh air and a welcome break from all the negative narratives perpetuated by our media.
    1 point
  9. When Prince was alive very little of his work was on YouTube. I heard he walked into Revolver records on West 8th aaid nothing took all of his bootlegs and walked out.
    1 point
  10. @Mel Hopkins The Greek and Hebrew alphabet are interesting because each letter and and its name have numerical values. I cant remember whther numbers came first or words. It may also vary across cultures.
    1 point
  11. @Mel Hopkins who knows was me being ironic. That is unanswered question in Mathematics. And it may be unknowable in the same way that consciousness may be unknowable.
    1 point
  12. After more than 25 years researching men's issues I have come to the conclusion that masculinity has no race. I recognize how the media does an irresponsible job perpetuating the stereotype that we (black men) are somehow different than other races, but setting that obvious challenge aside the key as I see it is to redefine masculinity. This means that we recognize the changing roles of masculinity and support and empower men to embrace these changing roles. As women continue to make strides in society (more women in the workforce for the first time in this country's history, more women graduating college, both black and white women) men are faced with new roles (being stay at home dads, making less money than women) that are redefining what it means to be a man in today's ever-changing world. Few men are courageous enough to engage in this conversation. In regards to the white man on the cover and white people in the video, the images reflect the changing dynamics of men and unfortunately there are very few graphics featuring men of color, so it wasn't an exclusion, it was a matter of available images to convey my message. The response to this indicates that the true message of the book has been missed because it isn't about race. Very few men are willing to address the emotional aspect of his well being and can not identify with what the cover graphic represents. The key to our success especially as men of color is to be able to have the emotional vocabulary that allows us to create authentic connections and relationships. This has nothing to do with our race, it has everything to do with our ability to "feel" and express those feelings openly and honestly. Vulnerability, connection and authenticity are the bedrock of great relationships and if we are unwilling to learn this then we will never see the eradication of the vast majority of the challenges facing our communities. The real challenge is getting men of color to have the courage to not only read books about personal development, but to be willing to make the emotional, intellectual, psychological and spiritual investment in his own personal growth and development to support him in living an extraordinary life. I have written books targeted specifically to men of color and have even developed an online personal development resource for them if they are ready to engage in the personal growth and development process. Find it here: www.bmracademy.com Unfortunately, very few men of color are willing to look within to change their minds and hearts to become better men. And yet I continue to write and inspire the men who are ready. Coach Michael Taylor
    1 point
  13. Race is indeed a social construct that is maintained culturally, but culture is not genetic. To say that it is entirely genetic is the same justification racist whites use to exclude and persecute people based on skin color and is not something that should be stated lightly. It is ridiculous to think that any culture is so special that it must be preserved for all eternity at all costs because that only results in zealotry, inbreeding, detrimental genetic disease and conflict. Our genetic differences are based in mutations that proved beneficial in our environment, but say nothing about our social capacity. It is easily proven that culture is taught through children who grow up with parents of a different race and take on that culture. They only feel 'different' when outsiders point out that people who look like them are expected to act a certain way. I think Pioneer1's personal observations are just that and have no biological basis. Blacks are often raised in a hypersexual environment due to our 'culture', and African culture is so stereotyped and disrupted by historical events and conflicts that you can't draw any conclusions about it developing naturally. Much of sexuality has a psychological basis that has nothing to do with biological drives. Humans are above are social creatures and value the acceptance of a group and social cooperation above all else because that is how we survived predation and were able to feed ourselves. It is normal human behavior to desire the approval of the widespread culture. Without social cohesion humans would not be in the position we have over all other animals. But there is no 'normal' human behavior. We have always adapted to our environment and the social situation to survive and the fact that our behavior is on a continuum helps us adjust to changes quicker than any other species. To say that someone's culture is a fixed quantity underestimates the human species. Will blacks ever be considered 'normal'? That depends on the definition of 'normal'. In America our culture is dominated by the descendent of white European immigrants. So it is up to them whether our culture will ever be considered mainstream, and I think that is happening faster than most people realize. But since there is not a 'normal' human being it is really up to individual black people to determine whether they are accepted and respected by the dominant culture or not. The only way to be truly 'abnormal' is to behave in such a way that you cannot function acceptably in society. We can go on about human dignity and such, but why would a successful dominant culture accept behaviors that are not beneficial to them? Having biases is a natural and often useful human trait. If a group of people run into a snake and it kills someone it would be expected for their culture to have a dislike of all snakes, even those who have never seen one. When humans apply bias to other humans it is sad and ugly, but it is also inevitable. I do agree with the original blog posts last point that Black people have to take care of themselves. White people cannot fix black problems any more than we can fix theirs. I personally view much of 'black' culture as a excuse for anti-white culture behaviors that some black people cling as strongly to as any white racist. If you understand culture as a tool to provide group cohesion and not an absolute thing to be put on a pedestal the world is much less dismal.
    1 point
  14. Yeah if the valuation drops and the stock price tanks--it is a wrap for the companies. But all the major players, have already extracted an incredible amount of wealth, they and their descendants are set for life--even if the companies go bankrupt tomorrow. Everything from here on out is gravy. I have not researched these companies, but they probably own tons of real estate, physical assets, boatloads of cash, and no debt. Plus they have all of our data. The amount of information they have on us is mind blowing; it may be their most valuable asset. I would not say they have zero value.
    1 point
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